Introduction to Aircraft Industry

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Basic History and Structure of an Aircraft

Transcript of Introduction to Aircraft Industry


INTRODUCTION TO AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY AND AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS(Elective-I)T.Y. Mech. 2013-20145/9/20141K.S.PatilObjective To enable the student to get an exposure to the Aerospace Industry and understand the Basics of Aircraft Systems and Aircraft Structures. To able to understand Design of Aircraft Structures To understand the applicability of Design aspects in Aircraft Design so that he/she can relate the theoretical knowledge with the design of Aircraft Structures.


5/9/20143K.S.PatilReference/Text BooksJohn D Anderson Jr, Introduction to Flight, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NewDelhi, 5th Edition, 2009.David A Lombardo, Aircraft Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NewDelhi, 2nd Edition, 1998.A.C Kermode, Flight without Formulae , Pearson Education,5th Edition, 2008.

5/9/20144K.S.Patil4UNIT - I AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY OVERVIEWContentsHistory of FlightTypes of Aerospace IndustryAerospace ManufacturingPrime contractorsKey challenges in Industry Supply ChainAerospace Industry TrendsAdvances in Engineering/CAD/CAM/CAE Tools and Materials technologyGlobal and Indian Aircraft Scenario.5/9/2014K.S.Patil5The Man Wanted To Be Like Bird And Be On To Fly.5/9/2014K.S.Patil6

First Attempts to Fly By Man5/9/2014K.S.Patil7

What does Aviation mean?8History of Aviation5/9/2014K.S.Patil9Aviationis the design, development, production, operation, and use ofaircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. The word "Aviation" was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb "avier" (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word "avis" ("bird") and the suffix "-ation"What is an aircraft?Methods of lifting an aircraft11History of Aviation5/9/2014K.S.Patil12

Aircraft have been around for a century, but aviation has been around for more than 2000 years. Ideas for flying vehicles were being thought of during the Ramayana period.

125/9/2014K.S.Patil13Vimna (Sanskrit: ) is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machines Rama being welcomed back to Ayodhya , also shown him flying in the Pushpaka Vimana

Aviation Through the Ages 1000B.C to 1250A.D The Greek myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus was written around 1000 B.C. Kites flown around the year 400 B.C. in China .In the year 1020 A.D. Oliver put on a pair of wings and leapt from the top of an abbey. He landed very hard and broke his legs. Luckily he survived the crash. Many others attempted to fly with "wings" but all failed.

Man's observations of the earth around him aroused his curiosity and often inspired him to attempt the impossible. How did man's lack of knowledge of the physical laws of nature sometimes bring him tragedy?He and his son Icarus escaped by building wings of wax and flying away. However Icarus flew too high and the wax in his wings began to melt. His wings collapsed and he plunged to his death in the sea.14Leonardo da Vincis Ornithopter design

I was one of the first to experiment with the science of flying. Unfortunately my writings and sketches weren't discovered until three hundred years after my death. 15Aviation Through the Ages 1250 to 1750Leonardo da Vinci, made many model aircraft that didnt fly. He introduced lighter-than air flight.He spent most of his life exploring flight and left the world about 160 documents of sketches and observations about flight. He made important discoveries about the center of gravity, the center of pressure, and streamlining.

But like so many people of his time he was obsessed with learning to fly like a bird. What is the difference between simply gliding and really flying like a bird?

16Aviation Through the Ages 1750 to 1850What forces cause smoke to rise in a fireplace? This was what sparked Montgolfier's curiosity.


Joseph-Michel Montgolfier

Jacques-tienne Montgolfier Designed the first successful flying craft.Burning created a gas, which they called "Montgolfier's gas," causing a craft to rise. They constructed a balloon made of cloth and paper. The first aviators were a duck, rooster, and a sheep. Then in 1783 a crowd in Paris watched as a Montgolfier balloon 18To counter this problem Henri Giffard designed a round oval shaped balloon called a blimp and combined it with a steam engine to make it steerable. When gasoline engines were invented they became a major source of transportation across the Atlantic Ocean.


1878.The way the balloons worked is hot air and gases filled the balloon causing it to lift. Once it was in the air it simply went wherever the wind took it.

The Hindenburg zeppelin disaster in 1937 caused the end for these large airships.

