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(An Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of SMK Cyber Media)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata 1) in English Language Education


Erno Sumantri

NIM: 203014001595







In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praises be to

Allah the Lord of the Worlds, who has given the health and strength to the writer

in completing this skripsi. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon. His final

Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, his family and his companions.

First of all, the writer would like to say his great honor and deepest

gratitude to Drs. AM. Zainuri, M.Pd, the writer's advisor for his time, guidance,

kindness, contributions, and patience to finish this skripsi.

Second, the writer also realizes that he would never finish writing this

skripsi without the help of some people around him. Therefore, the writer would

like to give special great honor and deepest gratitude to:

1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the head of English Department.

2. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher's


3. Drs Amid, MPd, The Headmaster of SMK Cyber Media who permitted the

writer to do research.

4. Toto Sidharta, BA as a father who always gives help, support to finish this


5. Ernita Rusli, S.pd as a mother who always gives help, support to finish this


6. Drs. Azis Hasibuan, MM as uncle who always gives help, support to finish

this skripsi.

7. Mochammad Achmadi, S.pd, Nurhadi, S.pd who always give their help,

support and permission for finishing this skripsi.

8. All friends, teachers, and students in SMK Cyber Media Jakarta, Bina

Mitra Polda Metro Jaya and Bina Mitra Polres Metro Jakarta Timur.


9. All friends in English Department 2003/2004, his beloved friends

Muhammad Zul Fadhli, M. Nugroho, Ahmad Darda, Imam Hafiz, Syarifah

Khairunisa, and all friends in neighborhoods Teguh Santoso, Eko

Wahyudi, Fajar Rizka, Danar, Anggi, Dedi Setiawan, Iwan Setiawan for

advices, kindness, sadness, fun and everything

May Allah, the almighty bless them all, Amiin. Finally, the writer realizes

that this skripsi still has some weakness and mistakes. Therefore, the writer would

like to accept any constructive suggestions to make this skripsi better

Jakarta, June 23, 2011

The Writer



ACKNOWLEDMENT…………………………………………………. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………. iii


A. Background of the Study……………………………. 1

B. Reason for Choosing Topic.…………………………. 5

C. Limitations of the Problem………………….……….. 5

D. Objective of the Study………………………………. 5

E. Significance of the Study……………………………. 6

F. Statement of the Study……………………………..... 6


A. Teenagers......………..……………………………….. 7

B. Song...……….....…………………………………….. 9

1. Definition of song..……………………………… 10

2. Teaching of Song as Media...…………………… 10

C. Characteristics of Vocational School Students……… 12

D. Pronunciation…………………………………….. 13

1. Definition of Pronunciation……………………... 13

2. Aim of Pronunciation………………………….... 14

3. Song as Media in Teaching English Pronunciations 15

E. Hypothesis…................................................................ 18



A. Place and Time of Research……….…………………... 19

B. Population and Sampling……….…………………........ 19

C. The Techniques of Collecting Data.………………….... 20

D. Techniques of Data Analysis…………………………... 23


A. Description of Data………………………………….... 24

B. Lack of Pronunciation……………………………….... 30

C. Hypothesis……………………………………………. 31

D. Interpretation………………………………………..... 32


A. Conclusion…………………………………………… 34

B. Suggestion……………………………………………. 35

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………….. 36






This chapter discusses the general background of the study. It also presents

the reasons for choosing the topic, the statements of the problem, objectives of the

study, significance of the study and limitation of the study.

A. Background of the Study

"Language is a window on the mind." It was Chomsky's claim about

language as cited by Wells in the introduction of his book1. Since language plays

an important role in any aspects, it has some different functions in the society

where it is used. The function for which a language is used in a society affects the

status of the language itself. In a society, a language can play a role as the official,

national, educational, religious, and group language.

Language has sound, vocabulary, and grammar. Thus, it is reasonable that

language is interesting to analyze. There are many phenomena of language use

which happen, around people. Song is one of those phenomena which consist of

lyrics. Meanwhile, a song lyric can be used as another way for people to

communicate to others, to young people, or to old people and so on.

1 Gordon Wells, The Meaning Makers: Children Learning Language and Using

Language to Learn, (London: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., 1986), p.ix


There are song lyrics, which become model especially for teenagers. The

song lyrics can help them to acquire their language. The authors of song lyrics

specially compose song lyrics for teenagers. It means song lyrics for teenagers

have special intonation and forms which are easy to be understood by teenagers.

Teaching English to teenagers is not easy but needs more patience. The

process of teaching for young learners is different from the process of teaching

adults. It needs such method to make it easy in delivering the materials.

For young learners or teenager, English is the first foreign language to be

learned, and the students just learn simple English pattern. As the secondary

language, the students have very limited knowledge of English. Sometimes it

creates problems in learning process, especially pronunciation, the first is a

genuine pronunciation problem, which exists when the learners have difficulty in

making the required sound to imitate. The researcher has observed they tend to

have problems in pronouncing, for example “Sleep” („sli:p), “tree” (tri:), “true”

(„tru:) in which these do not exist in Bahasa Indonesia. Secondly, a pronunciation

problem occurs when the sound is not really difficult as such, but the learner is

misled by the spelling. For example, the words “up” [up], “tea” [ti:], “duck”

[dΛk], “cup” [kΛp], “see” [si:], and “sing” [siή] are not pronounced as they are

written, so learning pronunciation is not easy for the students.

They will try to search information about something that they want to

know. They also ask something that they feel new and strange for them.

They ask adults or people around them everything they want to know. Indeed they

ask the information to people they have just known.

Because of the high curiosity of teenagers, we view that songs are very

good as media to teach English pronunciation. It is because the language that is

used in the songs is English. Teenagers are not accustomed to English.


And based on that reason, teenagers will try to do any efforts to know

much about the songs. If the teenagers have a willing to know the songs, they will

try to learn anything related to the songs. Here, we emphasize the pronunciation

of English. We choose the pronunciation because of the differences between the

two languages-English and Indonesian.

