IBM API Management Online Training

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of IBM API Management Online Training

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IBM API Management Online / Corporate Training

IBM API Management Online Training / Corporate Training course teaches the fundamental concepts and techniques of application programming interface (API) management, introduction

to working with authorized program interfaces (APIs) with IBM API Management V3. Through course the features and user interfaces of IBM API Management V3.API management is a

process for assembling, publishing, deploying, and governing application programming interfaces in a secure, scalable environment.IBM API management online training course prepares developers, administrators, and operational managers with the skills required to develop, deploy, test, publish, secure, and manage APIs with IBM API Management V , features and user interfaces of the IBM API Management V3 product. It is designed to emulate the on-premises API Management solution.

Key topics Of IBM API Management Online Training

Course introduction

Introduction to the IBM API Management V3 solution Exercise: Reviewing the settings for the Gateway and Management servers

Operational aspects of user and resource management

Exercise: Setting up the API Provider organization resources and users Defining APIs

Exercise: Exposing a RESTful API

Exercise: Exposing a SOAP service with API Management Securing APIs

Exercise: Exposing a SOAP service as a REST API

API deployment, publishing, and version management Exercise: Versioning and publishing a plan

Developer portal

Exercise: Working with the Developer Portal

Course summary

Objectives Of IBM API Management Training:-

Describe the components of the IBM API Management V3 solution

Describe the architecture of the IBM API Management V3 solution

Describe the user interfaces for the IBM API Management V3 product

Describe the nature of the on-premises cloud

Identify the roles for working with IBM API Management V3

Identify the types of APIs that are used in digitalizing business assets

Describe the stages of API development

Work in the Cloud Management Console to set the API Manager infrastructure

Set API Provider organizations and environments

Administer user access to APIs

As providers, use the features of the IBM API Management interface to develop, deploy, publish,

and secure APIs

Test APIs with the API sandbox feature

Create plans and policies for APIs

Describe the various identification and authentication mechanisms that the API Management

solution supports

Add users to the Developer Portal

Enable developers to discover and work with APIs on the Developer Portal

Describe the features for API usage