Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of INCREDIBLES


Question Yourself, Question everything , every one around you

Only question can fetch you an answer. So start questioning now.

Incredibles Team Details :

N.Sri Harsha - CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad V.Murali Krishna - CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad K.Murali Krishna - CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad C.Mahesh Babu - CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad B.Santhosh - CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad

Why educated people are unable to fetch jobs? Lack of Jobs in India. Lack of ability to do jobs with their education. Forcible study. The unemployable youth brigade will cause bigger trouble for Indian society as: Crime Rate will grow. Inflation increases. Brain Drain to abroad. Depletion of Economic Development.

As per Aspiring Minds Statistics

Scope of Unemployability :

Causes of unemployability:

Lack of skills in students: -The curriculum is outdated in most places and equipments used were obsolete . Less number of jobs : -Migration of Youth as well as Companies to other Countries due to corruption and Socio-Economic barrier. Lack of Interest in Education : -Forceful study of students by parents (or) possessing other skills.

Every country development lies in the hands of youth In India more than 40% of the population is youth. Of that only Literacy rate is less. Of that employability is very less There are lot of factors affecting the youth which is leading to Unemployability as explained above. To avoid that we need to have a sustainable and remarkable growth in the skills of youth which leads to Economic development of a country.

Reasons of selecting Boosting Skill Sets:

Have you ever questioned yourself:

1. Why India is still a developing country, where neighbor countries became developed from undeveloped status in front of us? 2. Have you ever thought of becoming a world’s best entrepreneur? 3. Have you ever questioned any government official who is doing illegal activities in front of you? 4. Have you ever thought of making your own study table everything with your own hands with out any human assistance?

“Most students fail to make a mark, they have a degree, but they are not employable. They lack technical and soft skills,” said Kiran Karnic, President NASSCOM.

This is due to the fact that : The curriculum is outdated in most places and equipments used were obsolete. Students have weak foundations because of which they are not picking up new skills. Picking up new skills can develop only when the people lose faith on conventional wisdom

Proposed Solution

Every student must go through a campaign of

getting solution for:

“ Two New Questions Per Week “

By Dividing the week in to two halves : 1) Dividing the week in to two parts(3 days as one part) 2) Each Part has to deal with a question where the student himself

has to find from his daily observation on any topic and get with the complete solution of that

3) Has to present himself to his group with the complete

explanation of every basic step from the beginning to the advanced usage of that topic , after the 6th day

All the University boards, NBA, AICTE, UGC etc… must make it as a compulsory in every educational institution.

Question yourself and question everything around you. Only question can give you a kick start for the development of yourself in turn for the Nation.

Merits :

Innovation prevails as Knowledge is developed through more practical approach

confidence, communication skills and decision making skills will be inculcated in young minds

Finds his passion or path and finds his destination on his own.

Entrepreneurship will be improved

Socio-Economic development

Questioning and learning levels will be improved.

Increment in Social awareness Crime rate decreases Brain drain will be retarded

Decreases Brain Drain as well as crime rate


Implementation can be carried out in 3-stages. Stage I, College level :

20 Students + faculty

20 Students + faculty

20 students+ faculty

20 Students + faculty

20 Students + faculty

5 Club Heads with

experienced faculty

College Head For the




Here every club will consists of at least 20 students + 1 faculty All the faculty has to select the best work of that field from the student presentations and should report to club heads Club heads will report to College head only meant for this student activity

Any student can present his report of 2 questions with complete answers in any club he is interested in for that week and can change to any club in next week depending on the work carried out by him in that week. This can be carried out as a group of 2-3 students also.

All the club activities will be updated with the club heads Club Heads are accountable for College Head

College Heads will be connected to the Industrial Representatives Where the best works will be sent to industries of that field to make the students enrich with practical approach as well as working environment. Thus by getting practical knowledge and maturity they can work for innovativeness as well as suitable to work in industrial sector.

Stage II, At University Level: All the University Heads will report to regional committee through online registration of best works. Regional committee co-ordinates all Universities of its region. Committee will contain the experts recruited from various fields, departments from Universities and Industries working voluntarily and updates syllabus of students every year through feedback










Stage III, National Committee:

National Committee will co-ordinate all the regional committees. Best Entries will be forwarded to national committee through online.

One national level event will be conducted , and Most Effective works will Be awarded and rewarded once in a year.

It contains Retired Experts from various universities, Industries.

Financial Budget:

Every College must invest 5 Lac rupees every year, can be collected through student funding. Funds management Team will reside at University level, grants the funds to colleges based on performance.

Funds will be collected from Industries

For the second stage and third stage government has to sanction 25 Lac rupees per annum for the committee’s development.


It can be measured by employment percentage of that year

Entrepreneurship of that year

Decrease in crime rate and Brain grain of that year

Feedback of the companies based on performance of new recruiters

This is a long run program with long lasting sustainability

Challenges and Risks:

Industries may not accept college tie up’s for Interns. Government or corporate may not help for funding

Faculty recruited must work voluntarily and dedicatedly

Students must participate willingly not forcibly

Syllabus update of student courses regularly


Our nation should not look for jobs, jobs must come in search of us. We should not be employees, should become employers. For which Innovation is the key. Innovation prevails where knowledge, necessity and Practical approach exists. Knowledge will reside with a person who questions everything around him in his daily life. So, selecting 2 questions per week will improve questioning nature of an individual in every aspect and keen look of every thing. This, in socialistic view, improves social consciousness of us and our nation will in a positive path, in technical view, leads to researches and new innovations in India. This decreases brain drain. Hence, employability and entrepreneur ship increases in India developing Indian Economy. Per an annum an individual can learn around 90 new topics completely, thus in 4 years of a bachelor degree he can have vast knowledge on various fields. Through Practical approach and Industrial Experience they can work with the best efficiency for the growth of the organization. Less budget module when compared with other alternatives and effectively implementable.


Report of the special group, Planning Commission India.

Aspiring Minds

National Employability Report Engineers 2011.

Selected Socio Economic Statistics India, 2011.
