Ingles Basico

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Ingles Basico

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ALUNO (A): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSOR (A): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CETAM SEPLAN Centro de Educação Tecnológica do

Amazonas Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e

Desenvolvimento Econômico

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• UNIT 1..................................................................................................... 04 English, an international language

• UNIT 2..................................................................................................... 05 Greetings

Definite article

Indefinite article

Verb to be

• UNIT 3..................................................................................................... 10 Object Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Adjectives

• UNIT 4..................................................................................................... 17 Demonstrative Pronouns

• UNIT 5..................................................................................................... 18 Interrogative Pronouns

• UNIT 6..................................................................................................... 22 Simple Present Tense – Verb there to be

Present Continuous Tense

• UNIT 7..................................................................................................... 26 Simple Past Tense – To be

Simple Past Tense – Verb There to be

Past Continuous Tense

• UNIT 8..................................................................................................... 35 Simple Present Tense

Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs/Irregular Verbs)

• UNIT 9..................................................................................................... 41 Simple Future Tense

Future with going to

__________________________________________________________________ 2• UNIT 10................................................................................................... 47

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Interrogative Pronouns

How much/many?

• UNIT 11................................................................................................... 52 Present Perfect Tense

Adverbs used with the Present Perfect Tense

• UNIT 12................................................................................................... 56 Past Perfect Tense

• UNIT 13................................................................................................... 58 Plural of Nouns

Degrees of Adjectives

• UNIT 14................................................................................................... 65 Prepositions

• UNIT 15................................................................................................... 70 Reflexive Pronouns

• REVIEW EXERCISES ............................................................................ 72 • LISTS...................................................................................................... 91

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English, an international language

Why learn English?

Because English is the most important international language in the

world. Some facts prove that: English is the international language of air and

sea travels, of computing, of pop music, of politics, of science and medicine,

sports, TV and films.

The World today is a very small place. Communication and travel are

very extremely quick: think of jets planes, satellite TV, telephones, telex and fax,

for example.

Because of this, we need a common language, and this language is

English. English s the first language in: Australia; Bahamas; Canada; Ireland;

Guyana; New Zealand; United States; United Kingdom.

And it is the official second in many other countries like: India, Nigeria,

South Africa, Israel.

English is slowly becoming more than one language, because in every

country it is spoken there are differences in some vocabulary words.

SPEAKING Now Interview two friends:

Friend 1:__________________________

Friend 2:__________________________

1. Are you interested in English?

2. Are you organized to learn English?

3. Are you a good English student?

Friend 1 Friend 2


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Saudações e apresentações Greetings and introductions

Oi. Hi.

Tudo bem? How are you?

Qual seu nome? What is your name?

Oi, eu sou… Hi, I am…

Prazer. Nice to meet you.

Você conhece o João? Do you know João?

Eu quero lhe apresentar ao… I’d like you to meet...

Já ouvi falar muito de você. I’ve heard a lot about you.


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bus nook bike cup of coffee television

car hamburger airplane beaver


The (o, a, os, as)

Is Joe the American boxer?

That’s the magic!

The Brazilian soccer players are the best..

Sue and Claire are the American students..


A / an (um, uma)

A – usado antes de sons consonantais

Sam is a lawyer.

Bill is a mechanic.

An –usado antes de sons vocálicos

Jane is an actor..

The game is an hour along.

A e an são usados somente no singular.

He is a skier, but they are swimmers

EXERCISES 1. Complete with a or an.

a) ___________ bus.

b) ___________ airplane.

c) ___________ book.

d) ___________ bike.

e) ___________ cup of coffee.

f) ___________ beaver.

g) ___________ television.

h) ___________ car.

i) ___________ decision.

j) ___________ hamburger.

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_____________ _______________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ________________ ____________

fireman policeman mechanic waiter painter dentist

nurse secretary teacher actor postman carpenter

student butcher lawyer


Subject Pronouns Verb to be – Simple Present Tense

I am a fireman.

You are a policeman.

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He is a mechanic.

She is a nurse.

It is an office.

We are divers.

You are lawyers.

They are students.

1. Verb to be

a) Forma afirmativa: She is a nurse.

Forma interrogativa: Is she a nurse?

Forma negativa: She is not a nurse.

b) Formas contratas:

Afirmativa: I’m – You’re – He’s – She’s – It’s – We’re – You’re – They’re

Negativa: I’m not – You’re not/You aren’t – He’s not/He isn’t – She’s

not/She isn’t – It’s not/It isn’t – We’re not/We aren’t –

You’re/You aren’t – They’re not/They aren’t

EXERCISES 1. Use the verb to be.

a) I________________ a student.

b) The world is _________________ a small place.

c) We______________ important.

d) Spanish ______________ our official language.

e) Communication and travel _______________ extremely quick.

f) You and I ____________ Brazilian.

g) Bruno and Maria _____________ Brazilian.

h) A jet plane ____________ very quick.

2. Add the verb to in the negative form.

a) These languages ______________ difficult.

b) Portuguese _________________ the official language in Europe.

c) That _______________ a jet plane.

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d) I _______________ on vacation.

e) The candies _______________ in the stove.

3. Change to question form.

a) A telephone is different from a fax.


b) This flat is small.


c) You are from Fortaleza.


d) These words are different in American English.


e) This cab is old and slow.


4. Rewrite the sentences substituting the words in bold for subject pronouns.

a) Are Ricardo, João and you skiers?

Yes, Ricardo, João and I are skiers.



b) Is that sport radical?

No, that sport is not radical.



c) Are Maria and Susan mountaineers?

No, Maria and Susan are not mountaineers. Mary and Susan are




d) Is Diana a driver?

Yes, Diana is a driver.



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GROUP ACTIVITY Formem grupos e elaborem um dialogo usando os GREETINGS e

algumas das profissões aprendidas.



Relacione as colunas:

1- To talk

2- To need

3- To help

4- To work

5- To love

6- To drink

7- To have

8- To ask

( ) Trabalhar

( ) Precisar

( ) Ter

( ) Perguntar

( ) Conversar

( ) Beber

( ) Amar

( ) Ajudar


Subject Pronouns I You He She It We You They

Object Pronouns me you him her it us you them

Os object pronouns são usados como complementos verbais, vindo

imediatamente após um verbo ou uma preposição.

Call us tomorrow morning.

Peter is so tired! Talk to him.

EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks with object pronouns.

a) Look at me, Alex! I’m talking to ______________.

b) Jeanne needs your help. Please, study with ______________.

c) Your computer isn’t working well. Don’t leave ___________ on.

d) Samuel loves orange juice. He drinks ___________ every morning.

e) I have some books that Henry needs. So, I’m giving ______ to ______.

f) We need to see Mary today. Ask _______ to call ________.


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house music radio

dog computer


That hamburger is mine. Those sandwiches are yours.

I Mine

You Yours

He His

She Hers

We Ours

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They Theirs

• Referem-se sempre ao possuidor.

• Não são seguidos de substantivos. I am playing with my father and you are playing with yours.


1. Complete with the appropriate possessive pronoun.

a) ⎯ This isn’t our computer. Is it ____________?

⎯ Yes, it’s mine.

b) ⎯ Is Roberto doing his homework?

⎯ Yes, he is. And his sister Jane?

⎯ Jane is doing ___________ too.

c) ⎯ Is Carol and Magalia’s dog a Labrador?

⎯ No, __________ is a Cocker Spaniel.

d) ⎯ Is Joel’s father well?

⎯ Yes, he is. And yours?

⎯ ____________ is well, too.

e) ⎯ Is Susan’s book with Antonio?

⎯ No, ____________ is with Betty.

GENITIVE CASE: noun + ’s + noun

Jane’s video game is new.

Carlos’s (Carlos’) VCR is old.

The children’s radio is small.

Today’s news on TV is positive.

My parents’ TV set is big.

A forma possessiva é frequentemente usada com:

• Pessoas ou animais

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Tom’s full name is Thomas Wolf.

• Substantivos no plural não terminados em s

The children’s nicknames are Billy and Timmy.

• Nomes próprios terminados em s

Dennis’s mother is Jane.

• Expressões de tempo, medida, lugar e com alguns substantivos, tais como:

sun, sea, moon, government.

The sun’s rays are not always healthy.

• Usa-se somente o apóstrofo com substantives no plural terminados em s

The girls’ radios are new.

