IEIS Turkey UN Global Compact & CoP 2010 & YILBAK (E-kitap) Ali Riza DEGER (6)

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İlaç Sektörü & Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Araştırmaları - Küresel İlkeler Sözleşmesi - The Global Compact Turkey

Transcript of IEIS Turkey UN Global Compact & CoP 2010 & YILBAK (E-kitap) Ali Riza DEGER (6)

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    COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS (CoP) (Yeniden Yaplanma & lerleme Bildirimi 2010)

    ArdAkademi & Ali Riza DEGER Dijital Yaynlar (e-kitap 6)

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    N D E K L E R

    Giri & Sunum 4

    la Sektr KSS Raporu ile ilgili Trkiye KSSD Blteni . 6

    Ylbak ve la Endstrisi verenler Sendikas ... 7

    Sektrel imza treni ve basn toplants ... 11

    Ylbak ve United Nations Global Compact .. 14

    Ylbak Ticaret A.. ve Srdrlebilirlik .. 16

    2010 lerleme Raporu . 21

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    Introduction and presentation .. . 4

    KSSD Bulletin related with medicine sector KSS report . 6

    Yilbak and Medicine Employers Trade Union .. 7

    Sectoral signing ceremony and press meeting ... 11

    Yilbak and United Nations Global Compact . 14

    Yilbak Ticaret A.S. and sustainability ... 16

    2010 Communication on progress .. 21

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    1936 ylndan bu yana Trk ila sektrnn nde gelen hammadde tedarikileri iinde yer alan bir irket olarak...

    1999 ylnda Birlemi Milletler Genel Sekreteri Sayn Kofi Annan tarafndan balatlan giriimle...

    Birlemi Milletler, Ticari Kurulular ve Sivil Toplum rgtleri arasnda, gnll bir taahht olan Evrensel Szlemenin (Global Compact) 10. ylnda (2009)...

    Birlemi Milletler Kresel lkeler Szlemesi - Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri ve Srdrlebilir Kalknma adna, sektrel anlamda balattmz almalar neticesinde...

    Yaptmz akademik aratrmalar ve hazrladmz detayl raporlar ilgili kurululara (ES - TSD - AFD - TKSSD - GLOBAL COMPACT NETWORK TURKEY) takdim ederek...

    24. 05.2010 tarihinde 33 ila irketinin katlm ile bu konuda Sektrel anlamda Dnyada bir ilkin gerceklemesine, nclk etmekten son derece mutluyuz.

    En derin sayglarmzla

    Ahmet Ziyaeddin MER Ali Rza DEER CEO - Genel Mdr Genel Koordinatr YILBAK TCARET A.. YILBAK TCARET A..

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    Dear Sirs,

    As a one of basic fine chemicals and excepients supplier Company founded on 1936

    Attemptation by Mr. Kofi Annan (The General Secretary of UN) on 1999

    The 10 th anniversary of Global Compact which is a voluntary contract between UN, Commercial foundations and Civil community Organisations

    At the end of results of our studies about the UN Global Compact Contract- Social responsibility Projects and Sustainable development

    By making presentation of our academical researches and detailed reports to the relevant foundations such as IEIS - TISD - AIFD - TKSSD - GLOBAL COMPACT NETWORK TURKEY...

    We are happy to make a leadership to realize a first sectoral meeting in the world by joining 33 Medicine Companies on 24.05.2010.

    With our best regards

    Ahmet Ziyaeddin IMER Ali Riza DEGER CEO - Managing Director General Coordinator YILBAK TICARET A.S. YILBAK TICARET A.S.

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    SAYIN NEZH BARUT LA ENDSTRS VERENLER SENDKASI YNETM KURULU BAKANI Bykdere Cad. No:185 Kanyon Ofis Blou. Kat:4 Levent - STANBUL 0212. 353 11 20 - Ankara... 0312. 431 96 07 - 0312. 432 07 57

    Konu: Trkiye la Sanayi ve Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri...

    Cc: Dr. Tandoan TOKGZ ... Ali ARPACIOLU ... Murat BARLAS ... Sedat BROL Murat ELKKANAT ... Blent KARAAA ... Cengiz SEZEN ... Hasan ULUSOY

    Siz... Sayn Trkiye la Endstrisi verenler Sendikas yesi Kurulularnda yakndan tand gibi... 1936 ylndan bu yana ila hammaddeleri ve retim sistemleri konusunda, dnya apndaki nemli reticilerin Trkiye Distribtr olarak faaliyet gsteren Ylbak Ticaret A.. olarak, sektrmze sadece ticari amala bakmaktan te... kurumsal iletiim anlamnda, temsilcisi olduumuz irketlere... lkemizdeki; sponsorluk ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetleri iin, proje ve koordinasyon alanlarnda da... yardmc olmaktayz.