There are many differences between English and Indonesian especially in

pronunciation. As we see, the differences between English and Indonesian are

very significant. Therefore, there are many students of Vocational School

especially the students of SMK Cyber Media Jakarta, who pronounce English

words incorrectly.

Besides the teacher is expected to be imaginative and creative in

developing their teaching techniques to make the English lesson more exiting.

Teaching English to the tenth grade needs techniques interactive in classroom.

There are many ways in teaching English to young learners, but the most

important aspect to teach English is building their motivation to learn the


In other words, we make them feel that they need English, and make them

think that English is a very interesting subject to learn. One way to arise their

enthusiasm‟s by the use of songs, which will enable them to give more reaction in

learning English. The songs can be used by the teenager's outside the classroom

for self learning.

As an attractive technique, taken from the student‟s daily activities, the

student will feel engaged in the English tutoring. Besides, the songs are part of

authentic materials required for studying about the foreign language directly from

the native speakers. There are a lot of English expressions and cultures in the

songs, so that students can learn and expand their knowledge, not only know the

words written, but can also know how to pronounce them especially after listening

to such songs.


Moreover, learning English through songs can be effective to assist

pronunciation, since the students can directly get the knowledge on how to

pronounce the word from the song they hear, when students learn in an enjoyable

situation, they will understand the lesson easily. Cyber Media is a Vocational

School located in Duren Tiga Kalibata South Jakarta.

The school has got the accreditation, the points is A for all programs. The

situation of the teaching learning process is maximized in order that the students

accept the transfer of knowledge and build their optimal creativity.

Based on the observation of the students‟ score in English subject, it seems

that they have lower level of pronunciation, for example they say book = [bοk],

and it is a wrong pronunciation. The result of the observation shows that the

teacher has never given the practice of pronouncing some words. The teacher just

focuses on the vocabulary and grammar used in the conversation.

They are sometimes asked to pronounce some words once or twice in

order that the students will be familiar with the words. In other words, there is no

emphasis in pronouncing words.

In singing English song in everyday meeting, they are guided by their

own teacher, who is not an English teacher. They can sing the song easily and

cohesively except the fluency of their pronunciation is still not exact or there are

some weaknesses. Therefore, there are many students of Vocational School

especially the students of SMK Cyber Media Jakarta, who pronounce English

words incorrectly to say it.


B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic

There are two reasons for the writer to choose the topic. First the

pronunciation ability of the students of SMK Cyber Media Jakarta is not

satisfactory. Most of them have not got the ability to pronounce English words


And the second one is songs that can be used as media in teaching English

pronunciation. We want to know using songs as media in teaching English

pronunciation or not.

C. Limitations of the Problem

To avoid misunderstanding the writer would like to limit the problems:

1. The songs use simple words so they can be appropriate to the language

level of the students of SMK Cyber Media Jakarta.

2. The songs related to their environment and part of their body.

3. Listening to the songs, and writing down the missing lyrics.

4. The test is done in the form of oral test. It is done by singing the songs.

5. Finding the unfamiliar word from the lyrics.

D. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

1. To find out whether using songs as media in teaching English

pronunciation can improve pronunciation ability of the students of

SMK Cyber Media or not.

2. To find out whether using teenager songs as media in teaching English

pronunciation is difficult or not.


E. Significance of the Study

The results of the study are expected to be able to give the following


For English Teachers

The results of the study are expected to be used as a consideration in

teaching pronunciation for young learners.

For The Readers

It is expected that the study will be useful for further research and

enlarge the readers‟ knowledge in using songs as media.

F. Statements of the Problem

The problems of the research can be stated as follows:

Can teaching English pronunciation by using songs improve students‟

ability in English pronunciation?

Is it difficult to use songs in teaching English pronunciation?





This chapter will discuss teenagers, songs and the definition of songs. The

middle of this chapter consists of discussions of teaching media and

characteristics of Vocational School students. Pronunciation also would be

presented in this chapter. The last discussion of this chapter is discussion of songs

as media in teaching English pronunciation.

A. Teenagers

As we see, teenagers are an object that is interesting to be discussed. It is

caused because of the nature of the teenagers themselves. They are able to work

with others and learn from others1. They also love to play. Moreover, they are not

only active, but also very intelligent.

As listed above, teenagers are able to work with others and learn from

others. Connected with the educational worlds, this characteristic of teenager is

exceptionally beneficial to the teaching and learning process.

1 Scott, Wandy A and Ytleberg, Lisbeth H. 1990. Teaching English to Children.

New York: Longman. P. 2-4


It makes the teacher easier to convey the material to the students. Because

based on the nature, they can work in group and learn something from their


Out of the educational scope, teenager is a pleased period. They can do

anything they want to do. They do not think that it disturbs others or not. They

also do not think that it inflicts others or not. They can play the whole time as they

want. It is appropriate to their nature that they love to play2.

Moreover teenagers are very active. It is in line with Donaldson’s opinion

that the teenager tries to make sense of the world. They do something as though

they don’t have fatigue. They will do anything, provided they are happy. Here,

their enthusiasm in doing something they like is very great. And their enthusiasm

in doing something is a source of their energy to do activities they want to do3.

Besides the reasons above, teenagers are intelligent. They will try to solve a

problem around them that sometimes cannot be solved by adults. As Cameron

says that “the teenager is seen as continually interacting with the world around

her/him, solving problems that are presented by the neighbors4. For example,

there are two youngsters, an elder sister and her younger brother. At that time,

they went sightseeing by bike. The kickstand of the bike was broken. The elder

sister was confused thinking how to repair the kickstand. Without much thinking,

the younger brother repaired the kickstand optimistically. And finally, the younger

brother succeeded in repairing the kickstand. From the example above, we see that

teenager’s are intelligent.

