Ito Hiromi -...

Post on 28-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Ito Hiromi -...






プロフィール詩・小説・絵本・エッセイ・翻訳と幅広いジャンルで活躍。1955年東京生まれ。『ラニーニャ』(1999)で第 21回野間文芸新人賞受賞。『河原荒草』(2005)で第 36回高見順賞受賞。『とげ抜き 新巣鴨地蔵縁起』(2007)で第15回萩原朔太郎賞と第 18回紫式部文学賞。2015年、第 5回早稲田大学坪内逍遥大賞。



2017. 11.1011:00 ~15:00場所:国際基督教大学 ダイアログハウス 2階 国際会議室11:00- 詩の朗読・解説 / 12:00- ランチ&トーク ( 会議室 203, 204) ぜひ来てください!13:00-15:00 講演、人生相談ライブ 途中入退出OK!  *お菓子と飲み物あり、ランチは持ち込み制。予約不要、入所無料。言語:日本語メイン、英語での質問やコメントもOK!事前読書会 :9/26(Tue) @ERB1-357, 10/10(Tue) @ERB1-301, 11/2(Thu) @ ERB1-357      (3日間とも 12:40-14:40 ランチ持ち込み可。)担当:フリアナ・ブリティカ・アルサテ (CGS助手)


CONTACT:国際基督教大学ジェンダー研究センター (ICU Center for Gender Studies) 東京都三鷹市大沢 3-10-2 ERB 301&302 tel : 0422-33-3448 e-mail :

Louise Enhörning





iPro�le: I to was born in 1955 in Tokyo. She has written more than a dozen collections of poetry, several works of prose and books of essays. She has received multiple literary awards, such as the Takami Jun Prize for Kawara arekusa 河 原 荒 草 (Wild grass on a riverbank 2005; trans. 2 0 1 5 ) i n 2 0 0 6 ; t h e H a g i w a r a Sakutarō Prize (2007) and the Izumi Shikibu Prize (2008) for Toge-nuki: Shin Sugamo Jizō engi とげ抜き新巣鴨地蔵縁起 , (The thorn-puller: new tales of the Sugamo Jizō, 2007) (224). In 2015 she received the Tsubouchi Shōyō Grand Prize from Waseda University.

Poetry reading, lecture and life counseling event at ICUWe are very happy to invite you to have a first-hand experience to listen to, and interact with Japan's feminist contemporary poet, Itō Hiromi.

Gender & Poetry

Nov. 10th (Fri) 2017 11:00-15:00Location: International Conference Room, Dialogue House, ICU11:00- Poetry reading, Presentation / 12:00- Lunch & Talk (room: 203, 204) Come and join us!13:00-15:00 Lecture and life counseling session. Coming and leaving in the middle are both OK!  *We will offer some snacks and soft drinks but please bring your own lunch. No reservation required, no admission fee.Language: Japanese (main) / questions and interventions in English are welcomeReading group meetings: 9/26(Tue) @ERB1-357, 10/10(Tue) @ERB1-301, 11/2(Thu) @ ERB1-357      (12:40-14:40 Please bring your own lunch.)Contact person: Juliana Buritica Alzate (RIA-CGS) at

CONTACT:国際基督教大学ジェンダー研究センター (ICU Center for Gender Studies) ERB 301&302, 3-10-2, Osawa Mitaka-si, Tokyo tel : 0422-33-3448 e-mail :

Louise Enhörning