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A Vision for our community

The message central to this community is of

transformed living where everyone is loved,

accepted, and nourished.

Building a People of God in Launceston







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The Real Meaning and Message of Christmas

Induction Service—Rev Deacon Chris Duxbury

Chairpersons’ Corner

Lectionary Readings / One size fits all?

Presbytery Youth Camp 2018


Crafty Corner News

Faith and the Arts—Poatina

Crosroads South

Christmas Services Across Launceston

Crossroads North

Pastoral Statement

Social Justice Dates 2018

2017 Nativity Play Invitiation—Pilgrim

Avidity Training & Development


What’s on near you this month?

Kid’s Page



Christmas is about 4 things: acceptance, rejection, invitation, and change.

And about Jesus, of course ...

The real meaning and message of Christmas Recently I listened to someone talking about

Christmas using a wreath of advent candles to

explain its meaning. The 4 small candles

represented the four things that Jesus came to

bring: love, joy, hope, and peace, while the 5th

candle symbolises Christ Himself, Who is the Light

of the World (John 8:12, Isaiah 9:2-6). This is all very nice indeed. The truth is,

of course, that in order to arrive safely at the destination of Christ’s manger and

receive those gifts that He bestows (love, joy, hope, and peace) entails no small

amount of trouble.

It is a great mistake to think that Christianity is an easy thing. It was not easy

for God. Indeed, it was a very costly thing for God to procure salvation for us.

It cost Him what was most precious - the life of His own beloved Son (Romans


It was certainly not easy for the human actors involved in the drama of the first

Christmas. Mary, pregnant with Christ and forced by circumstances to undertake

an arduous journey. Joseph, charged with the care and protection of his young

wife and her baby, unable to secure anything more suitable than a stable for His

birth. The family, forced together to flee to Egypt after a time from the

murderous intent of King Herod. For them, the Christmas drama - full as it was

of the joy of knowing that the Lord of Glory and the Saviour of Israel had been


into their little family - was also one of great stress and massive upheaval. In

short, it was far from easy (Luke 2:1-7;Matt. 2:1-18).

For the Magi, coming from the East to worship the

King, it was not easy. A journey of vast distances,

along endless roads, across baking deserts, over

jagged mountains, and among strange peoples - only to discover the Christ was

not in a palace in Jerusalem among rulers, but lodged in a sleepy hamlet among

simple folk! Certainly, to come and worship the Christ child was not an easy

thing. (Matthew 2:1-12)


For the shepherds, it was not easy to be the recipients of a visit from ‘a great

company of the heavenly host’ (Luke 2:9), and to leave their flocks (and

livelihood) to go and find a baby boy. And yet, they went and discovered their

new-born King.

And so for us also - properly considered - Christmas is not easy.

To discover the joyful gifts on offer involves 4 hard things: acceptance and rejec-

tion, and invitation and change. Let’s talk about them ...

Acceptance and rejection: Let us realise that it is not always easy to accept the

call of God. Mary accepted God’s gift to her in willing and glad submission (Luke

1:26-38) that she should be called ‘the mother of our Lord’ (Luke 1:43); yet that

acceptance - though it was her own salvation (Luke 1:47) - also entailed for her

great sorrow and suffering at the end (Luke 2:34-35; John 19:25-27).

So, too, for you and I, we can accept the saving will of

God for us (1 Timothy 2:3-6) and receive the power of

Christ in our lives (Gal. 2:20). In doing so, however, we

must also understand that the call to follow Christ will

involve a certain amount of pain and rejection from

those who hate him (Luke 14:25-43). The rejection for

Jesus’ family was extreme: Herod sent soldiers to kill their baby (Matt. 2:16).

Indeed, Jesus himself was rejected in the end by His very own people (John 1:11

says, He came to that which was his own, but His own did not receive Him). His

followers were only 120 in number after the crucifixion (Acts 1:15). Yet His

rejection meant life for the world, and His cross became the instrument of our

healing and reconciliation (Isaiah 53:4-6)

So the Christmas story is one of both acceptance and rejection, but also one of

God joyfully seeking people and people joyfully seeking God.

