Hypnosis Scripts - americanschoolofhypnosis.com · The Most Requested Hypnosis Script

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The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 1

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

The Most Requested

Hypnosis Scripts

Written by

Rene and Raluca Bastarache Directors of the American School of Hypnosis

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 2

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis


The scripts in this manual are intended to be Royalty Free Scripts “only” to the

Original, Registered Purchaser of this manual from the American School of


What are Royalty Free Scripts?

To the legal purchaser of these scripts you have complete ownership rights, or

express permission by the author to reproduce, record and sell such recordings or

do whatever you please with one exception. You cannot resell the royalty free

status to anyone else. Only you have the right to record or sell the scripts. Anyone

who receives them from you would fall under the Standard Copyright Rules

mentioned below.

To be considered the “purchaser” or owner of such scripts you must have your

name recorded at the American School of Hypnosis as the “original purchaser” and

keep your receipt to prove you are the rightful owner. Upon violation of use of our

scripts we always ask the user to produce their receipt of ownership of royalty free

status (the receipt of sale) before beginning any reimbursement prosecution.


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any way or means

except where specifically noted, without the express permission of the American

School of Hypnosis. In owning this manual you are given permission to use the

scripts for your own personal use and for the use of your clients within your private


They are not to be used, sold or marketed in any manner to include in print, on the

Internet, on tape, or on CD. All materials in this manual are copyrighted by 2018,

The American School of Hypnosis™.

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 3

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This manual contains original hypnotherapy scripts that have been created by the

Rene & Raluca Bastarache.

The materials in this manual are designed to be used by hypnosis professionals.

They are the opinions and understanding of hypnosis as dictated by the individual

author of each script. Always be sure to work within your realm of practice.

Medical or mental health scripts should only be used by licensed professional in

those fields.

It is advised that before using any of these or any other scripts, that you read

through them in their entirety. You should become familiar with them before using

them on your clients so you are aware of their content, can alter parts as necessary

and do not have any unexpected surprises.

Neither the author(s) nor the American School of Hypnosis nor the American

International Association of Hypnosis are responsible in any way, shape or form

for any loss or liability caused by utilization of any of the information presented in

this publication. We are not medical or mental health practitioners and these scripts

were created as a helpmate to your practice. Use them at your own risk.


If you find typographical errors in this book, I’d like you to realize that they are

here for a reason. Some people actually enjoy looking for them and we strive to

please as many as possible. Thank you!

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 4

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5 Abundance

7 Anxiety

9 Acceptance for Gays and Transgender

11 Confidence

13 Fall Asleep Fast

15 Fears, Dealing with

17 Feminization

19 Focus on Tasks

21 Pain Management

23 Relationship Issues

25 Self Esteem

27 Smoking Cessation

29 Stress Eating

30 Stress Relief

31 Workout Motivation

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 5

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis


By Rene Bastarache, CI

You feel abundance in and around you… It's happening right now…. You

welcome this abundance with joy and with delight… You are successful in all

things… Abundance surrounds you and you know that you will always have


When you go to sleep at night your last thoughts are abundance… You focus on

what you want… What you'd like to see in your life… So you can attract it during

your sleeping hours…

When you awaken in the morning your first thoughts are of how grateful you are

for your newfound abundance… You focus on the abundance that you desire…

You are grateful for your abundance… Gratitude is one of the strongest of

frequencies… and helps to attract abundance even quicker… You are grateful for

everything that you have… every positive attribute … You’re grateful for

everything that you want… You are grateful for positive influences… and positive


You always imagine yourself with abundance… and success seems the following

you… It’s attracted to you… like a magnet… Yes, you are a money magnet… You

walk down the street with your head held high… realizing that your magnetic pull

is attracting abundance to… You can feel it as you walk…

Because of your positive thoughts… you find that whatever you desire comes to

you… You are a magnetic, wealth machine…

Your imagination is as strong as a young child pretending…You now act and

think, imagine and even pretend yourself to be someone who has great wealth…

It's very important to act as if you already have what you want… You also believe

that you have attained what you want…

You live in a state of abundance… Positive opportunities always come to you…

Successful people are attracted to you… and you enjoy being with successful


The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 6

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From now on you only focus on what you want… on the positive side of life…

Your glass is only full… By focusing only on what you want… you make it a


Welcome to your success…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 7

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Acceptance for Gays and Transgender

