Intro to Parliament Who is making laws in Canada and how?

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Intro to Parliament Who is making laws in Canada and how?

Intro to Parliament

Who is making laws in Canada and how?

10 things Parliament does for Canadians

• Creates Laws• Manages taxes• Creates and Oversees

Social Programs• Makes decisions as to

the role our armed forces will play internationally

• Regulate industries and trade

• Represents Canada to the rest of the world

• Responsible for programs like health care and postal service

• Provides funding to provinces

• Regulate economy• Regulate immigration

Who are the people that make our laws?

The political party which has the most members elected becomes the party in power.

The political party with the second most elected members becomes the official opposition

Other political parties and even members who run as independents play a role in parliament

Parliamentary System

House of Commons /Lower House

House of Senate/Upper House

Bill becomes Law

Rick Mercer Report:Mock Parliament

Activity: Passing a Bill Through ParliamentIn groups of 4-5 you will work together to examine a

bill that is trying to be passed through parliament. Answer the following questions with your groups and be prepared to present your answers.

Paper and marker will be provided so get creative!

Questions:• How many who’s can you come up with? For example, who is the bill about, who does it impact?•What is the bill proposing?•What is the law they are trying to create or change?•Why is the bill important to you? To Canadians?•Does this bill meet the people’s needs? Justify?