Kuliah 2. Mencit Sebagai Hewan Laboratorium_2

Post on 26-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Kuliah 2. Mencit Sebagai Hewan Laboratorium_2

  • Penggunaan mencit sebagai hewan

    laboratorium disebabkan beberapa sifat

    yang menguntungkan:

    Mudah dipelihara dalam jumlah besar

    Menghasilkan banyak keturunan (6-15 ekor)

    Masa reproduktif aktif yang relatif panjang (2-14 bulan)

    Masa kehamilan yang relatif pendek

  • Berat badan mencit dewasa:

    Jantan : 20--40 g

    Betina : 18--35 g

    Mencit dapat hidup dalam jangka waktu:

    1 sampai 3 tahun

    Pubertas mencit jantan :

    Ditandai dengan turunnya testis ke

    kantung skrotum . Umur 40 hari

    Mencit jantan mencapai kesuburan maks:

    Umur 100--300 hari

  • Mencit betina mempunyai siklus berahi

    Poliestrus, dengan tahapan sbb:

    - Diestrus

    - Proestrus

    - Estrus

    - Metestrus

    Lama satu siklus:

    4--5 hari

    Tahapan siklus yang sedang berlangsung

    dapat diketahui dengan:

    Metode Oles Vagina

  • Lama hidup 1--2 tahun, bisa sampai 3


    Lama produksi ekonomis 9 bulan

    Lama bunting 19--21 hari

    Kawin sesudah beranak 1 sampai 24 jam

    Umur disapih 21 hari

    Umur dewasa 35 hari

    Umur dikawinkan 8 minggu (jantan dan betina)

    Siklus kelamin Poliestrus

    Lama siklus estrus 4--5 hari

    Lama masa estrus 12--14 jam

    Perkawinan Pada waktu estrus

    Ovulasi Dekat akhir estrus, spontan

    Fertilisasi 2 jam sesudah kawin

    Cleavage, zigot blastula 2,5--4 hari

  • Implantasi 4--5 hari sesudah fertilisasi

    Berat dewasa 20--40 g

    Berat lahir 0,5--1,0 g

    Jumlah anak ~6, dapat mencapai 15

    Suhu (rektal) 36--39o C

    Pernapasan 140--180/menit; anestesi

    80/menit; stres 230/menit

    Denyut jantung 600--650/menit; anestesi

    350/menit; stres 750/menit

    Tekanan darah 130--160 sistol, 102--110 diastol;

    anestesi 110 sitol, 80 diastol

    Putting susu 10 putting (3 pasang di daerah

    dada, 2 pasang di daerah perut)

    Plasenta Diskoidal hemokorial

    Uterus 2 kornu, bermuara sebelum


    Perkawinan kelompok 4 betina dengan 1 jantan

    Kromosom 2n = 40

    Aktivitas Nokturnal

  • Mencit laboratorium dapat ditempatkan dalam kandang yang tidak besar (sebesar kotak sepatu)

    Kotak tersebut dapat terbuat dari:

    - Plastik

    - Aluminium

    - Baja tahan karat

    Bahan harus tahan lama, dan tahan terhadap gigitan mencit.

  • Table 1.0.1 Minimum Space Requirements for Housing Laboratory Animals

    in Cagesa

    Weight Floor area/animal Cage heightb

    Animal (g) (in2) (cm2) (in) (cm)

    Mouse 25 15.0 96.78 5 12.70

    Rat 500 70.0 451.64 7 17.78

    a Guidelines are derived from Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (ILAR, 1985).b From the resting floor to the cage top From Current Protocols in Immunology Online

  • Minimizing Risk =

    Minimizing Exposure

    Procedures to Reduce



    laminar air rack




    Ventilation efficiency with low velocity Air


    Easy access

  • Diuresis cage


  • Metabolic cage


  • Lingkungan harus kering dan bersih

    Suhu sekitar 25oC

    Memberi ruangan yang cukup untuk bergerak bebas dalam berbagai posisi

    Harus dilengkapi dengan makanan dan minuman yang mudah dicapai oleh


    Kandang harus ditempatkan dalam rak yang cukup longgar

    Kandang harus memiliki alas tidur yang bersih dan berkualitas baik

  • Table 1.0.2 Recommended Relative Humidity and Dry Bulb

    Temperature for Animals Housed in Cagesa

    Dry bulb temperatureb

    Animal Relative humidity (%)

    C F

    Mouse 40-70 18-26 64.4-78.8

    Rat 40-70 18-26 64.4-78.8

    Hamster 40-70 18-26 64.4-78.8

    Rabbit 40-60 16-21 60.8-69.8

    a Guidelines from ILAR, 1985.

    b ILAR, 1965, 1977.

