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Transcript of International Participation MINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER August/2011.

International Participation



• Based on classic values: promoting peace, respect towards the non-intervention principle, protection of Human Rights and Strengthening of Multilateralism;• Commitment to the fight against hunger and extreme poverty around the world;• Deepening of existing relations with neighboring south-american countries, the Caribbean, all remaining Latin American countries, African countries and the Middle East and Asian regions;• Cultivating the relation with the United States and the European Union;• Intensification of the relations with emerging countries;• Associating the economic, social and political development of Brazil to that of the American continent;• Transformation of the region into an essential component of the multipolar world, progressively awarding greater consistency to MERCOSUR and UNADUR;• Contributing to the estability of international finances with a qualified intervention in multilateral forums;• Defense of the reform of global governance bodies, specially the United Nations and its Security Council.

Guidelines of Brazilian External Policies

Presence in Multilateral Instances


• Meeting of Ministers and Social Development Authorities (RMADS in Spanish)

• Social Institute of MERCOSUR (ISM in Spanish)

• Ministers Coordinating Commision regarding Social Matters (CCMAS in Spanish)



• South American Council for Social Development

• Work Group Meeting

• Meeting of Ministers


• Social Development Work Group


• Meeting of Ministers of Labor and Social Matters


• Meeting of Ministers of Social Matters

MDS Cooperating Countries

MDS ProjectsFinished Under Development To be Signed In Progress

Bolivia: Support to the Multisectoral Program Zero Malnutrition”

Chile: “Strategies to overcome extreme poverty and Social Policies in Brazil and Chile”

Ecuador: “Training in methodologies and instruments to evaluate social programs”

El Salvador: " Implementation and Mnagement of the Social Protection System in El Salvador”

Spain: “Strengthening the Management of Public Policies for Social Inclusion of the Brazilian Federal Government”

Program to Acquire Food from Agriculture – Feed (PAA Brazil-Africa): Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malaui, Mozambique, Nigeria, Kenia, Rwanda, Senegal, Zimbabwe

Ecuador: “Public Policies on Social Assistance with emphasis in families and communities”

Ecuador: “Public Policies regarding Social Development, Fight against Hunger and Food and Nutrition Security in Ecuador”

Ghana: “Pilot Cooperation Project between Brazil and Ghana”

Paraguay: “Proyect to build 50 cisterns in the Paraguayan Chaco region”

Haiti: “Construction of cisterns to capture and storage of rain waters in Haiti”

Peru: “Decentralized management of Social Programs”

Bolivia: “Project to build 50 cisterns in the Bolivian Chaco region”

Haiti “Study for the promotion of actions to strenghten family agriculture and SAN”

Kenia: “Project to create a single Registry and an Evaluation and Monitoring System”

Mozambique: “Creation of a Mozambican Social Protection System”

Uruguay: “Technical Protection Project MDS-MIDES”

Project with Peru“Decentralized Management of Social Programs ”: Objectives and Actions

ACTIVIDADES EJECUTADAS: • taller de capacitación;• visita a terreno; • workshop de evaluación.

Enhance the process of decentralization of the

Peruvian social programs.

Project with Peru: Results and ActionsExpected Results

Greater capacities of MIMDES officials, which are reinforced by their relation with decentralized management.

Greater capacities of MIMDES representatives, as well as regional and municipal governments, reinforced in regards to the decentralized functions awarded by the Central Government to Local Governments, with a component of participation.

Training in Brazil for Peruvian Education Agents.

Taller de evaluación del proceso de descentralización de los programas sociales del Perú realizado con el apoyo de los especialistas brasileños.

Reached Results

229* MIMDES officials received training in the following areas: social assitance, food and nutrition security and financial transfers to families living in poverty, which has allowed to count with new mechanisms and instruments for the formulation of social policies within MIMDES.

336 participants between MIMDES officials and the general public shared information in regards to the advances of policies and social programs by MIMDES and MDS through their attendance to the “Balance of MIMDES and MDS Policies and Social Programs” Seminar.

15 professionals amongst representatives of MIMDES, and the Peruvian regional and local Government, have had the oppportunity to get to know the managing experiences of MDS´s social programs, which has allowed them to develop proposals for the intervention of the sector such as: a) proposals to decentralize management of social programs, b) proposals for intersectoral intervention within the framework of territorial development, and c) proposal for the decentralized management of the supplemental food program.