19Aviation Through the Ages 1850 to 1900Sir George Cayley 1773 1857The whole problem is confined within these limits, namely, to make a surface support a givenweight by the application of power to the resistance of air.Sir George Cayley experimented with gliders at his home. He was the first to discover how wings work. Cayley discovered that wings are lifted on the air. He also constructed the first aircraft that was heavier than air. He is now recognized as the father of aviation. He came up with many principles of heavier-than-air flight.

In 1809, George Cayley published the conclusions of his research in a scientific paper. The most important part of his paper was stated in one single sentence, which laid the whole foundation for modern aeronautics.20Lighter than air vehiclesLighter-than air vehicles, at first used hot air but started using hydrogen because it is lighter than air. But hydrogen is highly explosive and can be triggered by just a spark.On May 6th 1937, Hindenburg a hydrogen airship exploded and crashed on landing in New Jersey.Nowadays, airships use helium which is an inert gas.

21Hindenburg Disaster

22Aviation Through the Ages 1850 to 1900In 1896, the German engineer, Otto Lilienthal, tested several monoplane and biplane gliders. He built and flew the first glider capable of carrying a person, but died when he crashed in a sudden gust of wind before he could finish his powered plane.

23Jean-Marie Le Bris and his flying machine, Albatros II, 1868

24The 1884 La Franc, the first fully controllable airship

25The Wright Military Flyer aboard a wagon in 1908.

26The first flightThe Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, made the first successful heavier than air aircraft, the Wright flyer.The first flight was on December 17th 1903.After the Wright brothers first flight, there was an aviation boom. Modern-day aircraft giants, Boeing and Airbus, came into existence.After the Hindenburg disaster, airships became unpopular 27Aviation Through the Ages 1900 to 1935The first flightDecember 17, 1903 the world's first successful airplane known as the Flyer

The brothers had made their own engine that weighed 200 pounds and had four cylinders. It could make 12 horse power, a sixth of the engine power of a small car. It had no seat and the pilot had to lay in a cradle in the bottom wing. "Only those who are acquainted with practical aeronautics can appreciate the difficulties of attempting the first trials of a flying machine in a 25-mile gale. . . but. . . we were determined. . . to know whether the machine possessed sufficient power to fly." 28The first heavier-than-air flight traveled one hundred twenty feet in twelve seconds. The two brothers took turns flying that day with the fourth and last flight covering 850 feet in 59 seconds. But the Flyer was unstable and very hard to control.The brothers returned to Dayton, Ohio, where they worked for two more years perfecting their design. Finally, on October 5, 1905, Wilbur piloted the Flyer III for 39 minutes and about 24 miles of circles around Huffman Prairie. He flew the first practical airplane until it ran out of gas.


30First Flight

31Aviation Through the Ages 1900 A.D to 1935 A.DWright biplane that the first cost-to-cost flight was made by Calbraith P. Rodgers, in 1911.The key to their success was to learn how to control the plane. At first planes were used mostly for investigation,But later planes developed into biplane and triplane fighters and bombersGermany developed many fighter tactics that are still in modified use today. The compass was an important instrument to these early fighters.

The Wright brothers continued to perfect their plane and it was in a In 1914 World War I broke out

32Aviation Through the Ages 1900 to 1935

33Aviation Through the Ages 1935 A.D to 1950 A.D World War II implemented almost exclusively monoplanes. Both sides of the war manufactured literally thousands of fighters and bombers.British Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IV, the American P-51 Mustang, the American C-4U Corsair, the American B-17, and the American B-29 Superfortress. The Grumann F6F Hellcat was first used in 1943 and many more

New technologies developed throughout the of World War II.

34Aviation Through the Ages 1935 A.D to 1950 A.DThe new technology called radar was used to detect and identify the size, speed, distance, and trajectory of the German bombers and send their Spitfires on perfect intercept missions.

The major air battle of WW II was the Battle of Britain. For days the much larger German Luftwaffe attacked the British Isles, but the small number of British Spitfires always seemed to know exactly where and when the German bombers would be attacking and how large of a force.

35Aviation Through the Ages 1935 A.D to 1950 A.DInstrumentation was crude in comparison to today's technology. In the early days pilots relied on landmarks and sometimes even pre-set bonfires to guide them along their way. What were the early instruments like and what were their functions? How has instrumentation evolved through the ages?In the late 1940's, the military had developed the jet engine and began changing over to jet fighters. This resulted in faster and better performing craft. New aviation records were set. In 1947, Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier.

