“Intelligence is not predicted by one’s learning surroundings, but by the quality of their...

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Transcript of “Intelligence is not predicted by one’s learning surroundings, but by the quality of their...

Public School V. Home SchoolBy Jessica, Maggie, Candice and Gillian

ED 2600 – Introduction to Education

Home Schooling vs. Public School….

“Intelligence is not predicted by one’s learning surroundings, but by the quality of their learning experience, be it in a classroom or a family room. Parental involvement plays a large role, but it is possible for parents of traditionally-educated students to be deeply involved in their child’s education, just as it is possible for a homeschooling parent to neglect aspects of their child’s education.” --Joseph Baker

Parental Involvement for Public School: 89%Among K-12 students, the percentage with a parent or other household member who attended a general school or PTO/PTA meeting during the 2006-07 school year. Additionally, 65 percent had such a relative who participated in school fundraising and 46 percent who volunteered to serve on a school committee.

Let’s start with the facts!

Public School

55.5 million people is the projected number of students to be enrolled in the nation's elementary through high schools (pre-kindergarten - 12th grade) this fall.

98,706Number of public schools in 2008-09. In 2007-08, there were 33,740 private schools.

$10,499The per-pupil expenditure on public elementary and secondary education nationally in 2009. New York ($18,126) spent the most among states or state equivalents, followed by the District of Columbia ($16,408), New Jersey ($16,271) and Alaska ($15,552). Utah ($6,356) spent the least per student, followed by Idaho ($7,092) and Arizona ($7,813).

Home School

• Home schooling is a growing choice among parents today. Since 1999 its grown 75%

• Currently about 4% of students are home schooled (Number is rough est.)

•Homeschooling did not become legal in all states until 1993 and by 1999 about 850,000 children ages 5 - 17 were homeschooled.  That is 1.7% of school age children. (Modern Language Assoc.)

Advantages to Public Schools


•Public Schools are Icons in America

•Very Diverse Student Population



•Open Enrollment to County Schools if Desired

•Set Curriculum

•Wide Range of Activities Offered (extracurricular activities)

Advantages to Public Schools Continued

•Unique availability of Faculty specialized in training individuals with special needs

•Multi-Language Learning Opportunities

•Variety of Content- from strictly academics, to real world training (home-ec, work study, etc.)

•Easier Access to Higher Education- scholorships, guidance programs, etc.

•College level experience while in high school (PSEO, IB Level classes)

•Curriculum Integration, Standards, Breadth

•Qualified Teachers and Administrators

Continued…6. Earn one unit of fine arts; 7. Maintain an overall high school grade point average of at least 3.5 on a four-point scale up to the last grading period of the senior year;8. or Obtain a composite score of 27 on the American college testing services' ACT assessment (excluding the optional writing test) or a combined score of 1210 on the College Board's SAT verbal and mathematics sections (excluding the required writing section).

Advantages to Home Schools

Varying curriculums/styles; • Traditional curriculum with set schedules • ‘Deschooling’ or Child Pace/Interest/Talent Driven Curriculum• Religious Freedom• Internet-based instruction, typically through a school with no parent teacher Can use community-based learning opportunities• Public lectures• Public Theater• Community Home School gatherings and Trading of Information and Ideas Studies show homeschoolers tend to do better than public schooled children on; • Standardized test (1999)• Advanced exams (2005)• SAT (2004) • ACT (2001)

•Students feel they have more freedoms and learn more. No ‘mindless’ tasks. Overall, students want to be there and learn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5En-hi2v3Ts&feature=fvwr


A testament for Home School

“ I agree it is a touchy subject, we had a teacher one year come to our co-op and thought she would find that most homeschooled because of religious reasons. Come to find out that was not high on the list. One thing I will say is my kids love to learn, they can make choices about their learning, we can slow down, speed up a topic and so on, it to me is more individualized than any teacher could be with my child. We do homeschool gym, art, science, and band. My kids know that I have no problem sending them to public school and we support our local school and the kids via fundraising and collections. I ask my kids if they want to go to school. We use all sorts of curriculum and can go far more in depth in areas that I feel I never did in school.” – Susan Bowser

Disadvantages to Public Schools

• Too much socialization; not enough focus on important, quality education.

• Costly to Tax payers.

• Arbitrary schedule, Difficult for Parents to work around.