    From Current Protocols in Immunology

  • Harus tidak menarik mencit untuk dimakan

    Tidak menarik binatang lain (Misal kutu)

    Harus dapat mengisap air

    Tidak mengandung zat-zat yang dapat mengganggu penelitian

    Alas tidur harus diganti minimal 2 kali dalam seminggu atau bila sudah tercium bau amonia

    Alas tidur yang biasa digunakan:

    Serbuk gergaji yang tidak terlalu berdebu

    Sekam padi yang tidak tercemar oleh kencing ataupun tinja mencit atau tikus liar

  • Makanan berbentuk pelet dalam jumlah tanpa batas (ad libitum)

    Makanan ditempatkan dalam tutup kandang yang


    Seekor mencit dewasa makan sekitar 3-5 g/h

    Kandungan bahan makanan:

    - Protein 20-25%

    - Lemak 10-12%

    - Karbohidrat 40-55%

    - Serat kasar ~ 4%

    - Abu 5-6%

    - Vitamin A 15.000-20.000 IU/kg

    - Vitamin D 5000 IU/kg

    - Alfa tokoferol 50 mg/kg

    - Asam linoleat 5-10 g/kg

    - Tiamin 15-20 mg/kg

    - Riboflain 8 mg/kg

    - Pantotenat 20 ng/kg

    - Vitamin B12 30 g/kg

    - Biotin 80-200 g/kg

    - Piridoksin 5 mg/kg

    - Inositol 10-1000 mg/kg

    - Kolin 20 g/kg

  • Mouse handling and

    manual restraint. Apply

    slight, rearward traction

    on the tail (A). Grasp skin

    behind ears with thumb

    and index finger (B).

    Transfer the tail from the

    preferred hand to

    beneath the little finger

    of the hand holding the

    scruff of the neck (C).

    From Current Protocols in Immunology

  • Placing a mouse on a cage lid and grasping the loose

    skin behind the ears by the thumb and forefinger

  • As soon as the mouses head is restrained, the mouse can be picked up and the tail secured within

    your ring finger and little finger

  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

  • A. Blood collection from tail vein

    B. Blood collection from orbital sinus

    C. Blood collection from cardiac


    D. Blood collection from saphenous vein

    E. Intraperitoneal injection

    F. Subcutaneous injection

    G. Oral Feeding

    H. Sexing

  • For collection of small amount of blood (Approximate 0.1 ml )

  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface


    Small plastic bottle with 1/2 cm

    diameter holes in

    both ends as

    mouse restrainer


    Pipetteman and tips

    A vial for blood collection




    From Current Protocols in Immunology

    Visualize a

    sampling site of

    the lateral tail

    vein at


    midpoint on the

    length of the tail.




    From Current Protocols in Immunology

    Collect blood

    from the hub

    of the needle

    with the


    crit tube.

  • Push the mouse into the restrainer

  • Leave the tail of the mouse outside

    the cover of the restrainer

  • Amputate the tip of the mouse tail by scissors

  • Massage the tail and collect blood by pipetteman

  • Should apply anesthetic before blood withdraw

    A convenience and easy apply method for blood collection in mouse

    Collect amount up to 0.5 ml

  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface disinfection

    Hypnorm for general anesthetic

    27 G needle with 1 ml syringe for injection

    Glass capillary tube and vial for blood collection

  • Anesthetize a mouse by intraperitoneal

    injection of Hypnorm



    Introduce the

    end of the


    tube at the

    medial canthus

    of the orbit.

    From Current Protocols in Immunology



    Slowly, and with

    axial rotation,

    advance the tip of

    the microhematocrit

    tube gently towards

    the rear of the

    socket until blood

    flows into the tube.

