KP EZine_102_July_2015.pdf

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Transcript of KP EZine_102_July_2015.pdf

  • KP Ezine July 2015 1

    Volume 9, Issue 6, July 2015

  • KP Ezine July 2015 2

    Sl.No Par culars Author Page

    1 Readers View 4

    2 The destiny and fruitfulness of an event - Cuspal strength

    Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath 6

    3 When Will My Missing Brother Return? Gunti Nagaraju 11

    4 Biliary Atresia - KP Reveals Sumanadasa Namarathna 14

    5 Buying a Villa Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 20

    6 Remarkable Horoscope of King of Thailand Tin Win 22

    7 Prediction of pregnancy through KP Dr. Abha Jain 25

    8 When I will get a job? V.K Sharma 28

    12 Book Review-Medical Astrology Tin Win 34

    13 Planetary Position for July 2015 Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM


    11 Question & Answer Tin Win 35

    9 Myanmar-Thailand: Southeast Asian (SEA) Games Football Final Match

    Tin Win 30

    10 Promotion in Job Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 33


    Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2015

  • KP Ezine July 2015 3

    Published by: Kanakkumar B.


    Sahakar- 2, Flat # 28, Jagabhai Park,

    Ram Baug, Maninagar, AHMEDABAD - 380 008,

    Gujarat State, India

    Phone: +91 79 25431165 Mobile: +91 9825131165

    To Inquire by Email:

    TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject ar cles. 2. Authors have to use only KP aynamsha (such as KPNA. Old, Straightline etc.) 3. No remunera on will be paid if ar cle is published , but complimentary copy of magazine will be sent to author. 4. Once an ar cle is published in kpezine it will be the property of publisher and will be governed by the Copyright act 5. Decision of publisher is nal and not challengeable. 6. All ar cles should be sent to Publisher by email with full birth/ horary details to: 7. One can feel to write on any method of KP such as KP, Kar's theory, Cuspal Interlinks (K.B. System), etc. 8. Publisher reserves right to edit ar cles. 9. While sending the ar cles, authors are requested to send their photographs with full address, contact phone numbers and email address.

    NOTICE All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine will be reproduced or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copy, duplicate copy or recording or by any informa on storage and retrieval system, with-out the prior wri en permission of the publisher. Requests/inquiries can be mailed to: The publisher has no responsibility for products or services adver sed by others. No free inser on of any adver sement alleging typographical or other mistake will be given.

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    Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2015


  • KP Ezine July 2015 4

    Readers View

    Dear Kanak ji, Thank you for sending KPEZ for March 2015 and for the article of swearing in of our Presi-dent, which is an eye opener of Sri Lankans. Using and believing of Astrology is being vanished from Sri Lanka due to the partial judge-ment of some traditional astrologers, who appeared in the media as Rishis cheating the in-nocent people. Regards Kalyan ****************************************************************************************************** Yester night I received our K.P Ezine of millennium magazine and I profusely thank you for supporting and encouraging me by accepting my articles for publication. The magazine has come out in the most glorious manner with wide variety of articles of many renowned authors. At every stage your unstinted and selfless efforts are reflected in the noble cause of spreading the science of K.P. Astrology and its greatness by bringing out the magazine in spite of many a problem. I whole heartedly express my congratulations to you and to the entire editorial board for this stupendous job. May God bless you and your family with all the prosperity, name, fame, health and happiness. Thanking you, Yours well wisher, GUNTI. NAGARAJU. ****************************************************************************************************** Sri Kanak Kumar Bosmia, The Editor, KPEzine. Dear Kanak Ji, CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE SUCCESS OF YOUR EFFORT. Thank you very much for sending me the KPEzine - 100th Issue, May 2015. GOOD LUCK. ****************************************************************************************************** Kindly accept my congratulation for this 100th publication of a true astro solutions and for your support to help mankind. May Beloved Father LORD KRSNA BLESS YOU. With Respect- Narendra Sharma ****************************************************************************************************** Dear Kanakji, I am very pleased to know that you're so anxious to teach Astrology to everyone. I wish I could come in person to learn Astrology from you however I am not in India. So online is the best way to learn for me. I was also reading one of your earlier magazines wherein you wrote to Shri Bhaskar Jyotishji how you plan on keeping the KP Ezine free and not charging people. Trust me there are so many KP Astrology magazines that are free in the market. There's JASA, Astro-vision and so on. However let me tell you that you I really admire your courage and your

  • KP Ezine July 2015 5

    mindset of doing seva to the Astrologer community. I started studying Astrology since March 7th 2011. My late father Shri Shivaji Mane was an astrologer for 35 years before he passed away in August 2009. He kept telling me to learn Astrology and told me that I could really become a good astrologer one day. Maybe this is the reason why I was able to predict the sex of the unborn baby of Kate Middleton (Prince George the first born) and the unborn baby to my brother and his wife even before my sister in law was pregnant! My father knew that I had a knack for details. I don't make compro-mises when it comes to research. However I salute to your spirit of keeping KP Ezine free of charge. There are people in the world who charge money for everything. But theres one thing above money. That's doing good karma, which we Hindus call it as dharma. Hindus are born with the notion that this world is our family "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" meaning this entire earth is our family! Peo-ple who keep on running after money, achieve nothing great as money will not help them when they are sick. Yes, in sickness too. People think if they have money then they will get cured. But that is not the case. You have to have it in your "Prarabdha" meaning in your fate, to have a cure. When I fell sick in 2011, and was in excrutiating pain, I was told by a world famous doctor, "Even after taking painkillers, you're in a pain then there's nothing that any doctor or any other medicine will do for you" This is also true for those army sol-diers who are in pain all day and night and have to be put on Codeine or Morphine but still feel the pain of losing their arm or or their leg! There's no running away from your fate! Ever since I have learned anything about astrology, I have taken an oath to help the op-pressed and the unfortunate ones. I will not charge a dime to them! Please keep this spirit of doing "seva" towards the entire KP Astrologer community. If you like, you can print this letter in your next KP Ezine magazine. Sincerely, Hridaynath Mane. ****************************************************************************************************** Thanks Sir. Already downloaded your valuable magazine. I pray the God to give you and the Team of KP EZine the courage to continue this work for a very long time which help the students of KP to brush up their knowledge !!! Warm regards. Sriyani.

  • KP Ezine July 2015 6

    The des ny and frui ulness of an event - Cuspal strength

    By: Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath

    Scientific KP Astrologer Office:101, Mullai Nagar, Near Shridi SaiBaba Temple,

    Suramangalam, Salem-5 Tamil Nadu. Website:

    Cell: 09343419466 / 08015100700

    I herewith like to furnish my views on the study on a cusp to know its destiny level. Normally the KP followers are just focusing on the cuspal Sublord of a particular cusp to know the destiny ie., whether the event will be fruitful or not. As we are aware, as per KP if the Sublord is strongly connected to the favorable significa-tions, the event is promised. But in my view it does not mean that the event needs to be fruitful completely without considering the significations of Sign and Starlord.. Only when all these three rulers (sign, star and Sublord) are favorable the event is fruitful. If not, even though the event could happen due to the favorable Sublord, the fruitfulness would vary according to the sign and star lords significations. This decides the destiny lev-el. And the role of the Dasa Bukthi would further take the influence on the matter but within the limit fixed by the cuspal rulers. Now I like to explain this concept with an Example as given below: I COMPARE A CUSP WITH A CART WITH SOME STUFF ON IT WHICH IS MANUALLY DRIVEN BY A MAN. Lets assume as follows: The CART = The SIGN LORD The WHEELS of the Cart which are important = The STAR LORD The MAN who pulls the Cart to deliver the stuff who is most important = The

    SUBLORD The Road that the Man comes across while taking the cart = DASA / Bukthi/

    Anthra and so on". Now the Man (SUBLORD) has to take the Stuff to the Destination by pulling the cart (Signlord) with the help of the wheels (Starlord) on the Road (Dasa Bukthi) On next page

  • KP Ezine July 2015 7

    For instance if the Man is strong enough, he can pull the cart and deliver the stuff to the destination. But the ultimate benefits of the stuff can be lesser if the cart, wheels and the road are weak. Similarly, even if the Cart, the Wheels and the roads are favorable, if the Man is completely weaker (drunk and unconscious or severely sick etc.,), he can not pull the cart at all. Hence the Destiny can experience different results according to the strength of the cuspal rulers. I have listed below the major possible combinations and the expected results one can experience: (the given examples are just for understanding purpose only) 1) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Strong Signlord = Cart Strong Dasa/Bukthi = Road Strong Result : The Man can easily take the cart to the destiny on the road and deliver the source/stuff satisfactorily. The event will be fruitful. 2) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Strong Signlord =Cart Weak Dasa/Bukthi = Road Strong Result : The Man can take the cart to the destiny on the good road and deliver source. The quantity or level of benefits could be lesser as Cart is not strong enough to carry more weight 3) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Strong

  • KP Ezine July 2015 8

    Signlord =Cart Weak Dasa/Bukthi = Road Weak Result: The Man has to take more effort to take the weak cart on the weak road and deliver the source . The benefit level will be less with more wastage. But he will deliver some thing. 4) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Weak Signlord =Cart Strong Dasa/Bukthi = Road Strong Result : The man has to put more effort to pull the cart as the wheels are weak. He would deliver with great obstacles. There will be some wastage also. 5) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Weak Signlord =Cart Strong Dasa/Bukthi = Road Weak Result : If the wheels are completely damaged, the man can not easily pull. He may fail to pull the cart if the Road is also weak. Even a strong man can not help it. 6) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Weak Signlord =Cart Weak Dasa/Bukthi = Road Strong Result : When Cart and also wheels are weak, the Man can take the cart with hard effort and losses with the support of the good road and deliver, But as the cart and wheels are weak he can not take more quantity and there will be spillage or wastage also on the way. So less benefit only. If the wheels are more damaged, he could find difficult to pull the weak cart with the weak-est wheels even on the strong road. The impact depends on the level of damage. 7) Sublord = Man : Strong Starlord =Wheel: Weak Signlord =Cart Weak Dasa/Bukthi = Road Weak Result: The man would some how take the cart to the destiny. But the benefits would be very less as the cart has less sources and the weak wheels and weak road would further cause wastage. So very less benefit only. If the Wheels are completely damaged, even the strong man would find very difficult in tak-ing the weak cart on the weak road. The impact depends on the level of damage. 8) Sublord = Man : Weak Starlord =Wheel: Strong

  • KP Ezine July 2015 9

    Signlord =Cart Strong Dasa/Bukthi = Road Strong Result : When all the other three are strong except the man , the weak man can not pull the cart and take it to the destiny successfully. If he is completely weak, he can not move at all. So the Event wont occur at all. POINTS TO REMEMBER: If the Man is strong he can pull the cart and can handover the benefits to the destiny.

    But the level could vary according to the strength of the cart, wheels and also the road. If he himself is weak, he can not deliver properly. If he is completely weak, he can not

    move at all. If he is strong, but the cart is damaged and also the wheels, even if the road is favorable,

    he can somehow pull the cart with great effort and deliver to the destiny, Event would occur but the fruitfulness of the event will not be so good.

    Hence though the Man the Sublord is the one who takes and deliver the sources on the

    cart to the destiny, the success would be to the maximum desired level only when the cart, wheels and also the roads are good.

    Otherwise, the event would happen, but the fruitfulness would vary depending on the

    level of weakness of the Signlord, star and also the Dasa periods. Suppose if the starlord itself is completely damaged and the road is also weak, even a

    strong Sublord can not pull the cart to the destiny. In such situations, the transit of planets which is like the people that are passing by

    could either help the Sublord (man) or disturb him in his effort. My Conclusion: The level of destiny or strength of an event pertaining to a cusp has to be ascertained by

    the cumulative study on all the rulers of the cusp and not just on the Sublord alone. Though the Sublord is the prime factor to decide if the event is promised or not, the

    complete fruitfulness of the event is not based only on the signification of Sublord but on the combined significations of the rulers (Signlord, starlord and Sublord) of the cusp. This is Destiny.

