Knowledge Shall Increase The Strength of Prophecy DANIEL 2:20-21 20 Daniel answered and said,...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Knowledge Shall Increase The Strength of Prophecy DANIEL 2:20-21 20 Daniel answered and said,...

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  • Knowledge Shall Increase The Strength of Prophecy DANIEL 2:20-21 20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: 21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 2 FAITH.IS.THE.SUBSTANCE 15 This day that we're living in, it's such a day of unsettled peace and unsettled rest everywhere. People are running to-and-fro seeking whatever they may seek. Most anybody can get a following. No matter what they teach or think, somebody will listen to them. And it's a day that the prophets spoke of. People, when they're hungry, they'll eat from anywhere I think real true ministers of the Gospel ought to be up and going, ought to be giving the people the right things: meat in due season. 47-0412
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 3 Knowledge: (Heb.) da'ath Perception, skill, discernment, understanding, and wisdom. HOSEA 4:6-7 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: (discernment, understanding) because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. 7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 4 Knowledge (Gr.) epignosis Acknowledgement of precise and correct knowledge; used of the knowledge of things ethical and divine. EPHESIANS 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 5 THE.WORLD.IS.FALLING.APART 61 Every so often the world gets in such a chaotic condition until there is nothing can help it. We've had this several times, these preludes. And we find that each time when it meets this condition, it causes people to start praying. And they feel that everything has played itself out, as all of our systems and everything that we have, play itself to the end. It did that in the antediluvian world... Politics and other things just comes to its end, there is no more to it. I think all that's done by God, for a purpose, to kind of rejuvenate, to kind of bring back. It has a way of renewing itself. And I think it's just a law of God, that these things comes to that place.
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 6 62 Christ's first advent, we could say the world was falling apart. It was a corruptible time in politics, in religion. The whole systems had become corrupted. They had mingled, injecting man-made theories, religions... And the world was falling apart God gave them a Messiah, they didn't want it the way He sent it. 64 And I wonder today, in our chaotic time as we approach Christmas, we find the world about in the same condition; morally decayed, politics, religious life, denominationalism is decayed, everything corrupted. And all of us are looking for something to help us out of it. All of us are expecting a messiah. I wonder, if God sent us the Messiah, if we wouldn't just about do the same thing they done in the past. We wouldn't know Him, Who He was. 63-1115
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 7 1. Immorality THE.FLASHING.RED.LIGHT 191 The infallible Voice of Jesus Christ warned us to watch the days of Noah and compare it with the day that we live. And then when we seen those things happen, women becoming fair, and sons of God taking them, and how these things would be, then we know that that generation would see the Coming of the Lord. Then, we know the flashing light, His coming is near. 63-0623
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 8 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN 92 And there is all kinds of signs. Signs in the heavens above, fearful sights, flying saucers; the Pentagon looks at them, don't know what they are. All kinds of signs: sea a roaring, waves, perplex of time, distress between the nations, all these things, earthquakes in divers places, man running to and fro, knowledge increasing, all these other things that He said, great turmoil. How that Christ would be put out of His church in the last days, in the Laodicea Age, we've got it. All these things are God-speaking signs. 64-0214
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 9 2. Greed Financial Realities In a Declining America
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 10 THE.TRUE.EASTER.SEAL 78 where we are, people has sold their birthrights for politics. And if none of you has ever got the tape that I spoke at Middletown, OH, week ago, on Jezebel and Ahab, I wish you would listen to it sometime. And how that the nation, because of greed, they have absolutely sold out Christ just as much as Judas 2000 yrs. ago for 30 pieces of silver. Oh, it's a tremendous thing to think that the condition that exists amongst this nation and these peoples today... To think that many years ago, they would have never done a thing like that. But today they're so greedy, trying to get more money. 61-0402
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 11 Richest 1% To Own More Than Half World's Wealth By 2016 (Oxfam) Published Time: January 19, 2015 09:42 despite constant warnings that the upward curve in wealth concentration will only lead to disaster, the rich continue to gobble up a bigger and bigger share of the global wealth pie. Last year, Oxfam reported that the worlds 85 richest people have the same wealth as the poorest 50 percent (3.5 billion people). This year, Oxfam said the reality has become even more worrisome, with just 80 people owning the same amount of wealth as more than 3.5 billion people.
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 12 Meanwhile, during the 2012 US election campaign, the financial sector provided $571 million in campaign contributions, Oxfam said. The charity said the wealth of the super- richest 80 people doubled between 2009 and 2014, and that increasingly the wealth was being used by the rich to further their own interests, usually by lobbying efforts in government.
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  • 03/04/2015KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE 3 13 in a democratic society the existence of large centers of private power is dangerous to the continuing vitality of a free people. M. Urofsky (Pg. 81) An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics. Plutarch
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