    Yine, sizlerinde ok iyi bildii gibi... Sponsorluk (S) ve Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri (SSP) ile ou zaman kartrlmasna ramen, i dnyasnn gndemine... 2000 li yllardan itibaren, Birlemi Milletler - Kresel lkeler Szlemesi erevesinde girmeye balayan Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk / Srdrlebilirlik (KSSP) ve Kurumsal Vatandalk konularna... ila sanayi asndan verdiimiz nem neticesinde... Akademik ve zel sektrel aratrmalarla, hazrladmz Dosyay ekte bilgilerinize sunmaktayz.

    Toplumumuzun ve lkemizin gelecei asndan, zellikle kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerinde... durmamz gereken yeri bilerek... olmamz gereken her yerde, yannzda olacamzda zellikle belirtmek istiyoruz.

    Ayrca yine, sizler tarafndan da uygun grlrse... K.S.S. Raporlar ile ilgili olarak yaplacak zel dl trenlerinin... 14 Mart Tp Bayramlarna, ayr bir anlam katacana da gnlden inanyoruz.

    En derin Sayglarmzla.

    Ali Rza DEER Genel Koordinatr

    Barbaros Bulvar 67/10 Beikta - STANBUL

    0212. 260 59 92 Pbx ... Fax 0212. 259 69 17

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    SAYIN NEZH BARUT LA ENDSTRS VERENLER SENDKASI YNETM KURULU BAKANI Bykdere Cad. No:185 Kanyon Ofis Blou. Kat:4 Levent - STANBUL 0212. 353 11 20 - Ankara... 0312. 431 96 07 - 0312. 432 07 57

    Subject: Turkey Medicine industry and corporate responsibility projects...

    Cc: Dr. Tandoan TOKGZ ... Ali ARPACIOLU ... Murat BARLAS ... Sedat BROL Murat ELKKANAT ... Blent KARAAA ... Cengiz SEZEN ... Hasan ULUSOY

    As you and members the foundations of Turkey medicine industry employers trade know that, we, (Ylbak Ticaret A.S.) has been activated since 1936 as a representative of medicine raw materials ,excepients and fine chemicals producers in the world support and contribute -on the sense of corporate responsibility- to the companies which we represent, in the field of coordination, projects , corporate social responsibility and sponsoring without commercial intention.

    Also as you know that the sponsoring, social responsibility projects is generally confused by corporate social responsibility (CSR)/sustainability and corporate citizenship concepts that has become important since 2000 the years for the business world under the framework of Global Compact. As we found it very important above mentioned concepts, we offer the enclosed file prepared by us using the academicals and private sector investigations.

    For the future of our society and our country, we promise to support you and will be at your side everywhere which we responsible, knowing where we have to stay especially the activities on the corporate social responsibility .

    If you will agree, we think the special awards ceremony related with CSR, will contribute to the medicine festival on March 14.

    With my best regards

    Ali Rza DEER General Coordinator

    Barbaros Bulvar 67/10 Beikta - STANBUL

    0212. 260 59 92 Pbx ... Fax 0212. 259 69 17

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    From: Nezih BARUT [] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 4:54 PM To: Ali Riza Deger Cc: Subject: Re: Sayn Nezih Barut'un Dikkatlerine...

    Sayn Ali Rza DEER Genel Koordinatr YILBAK TCARET A..

    Sayn Deer,

    Nazik mesajnz iin ok teekkr ediyorum.

    Kresel lkeler Szlemesi (KS) Trkiye Ulusal Ann, ila sektrnn szlemeye katlmn artrlmas almalarna verdiiniz destek bizler iin nem tamaktadr.

    Bu erevede firmanzn, Sendikamz ve ila sektrnde faaliyet gsteren dier firmalarla ayn srete, szlemeye taraf olmasndan ve ahsnzn konuyla ilgili basn toplantsna katlmnzdan dolay mutluluk duydum.

    Bundan sonraki srete, ibirlii iinde, sektrel odaklanma toplants sonucunda oluan alma raporunda yer alan projeleri hayata geirmeyi umut ediyor, almalarnzda baarlar diliyorum.


    Nezih BARUT Ynetim Kurulu Bakan



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    From: Nezih BARUT [] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 4:54 PM To: Ali Riza Deger Cc: Subject: Re: Sayn Nezih Barut'un Dikkatlerine...

    Dear Ali Riza DEGER General Coordinator YILBAK TCARET A..

    Dear Deger,

    I thank you for your kindest message.

    Your support for increasing the participating of medicine sector under the Global Compact Turkey international network ,is very important for us.

    On this framework, I was happy your company has joined same time and together with the companies involved our trade and make business in medicine sector also joined by yourself to the press meeting related with this issue.

    As the following procedure, I hope to vital the projects in the working report emerged during the focusing sectoral meeting ,and wish you success.