    Meanwhile if the cuspal Signlord is weak and the Starlord is completely detrimental,

    even a strong Sublord could find difficulty to fructify the event itself. Because the Sub-lord (division of the Starlord) can not give the result which is completely negated by the starlord.

    Hence it is advisable to study the Signlord, starlord and then the Sublord of a particular

    cusp to know the exact destiny level before proceeding to the Dasa Bukthi. And not just jump into Sublord to decide. Of course the significations of Karaka planet also to be studied.

    And the level would differ according to the Dasa Bukthi but within the limit fixed by the

    said destiny.

  • KP Ezine July 2015 10

    The role of Transit of planets which is like the people that are passing by could either help the Sublord (man) or disturb him in his effort.

    And considering the important Vedic points, karakathwa of the bavas and planets, the

    aspects and the conjunctions during the interpretation along with our KP principles would bring out a complete and fruitful interpretation and predictions.

    The above view is based on my own practical experience only . My Pranams to our Guruji Shri.KSK !

    Good Luck !

  • KP Ezine July 2015 11

    When Will My Missing Brother Return?

    By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer

    12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371 Email:

    A lady asked me, "My brother (younger) is missing since three days, will he return? If so, when?" She gave a horary number 4/249 on 20 March 2015. Immediately I erected the ho-rary chart at 13:16:45 hours at Secunderabad, which is attached.

    1) For younger brother the chart is rotated to third house as lagna and the remaininghouses follow.

    2) Moon speaks the mind of the querent (as per the original chart) Moon is the lord of 5placed in 12. It is in Saturn star and Saturn sub. Saturn is the lord of 11-12 in 8 (anxiety, worry and tensions).

    (3) Longevity of the missing personfor Mithuna lagna 7th is the badhaka sthana and its lord is Jupiter. Ascendant cusp sub lord is Mercury lord of 1-2 in 9th. Mercury is in Rahu star and Venus sub. STL Rahu is in 4, representing Sun, Moon, Mars & Mercury. Sun is the lord of 4 in 10, Moon is the lord of 3 in 10, and Mars is the lord of 6 - 11 in 10. SBL Venus is the lord of 5 - 12 in 11. Thus Mercury signifies 1 & 9, 5 & 11 which assure good longevity.

    (4) For a missing person to return home -- we have to see if the 11th cusp sub lord signi-fies 2 and 8, then he will return home.

    As per the rotated chart 11th cusp sub lord is Moon, lord of 3 placed in 10 with lord of 4 and 11 & 6- Sun and Mars respectively. Moon is in Saturn star and sub. Saturn is the lord 9-10 placed in 6th. So Moon signifies 4 (family), 11 (fulfillment of ones' desire), 3 (away from home) , 9 (involving long journey), 10 (pertaining to his profession) and 6 (office duty/ work).

    8th house is unoccupied. Its lord is Jupiter lord of 7th (immediate boss) placed in 2nd. No planet is in the stars of Jupiter, and so Jupiter strongly signifies 2.

    2nd house is occupied by Jupiter+. Jupiter as lord of 7 and 8 is in 2nd.

    All these assure his home coming which is imminent. Lagna is in Mercury sign and it is in Rahu star. Both jointly signify North (Merc) and West (Rahu). So he might have gone towards North West to Hyderabad.

    Significators of - 2nd houseJUP-MARS-KETHU-MERC. 8th house- JUPITER. 11TH- VEN-MARS. JUPITER+ is in Mer STL (11) and Kethu SBL(11,2,8).

    MARS+ is in Merc STL(11) and Jup SBL(2-8).

    KETHU is in Merc STL & SBL (1,2,11).

  • Horary No. 4/249Sun Rise: 06:20:48 AM Sun Set: 06:26:41 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Sun Karana: NagHorary No.: 4Question : My brother (younger) is missing since three days, will he return? If so when?

    Ma 27:32:51 Ke 16:48:41 Su 05:24:02 Mo 04:19:32

    XI 03:40:00 Ve 09:30:49

    XII 04:53:20 I 01:19:37 II 26:37:45

    X 26:47:23 Me 17:12:05

    Ju[R] 19:12:04 III 24:13:06

    IX 24:13:06

    IV 26:47:23

    VIII 26:37:45 VII 01:19:37

    Sa[R] 10:55:23 VI 04:53:20 V 03:40:00

    Ra 16:48:41

    Name: Missing Brother Gender: MaleDate: Friday, 20/Mar/2015Time: 01:16:45 PM SID: 00:50:52Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 EPlace: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRAPRADESH, India

    Ayanamsa: 23 58' 45"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 1Star Lord: SaturnRasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: JupiterLagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: MercuryTithi: AmavasyaBal. Dasa: Saturn 17 Y, 7 M, 1 D

    I 02:01:19:37III 03:24:13:06

    Ju[R] 03:19:12:04II 02:26:37:45

    Ra 05:16:48:41IV 04:26:47:23

    V 06:03:40:00

    VI 07:04:53:20Sa[R] 07:10:55:23

    VII 08:01:19:37

    VIII 08:26:37:45

    IX 09:24:13:06Me 10:17:12:05

    Ma 11:27:32:51X 10:26:47:23

    Ke 11:16:48:41Su 11:05:24:02Mo 11:04:19:32

    Ve 00:09:30:49XI 00:03:40:00

    XII 01:04:53:20










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ju MaMo U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ve SaMa Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Ma JuMe Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Me RaJu[R] Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Sa RaVe Aswini(3) Ma Ke Sa Sa SuSa[R] Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Su Ve MaRa Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Su JuKe Revati(1) Ju Me Me Me Ma

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ra Ma2 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ve Ve Su3 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ra Sa4 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ma Su5 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ra Ke6 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ra Ra7 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Mo Ju8 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Me Ra9 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ra Sa10 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ve Ju11 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Mo Mo12 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Ju Sa

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su+ 6 10 9, 10 4Mo 6 10 9, 10 3Ma+ 9 10 1, 2 6, 11Me 4 9 1, 2Ju+ 9 2 1, 2 7, 8Ve+ 10 11 5, 12Sa 6 6 9, 10 9, 10Ra 10 4 3Ke 9 10 1, 2

    Bhukti FromSaturn Dasa21-Oct-2013 - 21-Oct-2032Saturn 21-Oct-2013Mercury 24-Oct-2016Ketu 04-Jul-2019Venus 13-Aug-2020Sun 13-Oct-2023Moon 24-Sep-2024Mars 25-Apr-2026Rahu 03-Jun-2027Jupiter 10-Apr-2030

    Bhukti FromMercury Dasa21-Oct-2032 - 21-Oct-2049Mercury 21-Oct-2032Ketu 19-Mar-2035Venus 16-Mar-2036Sun 14-Jan-2039Moon 21-Nov-2039Mars 22-Apr-2041Rahu 19-Apr-2042Jupiter 06-Nov-2044Saturn 11-Feb-2047

    Bhukti FromKetu Dasa21-Oct-2049 - 21-Oct-2056Ketu 21-Oct-2049Venus 19-Mar-2050Sun 19-May-2051Moon 24-Sep-2051Mars 24-Apr-2052Rahu 20-Sep-2052Jupiter 09-Oct-2053Saturn 15-Sep-2054Mercury 24-Oct-2055

    Venus Dasa21-Oct-2056 - 21-Oct-2076Venus 21-Oct-2056Sun 20-Feb-2060Moon 20-Feb-2061Mars 22-Oct-2062Rahu 21-Dec-2063Jupiter 22-Dec-2066Saturn 22-Aug-2069Mercury 22-Oct-2072Ketu 22-Aug-2075

    Sun Dasa21-Oct-2076 - 21-Oct-2082Sun 21-Oct-2076Moon 08-Feb-2077Mars 10-Aug-2077Rahu 15-Dec-2077Jupiter 09-Nov-2078Saturn 28-Aug-2079Mercury 09-Aug-2080Ketu 16-Jun-2081Venus 22-Oct-2081

    Moon Dasa21-Oct-2082 - 21-Oct-2092Moon 21-Oct-2082Mars 22-Aug-2083Rahu 22-Mar-2084Jupiter 20-Sep-2085Saturn 20-Jan-2087Mercury 20-Aug-2088Ketu 19-Jan-2090Venus 21-Aug-2090Sun 20-Apr-2092

    Mars Dasa21-Oct-2092 - 21-Oct-2099Mars 21-Oct-2092Rahu 19-Mar-2093Jupiter 07-Apr-2094Saturn 14-Mar-2095Mercury 22-Apr-2096Ketu 19-Apr-2097Venus 16-Sep-2097Sun 15-Nov-2098Moon 23-Mar-2099

    Rahu Dasa21-Oct-2099 - 21-Oct-2117Rahu 21-Oct-2099Jupiter 04-Jul-2102Saturn 27-Nov-2104Mercury 04-Oct-2107Ketu 23-Apr-2110Venus 11-May-2111Sun 11-May-2114Moon 05-Apr-2115Mars 04-Oct-2116

    Jupiter Dasa21-Oct-2117 - 21-Oct-2133Jupiter 21-Oct-2117Saturn 09-Dec-2119Mercury 22-Jun-2122Ketu 27-Sep-2124Venus 03-Sep-2125Sun 04-May-2128Moon 20-Feb-2129Mars 22-Jun-2130Rahu 29-May-2131

    Ruling Planets - 20/Mar/2015 01:16:45 PMSECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Me Ju Me Ve MeMoon Ju Sa Sa Ve Sa

    Day Lord: Venus

    Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma, Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma, Ju.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

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  • KP Ezine July 2015 13

    MERCURY is in Rahu STL(2,4) and Venus SBL9(2 &11).

    VENUs+ is in KethuSTL(11) and Saturn SBL(6,9,&10).


    The present period is of Saturn (dasa) x Saturn (bhukthi) x Venus (anthara) X Saturn sookshma( from 17 March 2015 to 15 April 2015).


    [1) In considering the selection of Sookshma period-- Since Saturn has appeared twice as SUB LORD and STAR LORD, I have given first preference for it.

    2) next Mercury has appeared twice as SUB LORD AND SIGN LORD I have given secondpreference.

    3) next Jupiter has appeared twice as STAR LORD and SIGN LORD 3rd preference has beengiven to it.

    4) next comes Nodes and then VENUS.

    As per this I expect that the boy should return home before 15 April 2015 positively.


    On 2nd April 2015 the querent came to me and informed happily that her brother came back home safely after 13-00-00 hours of 2 April 2015.

    2-4-2015 was Thurs day(Jupiter), Moon was transiting in Leo(sun)- Venus Star-Saturn sub Saturn sub sub up to 16-04 hours.( Jupiter, Venus are in CFS and R.Ps . though Sun was not in CFS and R.Ps directly it is conjoined with Mercury).

    Sun was transiting in Pisces sign ( Jupiter)- Mercury Star , Mercury sub and Rahu sub sub. (all are in CFS and R.Ps).

    (A positive note for information of the readers--I got inspiration from Sri Kanak JIs articles on his application of not considering the retrogration factor of R.Ps, with which I fully concur and applied here . And I found the result to be positive in this event. My sincere thanks to him.)

  • KP Ezine July 2015 14

    Biliary Atresia - KP Reveals By: Sumanadasa Namarathna

    (Sunaparantha Kalyan) Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace

    No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

    SRI LANKA Email:

    In my article "Infant Mortality" appeared in the KPEZine, June 2015 issue, I had discussed about a chart of an infant who died by the disease Biliary Atresia. The lady student of KP, also KPEZine reader, who gave me the chance to analyze the chart of the above baby, has sent me some more charts of the victims of above disease to analyze and find a KP rule for the same.