EXERCISES 1. Use the possessive form.

a) The experience of my friend.


b) The house of those people.


c) The first party of Mary Lou.


d) The style of the teenagers.


e) The music of Chopin.


f) The meeting of the ecologists.


g) The protest of the youngsters.


h) The stories of the adults.


2. Follow de example.

a) One of Joe’s colleagues is here.

A colleague of Joe’s is here.

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b) One of Albert’s brothers is living abroad.


c) One of my mother’s friends left for Italy.


d) I am one of Prince’s fans.


d) ”Tropicália” is one of Caetano’s songs.



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________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________

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Grandfather Father Sisters Son Daughter

Mother Grandmother Brothers


My grandfather is shy.

His sister is shy.

Their mother is shy.

I My

You Your

He His

She Her

It Its

We our

They their

• Referem-se sempre ao possuidor.

• Vêm sempre acompanhados de substantivos.

• Não são antecedidos de artigos.

John is shy, but his cousin isn’t.

EXERCISES 1. Complete with possessive adjectives.

a) William is my brother. ___________ nickname is Bill.

b) Joan is living in a four bedroom house now. ________ house is very big.

c) We are working in San Francisco, but _________ brothers are working in

Los Angeles.

d) Prince Charles is talking to ___________ mother. Queen Elizabeth.

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e) Tim and Tom are playing. They are playing with ___________ pet.

f) I am drinking red wine, but __________ favorite drink is white wine.

g) My dog is black and white, but ____________ mother is all black.

h) Susan and I are eating ____________ pasta now.

i) William’s father is prince Charles and ____________brother’s name is


2. Possessive adjective or possessive pronoun?

a) Why don’t you read a poem of yours ?

b) The T-shirt Sandra is wearing is not ___________. It belongs to

_________ brother.

c) My friend and I always do __________ lessons at the library. Where do

you and ___________ friends do ___________?

d) Teenagers usually express ___________ feelings. Do adults express


e) Susan didn’t write ___________ name on that book. Is the book really


f) We develop ___________ creativity. Some ideas of ___________ often

become hits.

g) Some people create ____________ own fashion style.

h) Of course I think about ___________ problems. You have to think about

__________ too.

i) The magazine I’m reading is not ____________ It has no name on

__________ cover. Is it yours?

j) Clodovil is famous for _____________ clothes. A dress of __________

costs a lot.

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Singular: This (isto, este, esta), that (aquilo, aquele, aquela).

• This- refere-se à coisa, animal ou pessoa que está próxima de quem


• That- refere-se à coisa, animal ou pessoa que está distante de quem


• This e that- podem funcionar como adjetivos, antes do substantivo (this

sandwich; that salad), ou como pronomes substantivos (this is for you;

that is for me). Exemplo: What’s this? – pergunta o que é uma coisa que está perto da pessoa

que fala.

What’s that? – pergunta o que é uma coisa que está longe da pessoa

que fala.

Plural: these (estes; estas), those (aqueles; aquelas).

• These- refere-se à coisas, animais ou pessoas que estão próximos de

quem fala.

• Those- refere-se à coisas, animais ou pessoas que estão distantes de

quem fala.

• These e those- podem funcionar como adjetivos, antes do substantivo

(these cookies; those pies), ou como pronomes substantivos (these are

good; those are bad).

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Exemplo: What are these? - pergunta "o que são estas" coisas que estão perto

da pessoa que fala.

What are those? – pergunta "o que são aquelas" coisas que estão

longe da pessoa que fala.



Who - quem (usado como sujeito da oração).

Whose – de quem.

Exemplo: Who is he?

He is Paul.

Whose computer is this?

It’s Ted’s computer.

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Who is this man? Who is this woman?

……………………………. ……..……………………………

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EXECISES 1. Make up dialogs.

Model: Radio / his / John Smith

Whose radio is it?

It’s his.

Who is this man?

He is John Smith.

a) Dvd / hers / Joan Green.





b) Computer/ theirs / Carol and Paul Wright.





c) Radio / mine / Kate Miller.





d) TV set / ours / Peter and Robert Watson.





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to wait to cough to sit to sleep

to eat to cry


Why – Por que?

Exemplo: Why are you here?

Because I want to see you.


• Why – Usado em perguntas.

• Because – Usado em respostas.


1. Match questions and answers.

a) Why is he happy?

b) Why is he using your mobile phone?

c) Why are they leaving?

d) Why is Mary studying?

( ) Because he needs to talk to Peter now.

( ) Because he won a lot of money.

( ) Because she has a test.

( ) Because they must sleep early.

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to wake up to run to sing to swim

to write to look


There is / There are – Simple present tense

Affirmative Form

There is (there’s) a participant in radical sports in our group.

There are participants in radical sports in our group.

Interrogative Form

Is there a participant in radical sports in our group?

Are there participants in radical sports in our group?

Negative Form

There is not (there isn’t) a participant in radical sports in our


There are not (there aren’t) participants in radical sports in our


There is – seguido de substantivos incontáveis ou no singular.

There are – seguido de substantivos contáveis no plural.

EXERCISES 1. There is or there are?

a) ________________ international films on TV.

b) ________________ different countries with different languages.

c) ________________ a boy in the elevator.

d) ________________ a subway in São Paulo.

e) ________________ delicious candies for you on the stove.

2. Change to negative and, then, to interrogative form.

a) There are two correct answers for this questions.

There are not (aren’t) two correct answers for this question.

Are there two correct answers for this questions?

b) There is a telephone in the classroom.



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c) There are difficult words in the text.



d) There are different languages in Brazil.




_____________________ ______________________

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______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ to smoke to paint to think

to walk to stand to clean


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Present Continuous Tense

Form: To be (present tense) + verb + ing

Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I am sleeping.

She is watching TV.

They are dancing.

Am I sleeping?

Is she watching TV?

Are they dancing?

I am not sleeping.

She is not watching TV.

They are not dancing.

1. “ing”

a) regra geral: verbo + ing

read – reading I am reading the newspaper now.

b) verbos terminados em:

• e – elimina-se o e e acrescenta-se ing: drive – driving

We are driving south.

• ie – troca-se o ie por y e acrescenta-se ing: die – dying

It is dying.

c) verbos monossílabos ou dissílabos oxítonos terminados em:

consoante + vogal + consoante: dobra-se a última consoante e

acrescenta-se ing run – running swim – swimming

He is running in the park.

We are swimming very well.

2. Usos:

• Enunciar ações que estejam ocorrendo no momento em que se fala:

Look! They are talking to the skiers now.

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• Enunciar situções temporárias:

I am working in Brazil now.

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EXERCISES 1. Use the present continuous tense.

a) (to become) English __________________ an international language.

b) (to translate) I __________________ the text.

c) (to communicate) We __________________ the fact.

d) (to prepare) They __________________ a protest T-shirt.

2. Use the present continuous tense.

a) (to sit) You __________________ on my new jeans.

b) (to cut) Sue and Jeff __________________ the cake.

c) (to put on) We __________________ our t-shirt.

3. Use the present continuous tense.

a) (to begin) Democracy __________________.

b) (to emit) That factory __________________ carbon dioxide.

c) (to control) The policeman __________________ the traffic.

d) (to arrest) The sheriff __________________ the bandits.

4. Use the present continuous tense.

a) (to lie) They __________________! I want the truth.

b) (to improve) You __________________ your English.

c) (to lead) He __________________ the students.

d) (to get dressed) Wait a minute! Mary __________________.

e) (to come) The students __________________ first.

f) (to begin) This place __________________ to become political.

g) (to study) I __________________ about democracy and dictatorship in the


h) (to die) Look! This flower __________________.

i) (to wait) The band leader __________________ for you.

j) (to take) You and I __________________ English lessons now.

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5. Change to negative form.

a) You are thinking about politics.


b) The boys are going to the beach now.


c) She is sitting irreverently.


d) I am writing a text at the moment.


6. Change to question form.

a) I am choosing the correct answer.


b) That student is getting good marks.


c) You are really learning the new words.


d) Many animal species are dying.


e) People are claiming for justice.


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_____________________________ ____________________ ____________________________ __________________ _ _____________________________ ______________________


to count to take a bath to fly

to throw to catch to study

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Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I was here yesterday.

You were here


He was here


She was here


It was here yesterday.