Aviation Through the Ages 1950 A.D to 1975 A.D After Chuck Yeager's supersonic flight in 1947, aviation entered a new era dominated by jets.The years following the war saw the aviation industry grow in leaps and bounds. The military airforce developed more effective planes to address the arms race with Russia. The B-47 and B-52 bombers were built to be used to deliver nuclear bombs. They were the world's heaviest bombers and could hold up to 99,206 pounds of bombs. Early bombers flew so high that the crew had to wear pressure suits but later they were used at low altitude because they were harder to locate with radar.

Aviation Through the Ages 1950 A.D to 1975 A.DIn September, 1955, a contract was awarded to North American Aviation for the X-15 plane which could fly at 4,500 miles per hour at an altitude of at least 70,000 feet. 54 percent of its total weight was its fuel (18,000 pounds). The total weight of the X-15 was 33,000 pounds. Though only three of this type of plane were built they flew a total of over 200 times. The highest speed ever reached was about 4,525 miles per hour or Mach 6.72.

Aviation Through the Ages 1950 A.D to 1975 A.DIn 1958, the first American commercial jet, the 707, was put into service by the Boeing Company. The commercial liners were an instant hit with passengers who appreciated the faster flying time. Again new records were set. By 1966 both Lockheed and Douglas Aircraft Corporations had entered the commercial industry giving rise to competition and the development of new technologies. During the Vietnam War the use of military air power was somewhat limited by policy in Washington. President Nixon launched the only strategic bombing campaign of the war. Many fliers were shot down over Southeast Asia. They were recently honored in a ceremony dedicating the Missing Man Monument at Randolph Air Force Base, in Texas.

Aviation Through the Ages 1975A.D to 2000A.D Aviation has changed much since the beginning of time. The world's first supersonic commercial passenger aircraft operating regular scheduled flights was the Concorde. It was developed jointly by Great Britain and France during the 1960s and 1970s when the Comet 4, the DC-3, and the Constellation were in regular service. No other supersonic aircraft can fly as fast and as far as the Concorde without needing mid-flight refueling. Some military aircraft can fly faster, but need in-flight refueling. The Concorde flies literally on the edge of space, high through the atmosphere. Passengers are even capable of seeing the earth's surface.

The Nighthawk (F-117A) first flew in 1981 and began combat in 1989. This jet was designed to avoid detection and mount precision attacks. It is the first stealth combat aircraft in the world. It has a top speed of 593 mph (955 kph) and is loaded with 5,000 lbs. of weapons. The choice of weaponry varies from laser-guided bombs, air-to-air missiles, or air-to-surface missiles. Two types of weapons can be carried at one time. The outside of the Nighthawk is coated with a special material that absorbs some of the radar signals that strike it. It is protected by 24 hour security with armed guards all around it. Authorized personnel must pass a palm print test to get near the aircraft.

Aviation Through the Ages 1975A.D to 2000A.DThe CL-415, or "Firebird," is a very important aircraft. This aircraft is amphibious, which means it can be operated from land or water. It was developed by Canadair to stop raging forest fires. However, it is also useful for search and rescue missions, especially on the sea. It can search for survivors for up to seven hours before refueling. It can scoop water into its tanks. Through doors in the bottom of the aircraft it drops water on the fire.The age of computers continues to impact the aviation field. Today's technology is exciting and it seems as if "the sky's the limit" as we look into the future.

Aviation today and tomorrowBoeing 787designed completely on the computerwill carry 250 - 290 passengers on routes of 8,000 to 8,500 nautical miles The airplane will use 20 percent less fuel for comparable missions than today's similarly sized airplane. It will also travel at speeds similar to today's fastest wide bodies, Mach 0.85. Airlines will enjoy more cargo revenue capacity.