2 Scott, Wandy A and Ytleberg, Lisbeth H. 1990. Teaching . New York:

Longman. P. 2-4

3 Cameron, Lyne. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. London:

Cambridge University Press. P. 4

4 Teaching Languages to Young Learners. P. 2


B. Song

1. Definition of Song

“A song is a short piece in one concise movement for the medium of solo

voice and piano”5. According to Parto, a song is a group of arrangements which

consists of lyrics and elements of music like rhythm, melody, harmony and

expressions6. Moreover, “A song is a musical composition for the voice of several

voices”, and short poem whether intended to be sung or not; a lyric or ballad”. It

is said in The American Heritage Dictionaries. “Music is a brief composition

written or adapted for singing. It also says that song is a distinctive or

characteristic sound made by an animal, such as a bird or an insect. The last

definition about song is poetry, a verse and a lyrics poem or ballad”7.

Other definitions of song are listed below: “Song is the act of singing, the

characteristics sound produced by a bird; a short musical composition with word,

a successful musical must have at least three good songs. It is also said that song

is a distinctive or characteristic sound. Besides that, song is the imperial dynasty

of China from 960 to1279 and a very small sum”8.

Based on the references above, it shows that song is a group of beautiful

words in which there is a message in it to be conveyed to other people and

5 Simms, R. Bryan. 1993. The Art of Music. An Introduction. USA: Harper Collins

College Publishers. P. 29

6 Parto, S. 1996. Seni Musik Barat dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakarta:

Penerbit Pustaka Belajar. P. 99

7 8 www.Submit


presented with beautiful music. It deals with some themes. It deals with story,

advice, study, religion, environment, universe, love, happy and sad feeling.

We have seen the definition of song above. And now, let us talk about song.

It is viewed, song is a group of beautiful words in which there are a message to be

conveyed to individuals who have not reached puberty9 and presented with a

beautiful music so that they can get the message from it easily. But in fact, it can

be enjoyed by everyone. It can be enjoyed by teenagers, adults, and even old


2. Teaching of Song as Media

Language teachers can use songs as part of their classroom teaching

repertoire. Songs containing authentic language, are easily obtainable, provide

vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the students.

They can provide valuable speaking, listening and language practice in and

out of the classroom. According to Arsyad teaching of songs as media is used to

convey educational messages10

. Another definition of teaching songs as media are

performs of communication either printed or audio visual and the tools11


From the two definitions above, it can be said that teaching media is used

by the teacher to convey the teaching material to the students. It can be printed or

audio visual and the tools. Media are needed in teaching and learning process

because of several factors.

9 Hornby, A.S. 1995.Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary. Great Britain: Oxford

UniversityPress. P. 192

10 Arsyad, Azhar. 2006. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Rja Grafindo Persada. P. 4

11 Arsyad, Azhar. 2006. Media Pembelajaran. P. 5


Sudjana and Rifai said that they have benefits in it. They are12


1. The teaching process will be more interesting so that the students can be

motivated to learn the material given by the teacher. By using media,

the teacher can attract the students’ attention to the material given by

him/her. From the explanation above, it is expected that by using media

in teaching and learning process, students will be motivated in learning

the material given by the teacher by heart. If they learn by heart they will

automatically get a maximum result.

2. The material will be clearer so that the students can understand the material

easily. Media make students easier in catching the material given by the

teacher. Here, media act as the means used by the teacher to make the

teaching material easier and clearer so the students can catch the material

easily. If the students can catch the material easily they can automatically

understand it easily too. As a simple sample is a white board. The teacher

writes the material which is conveyed to the students on the board in a

form of diagram and writes the explanation of the diagram so that students

can catch it easily.

3. There will be a variation in the teaching and learning process. It makes

students enjoy the teaching and learning process. Students will feel bored

if the teacher only uses the explanation when presenting the material

during the teaching and learning process. Students will not feel bored if the

teacher uses media in teaching and learning process. They feel that there is

a variation in it.

12 Arsyad, Azhar. 2006. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Rja Grafindo Persada.

P. 24


4. Students can do more activities in teaching and learning process. For

example, the teacher gives a topic to be discussed and the students do the

discussion. According to Derek Rowntree, Educational Media have

functions to:

1. Motivate students to study.

2. Review what students have learnt.

3. Give a stimulus to study.

4. Activate students’ responses.

5. Give a feedback soon13.

From the references above, it can be seen that teaching songs as media is

needed in teaching learning process. It is because students are motivated to study.

Students can catch the material from the teacher clearly. The teaching learning

processes have more varieties so make students enjoy it. Students will be more active

in giving responses to the material given by the teacher.

C. Characteristics of Vocational School Students

As we see, most of Vocational School students are at the age of fourteen to

seventeen years old. To know the characteristics of them, we can see from the

opinions conveyed by Scott and Ytleberg below:

“Students of vocational School are users of mother tongue and language target.

They can tell the difference between fact and fiction. They love to play and get the

best when they enjoy themselves. But they also take themselves seriously and like to

think that what they are doing is real work. They are also enthusiastic and positive

about learning. They rely on the spoken word as well as the physical word to convey

understandable meaning. They are able to work with others and learn from others”14.


Rohani, Ahmad. 1997. Media Instruksional Edukatif. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

P. 7-8

14 Scott, Wandy A and Ytleberg, Lisbeth H. 1990. Teaching English. New York:

Longman. P. 2-4


From the characteristics above, we know that vocational School students have a

great enthusiasm in learning something they like. It does not mean that they do not

need a guide in learning something they like. They still need a guide in learning

something. It is because in line with their nature, they love to play. They can forget

the main assignment they have to do because they focus on the game they are doing.

Moreover, they need help from adults. Teenagers can do and understand much more

pronouncing English considered as a local content course in Vocational School,

because English is needed in any aspects of life.

D. Pronunciation

This part talks about pronunciation. Firstly, it discusses definition of

pronunciation. The next discussion is teaching pronunciation.

1. Definition of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way a word or a language is usually spoken, the manner

in which someone utters a word. In line with the definitions above, Hornby says that

pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken, the way in which a word is

pronounced, the way a person speaks the words of a language. From the definitions

above, it shows conclusion that pronunciation is the way person utters a word or a


15 Hornby, A.S. 1995.Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary. Great Britain: Oxford

University Press. P. 928


2. Aim of Pronunciation

There are many factors that influence language teaching especially English

pronunciation teaching. Besides teacher should select the media that is suitable to be

applied in teaching English pronunciation, they are also hoped to know how to teach

pronunciation well. By knowing the good way in teaching English pronunciation.