We were here


You were here


They were here


Was I here yesterday?

Were you here


Was he here


Was she here


Was it here yesterday?

Were we here


Were you here


Were they here


I was not here yesterday. You were not here

yesterday. He was not here

yesterday. She was not here


It was not here yesterday.

We were not here


You were not here


They were not here


EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with the simple past tense of the verb to be.

a) Bob and Mary _____________ sad last night.

b) _____________ Mr. Smith happy with his job last year?

c) I’m sure Ralph _____________ an ambitious man.

d) We didn’t understand the explanation last class. It _____________ really


e) Betty and Marian _____________ ugly when they were young.

2. Use the past tense of the verb to be to complete the dialogs below:

a) Where _____________ you two years ago?

I _____________ in Washington.

__________________________________________________________________ 29b) What _____________ the young man’s smile like?

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It _____________ very kind.

c) Who _____________ your first boyfriend?

His name _____________ Mark. He and I were thirteen years old.

_____________ he your classmate?

No, he _____________. He _____________ my cousin’s friend.

d) When _____________ you in Canada?

We _____________ there in 1998.









to fight to dance to bloom to cook

to laugh to get married to climb


There was / There were – Simple Past Tense

Affirmative form There was a garden in the palace.

There were roses in the garden.

Interrogative form Was there a garden in the palace.

Were there roses in the garden?

Negative form There was not a garden in the palace.

There were not roses in the garden.

EXERCISES 1. Change to the simple past tense.

a) There are hamburgers in the bridge.


b) It is a very large palace. There is even a room full of gold.



c) That yellow rose is ugly and it has no smell.


d) There are good books with games and mazes.




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________________________ __________________________

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________________________ __________________________

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________________________ __________________________

to watch TV to ride to come

to go to speak to listen


Past Continuous Tense

Form: To be (past tense) + verb + ing

Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

She was writing a

story last night.

You were reading

tales last night.

Was she writing a story

last night?

Were she reading tales

last night?

She was not writing story

last night.

You were not reading tales last night.


• Expressa uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento,

no passado:

Tom was sending e-mails in the morning.

• Expressa uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento,

no passado, quando outra ação ocorreu:

The prince was playing polo when the reporters arrived.

• Com while, expressa duas ações contínuas e simultâneas no passado:

While John was studying English, her boyfriend was studying Spanish.

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EXERCISES 1. Use the past continuous tense.

a) (to do) Jerry _________________ his lessons at that time.

b) (to shit) I _________________ down when he came back.

c) (to have) They _________________ breakfast when we arrived.

d) (to run) The athlete _________________ when he fell down.

e) (to turn) She _________________ off the TV when she saw me.

f) (to get) As the children _________________ hungry, we decided to stop for a


g) (to think) When you phoned, I _________________ about you.

h) (to travel) When they _________________ abroad, they sent me a postcard.

2. Use the past continuous tense.

a) (to sing/ to dance) While Eric Clapton _____________________, Madonna


b) (to daydream/ to clean) The girls _____________________ while their

mother _____________________ the house.

c) (to walk/ to watch) While she _____________________ in the forest, wolves

_____________________ her.

d) (to work/ to do) I _____________________ hard while you

_____________________ nothing.

3. Change to negative form.

a) He was listening to the radio when I turned it off.



b) The man was protesting when the police arrived.



c) The baby was crying while his mother was preparing some food.

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4. Change to interrogative form.

a) The man was dying when they called a doctor.



b) She was eating vanilla ice-cream when we met.



c) It was raining when we came here.



5. Give long answers.

a) Were you having dinner when your sweetheart phoned?


b) Was your boyfriend reading a tale during the class?


c) Was your mother working while you were studying?


d) Were the students feeling nervous when the test began?


e) Was the bus leaving when saw it?


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______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

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to cut to hold to open

to close to jump to wash


Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I work. You work. He works. She works.

It works. We work. You work. They work.

Do I work? Do you work?

Does he work? Does she work?

Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work?

I do not work. You do not work.

He does not work. She does not work.

It does not work. We do not work. You do not work. They do not work.

1. Formação da 3a pessoa do singular (forma afirmativa):

a) Regra Geral: verbo + s

(get) She gets home late every night.

(use) He uses the computer in the afternoon.

b) Verbos terminados em:

• S, z, ch, sh, x, o: verbo + es

(brush) She brushes her teeth three times a day.

(go) It goes from north to south.

• Consoante + y: verbo + ies

(study) Sally studies English on Tuesdays and Thursday.

(cry) The baby cries every night.

• Exceção: have – has

She has lunch at a restaurant every Saturday.

2. Usos:

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• Expressar ações habituais, geralmente indicadas por expressões adverbiais

de tempo (every day, Monday, on Fridays…) ou advérbios de frequência

(always, never, usually, often, sometimes, seldom…)

I always get dressed before breakfast.

• Exprimir fatos em geral

I like to travel

We live in Argentina

• Enunciar verdade em geral:

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

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EXERCISES 1. Use the simple present tense.

a) (to work) Tom _________________ in a shopping center.

b) (to buy) Teenagers _________________ special type of clothes.

c) (to consider) I _________________ this point very significant.

d) (to have) She _________________ a special way to say hello.

e) (to break) That boy always _________________ school system rules.

2. Use the simple present tense.

a) (to wash) She _________________her clothes on Mondays.

b) (to teach) Sarah _________________ English.

c) (to relax) Joe _________________after lunch.

d) (to go) He _________________ to school in the morning.

e) (to buzz) A bee _________________.

3. Use the Simple present tense.

a) (to cry) She _________________ like a baby.

b) (to study) Paul _________________ Spanish.

c) (to fly) A jet plane _________________ long distances.

d) (to play) He _________________ guitar very well.

4. Use the simple present tense.

a) (to study) Mary _________________English twice a week.

b) (to say) He seldom _________________ hello to me.

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c) (to have) That student _________________ to develop his creativity.

d) (to protest) They always _________________ against corruption.

e) (to live) They _________________ on little money.

f) (to teach) He _________________ French to teenager.

g) (to do) Henry _________________ his homework in the afternoon.

h) (to meet) Sometimes they _________________ their friends at the club.

i) (to buy) We _________________ our clothes in shopping center.

5. Change to negative form.

a) Certain ideas become a fashion hit.


b) He studies at home every day.


c) The teacher explains every new word.


d) They mobilize only the middle classes.


e) My mother relaxes after lunch.


6. Change to interrogative form.

a) You have a rebellious trait in your personality.


b) Youngsters take to the streets to protest.


c) I develop my creativity.


d) Mary claims for justice.


e) Bob does all the work in the shop.


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__________________________________________________________________ 39

_____________________ _______________________

_____________________ _______________________

_____________________ _______________________


to lose to put on to want

to buy to win to spill

Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)

Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I worked yesterday.

You worked yesterday.

He worked yesterday.

She worked yesterday.

It worked yesterday.

We worked yesterday.

You worked yesterday.

They worked yesterday.

Did I work yesterday?

Did you work yesterday?

Did he work yesterday?

Did she work yesterday?

Did it work yesterday?

Did we work yesterday?

Did you work yesterday?

Did they work yesterday?

I did not work. You did not work. He did not work. She did not work. It did not work. We did not work. You did not work. They did not work.

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a) Forma afirmativa:

• Regra Geral: verbo + ed

The concert started at nine o’clock and finished at midnight.

• Verbos Terminados em e: verbo + d

They closed the store at nine last night.

• Verbos terminados em y, precedido de consoante: y + ied

The children studied for the test two days ago.

• Verbos monossílabos tônicos e dissílabos oxítonos terminados em

consoante + vogal + consoante: dobra-se a última consoante e

acrescenta-se ed. The train stopped at this station at five o’clock.

b) Expressar uma ação completa no passado, geralmente indicada por

advérbios ou expressões adverbiais de tempo (yesterday, a week ago, last

month etc.).

They opened that mark last month.

Simple past tense (irregular verbs)

Affirmative form She saw the movie yesterday.

They met Bob at a restaurant last night.

Interrogative form Did she see the movie yesterday?

Did they meet Bob at the restaurant last night?

Negative form She didn’t see the movie yesterday.

They didn’t meet Bob at a restaurant last


Há uma lista de verbos irregulares no final da apostila.