    Best regards

    Nezih BARUT Chairman of the board



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    STANBUL - Trkiye veren Sendikalar Konfederasyonu (TSK) Bakan Turul Kudatgobilik... Kresel lkeler Szlemesine imza atan ila kurulularnn temsilcileriyle birlikte dzenledii basn toplantsnda, ila firmalarnn Kresel lkeler Szlemesine (KS) imza atmalarnn nemine dikkat ekti. Kudatgobilik, Trkiye'nin 2002'den 2008'e kadar nemli bir byme elde ettiini ifade ederek, bu bymenin Trk sanayinin ihracata katksyla olutuunu syledi. Trkiye'nin 126 lkeye sanayi mamul ihra eden lke haline geldiini dile getiren Kudatgobilik, Trkiyenin 25 yl nce tarm lkesiyken, artk bir sanayi lkesi olduunu kaydetti. Kudatgobilik, sektrel olarak KS'i imzalayan 30'u akn ila firmasnn, artk Trkiyenin ihracat yapan byk irketleri olarak grleceini syledi.

    la Endstrisi verenler Sendikas Ynetim Kurulu Bakan Nezih Barut da... Kresel lkeler Szlemesi Trkiye Ulusal Ann balatt sektrel uygulama erevesinde, Trk ila sektr olarak Dnyada bir ilki gerekletirdiklerini kaydetti. Barut, nsan salna hizmet eden bir sektrn temsilcileri olarak, bizler de KS anda yer almaktan dolay gurur duyuyoruz dedi. KS kapsamndaki insan haklar, alma koullar, evre ve yolsuzlukla mcadele gibi evrensel ilkelerin bir blmnn sektrde zaten uygulandn anlatan Barut, szlemenin ila endstrisine imaj konusunda... art deer kazandracan da belirtti.

    KS Trkiye Temsilcisi Ylmaz Argden de, Kresel lkeler Szlemesi'nin 2000 ylnda resmi bir nitelik kazandn anmsatarak, szlemenin zel sektr iletmelerini 4 ana balk altnda, 10 temel evrensel ilkeye uymaya davet ettiini syledi. Argden, dnyada 8 bin kurumun szlemeye imza attn belirterek, Trkiye'de ise ila endstrisinin de katlmyla imzac firma saynn 210'u bulduunu ifade etti. Szlemeye dnyada imza atan firmalarn 84'nn ila endstrisinden olduunu kaydeden Argden, bu rakama Trkiyeden de 33 ila firmasnn katlmasnn nemli bir olay olduunu vurgulad ve bu konuda ila sektrne nclk eden Ylbak Ticaret teekkr etti.

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    ISTANBUL - Chief of Turkey Employers Trades Union whose name is Tugrul Kutadkobilik organized a press conference with the medicine Companys representatives who has signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) . Mr. Kutadkobilik has attract attention of importance signing this UNGC

    Mr. Kutadgobilik said Turkey grow up seriously between the years 2002-2008 thanks to the industrial contribution to the exporting.

    Mr. Kutadgobilik explained ,Turkey 25 years ago was an agricultural Country , now become an industrial Country exporting industrial goods to different 126 countries in the world .

    Mr. Kutadgobilik told more than 30 medicine Companies signed the UNGC seemed as big companies making exporting.

    The CEO of medicine employers trades union named Mr. Nezih Barut mentioned they started a first thing in the world by means of sectoral application of UNGP Turkey network, as a medicine sector in Turkey.

    Mr. Barut also told we feel proud of to take place in the UNGC network as representative of sector which helps to the human health

    Mr. Barut described on the UNGC scope like the human rights, anti-corruption, international principles, already has been partly applying in the sector. And stated that this compact will gain of image to the medicine Industry.

    The representative of Turkey UNGC Mr.Ylmaz Arguden reminded UNGC obtained an official status on 2000 and told this compact has invited the private sector to obey the 10 basic principles involved on the compact. Mr Argden told while 8000 Company in the world has signed the UNGC in Turkey after joining medical industry 210 Company has signed the compact.

    He explained there were 84 medicine company has signed the compact. In Turkey 33 medicine company has joined them. He emphasized this figure is high comparable and thanked to the Yilbak Ticaret A.S. as a leadership company.

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    From: [] Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:20 PM To: Ali Riza Deger Subject: Your Letter of Commitment to the Global Compact

    Dear Ali Riza DEGER General Coordinator YILBAK TICARET A.S.

    The UN Global Compact welcomes your organization's intention to become a participant in our global corporate citizenship initiative.

    This communication acknowledges the online receipt of a Letter of Commitment and organization information from Yilbak Ticaret A.S. Following review of the information submitted, we will revert to you within 1-2 weeks regarding future engagement in the Global Compact.

    You may check the status of your application, post any questions or comments, and submit additional documents (if requested) by logging on to the Global Compact Web Site using the following username:

    * * * * * * *

    Your organization's online account should serve as your means of communication with the Global Compact Office during the review of your application.