By Rene Bastarache, CI

For LGBTQ people, acceptance is a very important issue however it's important

to realize that the only acceptance that's important is your own…

Everyone has their own issues and agendas… No two people look at things the

exact same way… therefore no one could understand you or your issues the

way that you do… Because of this… you are the only one that needs to accept


You accept 100% responsibility for everything that you do… You are in control

of your own life… choices… and destiny…

You realize that no one can "make" you feel happy, sad or angry about

anything… The feelings that you emanate are generated and created by you…

You are an “actor” rather than a “reactor”… Therefore no matter what someone

else says or does… you have the choice of reacting… or acting… anyway you


You have finally come to an understanding of who you are... You have

accepted who you are… You feel good about yourself… and most

importantly… you give yourself permission to feel good about yourself…

Since you are in control of your own destiny… you also accept things that are

not in your control… just as happily as you would accept those that are…

You accept everything that you do with happiness and conviction…

You realize that you … are the best you …that you can be… No one can be you

better than you are… You are grateful for who you are… You are grateful for

your positive qualities…

You validate your own existence and choices… Your opinion is the only one

that matters…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 8

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

You have accepted your gender identity… You feel comfortable with your

gender identity… You are happy that you have come to grips with who you

really are…

You realize that sexuality and sexual orientation have nothing to do with guilt

or innocence… or even likability… They simply are what they are… and you

are… exactly who "you" are… You are excited to be who you are right now…

You give yourself approval to be who you are…

You give yourself approval to be happy… and most importantly you give

yourself approval to feel good about yourself…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 9

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis


By Rene Bastarache, CI

Anxiety can be defined as your response to a threat whether it be real or

imagined… It's important understand that this response to a threat is present… in

some form… in all living things…

From this moment forward you’re prepared for anything that comes your way…

You will react in a calm… cool… and controlled manner… because you will be in

control of your situation…

Whenever you feel anxiety coming on you’ll follow these three steps to eliminate


Step number one is to breathe… You will take three deep breaths as a way to

immediately slow things down… While you’re taking these three slow breaths

you’ll be thinking of step number two which is...

Thinking positively… When anxiety approaches it's important to change your

mindset to a positive one by asking yourself… "What do I want?... Rather than

accepting the negativity that may be at hand you have a choice to control your own

thought process… You can think of something totally different…

What would be a positive thing to think about at that time?... What could you think

about that would make you very happy… Think of that positive thing right now…

Take a moment and think of something that makes you happy… It may be playing

with one of your children… or taking a dog for a walk… Maybe sitting on the

shoreline of a calm lake… watching a sunset… Take a moment to think of

whatever makes you happy…

The third step is to relax your muscles… and the easiest way to do that is to think

of each of your muscles from the top of your head moving downwards and allow

them to relax… We will practice that right now…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 10

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Concentrate on the top of your head… You're scalp and forehead allowing it to

relax completely…

Allow that relaxing feeling to move downward through the eyebrows and eyelids

you cheeks and your nose… Just relax and let go…

As you allow that relaxation to move down to the rest of your face… Your mouth

you chin and even your neck…

Now allow your shoulders to relax… All the way down your arms… All the way

to your fingertips…

Notice how relaxed your breathing has become… So much more than just a few

moments ago… and as you continue to breathe comfortably you can relax your

chest… Going down into your stomach… Even your hips are relaxing and letting

go …

Feel that relaxation going down to your legs… through your thighs… down to your

knees and your calves … your ankles and even your feet just let go and relax

completely …

From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet you're totally relaxed…

Doesn't that feel great?

That's the entire process…

First is to breathe taking three deep breaths…

Next, you would ask yourself "What do I want?"…

And then you would allow your entire body to relax from the top of the head to the

bottom of your feet…

Now you have a very strong tool that you can use whenever you need…

You’re calm… relaxed… and in control…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 11

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By Rene Bastarache, CI

You are a confident person… and because you believe that… you can become

even more confident than before… In other words you have confidence in your

confidence building abilities… That’s your first victory in your confidence

building process…

From this moment on you are confident to meet every obstacle in your life in a

positive manner… In fact from now on you view obstacles as opportunities…

They are simply opportunities to grow… and you appreciate them for how they can

help you…

Every day you have more confidence than the day before... You are grateful that

you’re a confident person… You’re happy that you’re a confident person…

You always speak your mind with confidence… You’re happy to speak to others

and have confidence in your abilities to be able to get your point across clearly and


When given the opportunity to speak to groups of people… You prepare in

advance… Knowing exactly what you need to say… Which makes you confident

in your abilities to be able to speak from authority… Knowledge is the key to

confidence in speaking to others… You’ll always be confident when you know

what you're speaking about…

You’re confident and all your decision-making abilities… You find it easy to

weigh the pros and cons of a situation and to make the proper decision… By doing

this you’re again making a decision from knowledge… and with knowledge comes


You’re grateful for your new-found confidence… You appreciate it and feel

grateful for it every day… You deserve to be confident… You deserve to be

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 12

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happy… You find yourself becoming more and more confident each day… You

continue to progress and continually become more of the person you'd like to be…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 13

