International Programme FH JOANNEUM, Campus Kapfenberg ... · INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME 2...

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International Programme FH JOANNEUM, Campus Kapfenberg

Study your dream


International Programme FH JOANNEUM, Campus Kapfenberg Winter semester 2018/19 (01.10.2018 – 01.02.2019)

Kapfenberg is the right place for you …

The four degree programmes offered at the Kapfenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences JOANNEUM have joined forces to create and offer you a programme in English.

ITM (Internet Technology, Bachelor) – IMS (IT & Mobile Security, Master) – IRM (IT Law & Management, Master)

EVU (Energy Transport and Environmental Management, Bachelor) – MET (Energy and Transport Management, Master)

ECM (Electronics and Computer Engineering, Master)

IWI (Industrial Management, Bachelor) – IIM (International Industrial Management, Master)

Please note: IMS, IRM, ECM, IIM are part time programmes. This means that the courses may also take place in

the evenings and on Saturdays. Courses of the programmes IMS and IRM are partly conducted online via


We offer 120 ECTS in English for our Incoming students. Every student can choose every of the listed courses but it is not allowed to choose other courses offered in Kapfenberg (except for students who do only courses of one


Hand in

� a filled-in application form

� a transcript of records

� your learning agreement

and spend a semester in Austria, Kapfenberg!

Application deadline is 1st of June 2018

The number of participants for this programme is limited.


Overview of the courses (arranged by degree program)

Course overview Bachelor Master


Deg.prog. Course n. Course 1. 3. 5. 1. 3.

ECM 090412_S1_08 Mathematical Methods in Electronics** 6

ECM 090421_S1_04 Power Electronics Laboratory** 2

ECM 090421_S1_03 Electronic Packaging** 4

ECM 090421_S1_01 Presentations and Meetings ** 1,5

ECM 090421_S1_02 Intercultural communication** 1,5

ECM 090421_S3_02 Project Management 2

ECM 090421_S3_09 Advanced driver assistance systems 3

ECM 090421_S3_06 Renewable Energy and Electric Mobility 3

Sub-total 23

EVU 140591308 Project Management 2

EVU 140591312 Meetings and Presentations 2

EVU 140591502 Geographical Information Systems 2

MET 130592107

Automatization & Control of E&T

Networks 4

MET 130592108 Urban and regional planning 4

MET 130592110 Fuel and Biofuel* 2

MET 130592104 Solarthermics & Geothermics* 2

MET 130592105 Photovoltaics & Wind Power* 2

MET 130592106 Energy Storage* 2

MET 130592111 Local Transportation and Logistics* 2

MET 130592301 Hydro Power* 2

MET 130592302 Petroleum Engineering* 2

MET 130592303 Emission Control* 2

MET 130592305 Transport Economics* 2

MET 130592308 Management & Organisation 4

MET 130592309

Int. Project Development & Public

Project Procurement 4

MET 130592311 Strategic Management 3

Sub-total 43


Course overview Bachelor Master


Deg.prog. Course n. Course 1. 3. 5. 1. 3.

ITM 110418301 Server Technologies 2,5

ITM 110418303 Database Applications 2,5

ITM 110418302 IP-Streaming 2,5

ITM 110418305 Dynamic Web 2,5

ITM 110418312 Management of business processes 2,5

ITM 110418502 Project Work 5,5

ITM 110418503 English for scientific purposes 2,5

ITM 110418509 Mobile Application development** 2

IRM 140472105 Management – Leadership 2

IMS 140419101 Software Security 6

IMS 140419106 English skill building 2

Sub-total 32,5

Deg.prog. Course no. Course

IWI 170589506 Scientific Project Work 4

IWI 170589507 Seminar Scientific Project Work 1

IWI 170589310 English: Career & Performance Evaluation 2

IIM 170590101 International Marketing & Market

Research 2,5

IIM 110590301 Intercultural Management* 2

IIM 170590105 Social Competence and Conflict

Management 2

Sub-total 13,5

German beginners (A1/1 or A1/2) 3

German intermediate 3

Austria – People and Culture 2

OSD- preparation course 0

Sub-total 8

Sum 120

* could be cancelled in case there are not enough applications from regular students ** it cannot be guaranteed at the moment that the course will take place in English


