Intervention two!

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Intervention two!

INTERVENTION TWO!Caroline and Alfie

Stood outside the Goose in the middle of the pavement

Felt quite uncomfortable initially

Pedestrians rarely looked twice, just skirted around

Cars didn’t take any notice

Hyperaware of others - more than usual

“Most uncomfortable five minutes of my life”

One car hesitated when the lights changed to see if Caroline would cross

One guy came over to Alfie to ask if she thought Caroline was ok

Difficult not to fidget

Really difficult physically and mentally

Really noticed the tiniest changes in the pavement

Hard to keep balanced

Kept making eye contact with people walking towards me

A few funny looks off strangers

Found it really scary

Physically walked very differently, altered centre of gravity

Apologised to strangers a lot

Found it hard to not look backwards