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Fall Asleep Fast – The Countdown

By Rene Bastarache, CI

From now on you fall asleep quickly and easily… because you want to sleep

quickly… and get a great nights rest… You’ll do this first by changing your

mindset and focus from how you used think… to how you want to think…

You now focus only on sleeping quickly… You believe you will sleep quickly…

and you even imagine yourself sleeping quickly… Just imagine right now how

great it would be to fall into a relaxing sleep right away… as soon as you like…

It’s a wonderful thought and a wonderful feeling…

The way you’re going to do that… when you go to bed tonight…

(or “right now” if you’re doing this for yourself in bed or on a CD for the client to

use at bedtime)

… is with this easy exercise that you can do any time…

Here’s how it works… When you go to bed tonight I want you to count your

breaths backwards from 100 down to 1... I want you to just breathe normal and

relaxed …

You would begin by counting 100… then take a breath… and as soon as that

breath completes count 99…. Then take the next breath and exhale… 98 and so on

taking your time breathing… and then 97… taking a breath and 96 … and 95…

and so on…

As you’re breathing and counting… as soon as you feel tired or it gets

uncomfortable… simply stop counting and let yourself fall into a deep… relaxing

sleep… You don’t have to finish the numbers… You can stop whenever you like

and just let go to fall into sleep… but if you do finish them… then simply let

yourself fall asleep when you’re done and you count the number 1...

Remember your mindset is VERY important… so believe… and “expect” to fall

asleep while you’re doing this...

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 14

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You may find that just by listening to the instructions of this exercise you’re so

much sleepier than when you began a few minutes ago… so much more relaxed…

So just imagine how much better it will be… when you actually complete the

whole exercise at bedtime… and sleep for the night…

You will sleep quickly, comfortably and throughout the entire night… Only

waking up for emergencies or important things… Other than that… you experience

a deep… relaxing… sleep…

You want to sleep quickly and deeply…

You deserve to sleep quickly and deeply…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 15

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Fears, Dealing with

By Rene Bastarache, CI

Having fear doesn't seem to make sense… and it doesn't need to make sense

either… Fear can be irrational… Even though you realize that fear is not required

sometimes it can still seem to be there… By learning to understand fear… You'll

be able to control it when required…

First of all it’s important understand fear is not real… You cannot see it… hold it

or touch it… You can't even show it to anyone… It seems to exist in its own

imaginary world… which is usually your mind… The beauty of the situation is that

since it's in your mind it can be manipulated… and even altered through your


Here's how to handle fear the next time it arises… The first thing to do is to take

three deep breaths… Allowing yourself to relax and while you're doing that it’s

important to immediately use your imagination…

Imagine that the thing that’s causing you the fear is something completely

different… For example if the fear is coming from a person of authority such as

your boss at work… or your spouse… or even someone who may be bullying

you… immediately imagine them as if they were not intimidating at all… You

could imagine them having the face of an infant… watching them smile... drool

and laugh… You could even imagine them as if they were your favorite cartoon

character… so whenever they spoke to you… cartoon voices would emanate from

their mouth… and everything they did would be exaggerated and comical…

Go ahead and try that right now… Imagine the thing that causes you fear…

whether it be a person… the sound of a dentist drill… or even taking an exam…

Now imagine that person or item as if it were the least threatening or possibly even

the most entertaining or funny object or cartoon or anything you'd like… Think

about it and get it clearly in your mind…

You can imagine the person being Donald Duck speaking with that funny voice…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 16

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You can imagine the sound of a dentist drill being your favorite rock music… or

maybe even someone yodeling…

You can even imagine a test that you've been afraid of taking… sitting on the table

in front of you… as being a fill-in-the-blank joke book… or something you feel

very comfortable with such as a photo album of your childhood…

Take a moment to continue to think of this threatening item that used to cause fear

in the past and replace it right now with something entertaining… outlandish or


Realize how the fear has faded away… how you may still be speaking to the same

person or dealing with the same situation but with a completely different

mindset… which helps you realize that the fear only existed in your head… and

once you eliminated it… it was able to leave your head… so you could see it

clearly as simply a person, an item or an event…

Congratulations for now being able to take control of your imagination… to be

able to change the way your mind sees things…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 17