    From Current Protocols in Immunology



    Remove the


    tube from orbit

    and dab excess

    blood from the site

    with a gauze

    sponge or swab

    moistened in

    saline or PBS.

    From Current Protocols in Immunology

  • Use a sharp end glass capillary tube to

    penetrate the orbital conjunctiva and rupture

    the orbital sinus

  • Collect blood with a vial

  • For collect up to 1 ml of blood within a short period of time

    Must be performed under general anesthetic

  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface disinfection

    Hypnorm used as anesthetic

    27G needle with 1 ml syringe for injection

    24G needle with 3 ml syringe for blood withdraw

  • Anesthetize a mouse by intraperitoneal

    injection of Hypnorm

  • Disinfect the thorax area with 75%

    alcohol cotton ball

  • Search for the maximum heart

    palpitation with your finger

  • Insert a 24G 1 needle through the thoracic wall at the point of maximum heart palpitation

  • Withdraw blood slowly by your right hand

  • This method is used of multiple samples are taken in the course

    of a day

    It can also be applied on rats, hamsters, gerbils and guinea-


  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface


    50 ml syringe tube with small holes at

    the end as


    a scalpel and shaver for remove of hair

    24 G 1 needle for release of blood

    tips and pipetteman for blood collection

  • Placing a mouse on a cage lid and grasping the loose

    skin behind the ears with your thumb and forefinger

  • Place the mouse in the restainer

  • Pull out the leg and removed the hair by

    a assistant

  • Hair can also be shaved by using a

    small scalpel

  • Apply vaseline after disinfect the surface area to

    reduce clotting and coagulation during blood


  • Use a 24 G 1 needle to puncture the vein and release blood from the saphenous vein

  • Use a Microvette or a pipetteman with tip to collect

    blood from the saphenous vein

  • Approximate 100 microliters can be collected

  • Flex the foot of the mouse to reduce the flow of

    blood back to the puncture site

  • A cotton ball is applied to the puncture site

    to stop further bleeding

  • A common method of administering drugs to


  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface disinfection

    25G 1/2 needle with 1 ml syringe for injection

  • Place a mouse on a cage lid and grasping the

    loose skin behind the ears with your thumb and


  • As soon as the mouses head is restrained, the mouse can be picked up and the tail secured within

    your ring finger and little finger

  • The injection site should be in the lower left quadrant

    of the abdomen because vital organs are absent

    from this area. Only the tip of the needle should

    penetrate the abdominal wall to prevent injection into

    the intestine.

  • The most common method for

    immunology studies

  • 75% alcohol cotton ball for surface disinfection

    25G 1 needle with 1 ml syringe for injection

  • Pick up a nude mouse and spin its tail to put it in a faint condition

  • Grasp the loose skin on the back of the mouse from

    ears along the legs and restrain the legs with your

    ring finger and little finger

  • After disinfect the surface area, insert the needle in

    the lateral side of the abdominal wall and push

    upwards to the armpit of the mouse

  • A lump of injection substance can be

    seen through the skin after injection

  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

    1. Fill syringe with

    injectate and remove air


    Removal of air bubbles is critical to avoid air embolism.

    2. Place mouse in a




  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

    3. Warm the tail with a

    heat lamp or by

    immersing in warm water

    to dilate vessels.

    4. Swab the tail with 70%

    ethanol on a gauze

    sponge or swab.



  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

    5. Immobilize the tail with

    gentle traction.

    6. Visualize the lateral tail

    vein and insert needle

    parallel to the vein 2 to 4

    mm into the lumen.

    Keep the bevel of the needle facing up.



  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

    7. Inject slowly.

    No bleb should form if

    needle was properly

    located. If a bleb appears,

    indicating failure to

    cannulate the vein,

    additional attempts may

    be made proximally. Thus

    it is helpful to make the

    first attempt at injection as

    close to the tip of the tail

    as possible.



