Lecture of Ferrous Alloy

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Transcript of Lecture of Ferrous Alloy

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture of Ferrous Alloy


    Materials Science & Metallurgy Master of Philosophy, Materials Modelling,

    Course MP10, Process Modelling, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia

    Lecture 6: Ferrous Alloys

    FeC phase diagram

    The vast majority of steels are in the austenitic condition at temperatures in

    excess of 900 C. Austenite in ironcarbon alloys tends to decompose into ferrite and

    cementite (a compound of iron and carbon Fe3C).

    Steels with a carbon concentration less than about 0.8 wt% are hypoeutectoid,

    those with greater concentrations are hypereutectoid. A steel with exactly 0.8 wt%

    carbon will tend to decompose into an intimate mixture of cementite and ferrite at

    723 C by a eutectoid reaction (Fig. 1):

    + Fe3C

    A hypoeutectoid steel will first decompose during cooling to ferrite at the austenite

    grain boundaries; the austenite is consequently enriched in carbon and will eventually

    form pearlite giving a mixed microstructure of ferrite and pearlite.

    Fig. 1: Iron-carbon equilibrium phase diagram

    Martensite in Steel

    When austenite is cooled sufficiently rapidly, it transforms into martensite without

    any change in chemical composition (no diffusion). The transformation begins at a


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture of Ferrous Alloy


    welldefined temperature called the martensitestart temperature or MS

    . The fraction

    of martensite increases with the undercooling below MS


    The martensite in steels is supersaturated with carbon. Carbon occupies octa-

    hedral interstices in the b.c.c. lattice; these are characterised by three principal axes

    a , a and a . There are three sublattices of octahedral

    holes, along directions parallel to the unit cell edges (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 2: Tetragonal martensite in some steels.

    Each carbon atom causes a tetragonal distortion since the principal axes of the

    octahedral sites are not equivalent. There is an expansion alonga and small

    contractions along the other two axes. As a consequence, it is favourable for all the

    carbon atoms to lie on a single sublattice of octahedral interstices, giving rise to a

    bodycentred tetragonal structure for the martensite (Fig. 2).

    Each carbon atom acts as a strain centre. Because this strain field is tetragonal,it is particularly effective in interfering with dislocation motion since it interacts with

    both the shear and dilatational components of the stress field of dislocations. This

    is why carbon hardens martensite much more than it hardens austenite (where the

    octahedral hole is symmetrical, bounded by < 1 0 0>). Carbonfree martensite is not


    Tempering of Martensite

    Martensite containing carbon is very strong; this also makes it very brittle. To achieve

    a compromise between strength and toughness, the martensite is tempered, i.e. heat

    treated at temperatures below that at which austenite can form. The heat treatment



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    1. 200400 C. The precipitation of excess carbon at first as a transition carbide

    Fe2.4C, which then converts to cementite (Fe3C). This is accompanied by a sig-

    nificant loss of strength but an improvement in toughness (Fig. 3).

    2. 400500 C. Recovery with a reduction in dislocation density. Cementite begins

    to coarsen with further loss in strength.

    3. >500 C. Recrystallisation of plates into equiaxed grains of ferrite.

    Fig. 3: Hardness changes due to tempering

    Secondary hardening

    Some steels contain strong carbide forming elements such as V, Mo, Cr or W.

    These are in substitutional solid solution and do not diffuse much unless the tempering

    temperature is in excess of about 500 C. When they precipitate to form carbides

    such as VC, Mo2C, Cr23C6 or W2C, there is an increase in hardening (Fig. 3), i.e.secondary hardening. This is because the carbides are very fine and frequently have

    coherency strain fields. Microstructures generated by secondary hardening are very

    stable and form the bulk of the alloys used in the power plant industry where the

    steam temperature is typically 600 C.

    TimeTemperatureTransformation (TTT) Diagrams

    Martensitic transformations are not equilibrium and cannot therefore be repre-

    sented on an equilibrium phase diagram. However, the MS

    temperature can be drawn

    as a horizontal line on a temperatureversus time plot. If a sample is cooled to a

    particular temperature and held isothermally, there will be no martensite unless the

    temperature is below MS



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    Similarly, in a eutectoid steel, pearlite will not form unless austenite is cooled to

    below the eutectoid temperature. The pearlite transformation involves diffusion and

    hence will be slow at low temperatures. It will also be slow close to the eutectoid

    temperature. This can be represented on the T t plot as a C curve (Fig. 4). The

    diagram is constructed by rapidly cooling austenite to the specified temperature and

    measuring the fraction of transformation as a function of time.

    Fig. 4: TTT diagram for eutectoid steel

    A real TTT diagram is somewhat more complicated (Fig. 5). Consider for example

    a hypoeutectoid steel the first phase to form would be ferrite with transformation

    becoming possible just below the Ae3 temperature.

    Widmanstatten ferrite then begins to grow as a displacive transformation in which

    the interstitial atoms diffuse.

    Pearlite forms below the eutectoid temperature. Pearlite is a mixture of cementite

    and ferrite, each colony being an interpenetrating bicrystal.

    At even larger undercoolings we get bainite, which is a displacive transformation

    like martensite, but unlike martensite does not remain supersaturated with carbon.

    The excess carbon rapidly precipitates as fine carbides between the plates of bainite

    (upper bainite) or within them (lower bainite).

    We have stated that most solidstate transformations fall into two categories.

    Displacive transformations involve a coordinated motion of atoms as the parent lattice

    is deformed into that of the product. There is no diffusion and hence there exists an

    atomic correspondence between the parent and product phases. A numbered sequence

    of atoms is maintained in the product phase. Such transformations are called military

    transformations because there is a disciplined transfer of atoms (Fig. 6); the analogy


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    Fig. 5: TTT diagram for hypoeutectoid steel

    here is that of a highly disciplined queue of soldiers ordered to board a military bus.

    The number sequence of the bus is identical to that in the queue. The soldiers do not

    have a choice as to their neighbours (analogous to the solute-trapping phenomenon).

    The situation is not at equilibrium. It is the diffusion of atoms that leads to the

    new crystal structure during a reconstructive transformation. The flow of matter is

    sufficient to avoid strains and solutes may partition between the parent and prod-uct phases. The diffusiondriven flow of matter destroys any atomic correspondence

    between the parent and product phases. This is analogous to a numbered queue of

    civilians who board the bus in a disorderly manner, so that the the sequence in the

    queue bears no resemblance to that in the bus.

    A paramilitary is a partly disciplined force. A paramilitary transformation is one

    in which interstitial atoms (which can move rapidly) partition during transformation

    but the change in crystal structure is achieved by displacive transformation. This isa common mechanism of transformation in Fe-C (Widmanstatten ferrite) and V-H

    alloys. The interstitials thus achieve equilibrium subject to the constraint that the

    substitutional atoms do not diffuse.


    It is not possible with large components to obtain microstructures isothermally.

    Hence, the continuous cooling transformation diagrams which we studied in MP6.

    The hardenability of a steel depends on the stability of the austenite. Elements

    like C, Mn, Ni, Mo, and Cr improve the stability and hence retard all transformations.

    Steels containing these elements can be hardened to a greater depth. By contrast, Al

    and Co can accelerate the transformation of austenite and hence reduce hardenability.


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    The effect of alloying elements is twofold:

    1. A thermodynamic effect as the element alters the stability of the austenite.

    2. If the element concerned partitions during transformation then it may further

    retard the reaction because of the need for diffusion. Thus, transformations in-

    volving diffusion are retarded to a much larger extent than for example bainite or