Invitation and change: For the shepherds on the hills of Bethlehem, and for the

‘wise men’ of the East, Christmas is God’s invitation to worship and wonder (Luke

2:15-20; Matt. 2:11). That God should consider a fallen humanity to be the

object of his affection, grace, and favour, is truly remarkable (Rom. 5:8). The

shepherds are the common folk of Israel. They are like all those who discover the

mystery and joy of worshipping Christ, even while their rulers reject Him. The

Magi stand for all those outside Israel who will ‘come from the East and the

West’, indeed, from every tribe and nation and tongue (Rev 7:9) and sit down at


the feast with Abraham (Matt. 8:11).

Together, they will rejoice forever in the presence of the Saviour-King, Jesus.

For them the first Christmas changed everything.

Having once met Jesus, no one can ever be the same. Thereafter, nothing was

the same for Joseph and Mary. We can only imagine what it meant for the Magi

and the shepherds. A great change has been effected by God in His relationship

with humanity. Sin, which separates from God, is removed (Matt. 1:21). Now

the dwelling place of God will be with people (Rev. 21:3). Christ came to live

among us (John 1:14) and in us (Col. 1:27) ... if only we will receive Him as

Saviour and King! (Luke 2:11; John 1:12)

And so, for us, Christmas means an invitation to worship and to change.

We are called by God to change our minds about Jesus (repent), to believe in

Him as our Saviour (Mark 1:15), and to worship Him as our King (John 20:28). In

other words, to put all of our eggs in one basket, and to gladly follow the Christ -

the King of hope, joy, love, and

peace. Are you willing? If so, then I

think I can truly wish you,

“A very Happy Christmas!”

From the pen of Pastor Scott Wilmot,

Hinton Baptist Church, NSW.


Rev Deacon Chris Duxbury

to be held

Sunday 28th January at 3:00pm


Evandale Church

Afternoon tea to follow


Launceston North .

For my chairman’s notes this issue, I would like to quote some words stated by Stuart McMillan, President of the UCA Assembly. He was speaking on a specific subject, but it touched me as to how it was so relevant in many aspects for our Parish at the moment.

“We are in challenging times facing a range of issues all of which go to our common humanity, our inherent worth to God and to each other. This affects how we speak and act and, as a disciple of Jesus, we are called to reflect upon what the gospel asks of us. “

“Every human being is of equal value to God. From the creation story, to the birth of Jesus and our own baptism, we assert that every person is created in God’s image, and our worth is without question. Our humanity is made whole in Jesus Christ. The question for us is how we will act as the church now, and in the weeks and months ahead. We must care for each other, acknowledging that most of our congregations will host a diversity of opinions, as does our communi-ty. We cannot use our roles in the church to tell people what to think, to criticise, or to abuse others.”

“We are the Uniting Church, a wonderfully diverse community of faith, which is founded in the grace of God’s act in Jesus Christ.” Wise words.

We are responsible to, and for, each other. We need to pray for wisdom, courage and discernment, as we look forward to the future as to what our church will look like in our Launceston area. We look towards Christ and encourage others to do the same. So many people are sad or alone this Christmas season. If you know of someone in this situation, please endeavour to include them in your Christmas meal or visit in their home.

Extend your hand of friendship as God would have us to do.

Wishing you all a very safe, happy and blessed Christmas season,

Yours in Christ,

Chris Dancer (Launceston North Church Council)




Launceston South .

At the time of the last publication the closing service at South Launceston Uniting church had not been held. This service was superbly conducted by Rev Michelle Cook with the congregation departing feeling uplifted by her message. It was also wonderful to celebrate the baptism of Zoe Bronwyn Davey at this time. We were appreciative of the previous ministers who were able to attend, and other of our former ministers and members who sent letters recalling their own memories. The ladies from Pilgrim were so gracious in serving and washing up the afternoon tea.