Course description

Mathematical methods in Electronics (ECM/1. Semester) 6 ECTS

Description: � - z-transform

� - multivariate analysis

� - vector analysis

� - partial differential equations


- Students know the mathematical basics of electronics

- Can operate with the Maxwell-theory

- Know the basics of semiconductor physics

Evaluation: Continuous Assessment and final exam


Power Electronics Laboratory (ECM/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Description: This course gives advanced knowledge power electronic circuits and contains

- DC-DC converter (Buck, Boost)

- Half-bridge legs (switching analysis, gate driver circuits)

- Input-/output filtering - Inductors and transformers

Prerequisites: Fundamentals of electronics, Analog electronics circuits, Microelectronic components, Electrical circuit

analysis (SPICE), Laboratory experience

Evaluation: Continuous assessment and final exam

Electronic Packaging (ECM/1. Semester) 4 ECTS Description: This course gives advanced knowledge about packaging and contains topics in the following fields:

- Levels of electronic packaging (chip, board, device)

- Chip-level packaging

- Board-level packaging

- PCB-Design with Altium

- Model design of a small power supply circuit including commissioning and test

- Aspects of manufacturability, EMI, Cooling

- Compact enclosures for electronic equipment Prerequisites: basic knowledge PCB-design

Evaluation: Continuous assessment and final exam

Presentations and meetings (ECM/1.Semester) 1,5 ECTS

The following topics will be covered in this lecture:

- presentation techniques

- training of presentations

- Conversation techniques

- moderation skills

Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Continuous assessment, exam


Intercultural Communications (ECM/1.Semester) 1,5 ECTS

Description Students receive some theoretical inputs about the terms of culture (E.T. Hall’s iceberg model) and

communication itself as well as the basic concepts of intercultural communication. Stereotypes, non-

verbal language and engineering cultures will be discussed as well. Students learn to reflect on their own

culture as well as to know other people’s view and have to prepare an analysis by the end of the semester.

Objective Students shall be motivated to open their eyes regarding different cultures and behaviours by getting

theoretical input and by reflected discussions and learning activities during the course units. They shall

be able to be more successful when working in an intercultural environment or in an international group.

Learning Method Seminar

Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Mid-term exam, paper

Project Management (ECM/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

Description: The course provides methodological support in the project:

- Planning of R&D projects

- Project controlling (in terms of content, deadlines and costs)

Learning outcome from related module: Graduates can apply their acquired technical knowledge to a specific technical task. They are able to

develop technical solutions using structured project processes.

Literature from related module: Garton, McCulloch: Fundamentals of Technology Project Management 2nd Ed.

Learning Method: Integrated course

Evaluation: Continuous assessment


Renewable Energy and Electric Mobility (ECM/3. Semester) 3 ECTS

Description: - Power generation from renewable sources with a focus on the associated power electronic devices

(photovoltaics, wind energy, hydropower)

- Electric mobility (electric drives, battery, fuel cell, charging systems)

- Power grids of the future (smart grids)

Learning outcome from related module Graduates

- are familiar with the most important power electronic circuits

- are familiar with the structure and properties of power electronic components

(filter components, power semiconductors including wide-bandgap semiconductors)

- are familiar with major applications of electronic power conversion

Literature from related module Books:

- Mohan: Power Electronics - Lidow: GaN-Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion

- de Rooij: Wireless Power Handbook

Learning Method Integrated course

Evaluation: Continuous assessment


Advanced driver assistance systems (ECM/3. Semester) 3 ECTS

Description: - Advanced sensors (LIDAR, GPS, RGB-D cameras, gestures)

- Image processing

- Signal reliability and safety aspects

- Sensor fusion - Advanced control algorithms (adaptive cruise control, emergency stop,

lane detection and lane keeping)

- Integration concepts and case studies

Learning outcome from related module Graduates

- are familiar with current topics of automotive engineering

- understand the interactions in modern automotive electronics

(control units, communication networks, control of key electric actuators)

- are familiar with current topics of autonomous driving

Literature from related module - Bosch. Automotive Handbook

- Bosch. Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics -System and

components, networking and hybrid drive. Springer Vieweg 5th edition.