    United Nations Global Compact Two United Nations Plaza New York - NY 10017 Email: Website:


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    Ylbak Ticaret A.... ila ve kozmetik hammaddeleri, veteriner alar, OTC salk destek rnleri, tohum kaplama boyalar, kalite kontrol cihazlar, dolum ve kapama makineleri Trkiye Distribtrl ile birlikte, temsilcisi olduu uluslararas markalar iin... Tantm, Sponsorluk, Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri ve BM KS Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri gibi konularda, Sektrel anlamda ok zel almalar yapan, bir irket olarak (10 Personel);

    Tm faaliyetlerinde ve i srelerinde; zellikle doaya ve evreye sayg duyarak, etik kurallar erevesinde karlkl gvene dayal, effaflk prensipleriyle hareket etmeyi...

    nsan salna daima nem veren... Hissedarlar, ynetim kadrolar, tm alanlar, mterileri, uluslararas tedarik zincirleri ve yesi olduu sivil toplum kurulularndan oluan Paydalar ile birlikte... dnsz hedefleri arasnda grmektedir. Bu dorultuda...

    Misyonunu; toplam kalite ynetimi prensipleriyle... kuruluundan bu yana srdrd En iyi hizmet... En iyi rn... En iyi zm... anlay erevesinde, kreselleen dnyamzn ihtiyalarn da gz nne alarak... ynetim kadrolar ve alanlaryla birlikte, her zaman en n planda tutmak ve rekabete saygl, yol haritalar oluturmak!.. eklinde yorumlayarak...

    Vizyonu'nu; yaam kalitesini ve yaam sresini arttrmay n planda tutarak, lkemize ve sektrmze en gzel hizmetleri... ekip ruhu tayan, iyi eitimli, kltrl, ada, sosyal sorumluluk sahibi ve de motivasyonu gl... bir Ylbak Ailesi ortam ile sunmaya devam etmek ve sektrdeki tasn daha da ykseklere kartmak!.. eklinde belirlemitir.

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    Yilbak Ticaret A.S. is representative and distributor of well / known world Companies and supplies fine chemicals, veterinary adjuvants, excepients, quality control equipments,seed coating materials, glass frosting materials, filling and capping machines (10 Personal);

    Yilbak is a company that makes special studies about social responsibility projects, sponsoring, advertisement, UNGC social responsibility projects.

    Yilbak acts by respecting to the environment and nature, obeying ethic principles and mutual confidence on his activities.

    These are his target without making concessions together with its shareholders, suppliers, laborers, managing personals civil community foundations who attaching importance to human health,

    Yilbak missions are total quality assurance, the best product, best service, best solution ,the respect to the competition. Yilbak has been trying to apply these principles together with management personals by taking consideration needs of globalizing world since its foundation.

    Yilbak visions are increasing life period and life quality, keeping to offer best service as an ambience of Yilbak family which their well educated cultured, contemporary, possessored social responsibility, powered motivation personals, by soul of team .

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    S R D R L E B L R L K **********************************











    VE DE


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    S U S T A N I A B I L I T Y ***************************













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    KURUMSAL SOSYAL SORUMLULUK *********************************************





    "HALK VERGS" (Sn. Doruk UZUNER)

    CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY *************************************************





    "PLOPLE TAX" (Mr. Doruk UZUNER)

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    Ylbak Ticaret A.... merhum Sayn Dr. Cevdet MER ve Sayn Dr. Edgar POFFETin nderliinde... Limited irket olarak kurulduu 1936 ylndan bu yana olduu gibi... BM - Kresel lkeler Szlemesini imzalad 24. Mays. 2010 tarihinden itibaren de, sosyal sorumluluk sahibi bir Kurumsal Yurtta olarak, yoluna devam etmeyi amalamaktadr.

    Bu nedenle, bin yln kalknma hedefleri nda...

    nsan Haklar... konusunda,

    1)Evrensel nsan Haklar Bildirgesinde tanmlanan insan haklarna sayg gstermeyi...

    2)nsan haklar ihlallerine frsat vermemeyi...

    alma Standartlar... konusunda,

    3)alanlarn tm haklarna, rgtlenme zgrlne ve mzakerelere sayg duymay...

    4)Her trl iyiletirme almalarna destek vermeyi ve zorla eleman altrmamay...

    5)zellikle tedarikilerde ve mterilerde couk ii altrlmamasna zen gstermeyi...

    6)e alm ve alma srelerinde her trl ayrmcln nne gemeyi...

    evre... konusunda,

    7)evre sorunlarn nleyici tm yaklamlar desteklemeyi...

    8)Doaya sayg ve evre sorumluluunu arttracak faaliyetlere destek vermeyi...

    9)Ar-Ge iin evre dostu teknolojilerin yaygnlamasna ve gelimesine katkda bulunmay...

    Yolsuzlukla Mcadele... konusunda,

    10)Rvet, hara, kaytd ekonomi ve vergi kayb dahil, her trl yolsuzlukla savamay...

    vazgeilmez ilkeleri arasna almtr.