Martin Aircraft - Maryland1937 Mini-Mariner, the flying prototype of the WWII flying boat bomber

A PBM-3 Martin Mariner in flight

Martin PBM-5A Mariner. This was the only amphibious version of the Mariner. AIRPLANEAn airplane is a vehicle heavier than air, powered by an engine, which travels through the air by the reaction of air passing over its wings.FUSELAGEThe fuselage is the central body portion of an airplane which accommodates the crew and passengers or cargo.COCKPITIn general aviation airplanes, the cockpit is usually the space in the fuselage for the pilot and the passengers: in some aircrafts it is just the pilot's compartment.LANDING GEARThe landing gear, located underneath the airplane, supports it while on the ground.WINGSWings are the parts of airplanes which provide lift and support the entire weight of the aircraft and its contents while in flight. EXPERIMENT 2Equipment: 2 sheets of notebook paper Hold two sheets of notebook paper about four inches apart. Blow between them. Instead of flying apart they come together. The air moving rapidly between the two pieces of paper has less pressure than the air pressing on the outer sides of the paper.Equipment: Ping-pong ballTank-type vacuum cleaner Connect the hose to the blower rather than to the suction end of the vacuum cleaner. Turn the switch on. Hold the hose vertically so the stream of air goes straight up. Release the ping-pong ball into the stream of air about a foot from the nozzle. Slowly tip the nose so that air shoots at an angle. The ball will stay suspended in the airstream. The force of gravity upon the ball tends to make it drop out of the airstream. However, the fast moving airstream lessens the air pressure on the portion of the ball remaining in the airstream, overcoming the force of gravity, which results in the ball remaining suspended.What are airfoils and how do they work?Wright BrotherThe first flight by Orville Wright, of 120 feet (37m) in 12 seconds, was recorded in a famous photograph. In the fourth flight of the same day, Wilbur Wright flew 852 feet (260m) in 59 seconds. The first in-flight film, made by a camera man flying with Wilbur Wright on 24 April 190948Demoiselle No.19 First series production aircraft

49Life CycleFirst performances steps under World War I (19141918)Technology and performance advances in aviation's "Golden Age" (19181939)Progress goes on and massive production, World War II (19391945)19451991: The Cold War2001present

50Flagg biplane from 1933

51Progress goes on and massive production, World War II (19391945)

Me 262, world first operational jet fighter52World War One AircraftsDuring WW 1, pilots became famous for their air to air combats, the most well-known is Red Baron, who shot down 80 planes in air to air combat with several different planes.

Fokker Dr.I replica at the ILA 2006, the "Red Baron" triplaneAviation During WW 1: 1914-19181916: William Boeing's fascination with aviation leads to the creation of his own airplane manufacturing business. Over the next several decades, the company would evolve into the world's largest commercial airline manufacturer. 1918: The United States officially establishes air mail service with flights between New York City, and Washington D.C. 5455World War One Aircrafts "flying coffins"

World War 1 aircraft were sometimes referred to as "flying coffins" for the very simple meaning that these early warbirds often were the death of the pilot - either through combat or simply through trying to handle these machines.

constructed out of plywood with stretched fabric skin, often taking the shape of wooden coffins.

aircraft (as combat platforms) were generally in their infancy during the First World War and evolved a great deal as the conflict progressed, which is why one might see so many production aircraft on a list such as this spanning just a few years.

As technology progressed and aircraft engineers found new workarounds for new problems, the few-month-old models that were the king of the skies quickly gave way to newer models

the average life span of many fighters only about a few months

55The Golden Age: 1919 - 1938

56Golden Age After WW1: (1919-1938)

Aviation focus on Airmail ServicesBirth of the AirlinesAdvancement in aircraft technology.Birth of Commercial AviationBirth of Air Traffic Control Charles Lindbergh Made an Historic FlightBirth of Instrument Flying Air mail servicesIt was the Post Office and airmail delivery that gave the commercial airlines their true start.

In the early part of the 20th century, the Post Office had used mostly railroads to transport mail between cities.

By 1925, only seven years after the first official airmail flight, U.S. Post Office airplanes were delivering 14 million letters and packages a year and were maintaining regular flight schedules. 1925: Contract Act of 1925 (Kelly Act)Congress passes the Air Mail Act of 1925 (also known as the Kelly Act), permitting the government to hire private air carriers to deliver the mail.

The government contracts that were subsequently awarded helped determine which airlines would dominate commercial aviation - airlines including United Airlines, American Airlines and TWA. Golden Age - Between WarsLarge advancement in aircraft technology. Wood and canvas converts to aluminums. Engine development, In-line water cooled gasoline engines convert to rotary air cooled engines (increase propulsive power).After WWI, experienced fighter pilots were eager to show off their new skills. Air shows sprang up around the country, with air races and acrobatic stunts.