    Before I commence the analysis, I wish to give a brief introduction about Biliary Atresia to readers. The BILE also known as GALL, a product of liver is an essential fluid for digestion of foods intake. Bile makes cholesterol, fats, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K and also de-stroys excess cholesterol and bilirubin. The reservoir of the bile made by the liver is called Gallbladder a small sack beneath the liver. When intake foods enter into the small intestine, a hormone called cholecystokinin secreted by the cells in the duodenum is released signal-ing the Gallbladder to pass the bile or gall to small intestine through the bile duct. If there is any obstruction in this biliary system or passing gall to the small intestine is called "Biliary Atresia". This disorder represents the most common surgically treatable cause of cholestasis (a condition where bile cannot flow from the liver to the duodenum) encountered during the newborn period. But this is a life threatening condition for infants in which the bile ducts inside or outside the liver don't have normal opening.

    With Biliary Atresia, bile becomes trapped, builds up, and damages the liver. The damage leads to scarring, loss of liver tissue, and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a chronic, or long lasting liv-er condition caused by scar tissue and cell damage that makes it hard for the liver to re-move toxins from the blood. These toxins build up in the blood and the liver slowly deterio-rates and malfunctions. The ultimate result of this dreaded disease is at the Karma of the native. Now let's discuss astrologically about three died babies and one alive baby suffering from this disease.

    Charts under Study

    Chart 01(Died) Biliary Atresia 01, Female, 24 Sept.2014, 10.40 am, Castle Hospital, Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka, 06.54N, 79.53E, Asc. Scorpio 15 16' 58", Sun Vimsottari Maha Dasa Balnce 01 Y, 06 M, 07 D, KP New Ayanamsa 23 58' 21" , calculated by KPAstro 4.1

    Chart 02 (Died) Biliary Atresia 02, Male, 23 Sept. 2014, 08.41 pm, Polonnaruwa District General Hospital, North Central Province, Sri Lanka, 07.56 N, 81.00 E, Asc. Aries 22 01' 02", Sun Vimsottari Maha Dasa Balance 04 Y, 08 M, 08 D, KP New Ayanamsa 23 58' 21", calculated by KPAstro 4.1

    Chart 03 (Died) Biliary Atresia 03, Female, 14 Aug. 2014, 06.45 am, Castle Hospital, Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka, 06.54N, 79.53E, Asc. Leo 06 22' 24", Saturn Vimsottari Maha Dasa 04 Y, 07 M, 10 D, KP New Ayanamsa 23 58' 15", calculated by KPAstro 4.1

  • Chart 1 Died Sun Rise: 05:59:38 AM Sun Set: 06:05:26 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Mars Karana: Nag

    Ke 26:11:51 V 17:05:27

    VI 17:32:39 VII 15:16:58 VIII 13:42:38

    IV 14:45:38

    IX 13:12:10 Ju 20:44:43

    III 13:12:10

    X 14:45:38 Ve 28:58:58

    II 13:42:38 I 15:16:58 Ma 13:00:11

    Sa 25:53:56 XII 17:32:39 Me 03:14:05

    Mo 06:37:24 Su 07:06:58 XI 17:05:27 Ra 26:11:51

    Name: Chart 1 Died Gender: FemaleDate: Wednesday, 24/Sep/2014Time: 10:40:00 AM SID: 10:41:23Lat: 06:54:00 N Lon: 79:53:00 EPlace: Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka

    Ayanamsa: 23 58' 21"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 3Star Lord: SunRasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: MercuryLagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: MarsTithi: AmavasyaBal. Dasa: Sun 1 Y, 6 M, 7 D

    I 07:15:16:58III 09:13:12:10

    II 08:13:42:38

    IV 10:14:45:38

    V 11:17:05:27Ke 11:26:11:51

    VI 00:17:32:39

    VII 01:15:16:58

    VIII 02:13:42:38

    Ju 03:20:44:43IX 03:13:12:10

    Ve 04:28:58:58X 04:14:45:38

    Su 05:07:06:58Mo 05:06:37:24

    Ra 05:26:11:51XI 05:17:05:27Me 06:03:14:05

    Sa 06:25:53:56XII 06:17:32:39Ma 07:13:00:11










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Ve JuMo U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ju SuMa Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ra Ra SaMe Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Mo SaJu Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ju RaVe U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ma Ke MeSa Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Ve JuRa Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Ju MeKe Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Ju Me

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Sa Su2 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Su Mo3 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ve Ve4 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Ma Ve5 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ve Ve6 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ma Ju Ke7 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Mo Ve8 Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Ra Sa9 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ra Ju Ju10 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Sa Sa11 Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Ma Ju12 Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Ma Ju

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su 10 10 10 10Mo+ 10 10 10 9Ma 12 1 3, 4 1, 6Me 1 11 1, 6 8, 11Ju 11 9 8, 11 2, 5Ve+ 10 10 10 7, 12Sa 9 12 2, 5 3, 4Ra+ 1 11 1, 6Ke+ 11 5 8, 11

    Bhukti FromSun Dasa01-Apr-2010 - 01-Apr-2016Sun 01-Apr-2010Moon 20-Jul-2010Mars 18-Jan-2011Rahu 26-May-2011Jupiter 19-Apr-2012Saturn 05-Feb-2013Mercury 18-Jan-2014Ketu 25-Nov-2014Venus 01-Apr-2015

    Bhukti FromMoon Dasa01-Apr-2016 - 01-Apr-2026Moon 01-Apr-2016Mars 31-Jan-2017Rahu 01-Sep-2017Jupiter 02-Mar-2019Saturn 02-Jul-2020Mercury 31-Jan-2022Ketu 02-Jul-2023Venus 31-Jan-2024Sun 02-Oct-2025

    Bhukti FromMars Dasa01-Apr-2026 - 01-Apr-2033Mars 01-Apr-2026Rahu 28-Aug-2026Jupiter 16-Sep-2027Saturn 22-Aug-2028Mercury 30-Sep-2029Ketu 27-Sep-2030Venus 23-Feb-2031Sun 24-Apr-2032Moon 30-Aug-2032

    Rahu Dasa01-Apr-2033 - 01-Apr-2051Rahu 01-Apr-2033Jupiter 13-Dec-2035Saturn 08-May-2038Mercury 14-Mar-2041Ketu 01-Oct-2043Venus 20-Oct-2044Sun 20-Oct-2047Moon 12-Sep-2048Mars 14-Mar-2050

    Jupiter Dasa01-Apr-2051 - 01-Apr-2067Jupiter 01-Apr-2051Saturn 20-May-2053Mercury 01-Dec-2055Ketu 08-Mar-2058Venus 12-Feb-2059Sun 14-Oct-2061Moon 02-Aug-2062Mars 02-Dec-2063Rahu 06-Nov-2064

    Saturn Dasa01-Apr-2067 - 01-Apr-2086Saturn 01-Apr-2067Mercury 04-Apr-2070Ketu 13-Dec-2072Venus 21-Jan-2074Sun 23-Mar-2077Moon 05-Mar-2078Mars 04-Oct-2079Rahu 13-Nov-2080Jupiter 20-Sep-2083

    Mercury Dasa01-Apr-2086 - 01-Apr-2103Mercury 01-Apr-2086Ketu 28-Aug-2088Venus 26-Aug-2089Sun 25-Jun-2092Moon 01-May-2093Mars 01-Oct-2094Rahu 28-Sep-2095Jupiter 17-Apr-2098Saturn 23-Jul-2100

    Ketu Dasa01-Apr-2103 - 01-Apr-2110Ketu 01-Apr-2103Venus 28-Aug-2103Sun 28-Oct-2104Moon 05-Mar-2105Mars 04-Oct-2105Rahu 02-Mar-2106Jupiter 21-Mar-2107Saturn 24-Feb-2108Mercury 05-Apr-2109

    Venus Dasa01-Apr-2110 - 01-Apr-2130Venus 01-Apr-2110Sun 01-Aug-2113Moon 01-Aug-2114Mars 31-Mar-2116Rahu 31-May-2117Jupiter 31-May-2120Saturn 30-Jan-2123Mercury 01-Apr-2126Ketu 30-Jan-2129

    Ruling Planets - 01/Jul/2015 10:54:06 AMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Su Ve Ra Ma JuMoon Ju Ke Mo Ra Ju

    Day Lord: Mercury

    Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 12

    KP Ezine July 2015 15

  • Chart 2 Died Sun Rise: 05:55:19 AM Sun Set: 06:01:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Mars Karana: Chatushpad

    Ke 26:13:42 XII 18:38:34

    I 22:01:02 II 20:41:07 III 17:18:38

    XI 15:12:02

    IV 14:44:26 Ju 20:38:18

    X 14:44:26

    V 15:12:02 Ve 28:15:27 Mo 29:34:47

    IX 17:18:38 VIII 20:41:07 Ma 12:36:10

    Sa 25:50:45 VII 22:01:02 Me 02:43:36

    Su 06:32:44 VI 18:38:34 Ra 26:13:42

    Name: Chart 2 Died Gender: MaleDate: Tuesday, 23/Sep/2014Time: 08:41:00 PM SID: 20:44:34Lat: 07:56:00 N Lon: 81:00:00 EPlace: Polonnaruwa, North Central, SriLanka

    Ayanamsa: 23 58' 21"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 1Star Lord: SunRasi: Leo Rasi Lord: SunLagna: Aries Lagna Lord: MarsTithi: AmavasyaBal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 8 M, 8 D

    I 00:22:01:02III 02:17:18:38

    II 01:20:41:07

    IV 03:14:44:26Ju 03:20:38:18

    Su 05:06:32:44V 04:15:12:02

    Ve 04:28:15:27Mo 04:29:34:47

    Me 06:02:43:36VI 05:18:38:34Ra 05:26:13:42

    Sa 06:25:50:45VII 06:22:01:02Ma 07:12:36:10

    VIII 07:20:41:07

    IX 08:17:18:38

    X 09:14:44:26

    XI 10:15:12:02

    Ke 11:26:13:42XII 11:18:38:34










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ju MeMo U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Ju SaMa Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ma Me SaMe Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve VeJu Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ju VeVe U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ve MoSa Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Ve SuRa Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Ju VeKe Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Ju Ve

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Sa Ve2 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ve Sa3 Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Me Sa4 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Mo Ve5 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Me Ve6 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Mo Sa7 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Sa Ma8 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ju Mo9 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Mo Su Sa10 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Ke Sa11 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Me Ju12 Revati(1) Ju Me Ke Ve Ma

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su 5 5 5 5Mo+ 5 5 5 4Ma 7 7 10, 11 1, 8Me 7 6 1, 8 3, 6Ju 6 4 3, 6 9, 12Ve+ 5 5 5 2, 7Sa 4 7 9, 12 10, 11Ra+ 7 6 1, 8Ke+ 6 12 3, 6

    Bhukti FromSun Dasa02-Jun-2013 - 02-Jun-2019Sun 02-Jun-2013Moon 19-Sep-2013Mars 21-Mar-2014Rahu 27-Jul-2014Jupiter 20-Jun-2015Saturn 08-Apr-2016Mercury 21-Mar-2017Ketu 25-Jan-2018Venus 02-Jun-2018

    Bhukti FromMoon Dasa02-Jun-2019 - 02-Jun-2029Moon 02-Jun-2019Mars 01-Apr-2020Rahu 31-Oct-2020Jupiter 02-May-2022Saturn 31-Aug-2023Mercury 02-Apr-2025Ketu 01-Sep-2026Venus 02-Apr-2027Sun 01-Dec-2028

    Bhukti FromMars Dasa02-Jun-2029 - 02-Jun-2036Mars 02-Jun-2029Rahu 29-Oct-2029Jupiter 16-Nov-2030Saturn 23-Oct-2031Mercury 02-Dec-2032Ketu 29-Nov-2033Venus 27-Apr-2034Sun 27-Jun-2035Moon 02-Nov-2035

    Rahu Dasa02-Jun-2036 - 02-Jun-2054Rahu 02-Jun-2036Jupiter 12-Feb-2039Saturn 08-Jul-2041Mercury 14-May-2044Ketu 01-Dec-2046Venus 19-Dec-2047Sun 19-Dec-2050Moon 13-Nov-2051Mars 15-May-2053

    Jupiter Dasa02-Jun-2054 - 02-Jun-2070Jupiter 02-Jun-2054Saturn 20-Jul-2056Mercury 31-Jan-2059Ketu 09-May-2061Venus 15-Apr-2062Sun 14-Dec-2064Moon 02-Oct-2065Mars 01-Feb-2067Rahu 08-Jan-2068