According to Jeremy Harmer’s alternatives in pronunciation teaching:

“There have three alternatives to convey. First, whole lesson: making

pronunciation the main focus of lesson does not mean that every minute of the lesson

has to be spent on pronunciation work. Second, discrete slots: some teachers insert

short, separate bits of pronunciation work into lesson sequences. And the last

alternative is integrated phases: many teachers get students to focus on pronunciation

issues as an integrated part of lesson16.

In this case, teacher decides what alternative he or she chooses. By deciding

the alternatives he or she uses in teaching English pronunciation, he or she can make

a strategy based on the alternative to get a maximum result.

Moreover, the most important thing of the teaching and learning process is the

understanding of the students about the lesson. Cameron says that “it is a crucial thing

for teachers to take the responsibility for checking whether their pupils understand the

language being used and the purpose of activities being carried out”. In this case, the

teacher should let the students know that they are studying about pronunciation and

they are expected to be able to pronounce English words correctly17.

It needs an enthusiasm in teaching English pronunciation so that both the

teacher and the students get a good result in it. It can be done by encouraging the

students that they can do the best. Besides that, it also can be done by asking the

students to present their ability in pronouncing English words so other students know

that they can do it well. By this, students have a great spirit to learn how to pronounce

English words well.

16 Harmer. Jeremy. 2002. The Practice of Language Teaching. Kucing: Pearson

Education Limited. P.1883

17 Cameron, Lyne. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. London:

Cambridge University Press. P. 40


3. Song as Media in Teaching English Pronunciations

This part talks about songs as media in teaching English pronunciation. There

are two parts in this sub chapter. First is contribution of teenager’s songs in teaching

English pronunciation. And the second is the way of applying songs in teaching

English pronunciation.

There are many reasons why teenager’s songs are good for English

pronunciation. It has many contributions in pronunciation teaching. For example:

a. Kramer states that songs are good for English teaching because, songs

are funny. They promote mimics, gestures etc, and associated to the

meaning. They are good to introduce suprasegmental phonetics. Students

play a participative role. They can be applied to comprehension stages

(listening) or production (singing). There are songs for all ages and

levels. Students can learn English very easily through echoic memory18.

b. Songs can add feeling and rhythm to language practice that might

otherwise be flat. “They also help and remember things more easily and

draw more deeply into a lesson19.

c. Music and rhythm are much easier to imitate and remember language

than words which are just spoken20.

From the statements above, we know that song is funny and interesting. As

we see, most of teenagers like something funny. With their interest in song, will make

the process of teaching English pronunciation easier. The writer assume that it is

effective using song in teaching English pronunciation to Vocational School students

because they learn something by using something funny that is a song.


Kramer, Daniel J. Using Songs Teaching English

19 Paul, David. 2003. Teaching English to Children in Asia. New York:

Longman. P. 58


Philips, Sarah. 1993. Young Learners. China: Oxford University Press.


Students especially teenager will have zest in learning something if they take

part in it. Zest of students influences their result in their study. In this case, teacher

should use a medium that can make students have a great enthusiasm in learning

something because they can take part in it. In my opinion, it is good for teacher to use

song in teaching English pronunciation to Vocational School students.

Because they can take part in it by following the song when it is played. As

Paul said that song also helps remember things more easily and draws more deeply

into a lesson. So it is very pleasant for the teacher to use song in teaching English

pronunciation. Teenagers can remember the right way of pronouncing the words

easily. With a good remembrance of how to pronounce the words as they heard on the

song given by the teacher, it is expected that they can apply it in pronouncing English

words not only in singing a song but also anytime they speak in English.

Besides that, songs also make students much easier to imitate and remember

language than words which are just spoken. Students will get bored if they just hear a

lecture from the teacher of how to pronounce English well. Teacher can make

students know how to pronounce English well by using songs to remember and

imitate the song, because they like and interested in it.

In this case, teacher is hoped to be selective in choosing a song that will be

used in English pronunciation teaching. They are to choose interesting song so

that the students are attracted in them. A song is learnt only when the learner

understands the meaning of the language item contained in it.

After preparing and choosing the right song, some steps should apply as

Suk Mei Lo, Chi Fai Lo and Cakir opinions in Rina Utami21

. Here are ways of

applying song in classroom:

1. Suk Mei Lo and Chi Fai Lo say that song is applied in teaching and

learning process by:

“First, teacher hands out the lyrics of song to the students or write it in the

board. Then the teacher explains the meaning of the lyrics and tells the


Utami, Rina. 2002. Songs as An alternative Technique of Teaching Vocabulary at .

FBS. Semarang State University: Unpublished Paper.


way how to pronounce it. After that, teacher asks the students to read the

text aloud. The next step is lets the students listen to the songs three times.

The first time students purely listen, the second time sing with the tape,

and the last time sing without tape. The last step is asks the students to do



2. The steps suggested by Cakir:

“First, students listen to the songs from cassette. Second, teacher repeats

the song in spoken form. Teacher and students repeat the song together.

Once again, students listen to the song from cassette. And the last is the

repetition of the song in the instrumental version”.

Based on the references above, the writer supposes the following activities

to be applied in the classroom. First, teacher hands out the lyrics of the songs or

writes them on the board. Second, teacher explains the meaning of the songs and

lets the students know the meaning of each word. Third, teacher plays or sings the

songs many times. Fourth, teacher lets the students know how to pronounce the

words of the songs correctly. Fifth, teacher gives the students an example of the

way how to sing the songs.

Sixth, teacher asks the students to repeat the songs using right

pronunciation after him/her. After mastering the intonation of the song, teacher

asks the students to sing the song together. After that teacher asks the students to

sing the song by themselves. The last is teacher asks the students to exercises

related to the songs.

