
Post on 13-May-2017

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Transcript of Introduction


International sport ventures are important to business growth and survival. Most

internationally oriented sport ventures involve a sport product. These sports product s involve

people sharing a global languange. Most people understands the rules of the game without

verbal communication. This internationalization process has meant that sports has evolved to

be economic activity and wealth creator. The globalization of sports has lead to sport s team

collaborating with corparate sponsors on international marketing campaigns. The

opportunities are create by custumor, business, individual, group and organization.

International sport management involves both products and services. This also can increase

the transnational migrationand people travelling. This occurs through sports business

ventures focusing on global market that can achieve economic and financial success.


Sport has internationalized because of its cross-cultural ability to appeal to people different

educational backgrounds, relagions and locations. In addition, the internet is the way to

incerasing people watch sport. Some sports are still very geographically based and addopted

by another country. Some sports event tried to increase their global popularity by different

language and format. Marketing is important to international sports management for

organization to connect internationally with their customers and suppliers. Marketing of

sports concern of sports events, equipment and facilities. Most sports organization market

globally through technological innovations such as internet. Next, the branding of sports is

important for prominent international sports brand names international market place range

from compenies such as Adidas and Nike.The branding also to building revenue and

merchandise sales. The Federation International de Football Association (FIFA),

Internatioanal Olympic Committe (IOC) are examples of the large international sporting

institution have been involve sport brands. Futhermore, Manchester United has create a

worldwilde communities as one of the effort to make a brand names. Some more, corporate

social responsibility has a unique position among sports organization. It means, some issues

like health, the environment can be addressed by providing guidance to companies to acts in

resposibility and positive manner. The role of corporate resposibility in providing a focus on

social and financial issues has been discussed in profesional sports teams as a way of giving

back to society. Some sports organization have encouraged social responsibility through

philanthropic endeavors that partner with community. Next, sport is major driver of tourism

worlwide. People often plan holidays adn work events around based on sporting event. In

directly it will incresing profit in country through tourism. Sports tourism has been largely

centered on internationalizing events. Some profesional sport teams in football and baseball

have internationalized their games roster to facilities different time zones around the world

being able to watch and participate such (FIFA) having a global outlook that encourage

multiple country. An others, the regional deveplopment of sports can be largely attribute to

cities, and others. Sports organization s are consistently looking for new profitable

international markets. Asia is the region that has been a major focus of profesional sports

teams in order to capitalize in the region. Some sports teams in their international market

become bigger than local markets. Last but not least, sports entrepreneurship involves any

kind of sports activities that is innovative. As the primary entrepreneur is to make an impact

in their field. It will apply innovation to solve business issues important to enable business to

addapt to society trends. Next, international action sports been refered to as alternative,

livestyle and so on. For the examples are skateboarding sports and the earliest action sports

is BMX bike racing. It also have a new discovered worldwide.


In my oppinion, base on the article that i have summerise before the article been refered

the development sports a litle bit depends on few causes like a sports internatiolization,

international sports marketing, sports branding, regional deveplopment of sports and sports

entrepreneurship. I have agree with the most factors are given is affectively way to increase

the profit in country through international sports. I have support that statement because in

logically the sports events will becoming with a major companies in many terms such as

Nike, Adidas, Milo, Honda and others that who have the bigger brands in global to give a

sponsorship to involve athlete. Beside that, i think its good way esspcially for our country

Malaysia to arousing intterest tourist . In others words, Malaysia also was have been a host

for a bigger events of sports such as Commenwel. Sukma and for every year event in Pulau

Langkawi is Letour de Langkawi. Many of country are joined this events and many are

sponsorship have been there. In directly, it will increase our profit and make a good name of

Malaysia. I think its good for the future reseaches in international sports management.


In conclusion, this article are discuss about how the mains area of sports management have

encouraged sports to globalize in the business environment. The more practical knowledge is

deveplopment on successful international sports business and how managers involved in

these sports have learned from the global market. The researches will help the field of

international sports management become significant area of business research.