    Saturn Dasa02-Jun-2070 - 02-Jun-2089Saturn 02-Jun-2070Mercury 05-Jun-2073Ketu 12-Feb-2076Venus 24-Mar-2077Sun 24-May-2080Moon 06-May-2081Mars 05-Dec-2082Rahu 13-Jan-2084Jupiter 20-Nov-2086

    Mercury Dasa02-Jun-2089 - 02-Jun-2106Mercury 02-Jun-2089Ketu 29-Oct-2091Venus 25-Oct-2092Sun 25-Aug-2095Moon 01-Jul-2096Mars 30-Nov-2097Rahu 27-Nov-2098Jupiter 16-Jun-2101Saturn 22-Sep-2103

    Ketu Dasa02-Jun-2106 - 02-Jun-2113Ketu 02-Jun-2106Venus 29-Oct-2106Sun 29-Dec-2107Moon 05-May-2108Mars 04-Dec-2108Rahu 02-May-2109Jupiter 20-May-2110Saturn 26-Apr-2111Mercury 04-Jun-2112

    Venus Dasa02-Jun-2113 - 02-Jun-2133Venus 02-Jun-2113Sun 01-Oct-2116Moon 01-Oct-2117Mars 02-Jun-2119Rahu 02-Aug-2120Jupiter 02-Aug-2123Saturn 02-Apr-2126Mercury 02-Jun-2129Ketu 02-Apr-2132

    Ruling Planets - 01/Jul/2015 10:56:26 AMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Su Ve Ju Sa RaMoon Ju Ke Mo Ra Sa

    Day Lord: Mercury

    Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 12 KP Ezine July 2015 12

    KP Ezine July 2015 16

  • Chart 3 Died Sun Rise: 06:04:48 AM Sun Set: 06:25:31 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Dhrti Hora: Jupiter Karana: Balav

    Ke 28:22:46 Mo 13:25:50 VIII 07:06:33

    IX 08:44:50 X 09:05:47 XI 07:53:22

    VII 06:22:24

    XII 06:32:25 Ve 08:09:38 Ju 12:21:38 Su 27:13:49

    VI 06:32:25

    Me 02:51:06 I 06:22:24

    V 07:53:22 IV 09:05:47

    Sa 23:08:48 Ma 16:35:06 III 08:44:50

    II 07:06:33 Ra 28:22:46

    Name: Chart 3 Died Gender: FemaleDate: Thursday, 14/Aug/2014Time: 06:45:00 AM SID: 04:04:06Lat: 06:54:00 N Lon: 79:53:00 EPlace: Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka

    Ayanamsa: 23 58' 15"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 4Star Lord: SaturnRasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: JupiterLagna: Leo Lagna Lord: SunTithi: Krishna Paksha, ChaturtiBal. Dasa: Saturn 4 Y, 7 M, 10 D

    I 04:06:22:24III 06:08:44:50

    Ma 06:16:35:06Sa 06:23:08:48

    II 05:07:06:33Ra 05:28:22:46

    IV 07:09:05:47

    V 08:07:53:22

    VI 09:06:32:25

    VII 10:06:22:24

    Ke 11:28:22:46Mo 11:13:25:50VIII 11:07:06:33

    IX 00:08:44:50

    X 01:09:05:47

    XI 02:07:53:22

    Su 03:27:13:49Ju 03:12:21:38Ve 03:08:09:38XII 03:06:32:25Me 04:02:51:06










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ve MeMo U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ju RaMa Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Ju MoMe Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Me SaJu Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ma Ju MaVe Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ve VeSa Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Mo VeRa Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Me MaKe Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Me Ma

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Sa Ra2 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Ve Ra3 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Ju Me4 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ra Me5 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Sa Ke6 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ju Me7 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Ke Ve8 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Me Sa Me9 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Su Ra10 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ju Ve11 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ke Ra12 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Ra Ra

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su+ 12 12 2, 11 1Mo+ 3 8 6, 7 12Ma 2 3 4, 9Me 8 12 2, 11Ju 3 12 6, 7 5, 8Ve+ 3 12 6, 7 3, 10Sa 12 3 5, 8 6, 7Ra 3 2 4, 9Ke 12 8 2, 11

    Bhukti FromSaturn Dasa24-Mar-2000 - 24-Mar-2019Saturn 24-Mar-2000Mercury 27-Mar-2003Ketu 05-Dec-2005Venus 14-Jan-2007Sun 16-Mar-2010Moon 26-Feb-2011Mars 26-Sep-2012Rahu 04-Nov-2013Jupiter 10-Sep-2016

    Bhukti FromMercury Dasa24-Mar-2019 - 24-Mar-2036Mercury 24-Mar-2019Ketu 21-Aug-2021Venus 18-Aug-2022Sun 18-Jun-2025Moon 25-Apr-2026Mars 24-Sep-2027Rahu 20-Sep-2028Jupiter 09-Apr-2031Saturn 15-Jul-2033

    Bhukti FromKetu Dasa24-Mar-2036 - 24-Mar-2043Ketu 24-Mar-2036Venus 21-Aug-2036Sun 20-Oct-2037Moon 25-Feb-2038Mars 26-Sep-2038Rahu 23-Feb-2039Jupiter 12-Mar-2040Saturn 16-Feb-2041Mercury 27-Mar-2042

    Venus Dasa24-Mar-2043 - 24-Mar-2063Venus 24-Mar-2043Sun 24-Jul-2046Moon 24-Jul-2047Mars 25-Mar-2049Rahu 25-May-2050Jupiter 25-May-2053Saturn 23-Jan-2056Mercury 25-Mar-2059Ketu 23-Jan-2062

    Sun Dasa24-Mar-2063 - 24-Mar-2069Sun 24-Mar-2063Moon 12-Jul-2063Mars 11-Jan-2064Rahu 17-May-2064Jupiter 11-Apr-2065Saturn 28-Jan-2066Mercury 10-Jan-2067Ketu 17-Nov-2067Venus 24-Mar-2068

    Moon Dasa24-Mar-2069 - 24-Mar-2079Moon 24-Mar-2069Mars 23-Jan-2070Rahu 24-Aug-2070Jupiter 23-Feb-2072Saturn 24-Jun-2073Mercury 23-Jan-2075Ketu 24-Jun-2076Venus 23-Jan-2077Sun 23-Sep-2078

    Mars Dasa24-Mar-2079 - 24-Mar-2086Mars 24-Mar-2079Rahu 21-Aug-2079Jupiter 08-Sep-2080Saturn 15-Aug-2081Mercury 23-Sep-2082Ketu 21-Sep-2083Venus 17-Feb-2084Sun 19-Apr-2085Moon 24-Aug-2085

    Rahu Dasa24-Mar-2086 - 24-Mar-2104Rahu 24-Mar-2086Jupiter 05-Dec-2088Saturn 30-Apr-2091Mercury 07-Mar-2094Ketu 24-Sep-2096Venus 12-Oct-2097Sun 12-Oct-2100Moon 06-Sep-2101Mars 07-Mar-2103

    Jupiter Dasa24-Mar-2104 - 24-Mar-2120Jupiter 24-Mar-2104Saturn 12-May-2106Mercury 23-Nov-2108Ketu 28-Feb-2111Venus 04-Feb-2112Sun 06-Oct-2114Moon 25-Jul-2115Mars 24-Nov-2116Rahu 31-Oct-2117

    Ruling Planets - 01/Jul/2015 11:14:30 AMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Su Ve Me Su MoMoon Ju Ke Mo Ju Me

    Day Lord: Mercury

    Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 17

  • Chart 4 Still alive Sun Rise: 06:30:23 AM Sun Set: 06:17:33 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Mars Karana: Vanij

    XII 05:43:23

    I 09:43:16 II 09:43:01 III 06:48:11 Ke 26:13:55

    Ju 08:37:50 XI 02:59:07

    Mo 00:59:30 IV 03:41:31 Ma[R] 16:06:58

    Ve 19:28:11 Su 15:18:47 X 03:41:31

    V 02:59:07

    Ra 26:13:55 Me 20:39:38 IX 06:48:11 VIII 09:43:01 VII 09:43:16

    VI 05:43:23 Sa[R] 10:31:33

    Name: Chart 4 Still alive Gender: MaleDate: Friday, 29/Jan/2010Time: 11:36:00 AM SID: 19:58:42Lat: 07:34:00 N Lon: 79:47:00 EPlace: Chilaw, North Western, Sri Lanka

    Ayanamsa: 23 54' 27"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: Punarvasu, Pada 4Star Lord: JupiterRasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: MoonLagna: Aries Lagna Lord: MarsTithi: Shukla Paksha, ChaturdasiBal. Dasa: Jupiter 2 Y, 9 M, 21 D

    I 00:09:43:16Mo 03:00:59:30III 02:06:48:11Ke 02:26:13:55

    II 01:09:43:01

    IV 03:03:41:31Ma[R] 03:16:06:58

    V 04:02:59:07

    VI 05:05:43:23Sa[R] 05:10:31:33

    VII 06:09:43:16

    VIII 07:09:43:01

    Ra 08:26:13:55Me 08:20:39:38IX 08:06:48:11

    Ve 09:19:28:11Su 09:15:18:47X 09:03:41:31

    Ju 10:08:37:50XI 10:02:59:07

    XII 11:05:43:23










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    www.kpastrologer.comMan Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Ma RaMo Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Me MoMa[R] Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Su MeMe P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Me MeJu Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ma KeVe Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Sa KeSa[R] Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Sa KeRa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ra JuKe Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Ju Ju

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Sa Me Ke2 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Me Ma3 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ra Me4 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Me Me5 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ke Me6 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ve Sa7 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Ve Ju8 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Sa Ve9 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Ke Ju10 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ke Ra11 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Me12 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Ke Ve

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su+ 4 10 4 5Mo 11 4 9, 12 4Ma+ 6 4 10, 11 1, 8Me+ 10 9 2, 7 3, 6Ju 9 11 9, 12Ve 4 10 4 2, 7Sa 4 6 4 10, 11Ra 10 9 2, 7Ke+ 11 3 9, 12

    Bhukti FromJupiter Dasa20-Nov-1996 - 20-Nov-2012Jupiter 20-Nov-1996Saturn 08-Jan-1999Mercury 22-Jul-2001Ketu 27-Oct-2003Venus 02-Oct-2004Sun 03-Jun-2007Moon 21-Mar-2008Mars 21-Jul-2009Rahu 27-Jun-2010

    Bhukti FromSaturn Dasa20-Nov-2012 - 20-Nov-2031Saturn 20-Nov-2012Mercury 23-Nov-2015Ketu 03-Aug-2018Venus 12-Sep-2019Sun 12-Nov-2022Moon 25-Oct-2023Mars 26-May-2025Rahu 04-Jul-2026Jupiter 11-May-2029

    Bhukti FromMercury Dasa20-Nov-2031 - 20-Nov-2048Mercury 20-Nov-2031Ketu 19-Apr-2034Venus 16-Apr-2035Sun 14-Feb-2038Moon 22-Dec-2038Mars 22-May-2040Rahu 19-May-2041Jupiter 06-Dec-2043Saturn 13-Mar-2046

    Ketu Dasa20-Nov-2048 - 20-Nov-2055Ketu 20-Nov-2048Venus 19-Apr-2049Sun 18-Jun-2050Moon 24-Oct-2050Mars 25-May-2051Rahu 22-Oct-2051Jupiter 09-Nov-2052Saturn 16-Oct-2053Mercury 24-Nov-2054

    Venus Dasa20-Nov-2055 - 20-Nov-2075Venus 20-Nov-2055Sun 22-Mar-2059Moon 22-Mar-2060Mars 21-Nov-2061Rahu 21-Jan-2063Jupiter 21-Jan-2066Saturn 20-Sep-2068Mercury 20-Nov-2071Ketu 20-Sep-2074