  • 22

    Ayrca, 2009 ylnda hazrladmz kapsaml raporlar neticesinde, Birlemi Milletler Kresel lkeler Szlemesi Trkiye Ulusal A Bakanlnda, la Endstrisi verenler Sendikas ve sektrmzn saygn temsilcileriyle 18.02.2010 tarihinde stanbul Ticaret Odasnda yaplan sektrel odaklanma toplants raporunda da, belirtildii gibi...

    nsan sal denilince ilk akla gelen ve de Ylbak Ticaret A.. olarak, uzun yllardr iinde bulunduumuz ila sektr; i yapma yntemleri, bykl, alan says ve toplumdaki etki alan dikkate alndnda, lkemiz iin en nemli sektrlerden birisidir.

    Ulusal ve uluslararas sermayeli irketlerin faaliyet gsterdii Tedarik Zincirleri ile retim ve Hizmet Alanlarnda da byk i potansiyeline sahip olan la Sektr lkenin tmne yaylm yaplanmasyla, toplumu dorudan etkileyecek konumdadr.

    Sektrn bu konumu dolaysyla, i yapma sistemleri; yasa, ynetmelik ve genelgelerle sk bir biimde dzenlenmekte ve takip edilmektedir.

    Bunun yannda... yerli ve yabanc kurulular, kendi stratejik planlamalar ile, verimlilik ve salkl yaplanmay oluturabilmek iin, gncel ynetim sistemlerini uygulamaya almlardr.

    Sektrde ileyi olduka effaf saylabilir ekilde izlenebilmekte, pek ok konu hakkndaki gelimeler (Ar Ge, retim kapasiteleri, satlar, cretler, salanan sosyal haklar, alan says, blgesel yaplanmalar, rn says v.s. gibi) verilere dayal olarak deerlendirilebilmektedir.

    Bu zellikler erevesinde, Kresel lkeler Szlemesi asndan la Sektr ile ilgili sorunlar ve zm nerileri... ortak hareket edecek taraflar da dikkate alnarak (T.C.Salk Bakanl, Trkiye la Sanayicileri Dernei, Aratrmac la Firmalar Dernei, Trk Eczaclar Birlii, Ecza Depolar Dernei, Trk Tabipler Birlii v.s.) ortaya konduktan sonra; gerekli planlamalar, sreler, bteler, uygulamalar ve lmlemeler itibariyle belirlenen;

    a)Toplumda, ila tketimine ynelik bilinlendirme almalarnn yaplmas...

    b)Belediyeler, eczaneler ve paydalarla birlikte, son kullanma tarihleri gemi ilalarn toplanma zincirlerinin kurulmas...

    c)lgili Bakanlklar, Kamu Kurulular, STKlar ve zel Sektr ibirlii ile ila sektrnde Atk Ynetimi lkelerinin oluturulmas...

    d)retim alanlar ile ilgili blgesel atk imha tesislerinin kurulmas ve daha nceden faaliyete gemi olanlarn denetlenmesi ve gerekirse kapasite artrmlar...

    e)Su ve enerji kullanm, karbon kredisi, CO2 retimi, karbon salnm ve atk ynetimi v.s. ile ilgili, kurumsal eitim organizasyonlar...

    f)Daha az ve geri dnml ambalaj kullanmlar...

    g)Lojistik ve datm sistemlerinin iyiletirilmesi...

    gibi konular da... zerimize den grevleri de itenlikle yapacamza sz vermekteyiz.

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    Ylbak Ticaret A.S. has been intending to continue on his way like an institutional citizen as the leadership of Dr. Cevdet IMER and Dr. Edgar POFFET since foundation on 1936 up to 14.05 2010 which signed UN Global Compact.

    Therefore the targets of progress on millennium, Yilbak Ticaret A.S. included the followings its non abondonable principles...

    The subject of Human rights,

    1)To behave respectfully to the statement of Universal human rights

    2)Not to give an opportunity disobeying to the human rights

    The subject of labors principles,

    3)To behave respectfully to all of laborers rights and laborers can freely to become organized and to be able to make discussions.

    4)Supporting improving studies and without forcing the laborers if they dont want to work.

    5)To take pains especially not employing Childs on the field of suppliers and customers.

    6)To prevent discrimination during the employing and working stages.

    Envionment... subject,

    7)To support preventing studies of environment problems

    8)To support activities the increasing responsibility of environment and respect to the nature.

    9)To contribute to become widespread and developing environmentally friendly technologies for research and development.

    Anti corruption subject,

    10)To struggle against corruption in all its forms including extortion, bribery, tribute and unregistered economy.

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    Also, as we declared our report on 18.02.2010 during the meeting about sectoral focusing at Istanbul Commerce Chamber with representative of medicine employers trades union, Chief of UN Global Compact Turkey network and medicine sector of Turkey...

    The first remembering thing about the subject of human health is medicine sector which Yilbak Ticaret A.S. has been involved since many years. Medicine sector should be to take into consideration with numbers of employers, working methods, importance ,influence area on the society. Therefore this sector one of most important sector for our country.

    The domestic and international big medicine companies have large business potential with their well organized foundation at whole country are in the position which influence directly the society.

    Thanks to above mentioned position of medicine sectors working system has been keeping and organization by the circulars, instructions,etc.

    Also domestic and foreign companies, begin the application of updated management systems in order to constitute productivity and correct organization by their strategically planning.

