In3: a low cost Infant Incubator

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Transcript of In3: a low cost Infant Incubator

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In3: low-cost infant incubatorAuthor: D. Alejandro Escario Mndez

Table of contentsIntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography2


Developing countries [1, 2]High newborn death ratioMother malnutrition

Costs [3]Regular incubator: $6,000-$60,000Training: $4,000

DonationsPriorities [4, 5]Introduction3

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En las donaciones, contar que no es fcil de reparar3

Developing countries [1, 2]High newborn death ratioMother malnutrition

Costs [3]Regular incubator: $6,000-$60,000Training: $4,000

DonationsPriorities [4, 5]Introduction4

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


En las donaciones, contar que no es fcil de reparar4

Developing countries [1, 2]High newborn death ratioMother malnutrition

Costs [3]Regular incubator: $6,000-$60,000Training: $4,000

DonationsPriorities [4, 5]Introduction5

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


En las donaciones, contar que no es fcil de reparar5

State of Art6

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State of Art Kangaroo Mothers7Bogot (Colombia) 1970s [7, 8, 9]

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Towards the end of 1970s in Bogota, Colombia, most of the citys poor women had babies. That situation lead the city to a big trouble, there were not enough medical personnel nor incubators to hold such demand. This situation spread infections. It was critical for premature babies.

Doctors an scientists released that incubators were used to warm and oxygenate the baby to simulate their mothers womb. Therefore they put the preemie on his mothers exposed chest (similar to what kangaroos do) to simulate on a natural way the mothers womb or an incubator box.

Mothers breast can heat up and cool down to regulate babys tem- perature [8, 9]. So instead of using an incubator they used the baby mothers body to warm them.

Some other passive approaches, without using a human body to warm the baby, can be found [10].


State of Art Low-cost solutions8Embrace [11]

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Embrace Warmer (Figure 2.1) is not a real incubator, it is an infant warmer. It consists of a bag in which the newborn is placed to be kept warm. Its greatest feature is the price, it costs about $25.

This device capabilities are very limited. One of its key points is that the baby and his mom can be in touch during the treatment.

Embrace Warmer started as a class project at Stanford University by a group of graduate students. They wanted to fight against neonatal hypothermia with a device that cost less than 1% of the price of a state-of-the-art incubator [14].


State of Art Low-cost solutions9

NeoNurture [12, 13, 14]

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NeoNurture (Figure 2.2) is an incubator based on recycled car parts developed by Design that Matters [15]. It was claimed as one of the 50 best inventions of 2010 by TIME magazine [16].

Unfortunately no neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) ever used the device to save a infants life because it never got bought [17].


State of Art Low-cost solutions10Mom Incubator

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MOM is an inexpensive, electronically controlled, inflatable incubator constructed to decrease the number of premature child deaths within refugee camps.10

State of Art Low-cost solutions11

Van Hemel [15]

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First designed and built in Uganda back in 1968 (Figure 2.3). Is a very well thought low-cost incubator. I has temperature regulation, allows the medical staff to observe the baby, humidity regulation, in- fection avoidance, light therapy unit, etc.

A pack with all the needed materials can be delivered anywhere in the World. More than 1,000 of these incubators have been shipped [18].


Objective - Destination12

Sierra Leone

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We are going to start working on one of those two scenarios.At first we selected Sierra leone12

Objective - Destination13



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But because of the ebola crisis we had to move to Benin13

4Q 2015 Nikki (Benin)Objective - Destination14

Back in 2014BeninInfant mortality rate: ~56 Nikki Health Center:4,135 infants treated~500 prematureAVG temperature: 25-30 CNo power supply problems

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


We are going to start working on one of those two scenarios.At first we selected Sierra leone14

Objective MVP Characteristics15

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We are going to start working on one of those two scenarios.At first we selected Sierra leone15

Methods Digital Fabrication16

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How do we do it?16

Methods Digital Fabrication17

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How do we do it?17

Methods Digital Fabrication18

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How do we do it?18

Methods Digital Fabrication19

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How do we do it?19

Methods Digital Fabrication20

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How do we do it?20

Methods Digital Fabrication21

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Result 1st iteration22Domed cradle (Scale 1:10)

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Result 2nd iteration23Squared cradle (Scale 1:10)

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Result 3rd iteration24

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Result 3rd iteration25

Plywood (In Europe)LegsCradleBedResinsBed AxisPLA (Plastic)Upper cornersReinforcementHigh Density PolyethyleneWindows

