Introduction to the xAPI: Analysis | HT2 Learning

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Transcript of Introduction to the xAPI: Analysis | HT2 Learning

Introduction to xAPI:Analysis

Janet Laane Effron1 October 2015

“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts –

for support rather than for


Andrew Lang

Now What?Get your data

Get your data

Now What?

Did I Mention…?Data is ugly.

Did I Mention…?Data is ugly.

Before you get started

A few words of caution…

User IDsVerbsContext SourcesData Cleaning

Take some time to Explore…

Take some time to Explore…

Take some time to Explore…You’ll be glad you did.

The game is on…

Time for Analysis

But we have a problem…

When it comes to analysis, your brain may be your worst enemy

Illustration by Gerald Fisher; From Pscychology of Intelligence Analysis - Heuer

So basically, you’re starting from here…

Analysis of Competing Hypotheses

What are the Business Questions You Are Trying to Answer?

Learning Questions are Business Questions



Participation Related

How are people using resources available?How much time are they spending? What elements/resources are proving useful?What aspects of participation affect results?What aspects of participation affect completions

Participation RelatedTop resources

Performance Related

What impact did sales course x have on sales managers performance on y as measured by z?

What information would you need to answer that?Where would you find it?

Can you get access to it?

What could possibly go wrong?

How will you integrate with data you already have?

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