Iphoto analyisis

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Iphoto analyisis

to edit my my pictures and make them look more professional I used iphoto to edit and match the style of other pop magazine pictures. I played about with all the different setting as well as doing some research on them so that i had some idea of what everything did.Only through doing this was i able to achieve the best quality pictures.

After doing some research on all the different features iphoto offered me.

Firstly i used some of the quick fixies. the fix red eye was very helpful as some images where i used flash i found that the some o my photo red eyes so this tool was extremely helpful with this..

Next tool i used was enhance, this automatically made my photo more lighter and detail as shown in the images below

The "Enhance" feature of iPhoto does a good job making color adjustments to most photo-

graphs. I find I can use it most of the time for home snapshots, although I often followup with minor tweaks. I'm puzzled why Photoshop's Auto Levels and Auto Color features don't seem to do as good a job as iPhoto's Enhance button.

Next i used a straigten which made sure my picture was competly alighned and not tilted. I also used crop which got rid of unessasary bparts of the background i didnt want.. I tried using the retouch feature too but i didnt like the end results from using it so i decided no not use it.

Secondaly i usd the effect, i felt that the effects gave my pictures a unique feel.


Original Enchanted

I used a process of trail and error until i was happy with how my picture looked. I also took feedback from people in my school asking them what looked best and allowed them to ad-vise me on what ajustments i should make.With my editing

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