    Sun Dasa20-Nov-2075 - 20-Nov-2081Sun 20-Nov-2075Moon 09-Mar-2076Mars 08-Sep-2076Rahu 13-Jan-2077Jupiter 08-Dec-2077Saturn 26-Sep-2078Mercury 08-Sep-2079Ketu 15-Jul-2080Venus 20-Nov-2080

    Moon Dasa20-Nov-2081 - 20-Nov-2091Moon 20-Nov-2081Mars 21-Sep-2082Rahu 22-Apr-2083Jupiter 22-Oct-2084Saturn 20-Feb-2086Mercury 21-Sep-2087Ketu 21-Feb-2089Venus 22-Sep-2089Sun 23-May-2091

    Mars Dasa20-Nov-2091 - 20-Nov-2098Mars 20-Nov-2091Rahu 18-Apr-2092Jupiter 06-May-2093Saturn 12-Apr-2094Mercury 21-May-2095Ketu 18-May-2096Venus 14-Oct-2096Sun 14-Dec-2097Moon 20-Apr-2098

    Rahu Dasa20-Nov-2098 - 20-Nov-2116Rahu 20-Nov-2098Jupiter 03-Aug-2101Saturn 27-Dec-2103Mercury 03-Nov-2106Ketu 23-May-2109Venus 10-Jun-2110Sun 10-Jun-2113Moon 05-May-2114Mars 03-Nov-2115

    Ruling Planets - 01/Jul/2015 11:11:56 AMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Su Ve Me Me MoMoon Ju Ke Mo Ju Sa

    Day Lord: Mercury

    Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju.Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 18

  • KP Ezine July 2015 19

    Chart 04 (Still alive) Biliary Atresia 04, Male, 29 Jan. 2010, 11.36 am, Chilaw, North Western Province, Sri Lanka, 07.34N, 79.47E, Asc. Aries 09 43' 16", Jupiter Vimsottari Maha Dasa 02 Y, 09 M, 21 D, KP New Ayanamsa 23 54' 27", calculated by KPAstro 4.1

    6th Cuspal Sub Lords Signification and Connection

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Findings For Biliary Atresia, KP disease finder 6th cuspal sub lord signifies disease houses 6,8, 12 and liver ruling house 7, and is connected with liver ruling sign Libra, liver ruling planet Venus, bile ruling planets Sun, Mercury and also Neptune, Uranus.

    My grateful thanks to Mrs. Sriyani Ranathunga of Gampaha, Sri Lanka, a KPEZ reader for her enthusiastic necessity of the KP fundamental and for encouraging me to compile a study on the subject by producing the birth details discussed above.

    My pranams at the Lotus feet of Sri K.S. Krishnamurti Guruji, and my KP Guru

    Ch 6th CSL Star Sub Remark 1 Ma:1,1-6 in Sc,

    aspecting Ne Sa:12,3-4 in Li Ra+:11 in Vi,

    CSL of 3,9 Bdk Conj. Su:10,10 in Vi, Mo:10,9 in Vi; Sgl Me: 11,8-11 in Li

    Su & Mo opposing Ur

    2 Me:6,3-6, conj. Sa in Li

    Ma:7,1-8 in Sc, aspecting Ne

    Ve+:5,2-7 in Le CSL of 2,3,5,8, Conj. Mo, opposing Ne

    Ur oppos-ing 6th cusp

    3 Me:12,2-11 in Le, opposing Ne

    Ke:8 in Pi, conj. Ur & Mo+:8,12 in Pi, CSL of 7, Sgl Ju:12,5-8

    Ve:12,3-10, conj. Su & Ju in Cn

    4 Me+:9,3-6 in Sg, CSL of 6,12

    Ve:10,2-7, conj. Su in Cp,

    Ju:11Bdk,9-12 in Aq, conj Ne

    Ur oppos-ing 6th cusp

  • KP Ezine July 2015 20

    Buying a Villa

    By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28

    Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad380008

    Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email :

    Name: Male Question 1: I am planning to buy a villa and settle in Baroda by next year- Will it be successful? Date of birth. 15/4/1956, Sunday; Time of birth. 22:50:00 PM IST Place of Birth: Solapur-Maharashtra Lon/Lat: 17 N 41', 75 E 55'. Aynamsha 230.09'.24"; Dasa days: 365.25

    Hints If the cuspal sub lord of the 4th (Land/Building) be the significator of 4 (Land/Building), 11 (Success/Fulfillment of desire) or 12 (Investment), one will have his own building during the joint period of the significator of 4, 11 and 12.

    Cuspal Sub Lord: 4th Cusp (Pisces 060.34.33): 4th cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 5, owner of 8-10. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 6. Ketu is conjoined with Venus. Venus is occupant of 6, owner of 6-7-11. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 3-9. Mercury is in the sub of own. Thus 4th cusp sub lord signifies 6-7-11-3-9 and connected with 5-8-10. Thus 4th sub lord Mercury indicates 11.

    He have asked for "Villa" which means luxurious type, thus it needs to check 11th cusp sub lord also.

    11th Cusp (Libra 070.27.16): 11th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star and sub of Mercury. Rahu is occupant of 12. No planet is in the star of Rahu and Rahu is the CSL of 2-5-11. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn. Saturn is occupant of 12, owner of 3. Star and sub lord Mercury is owner of 5 and occupant of 8-10. Thus 11th CSL Rahu is signifies 5-8-10 and connected with 12-2-5-11-3. Thus indication is 11 also here.

    Joint period: At the time of judgment, you are running Mercury Dasa from 06-05-2011 to 06-05-2028. You are running the joint period of Mercury-Venus up to 31-07-2017.

    Dasa lord Mercury is in the star of Ketu and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 5, owner of 8-10. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 6. Ketu is conjoined with Venus. Venus is occupant of 6, owner of 6-7-11. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 3-9. Dasa lord signifies 6-7-11-3-9 and is connected with 5-8-10. Thus this dasa lord indicates buying a Villa.

    Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 6, owner of 6-7-11. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 3-9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 7. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 5, owner of 8-10. Thus bhukti lord Venus signifies 7 and is connected with 6-7-11-3-9-5-8-10. So this bhukti indicates buying a Villa.

    My opinion: You will buy a "Villa" by next year for sure.

    Outcome: Prediction comes correct.

  • Sun Rise: 06:10:36 AM Sun Set: 06:42:29 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav

    IV 06:34:33

    Su 02:33:08 V 07:27:16 Me 13:02:18

    VI 04:30:42 Ke 17:20:26 Ve 18:12:30 VII 29:23:34

    Mo 02:45:02 VIII 29:57:42

    III 02:57:59

    Ju[R] 28:20:03

    Ma 07:18:50

    IX 02:57:59

    II 29:57:42

    I 29:23:34 Ra 17:20:26 Sa[R] 08:42:09 XII 04:30:42 XI 07:27:16

    X 06:34:33

    Name: MaleGender: MaleDate: Sunday, 15/Apr/1956Time: 10:50:00 PM SID: 11:59:01Lat: 17:41:00 N Lon: 75:55:00 E Place: SOLAPUR, MAHARASHTRA, India

    Ayanamsa: 23 9' 24"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: Mrigasira, Pada 3Star Lord: MarsRasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: MercuryLagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: MarsTithi: Shukla Paksha, SashtiBal. Dasa: Mars 2 Y, 0 M, 20 D

    I 07:29:23:34III 10:02:57:59

    Ma 09:07:18:50II 08:29:57:42

    Su 00:02:33:08IV 11:06:34:33

    V 00:07:27:16Me 00:13:02:18

    VI 01:04:30:42Ke 01:17:20:26Ve 01:18:12:30

    VII 01:29:23:34Mo 02:02:45:02

    VIII 02:29:57:42Ju[R] 03:28:20:03

    IX 04:02:57:59

    X 05:06:34:33

    XI 06:07:27:16

    Ra 07:17:20:26Sa[R] 07:08:42:09

    XII 07:04:30:42










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    www.kpastrologer.comMan Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Sa JuMo Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ve Ve MoMa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ma VeMe Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Sa SaJu[R] Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Me SuVe Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Ve SuSa[R] Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Mo MeRa Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ve MeKe Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ra Me

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ma Mo2 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Su3 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Me4 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Ra Ju5 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ra Ma Ra6 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Ma Mo7 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ma Mo8 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Sa Me9 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ke Sa10 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ju Ve11 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Sa Ma12 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Su Me

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su 6 4 9Mo 2 7 1, 5, 12Ma 4 2 9 1, 5, 12Me 6 5 8, 10Ju+ 5 8 8, 10 2, 4Ve+ 7 6 6, 7, 11Sa 12 12 3 3Ra+ 5 12 8, 10Ke 7 6

    Bhukti FromMars Dasa06-May-1951 - 06-May-1958Mars 06-May-1951Rahu 02-Oct-1951Jupiter 20-Oct-1952Saturn 26-Sep-1953Mercury 05-Nov-1954Ketu 02-Nov-1955Venus 30-Mar-1956Sun 30-May-1957Moon 05-Oct-1957

    Bhukti FromRahu Dasa06-May-1958 - 06-May-1976Rahu 06-May-1958Jupiter 17-Jan-1961Saturn 12-Jun-1963Mercury 18-Apr-1966Ketu 05-Nov-1968Venus 23-Nov-1969Sun 23-Nov-1972Moon 18-Oct-1973Mars 19-Apr-1975

    Bhukti FromJupiter Dasa06-May-1976 - 06-May-1992Jupiter 06-May-1976Saturn 24-Jun-1978Mercury 04-Jan-1981Ketu 12-Apr-1983Venus 18-Mar-1984Sun 16-Nov-1986Moon 04-Sep-1987Mars 04-Jan-1989Rahu 11-Dec-1989

    Saturn Dasa06-May-1992 - 06-May-2011Saturn 06-May-1992Mercury 09-May-1995Ketu 17-Jan-1998Venus 25-Feb-1999Sun 27-Apr-2002Moon 09-Apr-2003Mars 08-Nov-2004Rahu 18-Dec-2005Jupiter 23-Oct-2008

    Mercury Dasa06-May-2011 - 06-May-2028Mercury 06-May-2011Ketu 02-Oct-2013Venus 29-Sep-2014Sun 31-Jul-2017Moon 06-Jun-2018Mars 05-Nov-2019Rahu 01-Nov-2020Jupiter 21-May-2023Saturn 27-Aug-2025

    Ketu Dasa06-May-2028 - 06-May-2035Ketu 06-May-2028Venus 02-Oct-2028Sun 02-Dec-2029Moon 09-Apr-2030Mars 08-Nov-2030Rahu 06-Apr-2031Jupiter 24-Apr-2032Saturn 31-Mar-2033Mercury 10-May-2034

    Venus Dasa06-May-2035 - 06-May-2055Venus 06-May-2035Sun 05-Sep-2038Moon 05-Sep-2039Mars 06-May-2041Rahu 06-Jul-2042Jupiter 06-Jul-2045Saturn 06-Mar-2048Mercury 05-May-2051Ketu 06-Mar-2054

    Sun Dasa06-May-2055 - 06-May-2061Sun 06-May-2055Moon 23-Aug-2055Mars 22-Feb-2056Rahu 29-Jun-2056Jupiter 24-May-2057Saturn 12-Mar-2058Mercury 22-Feb-2059Ketu 29-Dec-2059Venus 05-May-2060

    Moon Dasa06-May-2061 - 06-May-2071Moon 06-May-2061Mars 06-Mar-2062Rahu 05-Oct-2062Jupiter 05-Apr-2064Saturn 05-Aug-2065Mercury 06-Mar-2067Ketu 05-Aug-2068Venus 06-Mar-2069Sun 05-Nov-2070

    Ruling Planets - 07/Oct/2014 11:01:58 AMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Ma Me Ke Mo MeMoon Ju Ju Ra Mo Su

    Day Lord: Mars

    Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 12 KP Ezine July 2015 12

    KP Ezine July 2015 12

    KP Ezine July 2015 21

  • KP Ezine July 2015 22

    Remarkable Horoscope of King of Thailand

    By: Tin Win Email:

    Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, was born on Monday, 05/Dec/1927, 08:45 AM, TZ hr 5 west, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 42n22, 71w06, KP New Ayanamsa: 22 45' 39", Lagna: Sagittarius 12:06:57, Bal. Dasa: Ketu 3 Y, 10 M, 7 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1.