Birth of Instrument FlyingNew Flying Instruments developed to enable flying during night and bad weatherVisual radio direction finder: Using vibration system to direct the aircraft. The closer the plane is to the beacon, the more intense the vibration. Artificial horizon: Showed at what angle the plane was flying in relation to the ground, whether and how the wings were tilted, whether the nose was up, down or level, and to what degree.Barometric altimeter Showed how far above the ground of a particular field,. They will sensitively record the time and therefore the distance which a sound or radio impulse travels from a plane to the ground and back.Aviation During World War 2Drastic increase in the of aircraft development and productionAircraft faster and more maneuverableStronger in designWeapon systems are more sophisticatedRoles are dedicated:FighterBomberAttackReconnaissaneWorld War II: Drastic increase of aircraft development and production. All countries involved in the war stepped up production and development of aircraft based on weapon delivery systems (Bombers, Fighters, Reconnaissance, Transports, Trainers, Communication).Reconnaissance: Observation aircraft to locate an enemy, equipped with camera, radar or sensors

Aviation During World War 21936: Spitfires (fast maneuverable fighter airplanes) developed for use in WWII.1943: Helicopters are mass-produced for WWII.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190, German fighter plane of World War II.

A Supermarine Spitfire was a typical World War II fighter.Aviation Timeline :1903: Wright Brothers Flyer makes first controlled flight of a powered, heavierthan-air aircraft.1909: Monoplanes developed and used for relatively short-distance flights.1911: First practical seaplane built.1913: Airplanes used by French and British during WW1 as bombers and surveillancecraft.1918: Fighter planes developed (and used in battle).1927: Long-distance passenger craft developed that had constant radio contact withthe ground.1930s: The Air Age begins with pioneers like Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes,and Charles Lindbergh.1933: First of the modern airliners (Boeing 247) developed. It could carry 13passengers and travel at 155 mph.1936: Spitfires (fast maneuverable fighter airplanes) developed for use in WWII.1943: Helicopters are mass-produced for WWII.1943: Jet-powered fighters are developed and used in WWII.1947: Airplanes fly faster than the speed of sound.1947: Radar is developed to keep track of aircraft from the ground.1950s: The airliner begins to replace other means of transportation as the primarymeans of long-distance travel.1968: Aircraft are developed that can take off and land vertically, without the useof a runway (Harrier Jump Jet.).1969: The Concorde is developed and used as the first supersonic airliner. (Itcrosses the Atlantic Ocean in less than 3 hours.)1981: Space Shuttle is developed as a reusable space ship that can land afterreentry into Earths atmosphere.1981: The Lockhead F-117A is developed, which is virtually invisible to radar.

Crossing the English channel64

Worlds first jet propelled aircraft

65Crossing the Atlantic ocean661945 1991: The Cold War Most ex-military aircraft were used in the business of transporting people and goods. Many companies existed, with routes that crossed North America, Europe and other parts of the world. Heavy and super-heavy bomber airframes (e.g., B-29, Lancaster, DC-3) easily converted into commercial aircraft

1940sIn 1946, The DC-6 was the aircraft that greatly reduced traveling time with greater comfort for passengers and made air travel economically viable.1947: Airplanes fly faster than the speed of sound.1947: Radar is developed to keep track of aircraft from the ground.

In October of 1947, Chuck Yeager took the rocket powered Bell X-1 past the speed of sound (1st controlled, level flight to cross the sound barrier)Other jet airliner designs Boeing 707 -comfortable, higher safety and meet passenger expectations.681950sFurther barriers of distance were eliminated in 1948 and 1952 as the first jet crossing of the Atlantic occurred and the first nonstop flight to Australia occurred. 1950s: The airliner begins to replace other means of transportation as the primary means of long-distance travel.By 1952, the British state airline introduced into service the first jet airliner, the De Havilland Comet (the plane suffered a series of highly public failures)

69Boeing 707

701960sIn 1967, the X-15 set the air speed record for an airplane at 4,534 mph or Mach 6.1 (7,297 km/h).1968: Aircraft are developed that can take off and land vertically, without the use of a runway (Harrier Jump Jet.).1969: The Concorde is developed and used as the first supersonic airliner. (It crosses the Atlantic Ocean in less than 3 hours.)1969, Boeing came out with its vision for the future of air travel (Boeing 747). This plane is still one of the largest aircraft ever to fly, and it carries millions of passengers each year. Apollo 11 moon landing72721970sCommercial aviation progressed even further in 1976 as British Airways provide supersonic service across the Atlantic (Concorde). A few years earlier the SR-71 Blackbird had set the record for crossing the Atlantic in under 2 hours.