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_______________________ _____________________

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_______________________ _____________________

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_______________________ _____________________

__________________________________________________________________ 42

to turn off to turn on to share

to give to call to throw away


Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I will learn.

You will learn.

He will learn.

She will learn.

It will learn.

We will learn.

You will learn.

They will learn.

Will I learn?

Will you learn?

Will he learn?

Will she learn?

Will it learn?

Will we learn?

Will you learn?

Will they learn?

I will not learn.

You will not learn.

He will not learn.

She will not learn.

It will not learn.

We will not learn.

You will not learn.

They will not learn.


• Expressa a provável realização de uma ação no futuro:

They will probably keep a laboratory in space.

• Exprime ações futures decididas no momento em que se fala:

Okay! I’ll think about a solution to the problem.

• Além de advérbios ou expressões adverbiais de tempo (tomorrow, next

week, in two months etc.), este tempo verbal é geralmente usado com

palavras que expressam dúvida, como I think, probably, I’m not sure…

EXERCISES 1. Use the simple future.

a) (to study) All of us ________________ hard from now on.

b) (to send) The Jetsons ________________ you a letter from Mexico.

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c) (to open) They ________________ some fashion shops next month.

d) (to get) You ________________ strong muscles if you practice sports.

e) (to play) Artur Moreira Lima ________________ Mozart in next concert.

f) (to have) In a short time we ________________ the money to travel abroad.

g) (there to be) Some day ________________ peace in the world.

2. Change to negative form.

a) I’ll photograph only the beautiful scenes.


b) They will come back at 9 o’clock.


c) The tourist will visit all the churches in the city.



d) We’ll travel to London by plane.


e) Chess will make you lose weight.


3. Change to interrogative form.

a) You will remember to bring me the car.


b) He will love her forever.


c) The wolf will eat the rabbit.


d) There will be a good opportunity for us.


4. First change to negative form and, then, complete.

a) He will stay here. (to go back to Bahia)

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He won’t stay here, he will go back to Bahia.

b) Next class we’ll study Spanish. (mathematics)



c) She will be in Paris next month. (to come back to London)



d) Tom Cruise will play guitar in his next film. (to sing)



e) Frank will study to be a doctor. (an engineer)



f) Tomorrow you will pay 5 dollars for a hamburger. (only 4 dollars)




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________________________ _______________________


________________________ _______________________

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to color to find to look for

to fix to break


Form: to be (present tense) + going to + verb

Affirmative form He is going to build a house at the beach.

They are going to build a house at the beach.

Interrogative form Is he going to build a house at the beach?

Are they going to build a house at the beach?

Negative form He is not going to build a house at the beach.

They are not going to build a house at the beach.


• Expressa ações que já decidimos ou pretendemos realizar no futuro:

I am going to sell my apartment at the beach next year.

• Expressa ações que achamos que irão acontecer devido a alguma situação

no presente:

She has the money now. She is going to pay the doctor tomorrow.

• É geralmente indicado por advérbios ou expressões adverbiais de tempo,

como: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next Sunday, next year, soon.

We are going to join the group soon.


1. Express the future with going to.

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a) (to rest) We are tired. We _______________________ for a while.

b) (to keep) They _______________________ their daily routine.

c) (to study) I _______________________ English this afternoon.

d) (to overcome) She _______________________ her problems.

e) (to go) Your group _______________________ to the museum tomorrow.

2. Change to interrogative form.

a) They are going to meet us at school.


b) We are going to play that game again.


c) She is going to eat fast food tonight.


d) The boys are going to prepare a surprise party.


e) His family is going to travel Saturday night.


3. First change to negative form and, then, complete.

a) I’m going to the movies. (theatre)

I’m not going to the movies. I’m going to the theatre.

b) I am going to drink a orange juice. (milkshake)



c) We are going to visit Pará. (Amazonas)



d) You are going to buy a white T-shirt. (purple T-shirt)



e) Sam is going to sell his house. (his car) __________________________________________________________________ 46

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4. Give short answers.

a) Is your dog going to take a bath today?


b) Are those boys going to smoke in the classroom?


c) Are you going to do this exercises?


d) Are the students going to read these sentences?


e) Is your colleague going to behave well at school?


f) Is your mother going to prepare dinner?




What- qual, quais, o que

Exemplo: What is your occupation? __________________________________________________________________ 47

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What is a electric circuit?

What about- que tal

Exemplo: What about going to the theater?

What … like?- Expressão usada para perguntar, sobre aspectos geográficos,

físicos ou psicológicos.

Exemplo: What is Manaus like?

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When- Quando

Exemplo: When does that girl play volleyball?

On Tuesdays and Fridays.



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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


up late

Go to


Go to


Go to


Go to


Go to


Work at

a snack



lunch at




Swim at

a gym




Swim at a





work at

a snack








Go to



Play soccer Watch


Go to a


Go to



1. Give complete answers about Ronald’s weekly activities.

a) When does Ronald work at a snack bar?



b) When does Ronald swim at a gym?



c) When does he have lunch at his grandparents house?



d) When does he play soccer?



e) When does he go to the cinema?



f) When does he go to the disco?

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g) When does he go to school?



h) When does he wake up late?



i) What was Ronald doing on Monday?



j) What was Ronald doing on Tuesday?



l) What was the first thing that Ronald did on Saturday?



m) What was the last thing that Ronald did on Wednesday?





Much / a lot of

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Affirmative There is much / a lot of sugar in the cup.

Negative There isn’t much / a lot of salt in that steak.

Interrogative Is there much / a lot of milk in the glass?

Many / a lot of

Affirmative There are many / a lot of apples in the basket.

Negative There aren’t many / a lot of pears in the dish.

Interrogative Are there many / a lot of oranges in the refrigerator?


• Much é usado com substantivos incontáveis.

Is there much cheese in the freezer?

• Many é usado com substantivos contáveis.

There are many watermelons on the table.

EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with many or much and the suggested word.

a) (milk) I want to prepare pancakes, but there isn’t ______________________.

Let’s buy some.

b) (apple) There are ______________________ in the refrigerator. Let’s make

a pie.

c) (orange) I am going to make a fruit salad but there aren’t ________________

_____________ in the refrigerator.

d) (rose) Your garden isn’t beautiful now because there aren’t ______________

___________ in it.

e) (sugar) We can’t prepare this pudding because you didn’t bring ___________


f) (lettuce) Children don’t like to eat ______________________, but they are

very good for their health.

g) (ham) There isn’t ______________________in the refrigerator, let’s buy


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• How much cheese do you need for the pie?

Uncountable noun

• How many melons did you buy yesterday?

Countable noun

EXERCISES 1. Make up questions using how many or how much.


There are three bedrooms in my house.

b) …………………………………………………………………………………………

Jane’s father bought a lot of pears yesterday.

c) …………………………………………………………………………………………

I drink one cup of tea every day.

d) …………………………………………………………………………………………

There were five thieves in the bank last night.



Present Perfect Tense

Form: To have (present tense) + verb (past participle)

Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I have tried it. He has tried it. She has tried it.

It has tried it.

Have I tried it?

Has he tried it?

Has she tried it?

Has it tried it?

I have not tried it. He has not tried it. She has not tried it.

It has not tried it.

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We have tried it. You have tried it. They have tried it.

Have we tried it?

Have you tried it?

Have they tried it?

We have not tried it. You have not tried it. They have not tried it.

1. Formação (past participle)

• Verbos regulares: verbo + ed / d / ied

to start- started to live- lived to cry- cried

• Verbos irregulares: forma própria (Veja a lista de verbos irregulares no

final da apostila).

to give- given

2. Forma Contrata

I have – I’ve

You have not – You haven’t

She has not – She Hasn’t

3. Usos:

• Expressa ações ou situações que começaram no passado e continuam

até o presente.

We have been here for a long time.

Nesse caso, o present perfect tense é bastante usado com:

o for (durante, por, há), indicando a duração de algum


I’ve have lived in Brazil for two years.

o since (desde), indicando o início de um período de tempo.

Ann has lived in Brazil since 2005.

• O present perfect tense também é usado com os seguintes advérbios de

tempo indefinido: lately (ultimamente), recently (recentemente), several

times (diversas vezes), many times (muitas vezes).

This problem has happened several times.

• Expressa ações ou eventos passados completamente terminados, desde

que tenham importância no presente.

Sam is well now. He has been to a doctor.