- J. Schäuffele, T. Zurawka. Automotive Software Engineering: Principles,

processes, methods and tools. SAE International

- K. Reif (Ed.), Automotive Mechatronics. Bosch Professional Automotive

Information, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015 - M. Paulweber, K. Lebert. Powertrain Instrumentation and Test Systems:

Development, hybridization and electrification. Springer 2016.


- SAE: International Journal of passenger Cars /Electronic and electrical


Learning Method Integrated course

Evaluation: Continuous assessment


Project Management (EVU/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

In Project Management the following topics will be covered:

� Methods of internal and international project management

� Risk management

� Project planning

� Project manual � Project controlling

� Reporting

� Introduction to project management software applications

English: Meetings and Presentations (EVU/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

Description Business English; conduct at meetings; technical terms of relevant topics (energy, environment,

telecommunications, transport)

Learning outcome from related module Ability to fully communicate in English, especially in business negotiations. A second language is

offered on an optional basis; the aim here is to be able to communicate at a colloquial level.

Literature from related module O´Conell: Focus on First Certificate, Brieger: Technical English; Tullis/Trappe: New Insights into

Business; Powell: Business Matters

Learning Method seminar

Evaluation continuous assessment


Geographical Information Systems (EVU/5. Semester) 2 ECTS

Description from application: Reading and applying maps (legend, topographic maps, soil maps, land use & settlement maps,

detailed maps), GIS files (energy networks, wind force, solar irradiation and traffic figures), creating

maps, GIS analysis, basic knowledge of databases is a prerequisite.

Learning outcome from related module: Introduction to all aspects of the transport industry, from transport logistics, transport engineering

and business management to the relevant legal framework.

Prior knowledge from related module: Technical and business management fundamentals

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Automatization & Control of E&T Networks (MET/1. Semester) 4 ECTS

Control and automation systems, sensor technology, how to build control and automation systems,

measurement technology, system design, general considerations concerning operational management

Electric current: generator and turbine control, grid synchronization, grid reconstruction, grid


Heat: consumption supply, control strategies (temperatures, flow) and their realization

Gas: storage management, balance between consumption and supply, grid supervision Roads: light-signal systems; control strategies (guidance and control systems) and their realization

Railway: control and safety strategies and their realization

Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Urban and regional planning (MET/1. Semester) 4 ECTS

- Spatial and urban planning as an organizational basis for the optimal design of regions in both

the energy and transport sector.

- Infrastructural development of regions.

- Objectives and methods of spatial planning. Planning concepts; zoning and urban development

plans; - Presentation of the different concepts and approaches to optimization of different demands on

space (economically, socially).

Course Objectives:

Gaining the basis knowledge what urban planning is all about, specified on Traffic, Environment and



Basic knowledge of Traffic, Environment and Energy.


Projects and written examination.

Fuel & Biofuel (MET/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Waste vegetable oil, bio diesel, bio ethanol, biogas, synthetic bio fuels (BtG, BtL), HTU bio fuels,

hydrogen; possible raw materials for generating bio fuels; processing of raw materials; fuel generation

technologies (e.g. generation and processing of biogas, biomass gassing and subsequent synthetic

procedures (Fischer-Tropsch, methanol synthesis, etc.), ester interchange, hydrolysis and fermentation,

etc.); fields of applications and potentials of bio fuels, efficiency of their generation and use, ecological

effects (generating the raw material, its production and application)

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Solarthermics & Geothermics (MET/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Possibilities of solar thermal systems:flat plate collectors, tube collectors, concentrated systems

(heliostats, cavity receivers, parabolic troughs, paraboloid systems) including appropriate energy

conversion (indirect/direct steam processes, Stirling, etc.), solar updraft power; geo-thermal systems:

development, commonly used methods (e.g. hot-dry-rock etc.), possibilities of power generation (ORC,


Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Photovoltaics & Wind Power (MET/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Photovoltaic: physical principles, behavior of the pn junction and photo flow, solar cell (characteristic and equivalent diagram,efficiency, solar cell types, the sun as source of energy (extra terrestrial radiation

intensity, apparent movement of the sun relative to the earth, calculation of the solar altitude,

calculation of radiation intensity, radiation energy per day, effects of the atmosphere, radiation intensity

with atmosphere), system technology (isolated system, grid-coupled photovoltaic system, rectifier

inverter, modeling of solar modules)Wind: kinetic wind energy (theoretical wind power, wind speed,

energy supply, Weibull distribution), wind generator types and their performance, wind rotors with

horizontal axes, Darrieus rotor (rotor geometry, forces exercised on wing elements, aerofoil theory),

Savonius rotor (design, output power, torsion moment), operation and control (performance and modes

of operation, power control, grid operation, isolated operation)

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Energy Storage (MET/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Presentation of possibilities of storing energy.Electric current: (storage power stations, accumulators,

capacitors, chemical storage, mechanical storage); gas: (pore and aquifer storage, cavern storage,

spherical tanks above ground); heat: water tanks, steam accumulators

Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Local Transportation and Logistics (MET/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Optimal resource allocation of vehicles and personnel by appropriate routes, timetable and duty rosters;

local supply: Distribution & Logistics, supply regions or cities with goods; distribution concepts and their

examples (package's services), transportation logistics (combined transport); planning concepts,

treatment of the front - advantages and disadvantages of using different means of transport; financing;

advanced transport logistics. Course Objectives:

Increasing the knowledge of logistics and local transportation methods.

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Hydro Power (MET/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

Principles of hydrological planning, types of power stations (design and mode of operation), hydraulic turbines (types and selection of types), dynamics (pressure tunnels, surge shafts, rigid pressure pipe,

overall model of the hydraulic system, elastic surge, models of hydraulic turbines and hydroelectric

power stations

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Petroleum Engineering (MET/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

Technical and economic foundations of the petroleum and natural gas exploration; petroleum/natural

gas economy; deep drilling, production, distribution and storage technology, petroleum/natural gas

geology; understand the procedures of a typical petroleum refinery.

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Emission Control (MET/3. Semester) 2 ECTS Fundamentals of industrial environmental protection; environment-compliant technologies in the

industry/primary measures, secondary measures (end of pipe); technical principles of all relevant

technologies of flue gas cleaning: major methods of dust removal (dust filters and separation),

denitrification (SCR, SNCR), desulfurization (REA), scrubbing of flue gases, dedioxing, waste water

treatment (plus problems with REA waste water)

Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Transport Economics (MET/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

General economic and legal requirements of traffic engineering from the view of regional administrative

bodies and transport companies (e.g. income distribution in public transport, contracts regarding orders

and statements of public transport services), legal and financial consideration of creating new transport

structures (e.g. public transport financing by public authorities), transport logistics; influence on modal

split through tax measures (e.g. tax increase, city tolls and road pricing

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Management & Organisation (MET/3. Semester) 4 ECTS

Leadership models, leadership instruments,action field organization (organizational theory,

organizational structures and designs), action field strategy (strategic planning, strategic analysis

models, corporate strategies), action field organizational culture

Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Int. Project Development & Public Project Procurement (MET/3. Semester) 4 ECTS

The lecture contents the processes of project development with the cycles as project idea -

identification, feasibility, due diligence, financing and investment, international procurement (ITB,

preparation of tender, building of consortium, short listing, selection...), risk management,

implementation, operation and arbitration. The legal environment and the contract forms in general

and for construction projects as FIDIC are explained. Course Objectives:

The complexity and the connection of special fields in the area of project development should be

presented clearly. For infrastructure projects a wide knowledge and a structured line of actions is

necessary. Die Knowledge about the procurement guidelines and the procurement laws is the

precondition to win complex energy- or/and traffic systems or systems and plants against the

competitors and to finalize the projects successfully. Projects have to be created and accompanied.

The classical project management is a (core-) part of the project development. Who has the overview

is successful. It would be wishful, that projectdevelopmentengineers follow a project from its early

start to the transfer/take over. The target of the lecture is to inspire the auditors for this challenge and

to make them aware of the problems implemented.