22 Utami, Rina. 2002. Songs as An alternative Technique of Teaching Vocabulary at .

FBS. Semarang State University: Unpublished Paper.


E. Hypothesis

This research is to know whether teaching pronunciation using music

songs better than teaching pronunciation without using music songs. And to find

the answer of the problem, the writer should propose alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

and Null Hypothesis (Ho) as bellow:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) = “There is a significant difference in

students’ score of pronunciation before and after using music songs”.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho) = “There is no significant difference in students’

score of pronunciation between before and after without using music





A. Place and Time

The writer chooses SMK Cyber Media Duren Tiga South Jakarta as the

object of the research, considering it is not far and only about 15 minutes to go

there from the writer’s home. Some teachers in the school have already known the

writer well. The research was held to know if the students have problems in

pronouncing English. It was held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays morning as

scheduled on 05th of October up to 22

th November 2010

B. Population and Sampling

The writer did the experiment at the first year of Vocational School SMK

Cyber Media, Jakarta involving the process of teaching Improving Students

Pronunciation by Using English Song. The population of the research is the first

year of Vocational School SMK Jakarta. There are two classes consisting of X

TKJ.1, X TKJ.2, so there are all 82 students.

The sample of research of two classes that are X TKJ.1 which consists of

42 students as controlled class and X TKJ.2 which consists of 40 students as

experiment class. It will be taken only 42 students from each class as sample by

random sampling.


The writer chooses them as the subject of the study because of the

consideration that they have been taught English as the local content subject. Besides,

based on the interview that we had done before, most of them were not able to

pronounce English well.

C. The Techniques of Collecting Data

The test for collecting data is important thing in this research that can be

determined the result of the research such as:

1. Choose Songs Test

The writers selected four interesting songs. The songs that were used had

themes that were related to children world. The songs were Bicycle Race.

The first song tells about the race of bicycle. The second song is a song

about profession. The profession here is an Actor. It tells about anything

related to the profession. The third song also tells about feel (emotion), that

is a Love of My Life. It tells about Feeling. The last song is Hotel

California. It tells about a place. The four songs make the students easier in

memorizing the way of pronouncing English words.

2. Pre-test

The pre-test for the students are carried out to get their score. In part A

the students have to listens some songs with music and write missing words. In

part B the students were taught to sing correctly the texts song without

music by giving them the examples of how to read the words in the form of

reading by the writer.


3. Post-test

The post-test is given by asking students to do some question or

exercises an in part A the students have to listens some songs with music and

write missing words. In part B the students were taught to sing correctly the

texts song without music by giving them the examples of how to read the

words in the form of reading by the writer.

The result of pre-test and post-test are collected and compared.

E. Techniques of data Analysis

In this study, there was a pre test. After conducting the pre test, there were

four activities. The students learnt English pronunciation by using English songs.

After having those activities, the students were given a post test.

As we see in the table above. The test was conducted in purpose of

knowing the students’ ability in pronouncing English words before getting the

treatment the writer gave. The test was based on the words that are found in the

songs that would be given.

The pre-test ran well. It ran as follows, firstly, handed out the pre test

paper to the students. After all students got the paper, asked them to pay attention.

Then give examples the way of pronouncing the words on the pre-test paper. After

that, asked them to read the words together. And finally asked them to come

forward reading the words on the paper they have got.

The next activities were the four activities, teaching English pronunciation

by using English songs. The activities ran well. Each activity ran as follows,

firstly handed out the text of the song. Every student got one text. After all

students got the text, asked the students to pay attention to the text they had got.

Second ask them to listen to the cassette of the song. Third told them what the

song was about. Fourth tells them the meaning of the songs. After that translated

the text into Indonesian word by word. Finally asked their understanding of the



Played the cassette of the song. The students listened to the cassette

attentively. Students listened to the cassette three times. After playing the cassette

three times, asked the students if they could sing the song or not. The students

answered that they could not sing the song.

The writer gave the example of singing the song. Not only give the

example of the way in singing the song but also the way of pronouncing each

word of the song. So the students understood the way of singing and pronouncing

the song well.

The next step was the writer asked the students to sing the song together

twice. After that the students sang the song with the writer. Then the students sang

the song together by listening to the song from the cassette. After they were able

to sing and pronounce the song, asked the students to sing the song one by one.

Each activity ran in equal time except in the fourth activity. In the activity,

students understood the meaning and the way of singing the song easily. It was

because they had known the words of the song before. During the remaining time,

I asked them to sing the songs I had given.

And the last activity is a post test. The post test was conducted on Tuesday

October 9th

2010. The tests have four songs, Bicycle Race, the Actor, Love of My

Life, and Hotel California. Wrote the missing words when they were listened the


The students came forward one by one to sing the songs. They came

forward based on their number on the attendant list. When one of the students

came forward to sing the songs, other students were practicing the songs by


The writer wanted to know data analyses that are the last step in the

procedure of experiment, in this case, processing the data. Data processing is the

step to know the result of both the experiment class and controlled class and also

their difference.

To find out the difference of students score in using songs in teaching the

pronunciation the writer uses songs. After getting the data from the observation,


pre-test and post-test, the writer uses a formula to find the mean or the average

know the result of both the experiment class and controlled class and also their


To find out the difference of students score in using songs in teaching the

pronunciation the writer uses songs. After getting the data from the observation,

pre-test and post-test, the writer uses a formula to find the mean or the average

score, as follow1.

to = ( ∑ x12 + ∑ y2

2 ) ( N1 + N2)

( N1 + N2 -2) ( N1 . N2)

M1 = Mean Score of Experiment Class

M2 = Mean Score of Control Class

∑x12 = Sum of Square Deviation Score in Experiment Class

∑x22 = Sum of Square Deviation Score in Control Class

N1 = Number of Students of Experiment Class

N2 = Number of Students of Control Class

df = Degree of Freedom

1 Sudijono, Anas Drs., Pengantar statistic pendidikan, (Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo

Perkasa, 2002), p.297




A. Description of Data

To know the results of the tests (pre-test and post-test) the writer makes the

table of students score from both classes (experiment class and controlled class).