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1. Complete with the present perfect tense.

a) (to try) I ___________________ a cash machine near here.

b) (to live) Alex ___________________ in Ireland for many years.

c) (to be) We ___________________ friends since childhood.

d) (to buy) Your mother and father ___________________ some interesting

books lately.

e) (to eat) Carol ___________________ a lot of sugar. That’s not good for her

because of the carbohydrates.

f) (to make) My husband and I ___________________ up our minds, we are

going to buy a small house in the country next October.

g) (to work) Susan ___________________ well lately.

h) (to have) You ___________________ a lot of time to study since last year.

i) (to eat) They ___________________ different diets in the last month.

2. Write sentences using for:

a) I am here (one hour)

I’ve been here for one hour.

b) Parents advises us to eat more vegetables. (sometimes)


c) She does her best to help you. (a long time)


d) Steven Spielberg is an excellent movie director. (many years)


3. Write sentences using since:

a) Paul is very shy. (he was a little boy)


b) Your girlfriend loves you. (she was 13 years old)



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c) Eric has some duties at home. (last years)



• Already: in affirmative and interrogative sentences.

We have already lived in Scotland.

Have you already lived in Scotland?

• Always: in affirmative sentences

We have always lived in Scotland.

• Ever: in interrogative sentences

Have you ever lived in Scotland?

• Yet: in interrogative and negative sentences

Have you lived in Scotland yet?

We haven’t lived in Scotland yet.

• Never: in affirmative sentences with negative idea

We have never lived in Scotland.

EXERCISES 1. Answer the questions in full using already or never.

a) Has she ever been to Houston?


b) Have they ever driven so fast?


c) Has she ever eaten pretzels?


d) Have you ever read “O Principe”?


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2. Complete de dialogs using already, always, ever, never or yet.

a) Have you _________________ studied for your English test?

No, I haven’t studied for it _________________.

b) Are you the author of this book?

Yes, I am.

It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I have _________________ wanted to talk

to you.

c) Has your friend _________________ been to Australia?

Yes, he _________________ taught Portuguese there. He is a great


What about you?

Oh, I’ve _________________ been to Australia.



Past Perfect Tense

Form: had + verb (in the past participle)

Affirmative I (you, he, she, it, we, you, they) had found a solution before

he came up with a new idea.

Interrogative Had they found a solution before he came up with a new


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Negative They had not found a solution before he came up with a new



• Expressa uma ação que ocorreu antes de uma outra, no passado.

When my parents arrived home, I had already gone out.

EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with the past perfect tense of the verbs in


a) (come back) I ____________________ to school before the teachers arrived.

b) (teach) Mr. Block ___________________ English in Japan before he went

back to England

c) (hear) The neighbors ___________________ never ___________________

of any problems with the nuclear power plant before the accident happened.

d) (run away) When the police entered the houses, the criminals

___________________ already ___________________.

e) (remind) Before I talked to the family, some friends ___________________

me of the problems I might face.

f) (decide) Mary ___________________ to drop by her friend’s house before I

called her.

2. Rewrite the sentences.

a) First she studied, and then she played with her friends.

After she had studied, she played with her friends.

b) First we hung the menorahs in the windows, and then we went out.



c) First the children broke the mirror, and then they carried the pieces outdoors.



d) First she cleaned the house, and then she took a shower.

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e) First you agreed with the congressmen, and then you complained about their

political plans.



f) First my cousin gave all his things to a poor family, and then he disappeared.



g) First they ate dinner at a restaurant, and then they left for a movie theater.





1. Regra Geral: Acrecenta-se S aos substantivos:

Boy- boys husband- husbands

2. Com Substantivos terminados em s, z, sh, ch, x, o, acrescenta-se es.

Beach- beaches potato- potatoes

Dish- dishes match- matches

• Exceções: acrecenta-se apenas s aos substantivos: __________________________________________________________________ 58

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o Terminados em o, precedidos de vogal ou que forem de origem


Radio- radios photo-photos

Zoo- zoos piano- pianos

o Terminados em ch com som de k:

Monarch- monarchs epoch- epochs

3. Com substantivos terminados em y antecedidos de consoante, elimina-se o

y e acrescenta-se ies:

Strawberry- strawberries city- cities

4. Com substantivos terminados em f ou fe, elimina-se o f ou fe e acrescenta-

se ves.

Life- lives wife-wives knife-knives

Half-halves leaf- leaves thief- thieves

5. Alguns substantivos formam o plural de modo irregular:

Child- children person- people

Man- men foot- feet

Woman- women tooth- teeth

Ox- oxen goose- geese

mouse- mice

EXERCISES 1. Change to plural form.

a) policeman- _________________

b) dishwasher-_________________

c) thief-______________________

d) grandchild-_________________

e) piano- ____________________

f) chief-______________________

g) tooth-_____________________

h) sandwich-__________________

i) hand-______________________

j) fox-________________________

l) strawberry-__________________

m) tomato-____________________

n) stomach-___________________

o) pockets-___________________

p) process-____________________

q) typist-______________________

r) cowboy-____________________

s) housewife-__________________

t) boss-______________________

u) mouse-____________________

2. Change to the singular form.

a) The women are driving their children to school.


b) These babies have two teeth.


c) Those men are waiting for you.


d) There are people waiting to see her now.



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__________________ _____________________

__________________ _____________________

__________________ _____________________

__________________________________________________________________ 61

strong / weak beautiful / ugly boring / funny

heavy / light slow / fast big / small


Degrees of Comparison – Simple Degree

Affirmative sentences

As + adjective + as Joe is as rich as Mary

Bob is as poor as Joe.

Negative sentences

Not + as/so + adjective + as Jane is not as young as Pamela.

Susan is not so old as Carol.

Degrees of Comparison – Comparative degree

One syllable

Adjective + er + than

Helen is shorter than Julie.

This bike is cheaper than that one.

Two or more syllables

More + adjective + than

This appliance is more expensive than that one.

This problem is more difficult than the other one.

1. Adjetivos monossílabos:

• Terminados em e acrescenta-se apenas r: Joan is nicer than Susy.

• Terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobram a consoante final

e acrecenta-se er: Sally is fatter than Jim, so Jim is thinner than Sally.

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2. Adjetivos dissílabos:

• Na sua memória, formam o grau comparativo usando more + adjetivo + than. Alguns adjetivos de duas sílabas, tais como stupid, gentle, polite,

quiet, simple, common, clever, narrow e pleasant, admitem as duas

formas: adjetivo + er + than ou more + adjetivo + than. Your son is more polite / politer than mine.

3. Adjetivos terminados em y precedidos de consoante, elimina-se o y e

acrescenta-se ier: This exercises is easier than that one.

The boys are uglier than the girls.

• Exceção: shy- shyer

4. Formas irregulars:

Life today is better than in the past.

Good – better

Bad – worse

EXERCISES 1. Make sentences.

a) John / tall / Bob

John isn’t as tall as Bob.

So John is shorter than Bob.

b) Mary / fat / Jane.



c) Cristina / fat / Jane



d) This problem / difficult / that problem

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e) This watch / bad / that watch






____________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ __________________________


One syllable The + adjective + est Tom is the tallest boy of his group

Two or more syllables

The most + adjective Helen is the most careful girl of her group.

Jane is the most outgoing girl in the school.

clean / dirty easy / hard empty / full high / low

old / new wet / dry close / far long / short

Obs.: o grau superlativo segue as mesmas regras de formação do grau


• Formas irregulares:

This game is the best of the year.

Good – the best

Bad – the worst

EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with the given adjectives in the superlative:

a) (expensive) This is ________________________ computer of them all.

b) (new) This is ________________________ book on the store.

c) (small) This is ________________________ house on the street.

d) (polite) Carol is ________________________ girl in the school.

e) (sad) Herbert is ________________________ boy of them all.

f) (smart) This is ________________________ dog on the street.

g) (careful) My brothers is ________________________ boy I know.

2. Choose the correct alternative:

a) Jack is _____________ friend I have.

( ) better than

( ) the best

( ) as good as

b) This is _____________ math problem.

( ) the worst

( ) worse than

( ) as bad as

c) My grandfather is _____________ my grandmother.

( ) as tall

( ) taller than

( ) the tallest

d) This jacket is _____________ that one.

( ) as good

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( ) the best

( ) better man

e) This refrigerator is _____________ that dishwasher.