Assessment: written and/or oral exam

Strategic Management (MET/3. Semester) 3 ECTS

Introduction - the concept of strategy

Tools of strategic analysis - goals and values, industry analysis, analysis and development of resources,

implementation Competitive analysis - sources of competitive advantage, cost advantage, differentiation advantage

Business strategies in different industry contexts

Course Objectives:

Be able to understand and apply purpose and requirements of business strategies

Be able to explain, compare, formulate and judge various procedure models


Basics of company organisation

Assessment: written and/or oral exam


Server Technologies (ITM/3. Semester) 2.5 ECTS

Configuration and administration of internet standard server systems (mail, web, FTP, DNS servers etc.);

introduction to web application servers: scripts, templates, persistence, sessions, HTTP.

On completion of the course, students know about the configuration and administration of internet

standard server systems as well as the design and operation of internet-based streaming offers.

Assessment: Final Exam

Database Applications (ITM/3. Semester) 2.5 ECTS The main focus of this course lies on the design and the connection of client applications to database

management systems, as well as an introduction to database security. Important aspects are database

specific RAD frameworks (e.g. Oracle Apex), the bridging of the object-relational gap shown on the basis

of a concrete ORM (e.g. Hibernate) and Lightweight Architectures (e.g. sqlite). With regard to security,

the course deals with user administration, backup and recovery.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment

Prerequisites: Programming in object oriented Languages (Java), Web programming languages (PHP), Database Design,

Linux Systemmanagement, Basic Database Administration & CRUD Operations (SQL)

IP Streaming (ITM/3. Semester) 2.5 ECTS Description Basics of digital audio processing; configuration and administration of internet-streaming servers;

telecommunication and VoIP-techniques.

Learning outcome from related module On completion of the course, students know about the configuration and administration of internet

standard server systems as well as the design and operation of internet-based streaming offers.

Literature Books: Ben Laurie, Peter Laurie: Apache, The Definitive Guide Craig Hunt: Linux Network Servers Anatol Badach: VoIP, die Technik Rossing et al.: The Science of Sound Lawrence Harte: Introduction to IP Audio

Professional Journals: -

Learning Method 1 ECTS Lecture, 1,5 ECTS Tutorial

Evaluation Final Exam


Dynamic Web (ITM/3. Semester) 2.5 ECTS

This course focuses on the server side technologies of dynamic webpages and on the communication

duties between web client and web server: HTTP Request/Response, Sessions, Cookies, Mimetypes,

User Input, Up- and Download, Mail, Database connection, AJAX

Assessment: Lecture: Final Exam, Tutorial: Continuous Assessment

Management of Business Processes (ITM/3. Semester) 2.5 ECTS Introduction to the topic of business processes; development of organization theory in the 20th century,

definition of business processes; process analysis, inventory-and as-is-analysis; organization of labor -

Taylor's structure of labor; optimization of business processes, Business Process Reengineering;

modelling, controlling and benchmarking of business processes.

Assessment: Final exam, continuous assessment

IT-Project Work 2 (ITM/5. Semester) 5,5 ECTS

Contents of the course is the independent work of a moderate problem in the field of study covered by the departments.

The prerequisites are often different. But there should be at least a basic knowledge in one of the

following fields: data bases, network, Linux/Unix, object oriented programming, software engineering,

new media.


English for Scientific purposes (ITM/5. Semester) 2,5 ECTS Description

In the course ESP students improve their academic writing skills. The following topics will be dealt with

in detail:

- writing different types of texts (special focus will be laid on writing abstracts and summaries)

- acquiring strategies that help students comprehend and independently write complex, scientific texts

- extending their academic vocabulary

- introduction to presentation skills: summarizing and presenting scientific papers (such as project

work or bachelor theses)

Learning outcome from related module

After a successful completion of this module students are able to apply scientific research methods in

their writings and know how to correctly quote the sources used. Furthermore, they can present

the results of their research projects in English.