Our Garage sale was very successful, but the pleasant surprise was the fellow-ship enjoyed by the church volunteers who helped during the day. The Benevolent Society has benefited from some of our furniture and it was rewarding to learn of a family obtaining some very necessary chairs. More of our furniture and other items have been collected by the City Mission who managed to fill two trucks. I need to thank our Parish Council and other congregation members for the time they have given and the hard physical work they have done in accomplishing the clearance.

South Launceston congregation have now worshipped, since the beginning of November, in Briggs Hall, Scotch Oakburn College. This has been a challenging experience as we need to “set up” and have the area neat and tidy by noon. The Parish Council has been heartened by the positive comments given from our congregation and how adaptable they have been. The council is aware that change is difficult so is very appreciative of their support.

The Evandale church plans to hold their Fair in the grounds of their lovely church on Saturday Dec 2 commencing at 10:00am. This should be a great fun time for all so we wish them a successful day.

Our Parish is now looking forward to Rev Deacon Chris Duxbury. Her Induction will be held on Sunday 28 January at Evandale at 3:00pm with afternoon tea to follow. Please come and welcome her and her family.

Hilary Parry, Chairperson South Esk Uniting Church Council


Pilgrim Uniting .

Pilgrim is delighted to welcome the

Presbytery to our site, and look forward to

lots of interesting interactions!

The walkway is providing lots of passers-by

with a spot to eat lunch, read a book, swap

a book, and take time-out. Cheryl and

Murray Jones, with the help of Helen

Parkes and Rod Peppiatt, have created a

welcoming space, with beautiful flowers (including striking hippeastrums), vegetables

and plants. There is a water feature, and a space for meditation. Do take advantage

of the peace when you have a chance. It’s a WiP – work in progress – so keep


The art gallery in Maggie’s Café has been well utilized. Gerard Smith’s exhibition

recently closed, with nearly all Gerard’s prints being sold. Customers and friends

loved his work, and the chance to chat with him.

Now Peg Smith’s watercolours are on display, and are wonderful! They feature many

areas of Tasmania. Please stop by and have a look! And have a tea, coffee, cake, or

light lunch while you are there. Open Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00am till 2:30pm.

Our Church Council met with CCs of North and South in a meeting on Sunday Nov 19

to discuss joint future meetings. We look forward to sharing with the other CCs in a

broader focus.

Wendy Cocker, Pilgrim “ChuCo” Chairperson




Sunday 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel

3rd Dec Is 64:1-9 Ps 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:24-37

10th Dec Is 40:1-11 Ps 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Pt 3:8-15a Mk 1:1-8

17th Dec Is 61:1-4, 8-11 Ps 126 or Lk


1 Thes 5:16-24 Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

24th Dec 2 Sm 7:1-11, 16 Lk 1:46b—55 or

Ps 89:1-4, 19-26

Rom 16:25-27 Lk 1:26-38

31st Dec Is 61:10-62:3 Ps 148 Gal 4:4-7 Lk 2:22-40

7th Jan Gn 1:1-5 Ps 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mk 1:4-11

14th Jan 1 Sm 3:1-10 (11-


Ps 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Cor 6: 12-20 Jn 1:43-51

21st Jan Jon 3:1-5,10 Ps 62:5-12 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mk 1:14-20

28th Jan Dt 18:15-20 Ps 111 1 Cor 8:1-13 Mk 1:21-28

4th Feb Is 40:21-31 Ps 147:1-11, 20c 1 Cor 9:16-23 Mk 1:29-39

11th Feb 2 Kgs 2:1-12 Ps 50:1-6 2 Cor 4:3-6 Mk 9:2-9

Lectionary Readings for December & January

WE’RE ALL WIRED differently, and it isn’t a matter of “one size fits all.” I may

hear the Holy more clearly through working with the disadvantaged; you may

respond to solitude and silence. One person’s heart may be moved by Handel’s

Messiah, another through praise music.

Our formation comes through pain, pleasure, confusion, mistakes. God uses

anything and everything to awaken us to our true identity as beloved children

of the Divine and is always planting seeds of growth in our individual lives and

distinct personalities.

Linda Douty—Rhythms of Growth

Where do you see God working with your individuality

to help you grow spiritually?