  • From Current Protocols in Immunology

    8. Withdraw the

    needle and apply

    digital pressure

    if necessary to





  • Gastric intubation ensures that all the material was


    Feeding amount limited to 1% of body weight

  • A 18 G stainless steel, ball tipped needle

    a glove

  • Grasp the loose skin on the back of the

    mouse and restrain its tail with your ring finger and little finger. Then, introduce the

    feeding tube from the pharynx in to the

    esophagus when the mouse is in the act of


  • Common complications

    associated with gastric

    intubation are damage to the

    esophagus and administration of

    substance into the trachea.

    Careful and gentle passage of

    the feeding needle will greatly

    reduce these possibilities.

  • The anatomy picture showed the position of the

    feeding needle tip inside the esophagus with the

    heart and sternum removed.

  • Sexing mice - The distance between the anal and genital

    orifices is greater in the male (left) compared to the female


  • The top two mice are

    neonates and

    note that the

    anogenital distance is

    larger in the male than

    in the female

    neonates, the penis

    and vulva cannot be

    easily differentiated

    and so are referred to

    as a genital papilla.

    The bottom two animals

    are adults; genitalia

    are differentiated.

    Male Female

  • Also, nipples become evident in females at about 10 days of age.

    Male mice, like other rodent species, retain an open inguinal canal in adulthood. That is, the descended

    testicles communicate with the abdominal cavity.

    Depending on the position in which the mouse is

    held, the testicles may be retracted into the

    abdomen or descended into the scrotum.

    Because of the open inguinal canal, castration of mice requires that the surgeon use caution when

    applying tension to the testicle. Too much tension

    can result in the intestines being pulled through the

    inguinal canal.

  • Occasionally people experience difficulty in determining gender in mice at weaning age, although

    the anogenital distances are markedly different

    between males and females.

    Newborns have a subtle difference in the anogenital distance, due to their small size and scale of the

    anatomical landmarks. In determining the gender of

    newborns, its best to examine several animals side by side to distinguish the males from the females.

    The difference becomes more apparent after a few days of age. Another landmark is the presence of

    nipples in the females from 10 days of age, which are

    absent in the male. Darker mice are more difficult to

    differentiate than light colored mice.

  • Newborn through Day 5

    The images on the next slide show pups from

    1 to 5 days of age. (The following slides

    show mouse pups from 6 to 15 days of


    Newborn, or 1 day old, mice are very red,

    helpless, and hairless. Because of their

    color and lack of hair, they are often

    referred to as pinkies.

  • Day 6 through 10

    The next slide shows images of pups at

    ages of 6 through 10 days. The stages

    of fur growth are an important

    indicator of age during this period of


  • Here are images of pups at ages of 6 through 10 days. The

    stages of fur growth are an important indicator of age

    during this period of time.

  • Day 11 through 28

    The next slide shows images of pups

    from 11 days through 4 weeks of age.

    This 18 day period is one of rapid growth

    and change as their eyes open and

    activity increases.

  • Carbon Dioxide Asphyxiation

    60% to 100% CO2 (tank or house

    carbon dioxide) or dry ice Impervious container with raised floor

    and lid or CO2 chamber with lid

  • Carbon Dioxide Asphyxiation

    Precharge the impervious container or the

    CO2 chamber with CO2 prior to

    introducing the animals.

    If dry ice is used as the CO2 source, a raised floor is necessary to prevent animal contact with the dry ice. Placing warm water on the dry ice facilitates vaporization and filling of the container.

  • Carbon Dioxide Asphyxiation

    Unconsciousness will occur within 30 sec,

    but animals should be left in the container

    for several minutes to ensure death.

    4. Verify death by lack of cardiac pulse and

    fixed and dilated pupils prior to carcass


  • Carbon Dioxide Asphyxiation

    Cause perivascular edema

    in the lungs or alveolar

    hemorrhage. Neonates are

    resistant to the effects of

    high levels of CO2

  • Cervical Dislocation of Mouse

    Institutional Animal Care

    and Use Committee policy.

  • Cervical Dislocation of Mouse

    Remove the mouse from its cage by grasping the base of the tail. Place it

    on a smooth, hard surface without

    releasing the tail.

    Place the pencil or metal rod firmly behind the ears and across the neck.

    Pull the tail sharply to the rear while pressing down on the neck (to quickly

    dislocate the cervical vertebrae).