Mobile Application Development (ITM/5.Semester) 2 ECTS

Development of software applications running on mobile devices with limited resources: - limited screen

estate - limited memory and cpu power -network delay or interruption - usage of additional sensors

Basics of architecture for distributed systems.

Learning outcome from related module:

After having successfully completed this module students have knowledge about practical software

development in the field of Web and mobile applications.They have practised the use of agile software

development methods and tools as well as working in distributed teams.

Prior knowledge:

Programming in object oriented Languages (Java), XML, User Interfaces

Assessment: App project

Management – Leadership (IRM/1. Semester) 2 ECTS

Once management was conceived as being like engineering, a very analytical, rational and mechanistic

function whose sole aim was assembly line efficiency. Today we need both management and leadership.

Both have an equal concern for tasks and people, but different purposes. Leaders promote new directions; management implements them. Management is essential to get anything done efficiently, to

make the best use of resources and to work through complexity. Modern managers can be inspiring and

sensitive to people. They can be good coaches, facilitators, enablers and supporters of employee



Given the key role that management and leadership play in determining organizational success, this

course focuses on a realistic view of management and leadership through the study of the evolution of

management, the identification of current issues and problems, the examination of future trends, and

to learn the fundamentals of leading people. Putting emphasis on these areas, it is possible to provide

the required depth of study to facilitate an understanding and a transfer of newly acquired competences

to the job.

Course Objectives:

• To develop an awareness of multiple approaches to solve management issues and problems

• To understand the impact of surrounding social, political, and economic environment

• To comprehend principles, functions, and responsibilities of management

• To identify important skills, attitudes and success factors of successful leaders

• To understand how leaders grow by developing an individual development plan

• To build self-awareness and understand how your personal work style and strengths impact

your ability to lead and manage

Assessment: The grading is based on an individual performance and a group performance. Regarding the individual

performance students are free to choose between a learning portfolio or a traditional examination.

• 70% Learning portfolio OR test (individual performance)

• 30% Operational management case (group performance)

Software Security (IMS/1.Semester) 6 ECTS

A central and critical aspect of the computer security problem is a software problem. Software security is about understanding software-induced security risks and how to manage them. Software security

starts with good software engineering practices and involve thinking about security early in the software

life cycle.

As many security issues found in software systems are caused by poor implementation techniques,

secure software development deals with identifying insecure coding practices and developing secure


- Software reverse engineering

- Common coding errors:

Encapsulation Data validation (input validation, representation, buffer overflow, output encoding)

Error handling and logging

Security features


- Static code analysis

Learning outcome from related module: This module provides an introduction and overview of the topics of the degree programme as well as

detailed knowledge of cryptography and the implementation of secure software in C and Java.

English Skill Building (IMS/1. Semester) 2 ECTS


Description: The goal of this intensive is to ensure that students have a strong foundation in English to enable

them meet the requirements of subsequent courses held in English. The course’s main objective is it to

improve the participants’ fluency and accuracy in English. Special emphasis is put on conversational

activities, interactive presentations, and discussions to give practice in speaking, pronunciation, and

listening skills. Reading and grammar activities reinforce vocabulary and professional conversational

skills needed for the content taught in the following semesters.

Learning outcome from related module: The graduate possesses detailed knowledge in the foreign language. He/she can express

himself/herself spontaneously and fluently. He/ she can use language flexibly and effectively for social,

academic and professional purposes. Moreover, the student can produce clear, well-structured,

detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and

cohesive devices. In addition to that, the student will be able to successfully participate in scientific research work in order to present his/her research impressively to the scientific community. He/ she is

also able to create and present scientific posters.

Prerequisites: 2.5 ECTS in Academic Writing

Assessment: Seminar: continuous assessment

International Marketing & Market Research (IIM/1. Semester) 2,5 ECTS

Description: The course will consist of lectures and case studies and generally follow the structure of the course



2 Initiation of internationalization

3 Internationalization theories

4 Development of the firm’s international competitiveness

Part I Case studies


5 Global marketing research

6 The political and economic environment

7 The sociocultural environment 8 The international market selection process

Part II Case studies



9 Some approaches to the choice of entry model

10 Export modes

11 Intermediate entry modes

12 Hierarchical modes 13 International sourcing decisions and the role of the subsupplier

Part III Case studies


14 Product decisions

15 Pricing decisions and terms of doing business

16 Distribution decisions

17 Communication decisions (promotion strategies)

Part IV Case studies


18 Cross-cultural sales negotiations

19 Organization and control of the global marketing programme

Part V Case studies


Learning outcome:

The students are able to:

• indepently apply concepts of marketing and communication in the context of marketing

investment goods.