R e f l e c t i o


When candles are lit on Christmas Eve

When candles are lit on Christmas Eve, I stop and quietly gaze. As my candle burns with warm soft light, In the darkness I watch it blaze.

I think of this year; ‘tis quickly passed. My blessings I can’t ignore. In the soft still light I thank my Lord; I want to worship Him more.

Yes, my candle is lit on Christmas Eve; I love its warm soft light. And I am reminded once again: Christ is the Source of delight.

For He is the Light of Christmas Eve, Come down from God above. He is the Light of the whole wide world! Rejoice in His matchless love.

The church’s candles are lit on Christmas eve; In this beautiful place we sing And worship Christ as we focus on Him. He reigns forever, our coming King!

As we light our candles on Christmas Eve I rejoice in the Christmas story. And I’ll trust my Lord each day this year; I want to live for His glory.







. . .

. .South


Christmas Activities and Services across Launceston



6:00pm — 8:00pm Uniting Church Hall

Third Tuesday of each month

George Town Road, Newnham

For transport call

David 6334 5843 or

Mobile 0437 428 864

Enquiries: Carolyn 0407 843 715


or Sue 0400 857 474

Hello everybody! Here is the Crossroads North bit for the month. We have had a busy month of November with our Rally on the 11th when we went to Richardson’s Harley Davidson for the day. Many lined up for a ride on the 3 seater trike in the morning, and again in the afternoon with lots of people lining up again for a joy ride. We all looked good in our German bike helmets and dark sunnies. Many took the trip up the stairs to visit their very informative museum where the only thing to complain about was the heat. We had a nice lunch of either fish and chips or sausages and veggies. And got to catch up with our Crossroader friends from around the Tassie.

On 21st we had a Craft Night which was very busy. Daniela brought some materials along to make cards, and I had glow jars and snow globes on the to do list. As you may know, glitter (used for the snow globes) gets into every thing including the kitchen sink in the hall, ha ha ha, amazingly the hall was pretty clean otherwise. (see our photos)

We are all waiting to go to our Christmas dinner on 5th of December for our last meeting for the year.

So until next year, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Crossroads North will be back on the 3rd Tuesday of February, that is the 20th where we’ll have a BBQ somewhere in the Launceston area, we hope to see

you there. Carolyn.

Reminder --- Have you paid your $10 registration fee?


Crossroads’ North

Bikie Gang

wish you a

Merry Christmas!

Now, out of our way





One may hardly expect readers to give

attention to all the days listed here, but

please identify those with which you relate, learn what you

can about them, and share your knowledge and cares in your

community. Ian Farquhar (JIM Rep)


Duncan invites you to…

2017’s Nativity Play at Pilgrim on Sunday 10th December at 10:00am

Everyone is invited to attend, and…

there will be morning tea following the presentation.

Children from Launceston North, South, and Pilgrim are involved,

and the last 2 years have been FABULOUS!

Come and say “hello” to Duncan—

he wants to say hello to YOU!



Advent prayer

God of hope, who brought love into this world, be the love that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells between us.

God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be the centre, the focus of our lives always, and particularly this Advent time.


FOR ME, listening to God in prayer is the

true gift of prayer beads. We desperate-

ly desire to hear the voice of God in our

noisy, busy lives. The prayer beads help

us step out of the chaos. We can take a

short prayer or a short verse of scrip-

ture, such as “Fear not, for I am with

you” (Genesis 26:24, RSV) or “The Lord

is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm

23:1, KJV) and repeat it with each bead.

As we do, we shift our attention from

the words and begin to listen for what

God has to say to us. In the begin-

ning, this style of prayer may seem awk-

ward or uncomfortable. That is okay. If

you stay with the practice, I can assure

you that you will begin to feel calmer

and realise a new way of connecting

with God, an encounter with God’s love.

