Invisible Cites Ogr

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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Invisible Cities OGR for uni

Transcript of Invisible Cites Ogr

Invisible Cities

Thumbnails 1-6Diomira, Isidora and Dorothea

Thumbnails 7-10(16)Zaira, Anastasia, and Tamara

Thumbnails 11-15Continuation of Diomira, Isidora and Dorothea

Thumbnails 17-20Zora, and Despina

Thumbnails 21-24Zirma and Isuara

Thumbnails 25-27Maurilia and Fedora

Thumbnails 28-30Baucis

Thumbnails 31-34Sophronia and Eutropia

Thumbnails 35-37Eutropia and Zemrude

Thumbnails 38-40Aglaura

Thumbnails 41-43Octavia

Thumbnails 44-46Ersilia, and Leandus

Thumbnails 47-51Esmeralda

Thumbnails 52-61Zoe, Zenobia, Euphemia, Zobeide, Hypatia, Armilla, chloe, Valdrava and Olivia

Thumbnails 62-71Phyllis, Pyrrha, Adelma, Eudoxia, Moriama, Clarice, Eusapia and Beersheba

Thumbnails 72-81Leonia, Irene, Argia, Theria, Olinda, Laudomia and Perinthia

Thumbnails 82-91Procopia, Raissa, Andria, Cecilia, Marozia and Penthesilea

Thumbnails 92-101More Penthesilia, Theodora, Berenice and Despina again

Photoshop Tutorial: Abstract

Photoshop Tutorials: Buildings and City Compositions

Chosen City: Despina

Mission Statement

I have chosen the city Despina to bring forward for my final pieces of concept art for the project “Invisible Cities” as I found it easy to think of what it might look like, while with others I had trouble with, like having it be a tall white city that was vaguely ship like in shape that fooled people coming in from the sea, and I was planning on having it vaguely based on the city Monte Gordo in the Algarve of Portugal, as it was the first thing that came to my mind when I was reading the description. Also because Despina is also surrounded by something I have always wanted to draw, deserts.

However I also liked Andria and was thinking about having a city made up of oil rig structures that connected to each other and had a mechanical gyration system that allows each platform to move to form the more prominent constellation on that day. But while it might of made for an interesting establishing shot, I couldn’t think of anything for the 2 other shots for the project brief, while with Despina I was planning on having the second shot of the exterior being set in a high street/ town square area and the interior being a hall inside one of the buildings.

Exterior References: Despina

Interior References: Despina(not featuring an additional picture reference from my avó/grandmother’s hallway due to it being a personal photo however due to the tiling and the way it’s a giant and fresh open space it has influenced what I want in the interior shot of Despina.)

For the interior, I was planning on making it spacious and open, with large windows allowing light into the building and also using light colours like white, pale yellows and blues to give a sense of “oh this place is in a hot country” as the room needs to be able to keep cool in hot temperatures, even if the area Despina is at is quite a windy place anyway from how the wind socks on the skyscrapers flap around during Marco Polo’s visit.