    The working system can be keep quite clearly and developments on many subjects (research and development, production capacities, sales, salaries, social rights, number of employers, regional constructions, product numbers etc.) can be determinate according to datum.

    On the basis of this scope, under the view of Global Compact, the problems and solution suggestions of Medicine sector exposed after taking point of view common partners (T.C Ministry of Health medicine union industrialists, Association of medical research companies, Turkish Union of druggists, Pharmaceutical warehouse union, Turkish doctors union etc)

    The following studies has been decided;

    a)To do awareness the society against to medicine consumption

    b)Organizing collecting of medicines which expired dates via drugstores and municipalities.

    c)Creating principles of waste product management via related ministries, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and private sector.

    d)Installation ,inspection and capacity increasing of regional waste disposal facilities

    e)Institutional education organizations about the water and energy using, carbon credit, carbon dioxides emission, CO2 production and waste management

    f)Using recycling and more less packing materials

    g)Improvement logistic and distribution system

    We sincerely promise to do our responsibilities above mentioned subjects.

  • 25


    Uluslararas verilere gre... Amerika, Avrupa ve Japonyada yavalayan byme oranlarna ramen, yllk bazda son dnemlerdeki %15 lik byme hzyla, Avrupada 6 nc, Dnyada ise 13 nc srada yer alan ve 12 Milyar. USD civarndaki cirosuyla lkemizde her zaman insan sal asndan nemini koruyan ila sektrmzn, hammadde ve retim sistemleri pazarndaki konumumuzu... 74 yldan bu yana olduu gibi koruyarak, daha da gelitirmek amacyla...

    Bu ilkelere, etik deerlere, misyona ve vizyona sahip bir irket olarak, ilk planda BM Kresel lkeler Szlemesi ve Kurumsal Yurttalk ile ilgili inovasyon almalarmz kurum ii ve d eitimlerimizi tamamlayarak, 4 ana balkta, balang noktalarmz ve 2009 yl sonu itibariyle gerekli performans lmlemelerimizi tespit ettik.

    Bu balamda Kresel lkeler Szlemesi Performans Modeli erevesinde...

    nsan Haklar konusunda; nsanlar, deer verdikleri eyleri, kaybetmek istemezler!.. ilkesiyle, insanlara ve insan haklarna saygl olmak. zellikle hammadde ithalat yaptmz AB lkelerinde olduu gibi lkemizde de, insan haklarna zen gstermek ve bu konuda gereken destei vermek...

    alma Standartlar konusunda; tm alanlarmzn, rgtlenme ve mzakere haklarna sayg duyarak, ie alm ve alma srelerinde herhangi bir ayrmclk yapmadan, aidiyet duygusu ile motivasyon, performans, tevik ve dllendirme almalaryla yaam kalitelerinin artmasna katkda bulunmak...

    evre ve Enerji Tketimi konusunda 2009 yl sonu itibariyle;

    Elektrik Tketimi ..........................................................................: 16.700 Kw / 3.830.- TL

    Su Tketimi ...................................................................................: 340 M3 / 1.718.- TL

    Akaryakt Tketimi .......................................................................: 31.929.- TL

    Doalgaz Tketimi ........................................................................: 1.723 M3 / 1.413.- TL

    Kat Tketimi ..............................................................................: 9.062.- TL

    Seyahat Giderleri ..........................................................................: 19.142.- TL

    Tedarik Zinciri Lojistik Ynetimi ve thalat Giderleri .................: 27x2.000 / 54.000.- TL

    olan rakamlarmzda, srdrlebilir iyiletirme yollarn aratrmak...

    Yolsuzlukla Mcadele konusunda; Rvet ve yolsuzluk konularnda gereken hassasiyeti gstermek, belgesiz ticari faaliyette bulunmamak, sektrel reklam tantm ve seyahat ynetmeliklerine uymak, SGK daki ila takip sistemlerine (Karekod) destek vermek...

    eklinde ortak kararlarmz olutu.

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    According to international datum our medicine sector by growth rate 15% has been 6th in Europe and 13 th in the world although the USA,Europe and Japan growth rates has been decreased on the last year. The annual endorsement of it is 12 billion dollars. Our aim is to keep since 74 years and to develop our position on the raw material market.

    As a company who obeying above principles,ethic values, missionary and visionary we determined the performance measuring as 2009, by finishing innovation studies, completed in and out of company educations related with UN Global compact.

    In these connection on the framework Global Compact performance model.

    Human rights subject; With the principle people does not want to lose valuable things, to be respect to human and human rights, especially like countries we import raw materials, to care and to give required support to human rights also in our country.

    Working standard subject; to respect to to become organized, negotiation rights of our employers. Also not to make discrimination during the employment, to contribute their life standard by making motivation, encouragement and rewarding.