Like Elijah, you will find God in the

“sheer silence.” – Kristen E. Vincent

OFTEN PRAYER BEGINS as a longing in the heart, a longing for love, a longing for

connection, a longing to make contact with a Power greater than ourselves. Sometimes it

begins as a desperate need for help, peace, strength, or comfort. Other times prayer’s

beginning is a deep hope for others — an ache for suffering to stop, for the earth’s

healing, for care of the poor. Sometimes prayer begins in fear. We reach out for

something to save us, to protect us, to let us know that we’ll be OK. Sometimes prayer

feels like a longing that’s been met, like a deep spring of peace welling up within our

hearts, spilling over and filling us with gratitude and love. —Mark Yaconelli with Alexx Campbell


Launceston North

Pilgrim’s Monthly Schedule of Activities for the month

Sundays 10:00am: Family Worship

including JAM (Jesus and Me) and DONUTS.

First Sunday of month: Holy Communion

Third Sunday of month: Fellowship Lunch at Noon at

LAM's: the BEST Grill and Restaurant,


Fourth Sunday of month: Home Groups meet at

12 noon in homes

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 10:00am to

2:30pm Maggie’s Café

Fourth Tuesday: Pilgrim Church Council

Wednesdays: 12:30pm–1:15pm – Mid week

Communion in the Ida Birchall Room

Fridays 6:00pm: Music Group meet in the

Worship Centre

Carol Service—Lilydale

This year’s annual Carol Service in

Lilydale will be held in the Catholic

Church (Lalla Rd) on Wednesday

20th December at 7:00pm. Supper

to follow. Please

contact Margaret

Hanstein for

more details on

(03) 6395 1267.


Every Monday


Vera Pickett

80 Poplar Parade, Youngtown


Vera Pickett

Ph: 6344 5036

Every Monday


Courts, Mary Street, East Launceston


Margaret Spencer Ph: 6344 3297

Monday 11th PARISH COUNCIL 7:00pm

Hilary Parry Ph: 6344 6210

Every Tuesday BIBLE STUDY

Trinity Church


Juanita Miller Ph: 6331 5185

Tuesday 5th Crossroads South 6:00pm—8:00pm

Janet Day Ph: 6344 2679

Every Wednesday KYB Bible Study

Hadspen Church Centre


Edna McCormack Ph: 6393 6273

Wednesday 27th East/LV UCAF Check details

Sue Harman Ph:6344 2573

Every Friday Crafty Corner

Punchbowl Christian Centre

Punchbowl Road, Punchbowl


Mary Rothwell Ph: 6344 4813 or

Hilary Parry Ph: 6344 6210

Launceston South’s Fellowship

Lilydale Laughternoon: will recommence in the New Year on Thursday 28th

January, 2018 at 1:30pm. Come along and enjoy some fellowship

together. Enquiries to Margaret on (03) 6395 1267.

See page 15 for details of

Christmas services

in the Launceston area




Our Vision and Mission Principles

The vision of our church

is the story we are called

to live within our changing world.

It articulates our passion, our collec-

tive inspiration and our joy as people

shaping our lives by the story of God

among us. We seek to be accessible

to all who are interested in Christ and

all who identify with our values.

Our Mission Principles seek to capture

God’s ongoing story of love, grace,

and mercy known to us through Jesus

Christ. They mark how we will

respond as life-giving communities of

faithful people.



Minister: Rod Peppiatt

Mobile: 0419 883 137



Office: (03) 6331 8466

Chairperson: Wendy Cocker

Launceston South




Chairperson: Hilary Parry

Launceston North

Minister: Amanda Nicholas

Mobile: 0413 617 469



Mob: 0413 617 469

Office: (03) 6326 5928

Chairperson: Mrs Chris Dancer

Launceston News Monthly newsletter of the Launceston Uniting

Churches. A place where we can celebrate our

community, share stories, news, and events of

our local parishes and beyond. The invitation is

there for anyone with something to share to

send in your “article”, or advertisement for

inclusion. Let’s get celebrating!

Editor: David Hallett

(Mission & Resource Facilitator—LNUC)

Mob: 0455 102 191

Justice and International Mission

information contact: Ian Farquhar

m not too late, could you put in a small notice about the fact that the Chant Street UC building has been sold,

m hoping someone will