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Result 3rd iteration26

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Control ModuleResult 3rd iteration27

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Control ModuleCommunication protocolBluetoothResult 3rd iteration28

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Control ModuleCommunication protocolBluetooth

Control panelResult 3rd iteration29

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Control ModuleCommunication protocolBluetooth

Control panel

Temperature ControllerResult 3rd iteration30

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Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua30

Control ModuleCommunication protocolBluetooth

Control panel

Temperature ControllerInputTemperatureHumidityOutputPumpFansHeater/CoolerResult 3rd iteration31

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Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua31

Result 3rd iteration32BluetoothCompatibilityiPhone/iPadAndroidComputersChartsTemperatureHumidityCustomizeTemperature

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Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua32

Result 3rd iteration33Shopping list



IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua33

Result 3rd iteration34Shopping list



$ 174,31$ 37,46

+$ 211,77Material costIntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua34

Cradle: 400x750x600 mmCradle inclination:0816Measurement ranges:Humidity: 0-100%Temperature: 0-50CRegulation:Temperature: -1C 10CResult 3rd iteration35

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua35

Result 3rd iteration36

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua36

Result 3rd iteration37

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Decir que tambin puede activar una bomba de agua37

DiscussionHealth care deviceSolved problems:ModularRepairableEasy assemblingLow cost


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Es un primer prototipo que va a ser probado con nios de verdad en SeptiembreLow cos, reparable modularLicencia MITTema empresarial



IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Es un primer prototipo que va a ser probado con nios de verdad en SeptiembreLow cos, reparable modularLicencia MITTema empresarial



September2015Nikki (Benin)

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Future work 4th Iteration41

Improved stabilityEasier to assembleMore light-weightBetter inner temperature regulationLess noiseMore robust electronicsCheaper electronicsBetter isolation

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Future work42

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Our goal?43

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Our goal44

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Our goal45

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Our goal46

IntroductionState of ArtObjectiveMethodsResultDiscussionConclusionsFuture workOur GoalBibliography


Bibliography[1] Unicef. Neonatal mortality rates are declining in all regions, but more slowly in sub-Saharan Africa; 2015. Available from: http: // [2] Bank TW. Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births); 2015. Available from: indicator/SH.DYN.NMRT. [3] Kawaji Q. An Alternative Infant Incubator. Johns Hopkins University; 2015. Available from: https://jscholarship. Term%20paper%201%20Eco%20Health%20(Qingwen% 20Kawaji).docx.[4] News B. Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone lockdown to hit 2.5m peo- ple; 2014. Available from: world-africa-31966989. [5]News B. Ebola outbreak: Sierra Leone in lockdown; 2015. Available from: world-africa-32083363.[6] Dr D Simkiss PKE, Professor Anuradha Bose DST, Bas- sat DQ. Mother and Child Nutrition in the Tropics and 57 Subtropics (Chapter 4). oxfordjournals;. Available from: tropej/online/mcn.html.[7] Bhat SR, Meng NF, Kumar K, Nagesh KN, Kawale A, Bhutani VK. Keeping babies warm: a non-inferiority trial of a conductive thermal mattress. Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition. 2015 Jul;100(4):F309312. [8] ROSENBERG T. The Human Incubator; 2015. Available from: 12/13/the-human-incubator/. [9] Prasanga D Hiniduma Lokuge YM, Wu A. Design of a Passive Incubator for Premature Infants in the Developing World. Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology;. [10] Firefly Phototherapy; 2015. Available from: http://www. [11]Linus Liang JC, Rahul Panicker RH. Embrace; 2015. Avail- able from: impact/embrace_02.html. [12] NeoNurture; 2015. Available from: http://www. [13] Park A. The 50 Best Inventions of 2010 - TIME. Time. 2010;Available from: specials/packages/article/0,28804,2029497_ 2030618_2029499,00.html. [14] Stewart D. The Acclaimed Incubator That Hospitals Never Used, and What Designers Learned; 2015. Available from: the-acclaimed-incubator-that-hospitals-never-used-and-w [15] The Van Hemel baby incubator; 2015. Available from: https: // [16] Drexler M. Looking Under the Hood and Seeing an Incubator. The New York Times. 2008 Dec;Available from: http://www. [17] Fundacion Alaine; 2015. Available from: http://www.


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