• independently develop internationalisation concepts (positioning strategies) for companies.

• assess the degree of maturity for purchasing processes and methods in an industrial


• apply principles of supplier management (incl. supplier selection, evaluation and development)

in a structured manner.

• interpret global trends and their influence on corporate purchasing.

• develop strategies for procurement for materials groups in accordance with the challenges

which they entail

Learning Method: Integrated lecture


• Continuous assessment via blog entries

• Group presentation

• Essay, to be handed in at the end of the semester

Scientific Project Work (IWI/5. Semester) 4 ECTS

Description: Writing an academic paper on an adequately relevant topic

• Analysis of the topic and problem • Working on theoretical principles, evaluation of various different solutions and alternative, also based

on incomplete research

• Independently finding strategies to solve the problem in question

Learning outcome Students are able to:

• evaluate a professionally relevant complex problem independently in accordance with scientific


• display new findings and research questions in writing

• independently apply the basic principles of scientific writing (referencing, formal structure etc.) Literature from related module

Assessment: Evaluation of the Academic Thesis Paper


Seminar Scientific Project Work (IWI/5. Semester) 1 ECTS

Description: • Supervision and coaching of the writing process of the academic paper

• Incorporating content and methodical input and discussions pertaining to (text) results.

Learning outcome: Students are able to

• evaluate a professionally relevant complex problex independently in accordance with scientific criteria

• display new findings and research questions in writing

• independently apply the basic principles of scientific writing (referencing, formal structure etc.)

Learning Method: Seminar

Assessment: Evaluation of the Scientific Thesis Paper


Social Competences and Conflict Management (IIM/1. Semester) max. 5 Incoming

Students 2 ECTS


Content of the lecture

• Intrapersonal Competences

o Individual Psychology

o Self-concept/ self-esteem

o Topic-centred interaction

o Riemman's model

• Interpersonal Competences:

o Social Thinking /Attributions theory

o Social Influence /Conformity o Social Relations / Relationships

• Social Competencies and new media

• Non-violent Communication

• Different types of conflicts

• Appearance and conflict analysis

• Conflict diagnosis and conflict progression

• Levels of conflict escalation in directions

Learning outcome: The students are able to

• analyse their self-image based on aspect of the concept of the self and self-esteem.

• show the dynamics of group processes.

• explain the role of attitudes and values in workplace scenarios.

• assess their own behavioural patterns in groups.

• apply social-psychological theories to everyday workplace scenarios.

• develop healthy and productive workplace relationships based on the methods learned.

• illustrate different types of conflicts, incl. how they develop.

• apply methods of conflict management.

• describe triggers and obstacles of change processes. • show reasons for failed corporate change.

• analyse the success factors for change processes - especially leadership, vision, communication,

participation, integration, employee development, project management, consulting, continuous


Learning Method: Seminar

Assessment: Continuous assessment


English: Career & Performance Evaluation (IWI/3. Semester) 2 ECTS

Description: � • Letter of application

� • writing a resume

� • Interviews in English

� • Learning/training program for a new recruit � • Developing a solution to a technical problem

� • Basics of academic writing

Learning outcomes:

In English the students are able to

� use specific terminology in business and engineering.

� write job applications, conduct interviews & simulate recruitment processes.

� plan a trainee programme/Employee Academy.

� analyse and evaluate information for scientific work when using references.

� apply learned skills to prepare and deliver professional

� presentations.

Learning Method: Integrated Lecture

Assessment: Final Exam and continuous assessment

Intercultural Management (Free elective Course) (IIM/3. Semester) 4 ECTS

Course content:

� International Management

� International Strategies

� Definition of culture. Theories and approaches

� Intercultural communication and negotiation

� International Human Recourses


German Courses and Intercultural Subjects: There might be slight changes in the course offerings due to student numbers and required levels!