There are 5 items in the test, when students answered a question correctly,

they would be given score 20, and the score for the whole items is 100. The writer

obtained after doing the research, as follow:

The following table is the result of the students in Controlled Class

teaching pronunciation without using music songs.


Table 4.1

The Result of the Students in Controlled Class

No Pre Test Post Test Gain

1 48 52 4

2 68 76 8

3 48 56 8

4 68 72 4

5 60 68 8

6 56 72 16

7 72 76 4

8 56 60 4

9 72 80 8

10 56 56 0

11 48 52 4

12 56 64 8

13 68 72 4

14 64 76 12

15 60 76 16

16 68 72 4

17 52 56 4

18 48 56 8

19 60 72 12

20 72 76 4

1200 1340 140

It shows that the average score of the pre-test and post-test of Controlled

Class is 60.00 for pre-test, 67.00 of post test and 7 for gain score.

The following table is the result of the students in Experiment Class

teaching pronunciation using music songs.


Table 4.2

The Result of the Students in Experiment Class

No Pre Test Post Test Gain

1 76 80 4

2 60 72 12

3 48 56 8

4 72 84 12

5 76 80 4

6 68 72 4

7 76 84 8

8 68 68 0

9 64 72 8

10 72 76 4

11 68 76 8

12 64 72 8

13 56 80 24

14 60 84 24

15 60 76 16

16 68 76 8

17 56 72 16

18 52 76 24

19 56 80 24

20 56 72 16

1276 1508 232

The table above, shows that the average score of the pre-test and post-test of

Experiment Class is 63.8 for pre-test, 75.4 of post test and 11.6 for gain score.


Afterwards, the next table is the result calculation of the Post Test Both

Experiment Class teaching pronunciation using music songs and Control Class

teaching pronunciation without using music songs.

Table 4.3

The Result Calculation of the Post Test Both Experiment Class and

Control Class

No X Y x y x2 y


1 4 4 -7.6 -3 57.76 9

2 12 8 +0.4 +1 0.16 1

3 8 8 -3.6 +1 12.96 1

4 12 4 +0.4 -3 0.16 9

5 4 8 -7.6 +1 57.76 1

6 4 16 -7.6 +9 57.76 81

7 8 4 -3.6 -3 12.96 9

8 0 4 -11.6 -3 134.56 9

9 8 8 -3.6 +1 12.96 1

10 4 0 -7.6 -7 57.76 49

11 8 4 -3.6 -3 12.96 9

12 8 8 -3.6 +1 12.96 1

13 24 4 +12.4 -3 153.76 9

14 24 12 +12.4 +5 153.76 25

15 16 16 +4.4 +9 19.36 81

16 8 4 -3.6 -3 12.96 9

17 16 4 +4.4 -3 19.36 9


18 24 8 +12.4 +1 153.76 1

19 24 12 +12.4 +5 153.76 25

20 16 4 +4.4 -3 19.36 9

Total ∑X = 232 ∑Y= 140 ∑x= 0 ∑y= 0 ∑x2= 1116.8 ∑y


It shows that the score of both classes are on average level, it means that the

student’s achievement in learning the Irregular Verb by using flash card is

generally high, though there are differences in minimum and maximum

standard of each class, the table shows the experiment class has higher


From the table above the writer gets the calculation using that, test formula;

a. Determining mean 1 with the formula:

b. Determining mean 2 with the formula:

c. Determining the standard of deviation of variable 1:

d. Determining the standard of deviation of variable 2:

M1 = ∑x = 232 = 11.6

N 20

M2 = ∑y = 140 = 7

N 20

SD1 = ∑x2 = 1116.8 = 55.84 = 7.47

N 20

SD2 = ∑y2 = 348 = 17.4 = 4.17

N 20


e. Determining the standard error mean of variable 1:

f. Determining the standard error mean of variable 2:

g. Determining the standard error mean difference of M1 and M2 :

h. Determining to with the formula:

to = M1 - M2 = 11.6 - 7 = 4.6 = 5.89

SEM1-M2 0.78 0.78

i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with df :

df = (N1+ N2)-2 = (20 + 20) –2 =38

The writer gained t-table:

S.L. 5% = 2.02 < 5.89

S.L. 1% = 2.7 < 5.89

t-score = 2.02 5.89 or 2.7

2.02 <5.89>2.7

j. The comparison between t-score and t-table :

In the table of significance or in t-table, we can see on the df = 38 and on

the degree of 5% and 1%, the result is 2.02 and 2.7, t-score is 5.89, so we

can conclude that t-score is higher than t-table.

SEM1 = SD1 = 7.47 = 7.47 = 0.40 = 0.63

N - 1 20 - 1 19

SEM2 = SD2 = 4.17 = 4.17 = 0.22 = 0.47

N - 1 20 - 1 19

SEM1-M2 = SEM12 + SEM2

2 = 0.63

2 + 0.47

2 = 0.397 + 0.220 = 0.617 = 0.78


B. Lack Pronunciation

Pronunciation is importing element in English speaking skill. In other

words no large pronunciation can make mistake to vocabulary. Someone may find

difficulties in English speaking. The tenth grades of SMK Cyber Media Duren

Tiga South Jakarta are having kind of problem. They have difficulties in

understanding of the sentences.

The problems approves concerning the results gained by the students in

the tests both oral and written. As it was presented in the table before, the results

of the oral tests showed that there is only 3% of all students got the high score,

26% of them got the middle score, and 71% got the low score.

Meanwhile, the table of the results of the students in written tests showed

that there is only 3% of all students got the high score, 28% of them got the

middle score, and 69% got the low score. The results indicate that the students

have troubles in understanding the songs.

In the oral tests, the writer provided eight items as an interview task. From

those eight, the students mostly could answer only the first and the second as they

are familiar with those two items since they always meet them when the teacher

begins the lesson. Nevertheless, they could not comprehend the other items. This

fact shows one again the problems in understanding the meaning of the sentences

or in other words the lack of pronunciation are approved.