    Thailand's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the world's longest-reigning and richest monarch. He is the only monarch older than Queen Elizabeth II. His $30 billion wealth in May 2014 makes Saudi Arabian King Abdullahs $18 billion looks modest by com-parison, and Queen Elizabeths estimated $500 million seems like pocket change. While he is a constitutional monarch with no formal political role, King Bhumibol is widely revered and regard-ed as the country's sole unifying figure.

    How has he astrologically been the world's longest-reigning monarch after coming to the throne on 9 June 1946?

    1. Because his 10th (power, success) cuspal sub lord (CSL) Rahu signifies mainly beneficialhouses 1 (self effort), 2 (wealth, self acquisition), 3 (ability), 5 (skills for political maneuverings), 6 (gain), 10 (power, success), 11 (gain, success).

    10th CSL Rahu+ has no planet in its stars and is the CSL of 10 (power, success), 11 (gain, fulfillment of desire) and is located in house 6 (gain), in Taurus sign representing Venus+, the CSL of house 6 (gain) having no planet in its stars, lord of houses 5 (skills for political maneuverings), 6 (gain), 10 (power, success). Rahu is in the star of Mars in house 11(gain), lord of houses 4,11 (gain), 12 and in sub of Jupiter in house 2, lord of houses 1 (self effort), 3 (ability).

    2. Seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in gaininghouses 2,3,6,10,11, and Venus in 9 (higher mind for creation, religious, fortune) and Ketu in 12 (loss). Nevertheless Venus is in the star of Mars located in house 11 and Ketu in the star of Mercury in house 10. These planetary positions make him able to engage in sustained ruling over a long period of consecutive dasa periods.

    3. Five gaining planets Sun, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are in the long lasting fixedsign Scorpio opposing the fixed and earth sign Taurus (permanence or durability) where Rahu is located. Saturn is also the planet of concentration, permanence, ambition, and productivity.

    How has he astrologically been the world's richest monarch?

    1. Because his 2nd (wealth) CSL Sun signifies mainly gaining houses 2 (wealth, selfacquisition), 6 (gain), 10 (success), 11 (gain) and 5 (skills for financial maneuverings).

  • Bhumipol King of ThailandSun Rise: 06:57:32 AM Sun Set: 04:11:56 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Variyan Hora: Saturn Karana: Bav

    III 05:22:12 Ju 01:16:39

    Mo 05:59:25 IV 07:52:10

    V 02:01:05 VI 22:09:55 Ra 26:17:02

    VII 12:06:57

    VIII 23:07:35

    II 23:07:35

    I 12:06:57

    Ke 26:17:02 XII 22:09:55 Su 19:40:21 Sa 17:40:32 Ma 05:12:18 XI 02:01:05 Me 01:45:52

    X 07:52:10 Ve 03:35:13

    IX 05:22:12

    Name: Bhumipol King of ThailandGender: MaleDate: Monday, 05/Dec/1927Time: 08:45:00 AM SID: 13:54:03Lat: 42:22:00 N Lon: 71:06:00 WPlace: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    Ayanamsa: 22 45' 39"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: Aswini, Pada 2Star Lord: KetuRasi: Aries Rasi Lord: MarsLagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: JupiterTithi: Shukla Paksha, DvadasiBal. Dasa: Ketu 3 Y, 10 M, 7 D

    I 12:06:57III 05:22:12

    Mo 05:59:25

    Ju 01:16:39II 23:07:35

    IV 07:52:10

    V 02:01:05

    VI 22:09:55Ra 26:17:02

    VII 12:06:57

    VIII 23:07:35

    IX 05:22:12Ve 03:35:13

    X 07:52:10Me 01:45:52

    Su 19:40:21Sa 17:40:32Ma 05:12:18XI 02:01:05

    Ke 26:17:02XII 22:09:55










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Ve MeMo Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ju VeMa Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ju SaMe Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Ju VeJu P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Mo MaVe Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ra SaSa Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ma MeRa Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ju Ju MoKe Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Ju Mo

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ve Me2 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Me Su3 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ju Mo4 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Sa Me5 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ke Su6 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Sa Ra7 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Me8 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Ve Su9 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Me Sa10 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ke Mo11 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Sa Ve12 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ve Ra

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su+ 10 11 7, 9Mo+ 12 3 8Ma 11 11 2 4, 11, 12Me 2 10 1, 3 7, 9Ju 2 2 1, 3 1, 3Ve+ 11 9 4, 11, 12 5, 6, 10Sa 10 11 7, 9 2Ra+ 11 6 4, 11, 12Ke 10 12 7, 9

    Bhukti FromKetu Dasa12-Oct-1924 - 12-Oct-1931Ketu 12-Oct-1924Venus 11-Mar-1925Sun 11-May-1926Moon 15-Sep-1926Mars 16-Apr-1927Rahu 13-Sep-1927Jupiter 01-Oct-1928Saturn 07-Sep-1929Mercury 16-Oct-1930

    Bhukti FromVenus Dasa12-Oct-1931 - 12-Oct-1951Venus 12-Oct-1931Sun 11-Feb-1935Moon 11-Feb-1936Mars 13-Oct-1937Rahu 13-Dec-1938Jupiter 13-Dec-1941Saturn 12-Aug-1944Mercury 12-Oct-1947Ketu 12-Aug-1950

    Bhukti FromSun Dasa12-Oct-1951 - 12-Oct-1957Sun 12-Oct-1951Moon 30-Jan-1952Mars 31-Jul-1952Rahu 06-Dec-1952Jupiter 30-Oct-1953Saturn 18-Aug-1954Mercury 31-Jul-1955Ketu 06-Jun-1956Venus 12-Oct-1956

    Moon Dasa12-Oct-1957 - 12-Oct-1967Moon 12-Oct-1957Mars 13-Aug-1958Rahu 14-Mar-1959Jupiter 13-Sep-1960Saturn 12-Jan-1962Mercury 13-Aug-1963Ketu 13-Jan-1965Venus 14-Aug-1965Sun 14-Apr-1967

    Mars Dasa12-Oct-1967 - 12-Oct-1974Mars 12-Oct-1967Rahu 10-Mar-1968Jupiter 28-Mar-1969Saturn 04-Mar-1970Mercury 12-Apr-1971Ketu 09-Apr-1972Venus 05-Sep-1972Sun 05-Nov-1973Moon 12-Mar-1974

    Rahu Dasa12-Oct-1974 - 12-Oct-1992Rahu 12-Oct-1974Jupiter 25-Jun-1977Saturn 18-Nov-1979Mercury 25-Sep-1982Ketu 14-Apr-1985Venus 02-May-1986Sun 02-May-1989Moon 27-Mar-1990Mars 25-Sep-1991

    Jupiter Dasa12-Oct-1992 - 12-Oct-2008Jupiter 12-Oct-1992Saturn 30-Nov-1994Mercury 13-Jun-1997Ketu 18-Sep-1999Venus 24-Aug-2000Sun 25-Apr-2003Moon 11-Feb-2004Mars 13-Jun-2005Rahu 20-May-2006

    Saturn Dasa12-Oct-2008 - 12-Oct-2027Saturn 12-Oct-2008Mercury 16-Oct-2011Ketu 25-Jun-2014Venus 04-Aug-2015Sun 04-Oct-2018Moon 16-Sep-2019Mars 17-Apr-2021Rahu 26-May-2022Jupiter 02-Apr-2025

    Mercury Dasa12-Oct-2027 - 12-Oct-2044Mercury 12-Oct-2027Ketu 11-Mar-2030Venus 08-Mar-2031Sun 06-Jan-2034Moon 13-Nov-2034Mars 13-Apr-2036Rahu 10-Apr-2037Jupiter 28-Oct-2039Saturn 02-Feb-2042

    Ruling Planets - 01/Jun/2015 01:56:58 PMMaryland, USAPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Me Mo Ma Ve MoMoon Ma Sa Me Su Ju

    Day Lord: Moon

    Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Ve, Sa.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Ju, Sa.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 23

  • KP Ezine July 2015 24

    2nd (wealth) CSL Sun+ has no planet in its stars and so becomes the significator of house 2 (wealth, self acquisition). This Sun is in the house 11 (gain, profit), in the star of Mercury in house 10 (success, profession), lord of houses 7,9, and in sub of Venus+ which is the CSL of house 6 (gain) having no planet in its stars, in house 9, lord of houses 5 (skills for fi-nancial maneuverings), 6 (gain), 10 (success, profession). 2. In addition, his 2nd house lord Saturn is conjoined with Mercury in house 10, Sun and11th lord Mars in house 11, and Ketu in house 12. These conjoined five planets are aspected by wealth karaka Jupiter from house 2. Ketu is in the star of Mercury in house 10.

    Why has the 87-year-old King be astrologically in and out of Thai hospitals with various ailments since 2009?

    1. Because his Saturn Dasa started from 12 October 2008 and Dasa lord Saturn signifiesdeath inflicting Maraka, Badhaka houses at all three levels of planet Saturn, it's star and sub, along with life saving house 11.

    Current running (from 12-Oct-2008 to 12-Oct-2027) Dasa lord Saturn is in house 11 (cure, life saving), lord of 2 (Maraka), in the star and sub of Mercury in house 10 (treatment not effective - 12th to 11, retirement from this world- death), lord of houses 7 (Maraka/Badhaka), 9 (luck).

    2. Current running Bhukti Ketu till 04 August 2015 may be critical for his health as theBhukti lord Ketu indicates death inflicting houses Maraka, Badhaka, Moksha (end of life), and 4 (death), 10 (death), along with life saving houses 1,11.

    Current running (from 25-Jun-2014 to 04-Aug-2015) Bhukti lord Ketu is in house 12 (Moksha, end of life), conjoined with Sun+ in house 11 (cure, life saving), the CSL of houses 2 (Maraka),12 (Moksha) having no planet in its stars , Mars in house 11 (cure, life saving), lord of houses 4 (end of everything- death),11 (cure, life saving), 12 (Moksha, end of life), Mercury in house 10 (treatment not effective - 12th to 11, retirement from this world- death), lord of houses 7 (Maraka/Badhaka),9, and Saturn in house 11 (cure, life saving- 12th to 12), lord of house 2 (Maraka). This Ketu is in the star of Mercury in house 10 (treatment not effective - 12th to 11, retirement from this world- death), lord of houses 7 (Maraka/Badhaka),9 (luck), and in sub of Jupiter in house 2 (Maraka), lord of houses 1 (life saving- 12th to Maraka 2), 3 (unfavorable for health).

    3. If the current running Ketu Bhukti could be survived, the next coming Bhukti Mercurywould be not so critical for longevity that we wish "Long Live the King" to survive the current running Bhukti Ketu till 04 August 2015.

    Next coming Bhukti lord Venus (04-Aug-2015 to 04-Oct-2018) is the CSL of house 6 (sickness) having no planet in its stars, in house 9, lord of houses 5 (cure- 12th to 6),6,10, in the stars of Mars in house 11, lord of houses 4,11,12, and in sub of own Venus.

    Good luck!

  • KP Ezine July 2015 25

    Predic on of pregnancy through KP By: Dr. Abha Jain

    36, Bajaj Nagar Enclave, Opp. Gandhi Nagar Railway Station,

    Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan Email:

    Mobile: 9829463000

    Female: Mrs Neha Date of Birth: 9 July 1984, Time of Birth: 4:20 pm Place of Birth: Manawar, M.P. Question: When I will be pregnant ? Date of Judgment: 27.9.14

    Hints: 5th cusp sub lord should signify 2, 5, 11 facilitator houses for pregnancy and delivery would be possible during DBA of significators of 2, 5, 11.

    5th cusp: Sun is the sub lord of 5th cusp. Sun is owner of 10th and occupies 8th house. No planet is in the stars of Sun, and Sun is the cuspal sub lord of 5th house. Sun is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in 2nd and the owner of 2nd and 5th houses. Sun is in sub of Saturn. Saturn is posted in 11th and owns 3rd and 4th houses.