50 MIMDES professionals were trainined in building and implementation processes for the MDS´s monitoring and evaluation system through SAGI. Said professionals have created: a) Guidelines for the MIMDES´s monitoring and evaluation policies, b) Sectorial performance indicators to be used within the decision processes by the respective Minister, and c) Single criteria for social diagnosis, and d) Design of a monitoring and evaluation system for MIMDES.

Project with Peru: challenges and achievements

Challenges:I – Availability of human resources within the technical areas involved in the project;II – Creation of the project without a previous diagnosis;III – Regulatory restrictions on the implementation of the proposals, and differences within the Governments organization (Unitary State)

Reasons of our success:I – Commitment on the Peruvian side with the quality of all activities performedII – Joint elaboration of a work plan for each of the performed activitiesDocument has the following contents:Background of the project; Objective of each Activity; Topics that will be addressed and Brief Description of all Activities; Expected results; Staff profile (MDS and MIMDES) for all those participating in the activity; Timeline; Budget and Program.III – Effective impact assesment of each activity performed within the Project by each of the participating teams (MDS and MIMDES)IV –Elaboration of project evaluation report: Summarizing the perceptions of both teams from MIMDES and MDS regarding: advances in the decentralization process in Peru and Brazil; advances in the implementation of the social protection sistem, advances in the process to strengthen capacities within the boundaries of the project.

Project with Ecuador- “Training in methodologies and instruments for the evaluation of social programs”: Objectives

Support the National

Secretariat of Planning and

Development – SENPLADES – in

the strengthening of

its bases to follow-up and evaluate social

programs which contribute to reaching the

goals set by the National

Development Plan for a Better


Increase technical know-how to evaluate social programs.

Strengthen the connection between the generation of

information by local agencies and its delivery to the matrix, so it can be used within the National Evaluation System.

Project with Ecuador: activities and results

Result:Ability of the SENPLADES staff to handle improved follow-up and evaluation instruments and methodologies for social programs.

Activity:1. Complete training course in management of instruments and methodologies to evaluate social programs. 2 module duration.

Result:Experience gained by MDS in Brazil, to implement and execute follow-up and evaluation instruments and methodologies for social programs.

Activity:1. Complete

technical internships by SENPLADES staff at MDS.

- Brazil (two 1 month periods)

Result:Methodology to evaluate social programs related to Ecuador’s proposed National Development Plan.

Activity:1. Work on the proposal for methodological evaluation of social programs related to Ecuador’s National Development Plan.2. Technical visits to discuss the creation process of the evaluation of social programs methodology related to Ecuador’s National Development Plan. 3. Complete workshop to present the evaluation of social programs methodology related to Ecuador’s National Development Plan.

Main Cooperation Requests directed at MDS

Income TransferSingle Registry

Management of “Bolsa Familia” (Family Bag)

Food and Nutritional Security

Zero Hunger

PAA (Program to Acquire Food - Spanish acronym)


Equipment of SAN (Low budget restaurants, Food banks, Community Kitchens and others)

Social Assistance

BPC (Continuous Cash Benefit – spanish acronym)

SUAS y CRAS (Social Assistance Orientation Center – Spanish Acronym)

PETI (Program to Erradicate Child Labor – Spanish acronym)

Information Management and Evaluation

Evaluation and Monitoring

Social Information Matrix

Challenges and Perspectives of the International rol of MDS

Challenges Perspectives

Availability of human resources within the technical areas required by the project

Hiring trained consultants to contact the nearest host country

Adequately monitoring the projects Include monitoring tools in the project’s components

Difficulties pertaining the political moment of each of the cooperating countries (elections, change of government)

Negotiate a viable agreement with a counterpart, taking into account each particular political moment, in order to guarantee the projects sustainability

Difficulties to ground each partners expectations regarding our cooperation power, taking into account each counterparts institutional capacity.

Design a methodology to ably diagnose the institutional capacity of each counterpart as well as all growing demands.

Sinergy between RIPSO and the regional cooperation: network rol

• Making a diagnosis of the cooperation in the region

• Search for partners (multilateral entities) to evaluate the impact of cooperation in the region;

• Defining a coordination system within the countries, as well as the introduction of their cooperation portfolios;

• A more accurate mapping of the cooperation offer and demands per country;

• The completion of project creation mechanisms and management methodologies by consensus between donors.