Final OGR 1



My final presentation for the first OGR in the Fantastic Voyage project.

Transcript of Final OGR 1



    So for my target audience I have decided to make a presentation for Key-Stage 3 or Pre-GCSE, I began by looking at Bitesize

    revision since they have some animations about science, particularly biology. They also had an animation to do with bodily cells

    so I watched it and took notes about how the animation plays out and how it describes the cell process.

    I also looked at a website that gave parents advice about children and young people, this website; I check out the sections on intellectular development, social development and about schools.

    According to this site many Key-Stage 3 children develop more abstract thinking but intellectually begin the process of coming

    into adult intelligence, from my interpretation this means that they are beginning to think more openly and absorb new ways

    and ideas more easily, it also means that their ability to comprehend more complex knowledge and matters is growing. Other

    sites agree that at this age pre-teens and young teens are starting to be able to absorb more comprehensive knowledge about


    I believe at this point it is necessary to introduce my target audience to some more complex knowledge, the key will be making

    it informative without making it boring or uninteresting. To that end I will introduce some of the more complex workings of

    influenza cells while keeping the presenetation engaging through the use of animation.

  • Some basic thumbnails about the

    process by which flu attacks other

    cells, these are only initial ideas.

    I started with a high-tech looking

    and then moved onto experiment

    with smaller cartoon style


  • These thumbnails are continuations of my high

    tech idea. The initial number computer code I

    did has been swapped out for hexagons to give it

    a more solid shape.

    I also want to include computer style code in the


  • These thumbnails are dedicated towards a

    more cartoony approach, the bottom

    features an idea about Flu cells ambushing

    body cells. The floating factory idea

    attempts to draw a parrallel between cells

    and factories being productive. This draws

    from the idea of my earlier thumbnails

    where upon a thief or intruder enters the

    factory and forces it to produce flu cells

    before the factory collapses.

    The last idea was pretty basic, about a

    battery cell producing energy being


  • I did some research into how the flu virus

    works in the body. This started out by

    watching Dr. Klappa's videos and I expanded

    to other sites to get a greater

    understanding of Flu.

    FLU RESEARCH-Influenza Virus-Debate wheether virus or not, contains RNA genetic materials

    -Key proteins (known as Hemagglutinin) on shell interact with receptors on target cell,

    enabling access

    -Once accessed the RNA is ejected into the nucleus of the cell and hijacks it

    -RNA becomes replicated

    -Some RNA is transported into the cell machines surrounding the nucleus, the ribosomes

    (Ribosomes create new proteins)

    -The RNA hijacks the ribosomes and forces them to create new virus proteins RNA instead of

    cellular proteins, ribosomes become zombie ribosomes

    -Virus proteins travel to the Golgi Apparatus through the cell membranes to create

    hemagglutinin keys, these keys emerge onto the surface of the cell

    -Virus proteins mass from the centre of the nucleus comes to the cell surface and heads

    over to the proteins on the surface.

    -A boil of sorts forms on the surface and a new viral cell is created

    -This process creates hundreds of thousands of viruses which attacks the cells of the body

    -This process kills the host cell through exhaustion


    Not the same as common cold, symptomns are similar but are more severe and longer

    lasting. Flu

    is caused by different viruses.

    It is possible to catch flu year round, but it is common in the winter because of

    immunosuppression brought on by the cold.

    Flu symptoms can be debilitating.

    There is a vaccine for flu and it is widely available though it cannot be relied upon to

    provide lifetime immunity due to the mutation strain of the virus. Antibiotics are not

    effective treatments because it is not bacteria

    Flu is spread by droplets containing the flu virus, commonly through sneezing or

    coughing, anyone who breaths in these droplets is at risk of infection. It can also be

    transferred through contamination of surfaces .