    Thus 5th cusp sub lord is connected with 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, so delivery of child is promised. Also connection to 4, 8, 10 may cause of miscarriage or abortion in DBA of significators of 1, 4, 10. I came to know that there was a medical history of Mrs Neha that she had miscarriage earlier. Significator as per four fold table, for 2,5,11 are Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, Ketu. Rahu represents Mars in the birth chart. So Rahu is also a significator.

    Selection of significator: In beginning, as a student of KP, I always adopted a set proce-dure of selection of significators. That was as under:

    Step 1: Calculation of four fold table significator planets for obtaining result for concerned houses Step 2: If number of significator planets are more than 3 or four, then use of RP Step 3: Finding the common planets between planets found from Step 1 and Step 2.

    This procedure helps in reducing the number of resulting planets and helps to select Bhuk-ti and Antar. But I observed that reducing the significators may not give accurate predic-tions always or often. So, by practicing I came to know that significators should be in the star of concerned or resulting houses too, at least in birth chart, if we do not consider trans-it. So ensuring the rule of KP that sub lord works for the houses of the planet in its star. I also found that the preference should be given to the planet in the star of the occupant planet in the house i.e. Class A significator for making an event happens for concerned houses. In this case, I selected Sun, Venus, and Mars for getting results for 2nd and 5th houses. Mercury, Ketu and Moon result for the 11th house. Jupiter is Karaka planet for re-sult, so it will also be considered. Saturn is left. But Saturn will work when the other planet is in the star of Saturn. Rahu will also be a significator as it represents Mars. Mars is the significator of 2 and 5.

    Running Dasha was under on the day of judgement (i.e. on 27.11.2014) Dasha of Ketu (18.6.11 to 18.6.18) Bhukti of Rahu (19.5.14 to 6.6.15)

  • Pregnancy Sun Rise: 05:52:18 AM Sun Set: 07:17:14 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Mars Karana: Bav

    V 21:58:55

    VI 19:37:05 Ra 10:53:34 VII 14:04:31

    VIII 14:10:25 Su 23:50:46

    IV 20:19:17

    Ve 00:19:04 Me 11:17:48 IX 16:38:47

    III 16:38:47

    X 20:19:17

    II 14:10:25 Ju[R] 13:17:03

    I 14:04:31 Ke 10:53:34 Mo 09:41:30

    Ma 20:36:58 XII 19:37:05 Sa[R] 16:09:43

    XI 21:58:55

    Name: Pregnancy Gender: FemaleDate: Monday, 09/Jul/1984Time: 04:20:00 PM SID: 11:00:34Lat: 22:14:00 N Lon: 75:05:00 EPlace: MANAWAR, MADHYA PRADESH,India

    Ayanamsa: 23 33' 3"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: Anuradha, Pada 2Star Lord: SaturnRasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: MarsLagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: MarsTithi: Shukla Paksha, DvadasiBal. Dasa: Saturn 9 Y, 11 M, 8 D

    Ju[R] 08:13:17:03I 07:14:04:31III 09:16:38:47

    II 08:14:10:25

    IV 10:20:19:17

    V 11:21:58:55

    Ra 01:10:53:34VI 00:19:37:05

    VII 01:14:04:31

    Su 02:23:50:46VIII 02:14:10:25Me 03:11:17:48Ve 03:00:19:04

    IX 03:16:38:47

    X 04:20:19:17

    XI 05:21:58:55Sa[R]


    Ma 06:20:36:58XII 06:19:37:05Ke 07:10:53:34Mo 07:09:41:30










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    www.kpastrologer.comMan Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Sa Ju MaMo Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Sa VeMa Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Me SuMe Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Ra SuJu[R] Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Sa RaVe Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Ve VeSa[R] Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Ra SaRa Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ve VeKe Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Su Ve Ve

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ke Ve2 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Ra Ra3 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Ve Ju4 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Sa Ke5 Revati(2) Ju Me Su Me Me6 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ve Sa7 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ju Mo8 Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Sa Sa9 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ra Mo10 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ju Ra11 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Sa Ke12 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ma Me Me

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su+ 2 8 2, 5 10Mo 11 12 3, 4 9Ma+ 2 12 2, 5 1, 6Me+ 11 8 3, 4 8, 11Ju 1 2 2, 5Ve+ 2 8 2, 5 7, 12Sa 7 11 3, 4Ra 12 7 9Ke 11 1 3, 4

    Bhukti FromSaturn Dasa18-Jun-1975 - 18-Jun-1994Saturn 18-Jun-1975Mercury 21-Jun-1978Ketu 28-Feb-1981Venus 09-Apr-1982Sun 09-Jun-1985Moon 22-May-1986Mars 21-Dec-1987Rahu 29-Jan-1989Jupiter 06-Dec-1991

    Bhukti FromMercury Dasa18-Jun-1994 - 18-Jun-2011Mercury 18-Jun-1994Ketu 14-Nov-1996Venus 11-Nov-1997Sun 10-Sep-2000Moon 18-Jul-2001Mars 17-Dec-2002Rahu 14-Dec-2003Jupiter 03-Jul-2006Saturn 09-Oct-2008

    Bhukti FromKetu Dasa18-Jun-2011 - 18-Jun-2018Ketu 18-Jun-2011Venus 14-Nov-2011Sun 14-Jan-2013Moon 21-May-2013Mars 21-Dec-2013Rahu 19-May-2014Jupiter 06-Jun-2015Saturn 12-May-2016Mercury 20-Jun-2017

    Venus Dasa18-Jun-2018 - 18-Jun-2038Venus 18-Jun-2018Sun 17-Oct-2021Moon 17-Oct-2022Mars 17-Jun-2024Rahu 17-Aug-2025Jupiter 17-Aug-2028Saturn 17-Apr-2031Mercury 17-Jun-2034Ketu 18-Apr-2037

    Sun Dasa18-Jun-2038 - 18-Jun-2044Sun 18-Jun-2038Moon 05-Oct-2038Mars 06-Apr-2039Rahu 12-Aug-2039Jupiter 05-Jul-2040Saturn 24-Apr-2041Mercury 06-Apr-2042Ketu 10-Feb-2043Venus 18-Jun-2043

    Moon Dasa18-Jun-2044 - 18-Jun-2054Moon 18-Jun-2044Mars 18-Apr-2045Rahu 17-Nov-2045Jupiter 19-May-2047Saturn 17-Sep-2048Mercury 18-Apr-2050Ketu 18-Sep-2051Venus 18-Apr-2052Sun 17-Dec-2053

    Mars Dasa18-Jun-2054 - 18-Jun-2061Mars 18-Jun-2054Rahu 14-Nov-2054Jupiter 02-Dec-2055Saturn 07-Nov-2056Mercury 16-Dec-2057Ketu 14-Dec-2058Venus 12-May-2059Sun 12-Jul-2060Moon 17-Nov-2060

    Rahu Dasa18-Jun-2061 - 18-Jun-2079Rahu 18-Jun-2061Jupiter 28-Feb-2064Saturn 24-Jul-2066Mercury 31-May-2069Ketu 18-Dec-2071Venus 05-Jan-2073Sun 05-Jan-2076Moon 29-Nov-2076Mars 30-May-2078

    Jupiter Dasa18-Jun-2079 - 18-Jun-2095Jupiter 18-Jun-2079Saturn 05-Aug-2081Mercury 16-Feb-2084Ketu 25-May-2086Venus 30-Apr-2087Sun 30-Dec-2089Moon 18-Oct-2090Mars 17-Feb-2092Rahu 23-Jan-2093

    Ruling Planets - 16/Jun/2015 12:13:36 PMKANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Su Ve Me Su JuMoon Ve Ma Ju Ve Ve

    Day Lord: Mars

    Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ve.Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 26

  • KP Ezine July 2015 27

    Antar of Mercury (4.9.14 to 28.12.14) Next Antar of Ketu (28.12.14 to 20.1.15) Next Antar of Venus (20.1.15 to 25.3.15)

    Dashanath Ketu is in the star of Saturn and sub of Sun. Dasha nath is connected to 2, 5, and 11.

    Bhukti nath Rahu is also strongly connected to 5 and 11. Ketu is in Scorpio representing RP Mars and Rahu is in Virgo representing RP Venus.

    Running antra is Mercury, in this chart Moon is in Saturn star hence Punarphoo yoga. Thus I left this antra and go for next Ketu we have selected Ketu as a dasa lord, so I go for next Venus. I selected the Antra of Venus for predicting pregnancy in the period between 20.1.15 and 25.3.15. Venus is connected with 2-5-11.

    Prediction came true as Mrs. Neha got pregnant in the month of February 2015 after waiting for a long period of time after marriage.

  • KP Ezine July 2015 28

    When I will get a job?

    By: Er. V.K Sharma

    Superintending Engineer (Retired.), #104, City Enclave, Zirakpur,

    Mohali (Chandigarh). Cell 09417117370,

    A querent from Australia who was in search of job contacted me by telephone to check astrologically, "When he will get a job." The details are as under:

    Horary number provided by querent: 26 (1 to 249) Place of judgment: Chandigarh Date of judgment: 6-4-2015 Time of judgment: 5:19 PM Ayanamsa: 24.03.32 (KP Straight Line)

    Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon lord of 4 is in 6, its star lord is Rahu in the sign of Mercury deposited in 11 lord of 2, 3 and 6. It is in the sub of Ketu in 11 and Ketu is conjoined with Mercury in 11 lord 2 and 3 and 11. So Moon has linkage with 2 (financial benefit), 6 (job/service), 11 (fulfillment of desire). Hence Moon shows querent's mind regarding getting job/service and fulfillment of desire for the same.

    Gulberga Theory If sub lord of horary number furnished happens to be either Moon star lord or Lagna star lord among the Ruling Planets, then query is to be answered in the affirmative otherwise not. In the case under reference sub lord of horary number furnished is Mercury whereas Moon star lord is Rahu which lies in the sign of Mercury. So answer to the query is an affirmative. Accordingly I told the querent that he will get a job as per his desire.

    Fulfillment of Desire 11th cusp sub lord is Sun in 11. It is in the star of Mercury in 11 lord of 2, 3 and 6. Further Sun is in sub of Moon in 6 lord of 4. Hence 11th cusp sub lord is the significator of 2, 3, 6, 11 and 4. So I told the querent that he will get job near his home (4) in a local place/nearby (3).

    K.P. Rule for Employment If the cuspal sub lord of 6th or 10th be the significator of 2, 6 or 10, job or earning is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 10.

    Cuspal sub lord

    10th cuspal sub lord: 10th cuspal sub lord is Mercury in 11 lord of 2, 3 and 6 and it is again in the star and sub of Mercury. Hence 10th cuspal sub lord is the significator of 2, 6 and 11 which fulfills the necessary condition for getting service or employment near his home town(4) and nearby his home (3) short journey from house.

    6th cuspal sublord 6th cuspal sublord is Rahu in 5. Rahu is in the sign of Mercury in 11 lord of 2, 3 and 6. Rahu is in the star of Moon in 6 and lord of 4. It is in the sub of Saturn in 7 lord of 10 and 11. Hence 6th cusp sublord signifies 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 11 which fulfills the necessary con-

  • Horary No. 26/249Sun Rise: 06:06:49 AM Sun Set: 06:44:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Vajra Hora: Sun Karana: GarHorary No.: 26Question : When I will get job?