Lockheed SR71 Blackbird

1980s1981: Space Shuttle is developed as a reusable space ship that can land after reentry into Earths atmosphere.

Largest passenger airliner in the world Airbus A380

Unit cost US$375.3millionThe A380 can be fitted with two types of turbofan engines: either the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 (variants A380-841, 842 and 843F) or with the Engine Allianceprovides seating for 525 people in a typical three-class configuration or up to 853 people

75Airbus76Airbus77First flight using solar panels & electric power78Carbon-Composite planeBoeing 787 Dreamliner

The cockpit of All Nippon Airways' (ANA) first Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft is seen after the aircraft landed at Haneda airport in Tokyo September 28, 2011. All Nippon Airways' first Boeing 787 Dreamliner carbon-composite plane

79Future of aviation80Future Aircraft-D8NASA researchers are working with industry and university partners to develop ideas for future airplanes that dramatically reduce noise, emissions and fuel consumption. One idea comes from a research team led by the MIT in Cambridge, Mass., and funded by a NASA grant. MIT and NASA engineers recently tested a 1/11thscale model version of the D8 in the 14 by 22 Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel at NASA's Langley Research Center. The test was designed to produce data, now being analyzed, that can determine whether incorporating the engines into the fuselage of the airplane actually reduces drag.


Pictured (l to r): Mark Drela, professor of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT, and Alejandra Uranga, research engineer and aeronautics MIT technical lead.

81New Way to FlyOne possible design for a future commercial airplane that's much more environmentally friendly .The idea fuses two aircraft bodies together lengthwise to create a twin-aisle passenger area, and mounts the engines on top of the fuselage. It also uses composite, or non-metallic, materials to lower overall weight, and is designed to do the same work as a Boeing 737-800 or an Airbus 320. The aerodynamic performance of a 1/11thscale model version of the D8 was recently tested in the 14 by 22-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel at NASA's Langley Research Centre.


Updated SupersonicThis updated future aircraft design concept from NASA .It is a good example of how simulations and wind tunnel tests, conducted over time, generate data that tell researchers how to improve a design to achieve goals. The goals for a future supersonic aircraft are to produce a much lower-level sonic boom and to reduce emissions. The ultimate goal is to achieve a low enough boom that a current ruling prohibiting supersonic flight over land might be lifted.


Flying WingThis computer-generated image shows a possible future "flying wing" aircraft, very efficiently and quietly in flight over populated areas. This kind of design, produced by Northrop Grumman, would most likely carry cargo at first and then also carry passengers.His design is among those presented to NASA at the end of 2011 by companies that conducted NASA-funded studies into aircraft that could enter service in 2025.


Aviation in 2025 according to NASA85Boeings Design

86Lockheed Martins Design

87Northrop Grummans Design

88Aerospace CompaniesUnited Technologies CorporationGeneral Dynamics Corp.L-3 CommunicationsHoneywell International Inc.Parker HannifinComputer Sciences Corp.Thales Group (U.S. branch)Lockheed Martin CorpNorthrop Grumman CorpBoeingAquarius Defence IndustriesWoodlawn ManufacturingBAE SystemsThales Alenia SpaceEADS Astrium Satellites

89Indian Aircraft manufactureHindustan Aeronautics LimitedHAL was established as Hindustan Aircraft in Bangalore in 1940 by Walchand Hirachand to produce military aircraft for the Royal Indian Air Force. Mahindra Aerospacefirst Indian private firm to make smaller civil aircraft for the Indian general aviation marketRaj Hamsa UltralightsRaj Hamsa Ultralights is an Indian private limited company and ultralight aircraft manufacturer, founded in 1980 at Pondicherry, India by Joel Koechlin of France. The company is one of India's largest aircraft manufacturers and its only producer of commercial microlight aircraft.90

91Types of airplanesMonoplanean aircraft with one main set of wing surfaces.Since the late 1930s it has been the "ordinary" form for a fixed wing aircraft.Biplaneis a fixed-wing aircraft with two main wings.The Wright brothers' Wright Flyer used a biplane design, as did most aircraft in the early years of aviation.Tri-planeIs a fixed-wing aircraft equipped with three sets of wings.The best-known triplane is Fokker Dr.I during WW1.

Types of airplanes

Types of Aerospace Industry5/9/2014K.S.Patil94