    Energy consumption and environment subject on the basis end of 2009;

    Electricity consumption.................................................................: 16.700 Kw / 3.830.- TL

    Water consumption........................................................................: 340 M3 / 1.718.- TL

    Fuel consumption...........................................................................: 31.929.- TL

    Natural gas consumption................................................................: 1.723 M3 / 1.413.- TL

    Paper consumption.........................................................................: 9.062.- TL

    Travel charges................................................................................: 19.142.- TL

    Import and supplying chain logistic management charges............: 27x2.000 / 54.000.- TL

    To research sustainable improving ways about above figures.

    Anti-corruption subject; to act sensitively anti-corruption subjects, not to do commercial business without documents, to obey sectoral advertisement and travelling rules and to support medicine keeping system (data matrix) in SGK

    Our common decisions has been formed above mentioned subjects.

  • 27

    Daha sonra...

    nsan haklar iin:

    Birlemi Milletler Genel Kurulunun 10 Aralk 1948 tarihli kararyla ilan edilen nsan Haklar Evrensel Beyannamesi ve lkemiz tarafndan 18 Mays 1954 de onaylanan Avrupa nsan Haklar Szlemesi maddeleri dorultusunda, 22 Haziran 1993 de aklanan Avrupa Birlii Kopenhag Kriterleri ve Uyum Yasalar erevesinde, 12 Nisan 2001 tarih ve 4643 sayl kanunla almalarn yrten T.C. Babakanlk nsan Haklar Bakanl almalarna... sektrel sivil toplum kurulularmzn nderliinde, tam destek kararmz aldk.

    alma standartlarmz iin:

    Patentlerimiz, tescilli markalarmz, uzun vadeli temsilciliklerimiz ve toplam kalite ynetimi prensipleriyle desteklenen... Entelektel Sermayemize katkda bulunmak amacyla... her yl dzenli olarak ziyaret ettiimiz ulusal ve uluslararas fuarlarla, Ylbak Ticaret A..nin marka deerini, misyonunu ve vizyonunu daha da gelitirebilmek adna; AB lkelerinden ithal ettiimiz yardmc ve aktif hammaddelerle birlikte, organik hammadde ithalatna arlk vermeye, tm hammaddeler ve retim sistemleri konusunda rn yelpazemizi daha da geniletmeye ve de Ar- Ge almalarna destek verdiimiz firma saysn arttrmaya baladk.

    AB uyum yasalar erevesinde veteriner a hammaddeleri ithalat iin gerekli olan Kontrol Belgesi konusunu... T.C.Tarm ve Kyileri Bakanlmz ile zm aamasna getirdik.

    2010 yl iin de zellikle verileri net olan evre ve Enerji Tketimi konusunda:

    Elektrik Tketimi ..........................................................................: 16.570 Kw / 3.800.- TL

    Su Tketimi ...................................................................................: 230 M3 / 1.165.- TL

    Akaryakt Tketimi .......................................................................: 33.180.- TL

    Doalgaz Tketimi ........................................................................: 838 M3 / 687.- TL

    Kat Tketimi ..............................................................................: 3.620.- TL

    Seyahat Giderleri ..........................................................................: 16.708.- TL

    Tedarik Zinciri Lojistik Ynetimi ve thalat Giderleri .................: 18x2.000 / 36.000.- TL

    olarak, ortalama % 20 orannda tasarrufu gerekletirdikten sonra...

    Daha nce de olduu gibi; evre, fidan ve aa dikimi ile ilgili sosyal sorumluluk kampanyalarna destek vererek karbon salnmmz iin, karbon kredisi almay...

    Atk Ynetimi konusunda; tm atklarmz, T.C. evre ve Orman Bakanl nn 2872 sayl evre Kanunu ve Kimyasal Atklar Ynetmeliiyle, 27 Austos 1995 tarih ve 22387 sayl Resmi Gazetede yaynlanm olan Tehlikeli Atklarn Kontrolu Ynetmelii ile belirlenmi Lisansl Geri Dnm Merkezlerinde deerlendirilmesine devam etmeyi...

  • 28

    Ayrca, la Sektr ile Hasta Dernekleri arasndaki iletiim kprlerinin etik bir ekilde glendirilmesine, zellikle destek vererek... Trk Eitim Vakf, Toplum Gnllleri Vakf, Trkiye Korunmaya Muhta ocuklar Vakf, Liay Lions stanbul Anadolu Yakas Sosyal Hizmet Vakf gibi sivil toplum kurulularmz vastasyla... Eitim, salk, kltr ve sanat arlkl toplumsal sosyal sorumluluk projelerine daha ok katkda bulunmay...

    Yolsuzlukla mcadele iin de:

    la Endstrisi verenler Sendikas ve toplu olarak KS i imzalayan ila irketleri ile birlikte, kararlatrlan konularda ortak hareket etmeyi...

    2011 yl hedeflerimiz olarak belirledik!..

  • 29

    After that...

    For Human rights:

    We decided to full support the human rights within the framework of human rights universal declaration published by United Nations assembly on 10 December 1948 which confirmed by our country on 18 May 1954, announced by EU Copenhagen criteria and conformity laws on 22 June 1993 and studies of Turkish prime ministry headship of human rights who runs according to special law issued on 12 April 2001 numbered 4643.

