Interpersonal Development

Post on 10-Nov-2015

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Interpersonal Development Skill and employees enrichments

Transcript of Interpersonal Development




  • Interpersonal development and Communication skills for employees self -enrichmentBy: STAR 31

  • ReviewInterpersonal Communication Interpersonal DevelopmentsInteraction between Interpersonal skills and CommunicationImportance of Interpersonal SkillsTips to improve Interpersonal SkillsHow to gain recognition for your hard workEnding Summery

  • Interpersonal Communication

  • Interpersonal Development Interaction between manager and coworkers Sharing ideas in an appropriate medium Building harmonious relationships

  • Interaction between Interpersonal skills and Communication Build effective communication Assertive Communication Anger management Conflict resolution Team work

  • Importance of IPD Interpersonal skills essential for success in most jobs Technical competencies not sufficient for success Recent trends in the workplace give new importance to human relations

  • Tips to improve Interpersonal skills Identify interpersonal skills in need of development. Focus on building harmonious relationships. Communicate clearly and carefully. Examine personal ethics. Humor them. See it from their side.

  • How to gain recognition You have to be liked.Tell your supervisor what you have done.Volunteer for additional assignments.Keep your own personal performance chart.

  • Thank YouSTAR31