( ) more expensive than

( ) the most expensive

( ) expensive as

f) Helen is _____________ woman in my family.

( ) the older

( ) the oldest

( )older than

g) My cat is _____________ your dog.

( ) uglier

( ) uglier than

( ) the ugliest

h) The supermarket near your house is _____________ the supermarket near

my house.

( ) as big

( ) the biggest

( ) bigger than

i) Rio de Janeiro is one of _____________ cities in the world.

( ) the most beautiful

( ) more beautiful than

( ) as beautiful as



Prepositions of Time

• At – Com horas, momentos, festividades

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I’ll be there at 2 o’clock.

He’s working at this moment.

• On – com dias da semana, dias do mês.

I play tennis on Sundays.

He was born on may 23rd.

• In – com anos, meses, estações de tempo, partes do dia.

He graduated in 2003.

She is going to México in the summer.

He goes to school in the mornings.

• During – com substantivos, para mostrar quanto dura uma ação.

He slept during the film.

• For – Com expressões adverbiais de tempo, para mostrar quanto dura uma


He has slept for 2 hours.

• From – com um ponto de início quase sempre seguido de till, until ou to

para mostrar por quanto tempo a situção continua.

I studied German from 2002 till / untill / to 2004.

EXERCISES 1. Complete with the correct prepositions:

a) Bob will meet his girlfriend __________________ 8 o’clock.

b) I play football __________________ Saturdays.

c) Carol will stay in London __________________ the summer.

d) He slept __________________ the flight to Caracas.

e) We worked in Teresina __________________ June __________________


f) Susy will go to Paris __________________ January 22nd.

2. Ask and answer the questions:

a) you / 12 / 24

When were you born?

I was born on December twenty-fourth.

b) Douglas and Michael / 8 / 13

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c) Richard / 9 / 5 / 1998



d) your girlfriend / 11 / 28 /1989



3. Ask and answer the questions?

a) Jane / mornings

When did Jane study English?

Jane studied English during / in the mornings.

b) Paul / January / July



c) the boys / April



d) John / Monday / Saturday




__________________________________________________________________ 65

_________________ __________

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_____________________ _______________ _______________ ________________ _____________________________________________________

behind in front in by

between under on over Prepositions of place and direction

• In – com cidades, estados, países.

She works in Curitiba.

He studies in Texas.

He lives in the United States.

• On – com endereços incompletes

Betty lives on Madison Avenue.

• At – com endereços completes.

Betty lives at 456 Madison Avenue.

• Across – do outro lado

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Sam is across the avenue.

• Next to, Beside – ao lado

She lives next to Jane.

• Out – para for a, sem complemento.

Go out!

• Out of – para fora, com complemento.

Go out of the room.

• In – Para dentro, sem complemento

Come in.

• Into – para dentro, com complemento

Come into the room.

• Inside – do lado de dentro.

She is inside the car.

• Outside – do lado de for a

He is outside the car.

• Through- através de.

They are passing through the tunnel.

• Towards- com sentido de direção

They went towards the place of the accident.

• To- com sentido de destino

They went to the party.

• Beyond - além de, do outro lado

The farm is beyond the city.

• Above- You can see a helicopter above the mountains.

You can see a helicopter above the mountains.

• Bellow – abaixo de, mais baixo do que

The antique vase is bellow that big picture.

EXERCISES 1. Make up sentence with the given words. Put the verbs in the correct verb


__________________________________________________________________ 67a) Bill / be / Manaus / now

Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM


b) I / buy a house / Regent Street / last year


c) The movie theater / be / the avenue / the drugstore


d) The bus / go / Floripa / now


e) Sally / live / 30 Oxford Street


f) The train / Rio de Janeiro / leave / afternoon.


g) Tom / be / the street.


h) Marcelo’s car / be / the fence.




__________________________________________________________________ 68Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

I Myself

You Yourselves

He Himself

She Herself

It Itself

We Ourselves

They Themselves


• Como pronomes reflexivos, em que pratica e sofre a ação:

Stay away from the fire. You are going to burn yourself.

• Como pronome enfático, significando “mesmo(a)”, “próprio(a)”. Nesse

caso, pode ser usado logo após o sujeito ou logo após o complemento


John himself repaired the TV.

John repaired the TV himself.

• Antecedido pela preposição by, significa sozinho(a):

She did the math exercises by herself.

EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns:

a) I think she was angry with ___________________ because she was getting


b) We usually enjoy ___________________ when we go to the beach.

c) Julie and Sarah are going to live by ___________________ in Rome.

d) What’s the problem with you and Maggie? You are repeating


e) The movie ___________________ was very good, but the artist weren’t.

f) She repaired the machine by ___________________.

g) My son cut ___________________ when he was playing in the yard.

__________________________________________________________________ 69Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

2. Complete the dialogs using reflexive pronouns:

a) A: Who cleaned the office?

B: I cleaned it ___________________.

A: What about Betsy?

B: She ___________________ asked me to do that.

b) A: I think those man are going to talk to the president __________________.

B: The secretary ___________________ told Mr. Todd to talk to them.

A: Look, Mr. Todd ___________________ is calling them to go into his


c) A: Shirley doesn’t have much tome to buy the things for the party.

B: Yes, she ___________________ said she will be on vacation.

A: Who will buy the things for the party?

B: We will buy the things ___________________.


__________________________________________________________________ 70


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Choose the correct answer. 1. Can you tell me how to get to ___ bank from here?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

2. ___ city museum is closed today.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

3. He is one of ___ smartest people I know.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

4. I recommend you eat ___ apple pie at this restaurant.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

5. ___ milk is good for you.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

6. Would you like to see ___ movie?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

7. ___ apple a day keeps ___ doctor away.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

8. I can't believe I failed ___ yesterday's test!

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

__________________________________________________________________ 71Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

9. Do you have ___ dictionary that I can borrow?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

10. Is there ___ public telephone near here?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

11. Please speak ___ little louder.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

12. He has ___ my car today.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

13. May I have your ___ phone number?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

14. Please tell me your ___ address.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

15. This is ___ easy question.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

16. I have never seen ___ UFO.

a) a b) an

__________________________________________________________________ 72Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

c) the d) (Nothing)

17. What is ___ name of the next station?

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

18. David is ___ best student in our class.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)

19. I went ___ sea during my summer vacation.

a) a b) an

c) the d) (Nothing)


Choose the correct answer.

1. Is she writing to Leonardo di Caprio?

a) her b)him

c) his d) it

2. John is making a lot of noise!

a) him b) it

c) its d)her

3. Please tell Mrs. Smith to come in.

Sorry, I don't know ___.

a) her b) him

c) she d) he

4. I can't find my glasses!

You are wearing ___!

a) them b) there

c) they d) him

__________________________________________________________________ 73Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

5. Do you like bananas?

I love ___ !

a) hers b) its

c) them d) they

6. Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?

He obviously likes ___ !

a) her b) him

c) she d) he

7. Where is my book? Oh, dear! I've lost ___ !

a) him b) it

c) its d) he

8. Is that Mary's new boyfriend?

Don't ask me, ask ___!

a) her b) his

c) it d) its

9. What is the title of that song?

I'm afraid I can't remember ___.

a) him b) it

c) them d) they

10. Why is David so happy?

His friends gave ___a guitar for his birthday!

a) him b) it

c) them d) they

11. What are you going to do with those old papers?

I'm going to recycle ___.

a) their b) them

c) they d) him

12. Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!

I have seen ___ already!

a) him b) it

c) there d) they

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13. How are your parents? I haven't seen ___ for some time now!

a) them b) there

c) they d) him

14. Have you met Tom and Lisa?

No, I have never met ___ .

a) its b) the

c) them d) they


Choose the correct answer.

1. It belongs to me, it's ___

a) mine b) hers

c) his d) its

2. It belongs to my father, it's ___

a) his b) mine

c) hers d) its

3. It belongs to her, it's ___

a) theirs b) ours

c) hers d) his

4. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's ___

a) theirs b) ours

c) yours d) its

5. It belongs to me and my wife, it's ___

a) yours b) mine

c) thers d) ours

6. It belongs to my mother, it's ___ .

a) mine b) hers

c) his d) theirs

7. It belongs to him, it's ___ .

a) his b) hers

__________________________________________________________________ 75Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

c) theirs d) mine

8. It belongs to you, it's ___ .

a) mine b) ours

c) yours d) theirs

9. It belongs to the dog, it's ___ .

a) its b) yours

c) hers d) mine

10. It belongs to them, it's ___ .

a) mine b) its

c) yours d) theirs


Choose the correct answer.