Please note that several German courses of different levels cannot be taken at once.

German Beginners 1 (A1/1) or German Beginners 2 (A1/2)


The beginner courses (first and second level) integrate the skills of listening, speaking, reading and

writing and emphasize oral communication and listening comprehension in a culturally authentic


Prerequisites: No command of the German language for German Beginners 1 (A1/1) for German

beginners 2.

Evaluation: Continuous assessment, written exams

Bibliography: Menschen 1, A1/1 , A1/2 Menschen2 with Audio-CD and interactive exercises, about €


German Intermediate 1 (B1/1) 3 ECTS

This course will focus on enlarging the student’s range of vocabulary and expressions and will be exposed

to more complex issues of grammar at level B1/1 such as: subjunctive II, unreal optative clauses;

subjunctive II, unreal conditional clauses; past perfect tense, after, before; final clauses: in order to;

genitive (nouns and prepositions); present and past participle; verbs in combination with infinitives;

verbs in combination with prepositions and prepositional adverbs; passive with modal verbs (present tense).

Bibliography: You will get up-to-date and didactic teaching materials in the course, which are designed

specifically to meet the needs of your language level: € 14,-

Evaluation: Continuous assessment, written exams

ÖSD Preparation Course (A1-C1) no ECTS

Do you want to test your German skills? And set this down for posterity in your curriculum vitae or résumé? Or perhaps include an internationally recognised language diploma in your application? Then

the German Language Diploma (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom – ÖSD) is just the right thing for you! In

this course you will get to know the types of questions that will come up in the examination and prepare

yourself for the examination using sample tests.

Prerequisites: Level A2-C2, depending on the exam

Bibliography: Material will be provided by the course instructor

Assessment: No grade, no ECTS for this preparation course.


Austria – People and Culture 2 ECTS

In this course, the intercultural experiences of the participants will be discussed and the cultural

differences between Austria and the participants' home countries analysed. It will not only provide

useful information about Austria, but also focus on the basics of the German language and on how to handle difficult situations caused by the cultural differences discussed.

Prerequisites: None

Bibliography: Teaching material is provided by the lecturer: € 15,--

Evaluation: Class participation and presentation


Have you always wanted to get to know Austria and learn some German?

Do you enjoy being part of a small and very intimate community of students?

Do you relax best when doing sports?

Kapfenberg is just the place to go!

Why Kapfenberg?

It not only offers the best out and indoor sports facilities but also a first class educational environment.

With about 23.000 inhabitants Kapfenberg is the third biggest town of the province of Styria. It is one

of the most modern and innovative high-tech industrial cities in Austria.

In Kapfenberg students can enjoy a unique campus atmosphere: after lectures, students are

encouraged to meet and talk with professors and lecturers, who spend much of their time attending to their students' needs. Due to the small campus our students form a real community and it will be easy

for you to get fully involved in student life. State-of-the-art laboratories, a canteen, a comfortable

students' lounge and a residence hall, which is also a starting point for great running and mountain bike

trails, provide you with the perfect study environment.

How to get to Kapfenberg?

The campus is easy to reach as railway station and bus stops are located directly in front of the building.

And Graz, the capital of Styria, is less than an hour away.

Where to stay?

Kapfenberg provides a range of accommodation facilities for students. The nearest housing possibility

is the student home WIST. For more information, please contact us directly via mail.

We are already looking forward to welcoming you at FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg!

We would like to advise you that even if you can choose from a variety of courses held in English to also

take the chance and enrol in a German course.

As the courses described in this programme leaflet are offered by four different degree programmes,

we cannot assure you that you will be able to take any possible combination of them. Due to

administrative and organisational issues related to the planning of course schedules an overlapping of courses cannot entirely be avoided. The courses described in this leaflet take place every fall term.

Please note that the courses listed are subject to change and availability.


Werk-VI-Straße 46, 8605 Kapfenberg

For more information please go to �

Fotos: FH JOANNEUM (Stefan Leitner)