C. Test of Hypothesis

The writer's hypothesis described that there is significant with a song and

writing. The statistic hypothesis states that if to is higher that tt, it means that there

is significant differences and Ha is accepted. Meanwhile, if to is lower than tt, it

means that there are no significant differences or the same and Ha is rejected, and

H0 is accepted.

From the result of statistical calculation, it indicates that the value of to is

5.89. The degree of freedom (df) is 38 obtained from (Nt + N2) - 2 = (20 +20) - 2.

In this paper the writer uses the degree of significance of 5% and 1%. In I he table

of significance of 5% and 1% the values of degree of significance are 2.02 and

2.71. Comparing the to with each value of the degree of significance. The results is

2.02 < 5.89> 2.71. Since to score in the table is higher that tt score obtained from

the results of calculating, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected.


It means that teaching pronunciation with a song has a significance

influence as seen from the result of statistic calculation from both experiment

class and controlled class, it can concluded that teaching has higher influence in

teaching English for the first grade student's of SMK Cyber Media Jakarta.

D. The Interpretation

Teaching with a song means to help the students to overcome their

difficulties toward learning English grammar, especially the pronunciation in this

study. Using songs may become the alternative method in teaching the English,

since it offers an interesting and enjoyable atmosphere of learning.

According to the result of hypothesis testing, it is known and true that using

song can give a significant influence to increase students’ understanding. It can be

seen that the score of experiment class is higher than controlled class.

The application of pronunciation shows that the writer presents here is for

the first grade of Vocational School students. However, it can also be applied to

other grades of students of Vocational School, even for teenager’s classes, as long

as the context is suitable for the students. Teacher can create other activities which

suit the theme in the school’s curriculum.


The condition of each student is different. The students' achievements can

be different although they like the same thing. It can be seen from the students'

achievement in English pronunciation. Their achievements are different although

they like the method that is used. Because of the differences of each student a

teacher should also choose the way of teaching that is suitable with the condition

of the students.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis in chapter IV and the discussion in the previous

chapter, the writer would like to make a conclusion. After analyzing the result of

the research, the writer got the data about the score of teaching learning process

by using songs.

The writer concluded that teaching learning process by using songs is

more effective. It can be seen that the results of statistic calculation above where

the value of "to" is higher than "tt".

From the explanation above, it means that teaching learning process by

using songs can improve students’ ability in English pronunciation.

B. Suggestion

Each student is different. It does not guarantee that if one student likes a

thing so other students like that thing too. Each of them has his own like.

Therefore, before deciding the media that will be used in the teaching learning

process, teacher should know the things that the students like. For the example:

1. The teacher should be able to select technique which suitable with

situation and condition of class.

2. Using songs can be alternative method in teaching English Language

to improve students’ skill, especially in understanding English



3. The teacher should increase the student motivation in learning English

by using songs or other attractive teaching approach, teaching

materials and teaching aids as much as possible in the classroom.

The condition of each student is different. The students’ achievements can

be different although they seem the same thing. It can be seen from the students’

achievement in English pronunciation. Their achievements are different although

They like the method that is used. Because of the differences of each

student, a teacher should also choose the way of teaching that is suitable with the

condition of the students.



American Heritage Dictionaries.

(November 8th 2006).

Cameron, Lyne. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. London:

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Pearson Education Limited.

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Scott, Wandy A and Ytleberg, Lisbeth H. 1990. Teaching English to

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Simms, R. Bryan. 1993. The Art of Music. An Introduction. USA:

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Sudijono, Anas Drs., Pengantar statistic pendidikan, (Jakarta : PT. Raja

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Utami, Rina. 2002. Songs as An alternative Technique of Teaching

Vocabulary at Elementary School. FBS. Semarang State University:

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Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. en

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Appendix I

Bicycle Race

By: Queen

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride it where I like

You say black I say white

You say bark I say bite

You say shark I say hey man

Jaws was never my scene

And I don't like Star Wars

You say Rolls I say Royce

You say God give me a choice

You say Lord I say Christ

I don't believe in Peter Pan

Frankenstein or Superman

All I wanna do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my

Bicycle races are coming your way

So forget all your duties oh yeah!

Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today

So look out for those beauties oh yeah

On your marks get set go

Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race

Bicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

Bicycle race

You say coke I say caine

You say John I say Wayne

Hot dog I say cool it man

I don't wanna be the President of America

You say smile I say cheese

Cartier I say please

Income tax I say Jesus

I don't wanna be a candidate

For Vietnam or Watergate

Cos all I want to do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride it where I like

Appendix II

The Actor

By: Michael Learns To Rock

He takes you out and he takes you up

'cause he can show you so much

I go to bed and tomorrow again

there's a lot of work to be done

He gives you gold and he'll promise you

the whole world will be yours

I just can tell you I love you so

even though my odds are low


I'm not an actor I'm not a star

and I don't even have my own car

But I'm hoping so much you'll stay

that you will love me anyway

The dirty games and the neonshows

this is the world he knows

Watching the stars satisfies my soul

thinking of him makes me feel so cold

The fancy cars and the restaurants

you're just so fond of the man

Sometimes I wonder if you are blind

can't you see, he's got dirt on his mind


I'm not an actor I'm not a star

and I don't even have my own car...