1. John Anderson forgot ___ book.

a) my b) his

c) her d) your

2. Mary and Susan talk like ____ mother.

a) my b) your

c) our d) their

3. Alex and I were late for ___ class .

a) its b) my

c) our d) their

4. Princess Caroline is wearing ___ new Gucci gown.

a) him b) her

c) your d) their

5. Where are ___ keys? I can't find them. MY

a) my b) his

c) her d) ours

6. Where do you keep ___ money, in the bank? YOUR

__________________________________________________________________ 76Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

a) their b) my

c) our d) your

7. Everyone should bring ___ signed receipt. HIS/HER

a) his b) her

c) your d) our


Complete with is or are.

1. There _____ many animals in the zoo.

2. There _____ a snake in the window.

3. There _____ a zebra in the grass.

4. There _____ lions in the zoo, too.

5. There _____ many baby lions near their parents.

6. There _____ a bird next to the tree.

7. There _____ many monkeys in the trees.

8. There _____ an elephant in the zoo.

9. There _____ some water in the lake near the elephants.

10. There _____ birds in the zoo.

11. There _____many people visiting the animals today.

12. There _____many children, too.

13. There _____a gorilla in the tree.

14. There _____ some grass under the tree.

15. There _____bananas in the tree with the gorilla.

16. There _____ many birds near the gorilla.

17. There _____ a rock near the tree.

18. There _____ many sharks in the aquarium.

19. There _____ an eel in the aquarium, too.

20. There _____ lots of water for the fish.

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Choose the correct answer.

1. Karen is fond ___ chocolate.

a) of eating b) to eat

2. Dan objected to ___ sent home early

a) Being b) Be

3. Debbie succeeded ___ the tournament.

a) to win b) in winning

4. Helen is busy ___ Sunday dinner.

a) to prepare b) preparing

5. It is no use ___ after 9:00.

a) Calling b) to call

6. Clarence gave up ___ cigarettes but not cigars.

a) Smoking b) to smoke

7. I have the pleasure ___ the next guest.

a) to introduce b) of introducing

8. Not everyone enjoys ___ tennis.

a) to play b) playing

9. Bad weather prevented the team ___.

a) to play b) from playing

10. The new museum is worth ___.

a) Visiting b) to visit

11. Fumi is used to ___ natto for breakfast.

a) Eat b) Eating

12. There is no harm ___ the truth.

a) in telling b) to tell

__________________________________________________________________ 78

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Choose the correct answer.

1. A man ___ walking his dog.

a) was b) were

2. A lot of people ___ shopping.

a) was b) were

3. Tom and Sarah ___ watching television.

a) was b) were

4. Two teenage boys ___ fighting.

a) was b) were

5. Sally ___ jogging with her friend this morning.

a) was b) were

6. Another man ___ watching her.

a) was b) were

7. The students ___ using the computer lab.

a) was b) were

8. The young newly weds ___ sleeping.

a) was b) were

9. A baby ___ crying.

a) was b) were

10. A lot of people ___ working.

a) was b) were

__________________________________________________________________ 79Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM


Complete with simple past or past continuous.

1. Complete the dialogue with simple past or past continuous.

A: Hi, Mary. I ___ (see/neg.) you at school last Monday.

B: Hello, Bob. I ___ (come/neg.) on Monday. I wasn't ___ (feel) well, so I ___

(decide) to go to the doctor.

A: Oh! ___ (be) it serious?

B: No, the doctor ___ (examine) me and ___ (tell) me I ___ (have) the flu. He

___ (prescribe) some medicine and ___ (tell) me to go home and rest.

A: ___ you ___ (stay) home all day last Monday?

B: No, only in the morning. I ___ (have) to work in the afternoon, and guess


A: What?

B: When a friend ___ (drive) me home, he ___ (crash) his car. He ___

(see/neg.) the red light.

A: ___ anyone ___ (get) hurt?

B: Thank God, nobody ___ (do).

A: I'm happy to hear that. Well, Mary, I have to rush now. While I ___ (listen) to

your story, I ___ (remember) that my wife ___ (ask) me to go to the mechanic to

get our car. See you later. Take care.

B: You too. Bye.

__________________________________________________________________ 80Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM


Choose the correct answer.

1. She ___ four languages.

a) speak b) speaks

2. Jane is a teacher. She ___ French.

a) teach b) teaches

3. When the kettle ___, will you make some tea?

a) boil b) boils

4. I always ___ the window at night because it is cold.

a) close b) closes

5. Those shoes ___ too much.

a) cost b) costs

6. The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there.

a) cost b) costs

7. His job is great because he ___ a lot of people.

a) meet b) meets

8. He always ___ his car on Sundays.

a) wash b) washes

9. My watch is broken and it ___ to be fixed again.

a) need b) needs

10. I ___ to watch movies.

a) love b) loves

11. I ___ to the cinema at least once a week.

a) go b) goes

12. They never ___ tea in the morning.

a) drink b) drinks

__________________________________________________________________ 81Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

13. We both ___ to the radio in the morning.

a) listen b) listens

14. He ___ a big wedding.

a) want b) wants

15. George ___ too much so he's getting fat.

a) eat b) eats

16. The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it?

a) go b) goes

17. The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning.

a) open b) opens

18. The post office ___ at 5:30 pm.

a) close b) closes

19. Jackie ___ two children now.

a) has b) have

20. Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.

a) smoke b) smokes

21. When the phone ___, please answer it.

a) ring b) rings


Choose the correct answer.

1. I don't like ice-cream, but he ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

2. You don't need glasses, but I ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did __________________________________________________________________ 82

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3. Sally didn't enjoy the movies, but everyone else ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

4. Dave doesn't want to go out tonight, but his girlfriend ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

5. My parents don't live in England, but I ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

6. She doesn't smoke, but he ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

7. I don't know her very well, but my friends ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

8. This car doesn't go as fast as my old one ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

9. I don't type very well, but my boyfriend ___.

a. do

b. does

c. did

10. He said he would do it and he ___.

a. do

__________________________________________________________________ 83Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

b. does

c. did


Choose the correct answer.

1. Tom likes curry, but his family ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

2. My sister works in a bank, but I ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

3. John and Mary went to the movies last night, but I ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

4. Mr. Jones eats meat, but his wife ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

5. He wants to, but they ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

6. I went, but he ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

7. They bought it, but we ___.

a. don't __________________________________________________________________ 84

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b. doesn't

c. didn't

8. I want to go to Paris for my honeymoon, but she ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

9. He said he would ring, but I ___ think he will.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't

10. My wife needs glasses now, but her mother still ___.

a. don't

b. doesn't

c. didn't


Choose the correct answer.

1. What ___ this weekend?

a. you are going to do

b. are you going to do

c. your gonna do

2. I'm not sure. ___ anything special?

a. Are you going to do

b. You are going to do

c. Is going to do

3. My friend Melissa and I ___ a party. Would you like to come?

a. am going to

b. are going to go to

c. go to

__________________________________________________________________ 85Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

4. I'd love to! ___?

a. What's it going to be

b. Who's go to be

c. Where's it going to be

5. It is ___ to be at Ruth's house.

a. go

b. going

c. gonna

6. What time ___ start?

a. is it going to

b. it's going to

c. it

7. At 10 P.M.

___ invite?

a. Who are you going to

b. What you're going to

c. When you going to

8. I don't know. I think ___ anyone.

a. I'm going invite

b. I'm not go invite

c. I'm not going to invite


1. How many__________ (person/people) study English as a second


2. Five__________(woman/women) opened a computer services company.

3. Even__________ (child/children) enjoy learning on the Internet.

4. Most basketball players are 6__________ (foot/feet) tall or more.

5. My__________ (tooth/teeth) are sensitive to the cold.

__________________________________________________________________ 86Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

6. At daylight savings time, we have to change our__________


7. There are 10__________ (man/men) in the Maintenance Department.

8. The__________ (wife/wives) keep their__________ (knife/knives) on

the__________ (shelf/shelves).


Complete with What, where or when

1. ______ is the name of the President of the United States of America?