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By Rene Bastarache, CI

You’re here today to enhance your feminine traits…and to be more of the woman

that you know yourself to be… You have a goal to become more feminine… and

to have the right body that you should have… The way you're going to do that

today is by using your imagination…

I'd like you to imagine that you have the ability to change anything you like just by

thinking about it… and with this magic ability I’d like you to imagine yourself

standing directly in front of you… only a few feet away… in vivid color and


Now imagine this image of you being the exact woman you’d like to be… and as

you imagine this… you find that the woman in front of you changes to your


Now imagine yourself speaking with a very feminine voice… the exact voice you'd

like to have… You can hear yourself speak clearly and with confidence… knowing

that you’re becoming the woman of your dreams … You’re becoming the goal


Now imagine yourself walking back and forth in front of you… Notice how you

walk with such a feminine gait… Walking in a feminine manner seems so natural

to you… Ii is natural to you… and so easy to do…

You notice how even your figure seems to be more feminine than ever before… As

you scan yourself from head to toe you notice that every part of your body looks

just the way you’d like it to be… You feel good about the way you look… You

feel confident in your looks…

Now watch yourself even closer as you walk back and forth in your feminine body

and your amazing new voice… Look closely and remember every detail… Commit

everything to memory… so it will be clear in your mind at all times…

Realize that this person that you created in front of you is actually YOU… It's that

you that you want to be… and the new you that you are… From this point forward

you will sound… walk… and look this way to yourself and others…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 18

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This is the new you… that you created with your mind… You are so happy and

confident being who you are…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 19

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Focus on Tasks

By Raluca Bastarache, CI

In order to be able to focus from now on you’re going to take a deep breath and

close your eyes... before you start your work you relax and calm your mind…

I want you to focus on your breathing, as it enters and leaves your body… and as

you count five… breathe in and out… four… three…so very relaxed…two… and

one… You are focused now and you’re relaxed… and as easily as you focused on

your breathing and the numbers that’s how easy you focus on your tasks from now

on… Before you start any work you will do this simple exercise and you become

calm and your mind quiet so that you can start…

You now give 100% undivided attention to your task…

When starting a task, you eliminate all distractions... You know how important it is

to finish a job and you now create a space in your house or at work where you

cannot be interrupted...

Every time you find yourself distracted you immediately tell yourself the word

STOP and return to your task...

Every time you are distracted you STOP and return, you train your mind in a

different way now...

You are concentrated… you remain focused…

Your power of concentration increases every day… you get better and better at


You are driven, and you always have a plan on how to do things… That’s part of

your focusing success.

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 20

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You take short breaks mentally so that you can renew your efforts... This way you

can focus better…

You focus at one task at the time then move to the next one…

You find your work enjoyable and you love being accomplished…

Imagine yourself now beaming with confidence that you can easily concentrate,

and you finish task after task with ease... Job after job, done… You are

accomplishing so much… imagine yourself being so proud… feel great doesn’t it?


You now have successfully trained your mind to focus on what needs to be done

and you are driven to have a successful life!

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 21

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Pain Management

By Rene Bastarache, CI

NOTE: Before attempting this exercise with your client it is for him to realize that

pain is a warning signal and is there for a reason. Therefore if your client is in

pain have them check with their doctor first. If the doctor gives permission for this

exercise or states that nothing can be done to eliminate the pain then this exercise

may be the answer.

Script starts here:

This is a powerful exercise that will help you to release pain simply by using your

imagination… I'd like you to imagine that right in front of you is a whiteboard…

and on the whiteboard are four large “permanent marker” drawings of you...

The drawing on the left is a side view showing your complete left side… The

second one shows your complete right side… The third one shows a complete front

view of you… and the fourth one shows a complete back view of you…

The reason they are drawn in permanent marker is so you can draw on them with

erasable markers and then erase or even wash them while still keeping the outline

drawings of you intact on the board…

Now what I’d like you to do is imagine that at the base of the board there is a black

marker as well as an assortment of bright colored markers… I’d like you to pick up

the black marker and color on the appropriate drawing on the board showing where

you've been experiencing pain…

Take the marker and fill in the entire area with black… The pain may be in front of

you, behind you, or on either side… so use the appropriate drawing…

Now that you colored in the drawing with black to represent the pain that your

body is experiencing I'd like you to make the black pain area a little larger then you

have it right now… and as you draw it a little bit larger you'll notice the pain

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 22

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

intensified very slightly… Just draw the black a “little bit” until you feel the pain

intensified very, very little…

Now I want you to immediately begin to erase all the pain… and you feel the pain

begin to subside… The quicker you erase the pain of the faster it’s leaving your

body… Continue to erase the pain until it has completely left you…

In fact if you feel any pain whatsoever once you erased the black from the drawing

of you… imagine you have a sponge soaked in cleaning solvent that you can use to

erase any residue left on the board…

Now all you have is a perfectly clean and crisp drawing of your body in its perfect

condition… The pain has gone and you feel wonderful...