    For our working standards:

    We would like to contribute to our intellectual capital by our patents, registered marks total quality principles and long-term representations.

    Also we would like to develop mark value, vision and mission of Yilbak Ticaret A.S. by joining regularly the industrial and domestic fairs, to increase of imported excipients, fine chemicals, raw materials and organic raw materials from EU countries. So our product range and number of companies which we supported their Research & developments studies, has been increased.

    By meeting with Ministry of agriculture and rural affairs ;we bring the stage of solution of the problem to take the control document related with the framework of EU conformity laws. This document is requested for importing veterinary vaccine adjuvants.

    The subject of environment and energy consumption specially has net datum on 2010:

    Electricity consumption.................................................................: 16.570 Kw / 3.800.- TL

    Water consumption........................................................................:

    230 M3 / 1.165.- TL

    Fuel consumption...........................................................................:

    33.180.- TL

    Natural gas consumption................................................................:

    838 M3 / 687.- TL

    Paper consumption.........................................................................:

    3.620.- TL

    Travelling charges..........................................................................:

    16.708.- TL

    Management of logistically chain supply and importing charges..:

    18x2.000 / 36.000.- TL

    After realizing to save 20 % on an average

    We determined our following targets for the year 2011.

    As we have done previously, to take carbon credit for carbon emission, by supporting social responsibility campaigns related with environment and planting

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    Subject of waste management: To continue to send our waste products to the licensed waste recycling centers which founded according to regulations of dangerous waste control published by Ministry of environment and forest numbered 22387 on 27.August 1995 Besides regulations of chemical waste products and environment law numbered 2872 issued by Ministry of environment and forest.

    Also our company will support to powering the communication bridges between medicine sector and patient associations. Yilbak Ticaret A.S. will more than contribute to social responsibility projects including education,health,art and culture by means of non-governmental organizations like Turkish education foundation, social volunteers foundation, Turkish children to be in need of protect foundation, Liay Lions Istanbul Anatolian side social services foundation.

    For anticorruption:

    About the decided subjects ,to joint action together with the companies signed Global Compact and with the Medicine Industry employers trade union

    Is our another 2011 target.

  • 31

    Netice de bu ilerleme bildirimimizde belirttiimiz ve sz verdiimiz ekilde yolumuza devam ederken, lkemiz ve dnya genelinde de... hzl nfus art, sknt, stres, salgnlar, savalar, uluslararas terr, doal afetler ve yalanma dzeyinin artmas, ila sektrnn bymesini hzlandrmaya devam edecek... Ve bu konuda ila reticilerimize de ok i decektir.

    Sektrel anlamda yaptmz ortak bir alma platformunda, evre bilincine katk amacyla... la Prospektslerinin, reticilerin veya lkemizdeki temsilcilerinin internet sitesinde yaynlanarak ve bilgisayar imkan olmayanlar iin de gerekirse Eczaneler tarafndan sat esnasnda kt alnarak, tamamen tasarrufa gidilmesi... ve de bunun iin resmi prosedrlerin incelenerek, T.C. Salk Bakanl ve yetkili makamlarda gereken giriimlerin balatlmas... eklindeki nerimize ok olumlu yaklalmas, Ylbak Ticaret A.. olarak bizleri son derece mutlu etmi ve konunun takipisi haline getirmitir.

    2011 COP Raporumuzda bu konudaki gzel gelimeleri sizlerle paylamak dileiyle...

    Ahmet Ziyaeddin MER Ali Rza DEER CEO - Genel Mdr Genel Koordinatr YILBAK TCARET A.. YILBAK TCARET A..

    AS a result when we going on to proceed on our way as we have promised and determined on our COP, the problems in our country and in the world like fast population, stress, troubles,wars, epidemic invasions, international terrorism, natural catastrophes and increasing aging level will accelerate the growth of medicine sector Therefore the medicine producers jobs will be much increased.

    For the purpose to contribute to environmentally conscious on the sectoral meaning at the common platform our studies are as follows:

    For saving; to issue the medicine prospects on the producers or drugstores Internet web sites. To print them during the sales for the people who has no computers. For this purpose researching the official procedures and starting required initiatives to the ministry of health and other competent authorities.

    Because our this suggestion has been approached positively, it has made us happy and become a follower of this subject.

    Wish you to share with you the good developments on our COP 2011 report...

    Ahmet Ziyaeddin IMER Ali Riza DEGER CEO - Managing director General Coordinator YILBAK TICARET A.S. YILBAK TICARET A.S.

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    Barbaros Bulvar No:67 D:10 34353 Beikta - stanbul - TRKYE

    Tel: +90 212 260 59 92 (Pbx) Fax: +90 212 259 69 17

    Ticaret Sicil No: 23615 - 5322

    Beikta Vergi Dairesi - 9530034587

    ArdAkademi & Ali Riza DEGER Dijital Yaynlar (e-kitap 6)