Know Your Rights When A FERC Pipeline Comes to Your Community

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Most landowners and communities do not realize that they can participate in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) process regarding certificates for natural gas pipelines. If you know and understand the rules, you can have your voice heard. This presentation explains how.

Transcript of Know Your Rights When A FERC Pipeline Comes to Your Community

A “Wordle” of FERC’s Pipeline Regulations: Not much role for the public

The PlayersFERC reviews applications, prepares the EA/EIS and approves certificates for pipelines under the NGA

DOT issues and enforces pipeline safety standards.

States administer state laws as well as federal programs like CWA, CZMA

Counties & munis review & consult on impacts within their boundaries

NGOs consult on, and protect interests for which their group was formed

Landowners protect property

Preemption Issues: State/Local Action Preemption?

State implementing federal program No

State, county or muni implementing state/local permit program

NO, if compliance is condition of certificate, but YES if action conflicts with certificate or delays pipeline

State/local oversight of pipelinepost-certificate & enforcement of state law

NO, unless enforcement of standard directly conflicts w/certificate provision

State siting & zoning laws YES

State/local pipeline safety codesor standards


State eminent domain laws NO if property is < $3000 or if pipeline chooses state court

FERC Pipeline Process Rule # 1: Opportunities for input narrow as parties move through the process.

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #2 :The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #3:

Know the rules and follow them

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #4:

Tell your own story...

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #4a:

…in your own words.

Which photo is a more compelling depiction of potential impacts and

surrounding environment?

Notice the number of trees that will be lost through ROW


FERC Pipeline Process Rule #5:

Leverage your resources through technology and collaboration

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #6:

Don't Cry Wolf

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #7: Choose Your Battles

FERC Pipeline Process Rule #8:

Manage Expectations

Resources for Keeping Track of and Researching

the FERC Pipeline Process

e-CFR Online,

Thank You!For more information, contact:

Carolyn ElefantLaw Offices of Carolyn Elefant

1629 K Street NW Ste. 300Washington D.C. 20006