    XII 24:50:40 Su 22:18:05 Me 18:24:14 Ke 15:49:21

    Ma 10:13:53 Ve 29:53:37

    I 05:06:40 II 00:47:34 III 23:38:42

    XI 17:34:20

    IV 17:58:16 Ju[R] 18:32:22

    X 17:58:16

    V 17:34:20

    IX 23:38:42 VIII 00:47:34

    Sa[R] 10:26:23 VII 05:06:40 Mo 14:28:50

    Ra 15:49:21 VI 24:50:40

    Name: Job Gender: MaleDate: Monday, 06/Apr/2015Time: 05:19:00 PM SID: 05:53:57Lat: 30:43:00 N Lon: 76:47:00 EPlace: CHANDIGARH, UNIONTERRITORY, India

    Ayanamsa: 24 3' 32"[KP Straight Line] - Placidus

    Star: Swati, Pada 3Star Lord: RahuRasi: Libra Rasi Lord: VenusLagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: VenusTithi: Krishna Paksha, DvitiyaBal. Dasa: Rahu 7 Y, 5 M, 12 D

    I 01:05:06:40III 02:23:38:42

    II 02:00:47:34

    IV 03:17:58:16Ju[R] 03:18:32:22

    Ra 05:15:49:21V 04:17:34:20

    Mo 06:14:28:50VI 05:24:50:40

    Sa[R] 07:10:26:23VII 07:05:06:40

    VIII 08:00:47:34

    IX 08:23:38:42

    X 09:17:58:16

    Su 11:22:18:05Me 11:18:24:14XI 10:17:34:20Ke 11:15:49:21

    Ve 00:29:53:37XII 11:24:50:40Ma 00:10:13:53










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Revati(2) Ju Me Mo Mo VeMo Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Ke SaMa Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ve RaMe Revati(1) Ju Me Me Sa VeJu[R] Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Sa JuVe Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Sa KeSa[R] Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Su Ma SaRa Hasta(2) Me Mo Sa Sa VeKe U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ju Ve Su

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Me Me2 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Mo Mo3 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Sa Ju Sa4 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ra Mo5 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ma Ju Mo6 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Sa Su7 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ra Su8 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Ve Ve9 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Sa Ra Ve10 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Me Ju11 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Su Ra Ra12 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Sa Su

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su 11 12 2, 3, 6 5Mo 5 6 4Ma+ 11 12 7Me 11 11 2, 3, 6 2, 3, 6Ju+ 11 4 2, 3, 6 8, 9, 12Ve+ 12 12 5 1Sa 7 7 10, 11 10, 11Ra 6 5 4Ke 7 11 10, 11

    Bhukti FromRahu Dasa19-Sep-2004 - 19-Sep-2022Rahu 19-Sep-2004Jupiter 02-Jun-2007Saturn 26-Oct-2009Mercury 01-Sep-2012Ketu 20-Mar-2015Venus 08-Apr-2016Sun 08-Apr-2019Moon 01-Mar-2020Mars 31-Aug-2021

    Bhukti FromJupiter Dasa19-Sep-2022 - 19-Sep-2038Jupiter 19-Sep-2022Saturn 07-Nov-2024Mercury 21-May-2027Ketu 26-Aug-2029Venus 02-Aug-2030Sun 03-Apr-2033Moon 20-Jan-2034Mars 22-May-2035Rahu 27-Apr-2036

    Bhukti FromSaturn Dasa19-Sep-2038 - 19-Sep-2057Saturn 19-Sep-2038Mercury 22-Sep-2041Ketu 01-Jun-2044Venus 11-Jul-2045Sun 09-Sep-2048Moon 22-Aug-2049Mars 24-Mar-2051Rahu 02-May-2052Jupiter 09-Mar-2055

    Mercury Dasa19-Sep-2057 - 19-Sep-2074Mercury 19-Sep-2057Ketu 15-Feb-2060Venus 12-Feb-2061Sun 13-Dec-2063Moon 19-Oct-2064Mars 20-Mar-2066Rahu 17-Mar-2067Jupiter 04-Oct-2069Saturn 09-Jan-2072

    Ketu Dasa19-Sep-2074 - 19-Sep-2081Ketu 19-Sep-2074Venus 15-Feb-2075Sun 16-Apr-2076Moon 22-Aug-2076Mars 23-Mar-2077Rahu 19-Aug-2077Jupiter 07-Sep-2078Saturn 14-Aug-2079Mercury 22-Sep-2080

    Venus Dasa19-Sep-2081 - 19-Sep-2101Venus 19-Sep-2081Sun 19-Jan-2085Moon 19-Jan-2086Mars 20-Sep-2087Rahu 19-Nov-2088Jupiter 19-Nov-2091Saturn 21-Jul-2094Mercury 20-Sep-2097Ketu 21-Jul-2100

    Sun Dasa19-Sep-2101 - 19-Sep-2107Sun 19-Sep-2101Moon 07-Jan-2102Mars 08-Jul-2102Rahu 13-Nov-2102Jupiter 08-Oct-2103Saturn 26-Jul-2104Mercury 08-Jul-2105Ketu 15-May-2106Venus 20-Sep-2106

    Moon Dasa19-Sep-2107 - 19-Sep-2117Moon 19-Sep-2107Mars 20-Jul-2108Rahu 18-Feb-2109Jupiter 19-Aug-2110Saturn 19-Dec-2111Mercury 20-Jul-2113Ketu 19-Dec-2114Venus 20-Jul-2115Sun 21-Mar-2117

    Mars Dasa19-Sep-2117 - 19-Sep-2124Mars 19-Sep-2117Rahu 15-Feb-2118Jupiter 06-Mar-2119Saturn 10-Feb-2120Mercury 21-Mar-2121Ketu 18-Mar-2122Venus 15-Aug-2122Sun 14-Oct-2123Moon 19-Feb-2124

    Ruling Planets - 06/Apr/2015 05:19:00 PMCHANDIGARH, UNION TERRITORY, IndiaPlanet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslLagna Me Su Sa Ra SaMoon Ve Ra Ke Ke Sa

    Day Lord: Moon

    Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me.Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju.

    (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars(B) - Occupant of house(C) - Planets in Owner's stars(D) - House Owner

    KP Ezine July 2015 29

  • KP Ezine July 2015 30

    Myanmar-Thailand: Southeast Asian (SEA) Games Football Final Match

    By: Tin Win Email:

    Question: Will Myanmar win the final match on June 15, 2015? Horary no: 132 (out of 1-249) Date & time of judgment: June 14, 2015, 00:06:39 AM DST, TZ hr 5 west Place of judgment: 39 n 05, 77 w 09 KP new ayanamsa: 23:58:57

    Myanmar 6th cuspal sub lord Mercury is located in house 8, lord of houses 9, 12, in the star and sub of Moon in house 7, lord of house 10, indicating favorable house 10.

    11th CSL Rahu+ is in house 11 having no planet in its stars, in Virgo representing Mercu-ry in house 8, lord of houses 9, 12; Rahu is in the star of Moon in house 7, lord of house 10, and in sub of own Rahu, indicating favorable houses 10,11.

    Thailand 6th cuspal sub lord Saturn is in house 7, lord of houses 10,11, in the star of own Saturn and in sub of Mercury in house 2, lord of house 3,6, indicating favorable houses 6,10,11 and supporting houses 2,3.

    11th CSL Mars is in house 2, lord of houses 8,1, in the star of own Mars and in sub of Saturn in house 7, lord of house 10,11, indicating favorable houses 10,11 and supporting houses 1,2.

    Thailand will win the match.

    Current running dasa period lords (Dasa-Bhukti-Antra-Sookshma) are not applicable for the around two-hours match.

    Retrogression is not considered depending on practice.

    As per TSP Horary No: 1614/2193 Time used for analysis: 13-Jun-2015 [20:0:0] Saturn's effect is considered for analysis.

    ASC lords are Ju-Ve-Me-Ju MOON lords are Ma-Ve-Me-Sa

    Rule - 1: SS lord of Asc SS lord is Ju. Ju is ASC SS lord. Rule SATISFIED. Rule - 2: Star lord of Asc SS lord is Me. Rule NOT Satisfied.

  • Horary No. 132/249Sun Rise: 04:42:19 AM Sun Set: 07:35:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 DNithya Yoga: Sukarma Hora: Saturn Karana: GarHorary No.: 132Question : Will Myanmar win final match?

    VI 17:27:05 Ke 12:15:34

    VII 10:26:40 Mo 28:39:48

    VIII 09:04:15 Me 10:46:29 Su 28:52:23 Ma 28:59:48

    IX 11:39:10

    V 19:27:29

    Ve 14:00:40 X 16:32:09 Ju 24:38:47

    IV 16:32:09

    XI 19:27:29

    III 11:39:10 II 09:04:15 Sa[R] 06:04:13 I 10:26:40

    Ra 12:15:34 XII 17:27:05

    Name: Myanmar Gender: MaleDate: Sunday, 14/Jun/2015Time: 12:06:39 AM SID: 17:26:48Lat: 39:05:00 N Lon: 77:09:00 WPlace: Maryland, USA

    Ayanamsa: 23 58' 57"[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus

    Star: Krittika, Pada 1Star Lord: SunRasi: Aries Rasi Lord: MarsLagna: Libra Lagna Lord: VenusTithi: Krishna Paksha, TrayodasiBal. Dasa: Sun 5 Y, 1 M, 6 D

    Sa[R] 06:04:13I 10:26:40III 11:39:10

    II 09:04:15

    IV 16:32:09

    Ke 12:15:34V 19:27:29

    VI 17:27:05

    Mo 28:39:48VII 10:26:40

    Ma 28:59:48Su 28:52:23Me 10:46:29VIII 09:04:15

    Ve 14:00:40IX 11:39:10

    Ju 24:38:47X 16:32:09

    XI 19:27:29Ra 12:15:34

    XII 17:27:05










    Nirayana Bhava Chalit

    Dasa Summary

    Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

    Planetary PositionsPlanet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl SsslSu Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ve SaMo Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ju VeMa Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ve KeMe Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Me JuJu Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ju RaVe Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Me SaSa[R] Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ve SaRa Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Ju SaKe U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Ma Ra Mo

    Cuspal PositionsCusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl1 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Sa Sa2 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ra Me3 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Me Ju4 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Ve Ma5 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Ju Mo6 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Su Ve7 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Su Su8 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ju Ve9 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Su Ve10 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ra Me11 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Su12 Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Ra Su

    Significators - Planets ViewPlanet (A) (B) (C) (D)Su 8 8 2, 7 11Mo 8 7 11 10Ma 8 8 2, 7 2, 7Me 7 8 10 9, 12Ju+ 8 10 9, 12 3, 6Ve+ 1 9 4, 5 1, 8Sa 1 1 4, 5 4, 5Ra+ 7 11 10Ke+ 1 5 4, 5

    Bhukti FromSun Dasa21-Jul-2014 - 21-Jul-2020Sun 21-Jul-2014Moon 08-Nov-2014Mars 09-May-2015Rahu 14-Sep-2015Jupiter 08-Aug-2016Saturn 27-May-2017Mercury 09-May-2018Ketu 15-Mar-2019Venus 21-Jul-2019

    Bhukti FromMoon Dasa21-Jul-2020 - 21-Jul-2030Moon 21-Jul-2020Mars 21-May-2021Rahu 20-Dec-2021Jupiter 21-Jun-2023Saturn 21-Oct-2024Mercury 22-May-2026Ketu 21-Oct-2027Venus 21-May-2028Sun 20-Jan-2030

    Bhukti FromMars Dasa21-Jul-2030 - 21-Jul-2037Mars 21-Jul-2030Rahu 17-Dec-2030Jupiter 04-Jan-2032Saturn 10-Dec-2032Mercury 19-Jan-2034Ketu 16-Jan-2035Venus 14-Jun-2035Sun 14-Aug-2036Moon 20-Dec-2036

    Rahu Dasa21-Jul-2037 - 21-Jul-2055Rahu 21-Jul-2037Jupiter 02-Apr-2040Saturn 26-Aug-2042Mercury 02-Jul-2045Ketu 19-Jan-2048Venus 07-Feb-2049Sun 07-Feb-2052Moon 31-Dec-2052Mars 02-Jul-2054

    Jupiter Dasa21-Jul-2055 - 21-Jul-2071Jupiter 21-Jul-2055Saturn 08-Sep-2057Mercury 21-Mar-2060Ketu 26-Jun-2062Venus 02-Jun-2063Sun 31-Jan-2066Moon 20-Nov-2066Mars 20-Mar-2068Rahu 24-Feb-2069

    Saturn Dasa21-Jul-2071