Appendix III

Love Of My Life By: Queen

Love of my life,

You hurt me,

You broken my heart,

Now you leave me

Love of my life can't you see,

Bring it backbring it back,

Don't take it away from me,

Because you don't know what it means to


Love of my life don't leave me,

You've stolen my love you now desert me,

Love of my life can't you see,

Bring it backbring it back,

Don't take it away from me,

Because you don't know what it means to


You will remember when this is blown over,

And everything's all by the way,

When I grow older,

I will be there at your side,

To remind how I still love you

I still love you

I still love you

Hurry back hurry back,

Don't take it away from me,

Because you don't know what it means to


Love of my life,

Love of my life

Appendix IV

Hotel California

By: Eagles

On a dark desert highway

Cool wind in my hair

The warm smell of colitas

Rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance

I saw a shimmering light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway

I heard the mission bell

And I was thinking to myself

This could be heaven or this could be hell

Then she lit up a candle

And she showed me the way

There were voices down the corridor

I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face

There's plenty of room at the Hotel


Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is tiffany twisted

She's got her Mercedes Benz

She's got a lotta pretty, pretty boys

That she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard

Sweet summer sweat

Some dance to remember

Some dance to forget

So I called up the captain

Please bring me my wine

He said "We haven't had that spirit here

since 1969"

And still those voices they're calling from far


Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face

They're livin' it up at the Hotel California

What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceilling, the pink champaign

on ice

And she said "We are all just prisoners here

of our own device"

In the masters chambers they're gathered

for the feast

They stab it with their steely knifes but they

just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was runnin' for the


I had to find the passage back to the place I

was before

"Good night" said the night man "We are

programmed to receive

You can check out anyytime you like, but

you can never leave"

Appendix V

Activty Material


Tuesday 05-10-2010

Tuesday 12-10-2010

Tuesday 19-10-2010

Tuesday 26-10-2010

Tuesday 2-11-2010

Tuesday 9-11-2010

Pre-test The words which

included in the songs,

Bicycle Race, The


Love of My Life and

Hotel California.

The first

activity The words of Bicycle

Race, i.e: Bicycle,

Ride, black, God, Give,

Me, a choice, etc.




The words of The

ACTOR, i.e:

He, take, out, you, and


The third


The words of Love of

My Life, i.e:

hurt, leave, me,

bring, broken,

know, and etc.

The fourth


The words of Hotel


i.e: dark, wind, dance, stop

heavy, remember, and


Post test

The words of the four

Bicycle Race, The


√ Love of My Life, and

Hotel California.

Appendix VI

Bicycle Race

By: Queen

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

1.) ………………………………

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride it where I like

2.) ………………………………

You say bark I say bite

You say shark I say hey man

Jaws was never my scene

3.) ………………………………

You say Rolls I say Royce

You say God give me a choice

4.) ………………………………

I don't believe in Peter Pan

Frankenstein or Superman

All I wanna do is

5.) ………………………………

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my

Bicycle races are coming your way

So forget all your duties oh yeah!

Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today

So look out for those beauties oh yeah

6.) ………………………………

Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race

Bicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

Bicycle race

You say coke I say caine

You say John I say Wayne

Hot dog I say cool it man

7.) ………………………………

You say smile I say cheese

Cartier I say please

Income tax I say Jesus

I don't wanna be a candidate

8.) ………………………………

Cos all I want to do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride my bike

I want to ride my bicycle

I want to ride it where I like

Appendix VII

The Actor

By: Michael Learns To Rock

He takes you out and he takes you up

'cause he can show you so much

1.) ………………………………

there's a lot of work to be done

He gives you gold and he'll promise you


I just can tell you I love you so

even though my odds are low


I'm not an actor I'm not a star

3.) ………………………………

But I'm hoping so much you'll stay

4) ………………………………

5.) ………………………………

this is the world he knows

Watching the stars satisfies my soul

6.) ………………………………

The fancy cars and the restaurants

7.) ………………………………

Sometimes I wonder if you are blind

8.) ………………………………


I'm not an actor I'm not a star

and I don't even have my own car...

Appendix VIII

Love Of My Life By: Queen

Love of my life,

You hurt me,

1.) ………………………………,

Now you leave me

Love of my life can't you see,

2.) ………………………………,

Don't take it away from me,

Because you don't know what it means to


Love of my life don't leave me,

3.) ………………………………,

Love of my life can't you see,

Bring it backbring it back,

4.) ………………………………,

Because you don't know what it means to


You will remember when this is blown over,

5.) ………………………………,

When I grow older,

I will be there at your side,

6.) ………………………………

I still love you

I still love you

7.) ………………………………,

Don't take it away from me,

Because you don't know what it means to


Love of my life,

8.) ………………………………

Appendix IX

Hotel California

By: Eagles

On a dark desert highway

Cool wind in my hair

1.) ………………………………

Rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance

2.) ………………………………

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway

3.) ………………………………

And I was thinking to myself

This could be heaven or this could be hell

4.) ………………………………

And she showed me the way

There were voices down the corridor

I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California

5.) ………………………………

There's plenty of room at the Hotel


Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is tiffany twisted

6.) ………………………………

She's got a lotta pretty, pretty boys

That she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard

7.) ………………………………

Some dance to remember

Some dance to forget

So I called up the captain

Please bring me my wine

He said "We haven't had that spirit here

since 1969"

And still those voices they're calling from far


Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say

8.) ………………………………

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face

They're livin' it up at the Hotel California

What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceilling, the pink champaign

on ice

And she said "We are all just prisoners here

of our own device"

In the masters chambers they're gathered

for the feast

They stab it with their steely knifes but they

just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was runnin' for the


I had to find the passage back to the place I

was before

"Good night" said the night man "We are

programmed to receive

You can check out anyytime you like, but

you can never leave"

Appendix X

Phonemic Transcription

Bicycle Race

By: Queen

1. Bicycle

2. Ride

3. Want

4. Where

5. Say

6. Black

7. White

8. Shark

9. Man

10. Never

Appendix XI

Phonemic Transcription

The Actor By: Michael Learns To Rock

1. Take

2. Bed

3. Tomorrow

4. World

5. Dirty

6. Gold

7. Work

8. Actor

9. Star

10. feel

Appendix XII

Phonemic Transcription

Love of My Life By: Queen

1. Love

2. Hurt

3. Heart

4. Life

5. Away

6. Remind

7. Leave

8. From

9. Because

10. mean

Appendix XIII

Phonemic Transcription

Hotel California

By: Eagles

1. Desert

2. Hair

3. Cool

4. Warm

5. Away

6. Head

7. Saw

8. Voice

9. Heavy

10. Stood