Introduction to Internet Marketing

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Internet marketing means to explore your business/website online on various social networking platforms. There are key questions related with web marketing i.e. what, why, when, where, who, how and how much. Top reason to get success in internet marketing is to find effective answers of these questions. There are some major terms that are helpful to build a business online. These terms are SEO, SMO and SEM. All these factors build reputation of a website on search engines as well as social medias. Search engine optimization boosts the ranking of a website on search engines like Google, Yahoo. Social media optimizations helps to drive traffic on website and create reputation of site on social networks. Search engine marketing is used for advertisement purpose on search engines. Main reason to work with internet marketing is that maximum people are now online and they like to sell and purchase thing online. Hence good opportunity for business to get more exposure. Even we can share knowledge through our website and get fame and money. There is no age limit to work in internet marketing. Just require basic knowledge of internet use, English. Internet marketing takes time, so we have to be patient to get success here. Future is bright for online marketers and bloggers because internet won't be closed ever.

Transcript of Introduction to Internet Marketing

No MNC in India For Internet Marketing

Internet marketing doesn’t mean …

But it means …

Exploring your product or website online

There are 7 Wh-words associated with internet marketing.

What Why Who When Where How How much

Also known as web-marketing, online marketing, i-marketing.

Internet marketing is to explore product, knowledge, business.

It is about having an error free website & promote it through various online platforms.




- Main object of all these factors is to boost ranking of a website on search engines.

- These factors play role for ON-PAGE and OFF-PAGE activities of a site.

Technique to enhance ranking of a website on search engines…

SEM technique is used to advertise product or website on search engines.



It is a long term process

Not require too much investment

Most popular and effective

PPC advertisement is specially run by search engines.

Quick time process

Need good budget

Focus on building website/product reputation on SOCIAL NETWORKS.

Goal is to drive traffic from social sites, as well as let people know about us, product, website.

Daily internet users are increasing

According reports spread over internet, since 2006-2007 number of internet users is doubled than forever.

Maximum People are online in the world, more than 2 billion daily internet users.

So, good to work in web marketing.


One more advantage of internet marketing is that we can have detailed analysis how many people are getting in contact with us.

Google analytics help In this.

Main drawback of Offline marketing is that we can’t analysis how many people listening about us on Radio, T.V. etc.

No age limitation

Needn’t to be highly qualified, educated

Basic computer knowledge and English language

Good opportunity for students

It is a process, not an event. So it takes time.

For bloggers, about 1.5 – 2 years require to get some success here.

For business/product sites, it takes around 3 - 4 months.

Any kind of business can be successful on internet by targeting proper areas.

Use local domain extensions (.in, .uk) for local business.

Development and design of website, A big factor in online marketing …

Keyword – Search query

Keyword types

(i.) Generic Keywords

Example :- Apple iPhone

(ii.) Long Tail Keywords

Example :- Apple iPhone Specs

Keywords analysis




It tells about the what user will get on web-page

It describes what the web-page is all about.

The web address of a web page.

Content is king in internet marketing

Content has to be original

Full informative

Lengthy, recommended 300+ words

(Not a thumb rule)

Its goal to create backlinks for website.

To drive more traffic on site.

Build Authority / Branding

Create online network

Blog Commenting

Web Directory Submission

Social Bookmarking

Top Tip : Create backlinks to your site’s relevant niche.

Maximum people are online, so good chances to get success.

People buy and sell things online

Like Angara brand, success can be achieved

Thousand of dollars you can generate every month.

Good opportunity for business people to get more exposure

Excellent way for students to get good carrier ahead

Top way to get fame and money

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