2. ______ month is the Chinese new year?

3. ______ is Christmas Day?

4. ______ did Neil Armstrong say when he first landed on the moon?

5. ______ did he first land?

6. ______ did the Americans drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

7. ______ is New York city?

8. ______ is that called in English?

9. ______ are the Hawaiian islands?

10. ______ are you doing this afternoon?


Complete with how much or how many

1. How ___ apples did you buy?

2. How ___ do you weigh?

3. How ___ does it cost to fly to America? __________________________________________________________________ 87

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4. How ___ brothers and sisters do you have?

5. How ___times a day do you brush your teeth?

6. How ___ was your computer?

7. How ___ photos did you take?

8. How ___ water did he drink?

9. How ___ people did you invite?

10. How ___ mistakes did you make on the test?


Give the short answers

1. Are you busy?

Yes, ____________.

2. Do you live in New York?

No, ____________.

3. Can Sylvia ride a bike?

Yes, ____________.

4. Does your father read the newspaper every day?

Yes, ____________.

5. Do you and your friends play soccer on Saturday?

No, ____________.

6. Is your sister a doctor?

No, ____________.

7. Can Jack and Brian play the piano?

Yes, ____________.

8. Is Paris big?

Yes, ____________.

__________________________________________________________________ 88Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

9. Are you thirsty?

No, ____________.

10. Does Robert like pepperoni pizza?

No, ____________.

11. Are the students listening to music?

No, ____________.

12. Is the supermarket next to the post office?

No, ____________.

13. Is Leonardo di Caprio Vietnamese?

No, ____________.

14. Is your mother sleeping?

No, ____________.

15. Can you speak Portuguese?

Yes, ____________.

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

arise arose arisen surgir; erguer-se

awake awoke awoken despertar

be was; were been ser; estar

bear bore borne suportar; dar a luz

beat beat beaten bater

become became become tornar-se

begin began begun começar

behold beheld beheld contemplar

bend bent bent curvar, entortar

bet bet bet apostar

bid bid bid oferecer, fazer uma oferta

bind bound bound unir; encadernar

bite bit bitten morder

bleed bled bled sangrar

blow blew blown soprar; explodir

break broke broken quebrar

breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir

bring brought brought trazer

broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir (via TV ou rádio)

build built built construir

buy bought bought comprar

cast cast cast arremessar, atirar

catch caught caught pegar, apanhar

choose chose chosen escolher

come came come vir

cost cost cost custar

creep crept crept rastejar

cut cut cut cortar

deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar

dig dug dug cavar

__________________________________________________________________ 90Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

do did done fazer

draw drew drawn desenhar

drink drank drunk beber

drive drove driven dirigir (veículo)

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen cair

feed fed fed alimentar

feel felt felt sentir

fight fought fought lutar

find found found encontrar

flee fled fled fugir, escapar

fly flew flown voar; pilotar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forget forgot forgotten esquecer

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

freeze froze frozen congelar

get got gotten obter

give gave given dar

go went gone ir

grind ground ground moer

grow grew grown crescer; cultivar

have had had ter

hear heard heard ouvir

hide hid hidden esconder

hit hit hit bater, atingir

hold held held segurar; abraçar

hurt hurt hurt ferir, machucar; magoar

keep kept kept manter

know knew known saber; conhecer

lay laid laid pôr; botar ovos (Compare "LIE" com "LAY")

lead led led liderar

leave left left deixar, partir

lend lent lent emprestar (Compare "LEND" com "BORROW")

let let let deixar

lie lay lain deitar (Compare "LIE" com "LAY")

lose lost lost perder

__________________________________________________________________ 91Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

__________________________________________________________________ 92

make made made fazer, fabricar

mean meant meant significar

meet met met encontrar; conhecer

overcome overcame overcome superar

overtake overtook overtaken alcançar; conseguir

pay paid paid pagar

put put put pôr, colocar

quit quit quit desistir, abandonar

read /riid/ read /réd/ read /réd/ ler

ride rode ridden cavalgar; andar (de bicicleta); passear

ring rang rung tocar (campainha)

rise rose risen erguer-se (Compare "RISE" com "RAISE")

run ran run correr; concorrer (em eleição) saw sawed sawn serrar

say said said dizer

see saw seen ver

seek sought sought buscar; procurar

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent enviar

set set set pôr, colocar; ajustar

shake shook shaken tremer

shed shed shed derramar

shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir

shoot shot shot atirar; filmar

show showed shown mostar, exibir

shrink shrank shrunk encolher

shut shut shut fechar

sing sang sung cantar

sink sank sunk afundar

sit sat sat sentar

slay slew slain matar, assassinar

sleep slept slept dormir

slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar

speak spoke spoken falar

spend spent spent gastar

spin spun spun fazer girar

spit spit / spat spit / spat cuspir

Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

spread spread spread espalhar; disseminar, difundir spring sprang sprung saltar

stand stood stood ficar em pé; suportar

steal stole stolen furtar

stick stuck stuck fincar, enfiar

sting stung stung picar, ferroar

stink stank stunk feder

strike struck struck golpear; atacar

strive strove striven esforçar-se

swear swore sworn jurar

sweep swept swept varrer

swim swam swum nadar

swing swung swung balançar

take took taken tomar

teach taught taught ensinar; lecionar

tear tore torn rasgar

tell told told contar

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown jogar, atirar

undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a

understand understood understood entender

uphold upheld upheld sustentar; apoiar

wear wore worn vestir; usar (roupa)

win won won vencer

write wrote written escrever


11- eleven

12 – twelve

13 – thirteen

14 – fouteen

15 – fifteen

16 – sixteen

17 – seventeen

18 – eighteen

19 – nineteen

20 – twenty

30 – thirty

31 – thirty-one…

40 – forty

50 – fifty

60 – sixty

70 – seventy

80 – eighty

90 – ninety

100 – one hundred

200 – two hundred

__________________________________________________________________ 93Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

21 – twenty-one

22 – twenty-two

23 – Twenty three…

1.000 – Thousand

2.000 – Two thousand…

1.000.000 – one million


Palavra em ingles…

significa em português… e não… que em ingles é…

































na verdade ..., o fato é que ...

especialista, conhecedor

acumular, juntar

aguardar, ficar na expectativa

inscrição, registro, uso

hora marcada

gratidão, reconhecimento

discussão, bate boca

ajudar, dar suporte


assistir, participar de

platéia, público


batuta (música), cacetete

carne de gado

refeitório tipo universitário

máquina fotográfica

caixa de papelão


gola, colarinho, coleira

faculdade, ensino de 3º grau

artigo, mercadoria


abrangente, amplo, extenso

entrar em acordo

competição, concurso


fantasia (roupa)

dados (informações)

fraude, o ato de enganar

projetar, criar; projeto, estilo


































nowadays, today



to bring forward




reasoning, point

to attend, to watch

to take over

to help; to answer





coffee shop

tube (de pneu)




high school




appointment; date



custom, habit



to appoint


__________________________________________________________________ 94Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM









































descarga (de gases, etc.)


finalmente, conseqüentemente


saída, sair

especialista, perito

belo, refinado


afável, aprazível

agarrar firme

risco, arriscar

expressão idiomática, linguajar


pretender, ter intenção

embriaguez, efeito de drogas


periódico, revista








remédio, medicina


hotel de beira de estrada

notar, aperceber-se




específico, exato

massa (alimento)




variar, cobrir

notar, perceber, dar-se conta










































to roll; to curl




smart, clever

strange, odd

plant, factory


cold, flu, influenza

bad luck







light bulb


book shop



department store



mix, mixture, blend

hot-pillow joint


soap opera



personal, private

paste; folder.

to intend, to plan

to jump

to pull

to creak, to grind

to accomplish

__________________________________________________________________ 95Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM

__________________________________________________________________ Centro de Educação Tecnológica do Amazonas - CETAM











recebedor, agraciado


curriculum vitae, currículo




preparador físico

vez, volta, curva; virar, girar

verduras, legumes











request, petition


impolite, rude

can stand

rate; fee


shift; round


Comparative & Superlative

Adjective Comparative Superlative



Far (distance)

Far (more, additional)











Farther / further










the worst

the cleverest

the farthest / the furthest

the furthest

the best

the hottest

the least

the most

the most

the narrowest

the prettiest

the shyest