• Setting not conductive to learning • Too many distractions • Not enough funding “A Burden on Tax Payers”• Lacks Quality over Quantity

Disadvantages to Public School (con’d)

“Much of the funding for public schools typically comes from local property taxes, leaving poorer districts with significantly lower-quality staff and facilities than wealthier districts. The table above shows how teacher quality drops at high-poverty schools, while the number of students who will grow up to live in poverty skyrockets from 4 percent to one in seven—even when controlling for individual ability and family home environment.”

Disadvantages to Home Schooling

• The number one issue, No Set Curriculum.

• Parents do not meet Teacher qualifications.

• Parent Issues Diploma

• Lack of Socialization/Sheltered from the real world

• Safety of the child. No one to notice/report any abuse.

• May be teaching the wrong information or skip if parent teacher is unsure.

• Students without siblings or without a support group may lack in social skills that they pick up at public schools.

• Homeschooling is costly to the parents, in both time and money. • Students who are alone cannot utilize brainstorming or group work projects.

What The People Have To Say….



•“Those who paid attention to their lessons and learned proper time-management and socialization skills succeed in college and in the workplace, while those who were not taught these skills do not do as well…”

•“Some of the most significant disadvantages to public schooling are cost, time, teachers’ inability to instruct, inability to socialize with anyone outside their age group, interpersonal skills, communication skills and being overprotected from the real world outside the school walls.” –Jen (June 13th, 2009)

Rethinking Educationhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jZHNjc4Xk0&feature=youtu.be


Requirements for Home Schools

Qualifications of the home teacher• A high school diploma or equivalence; or standardized test scores that demonstrate high school equivalence or equivalent credential found by the superintendent.

• Students must have a minimum of 900 home school hours

• Must have a brief outline/syllabus for the year

• Students must pass assessments tests in order to graduate. The superintendent and a certified teacher must be the ones who assess the students performance.

Home Schools must cover these topics; Via The Ohio Code/LawsLanguage, reading, spelling, and writing; Geography, history of the United States and Ohio; and national, state, and local government; Mathematics; Science; Health; Physical education; Fine arts, including music; and First aid, safety, and fire prevention.

Requirements for Public SchoolsWell, were all in this class correct? I believe we all know, but generally, you must have a bachelors degree to substitute a public school and to teach you must have a teaching license and possibly even a master degree depending on which field of interest you want to go into.

Graduation Requirements for Ohio

1. Earn four units of English; 2. Earn at least four units of mathematics which shall

include algebra I, algebra II, geometry and another higher level course, or a four-year sequence of courses which contains equivalent content;

3. Earn at least four units of science including one unit of physics and one unit of chemistry;

4. Earn four units of social studies;5. Earn three units of world languages (must include

no less than two units for which credit is sought), i.e., three units of one world language or two units of two different languages;

Graduation Rates3.2 millionProjected number of high school diplomas that will be awarded in the 2011-12 school year.

According to America’s Health RankingsFrom 2004 to 2011 78.92 % of students in

Ohio Graduate from high schoolI cannot find home school statistics, mainly because in many states home teachers are not required to register with anyone. In Ohio they are required to register with a superintendant but I cannot find graduation rates. It is possible that the current Ohio graduation rates includes home schooled children.

The biggest topic of debate? Or just one of many!

For home schooling, students only need to score in the 25th percentile to be considered component.


ReferencesThank you YouTube for your videos

The Ohio Laws - http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/3301-34 Lawrence, Julia. "Number of Homeschoolers Growing Nationwide." Education News. N.p., 05 2012. Web. 11 Nov 2012. <http://www.educationnews.org/parenting/number-of-homeschoolers-growing-nationwide/>.  McReynolds, Kate. "Homeschooling." Encounter 20.2 (2007): 36-41.

Postlewaite, Charlotte C. "The Home School Debate. (Cover Story)." State Government News 47.2 (2004): 18-20. Ray, Brian D. "Customization Through Homeschooling." Educational Leadership 59.7 (2002): 50. http://www.educationnews.org/parenting/number-of-homeschoolers-growing-nationwide/ http://donnayoung.org/forms/help/high-school-requirements.htm http://world.edu/weighing-benefits-disadvantages-homeschooling-traditional-education/

http://sitemaker.umich.edu/dickersonhouilles.356/advantages_and_disadvantages http://52churches.garriber.org/?p=1474






Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2011, Table 215 http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics,http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d10/tables/dt10_005.asp

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2010, Table 217 http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Education Finances: 2009http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/governments/cb11-94.html

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2011, Table 248 <http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/>