Now I’d like you imagine that you are returning the black marker to the base of the

whiteboard and taking your favorite colored markers in your hands... With the

colored markers I‘d like you to draw something beautiful in the same place where

you erased the previous black markings… You can draw a rainbow… or a smiling

face… or maybe even a picture of a kitten… Draw something that would make you

feel good or smile…

What you have just done is successfully eliminated the pain by erasing it… and

instead of leaving a void you have replaced the pain with something pleasant…

You have filled in the void created by eliminating pain with something good…

Since there is no longer avoid… the pain cannot return… You can rest assured that

you will continue to feel good… to feel great…

You can imagine yourself sitting back now and admiring the beautiful masterpiece

you have created which is You… You've done a great job…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 23

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Relationship Issues

By Rene Bastarache, CI

Most people base their relationships or how their relationship should be on what

they experience from those around them such as their parents relationship or close


Here's a way to enhance your relationships if you feel a change is desired…

You always attract what you focus on therefore you will attract the changes that

you'd like in your relationship by using your imagination…

I'd like you to imagine that you are at a relationship factory… and this factory is

designed so you can order the exact type of relationship you want…

Imagine that right in front of you is an order form for you to fill out… Imagine that

you're picking up this order form and looking through all the options… Below the

options there are blank lines for you to write exactly what you'd like to see in your


Take a moment to think about what issues you'd like to alter, enhance or

eliminate… In a moment I'd like you to write all the different features that you'd

like to order in your relationship so they can be created for you in the factory…

It's important to realize that “like attracts like”... in other words happy attract

happy just as anger attract anger… So whatever you order on the form it’s

important to realize that you should be able to conform to this option or change as

well in order to attract it…

Now go ahead and fill out your form with what you'd like to see in your

relationship… Use as much detail as possible as your imagining this… Write down

what you'd like to see in your relationship… and as you're imagining it… even take

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 24

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the time to imagine how your relationship would be different with this or these

changes… Take the time to work through it…

(Give them a moment to write and imagine)

Now that you’ve taken the time to write what you'd like to see in your relationship,

I'd like you to read through your order form one more time and imagine everything

that you ordered…

Get it clear in your mind and focus on it so you can remember it tomorrow, next

week and even longer if required… It's important that you take the time to focus on

this list daily in order to begin the attraction process…

Now you can enter your order form in the imaginary mail slot on the wall beside

you so you can place your order with the factory…

In addition to focusing on your relationship enhancements now that you've placed

your order... it's important to expect that your request will be granted…

It's also important that you practice gratitude… Be grateful for the changes that

you requested as if they have already happened… Acting as if they've already

happened and being grateful for the changes are the keys for speeding it along….

Congratulation for your new relationship…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 25

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis


By Rene Bastarache

You’re a unique person… and no one can be a better you than you… You strive to

be the best you can be… You unconditionally accept yourself… You deserve all

that's good in your life… You’re worthy of respect… and a very special person…

You can identify energy vampires in your life… These are people who seem to

drain your energy through their negativity… They may not mean to be like this…

and it may not be their intention… however it can have the same effect…

You identify these people in your life and find ways to deal with them… Maybe

you can ignore them… or you can change the subject when they begin speaking…

or you can delegate them to someone else… or even avoid them altogether… It’s

important that you protect your attitude… and begin practicing mental self-


You make friends with people who promote you and make you feel good… People

who accept you the way you are… You’re a good person… and they realize it…

You now manage your inner-critic constantly… You listen to what you say and

even think about yourself and monitor it to ensure that it’s only positive… As soon

as negativity arises you practice thought stopping… You immediately say "STOP"

out loud to yourself and replace the negative thoughts with positive...

Think of it as Stop and Swap… Stopping any negative impulse and replacing it

with positive… even if you're in the middle of a sentence… You can stop it, and

finish it in a positive manner…

From now on you eliminate the words should, could and would out of your

vocabulary. These words can create false expectations… Instead you simply are as

you are… not according to anyone else's standards but your own… You control

your own life and destiny… You control your own attitude and happiness…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 26

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You focus on what you do well… Each morning when you wake up you think of at

least one thing about yourself that you're happy for…

In fact, let’s do it right now… What do you like about yourself?... You can think of

this item throughout the day… and tomorrow morning think of another one… You

are a good and positive person…

You view mistakes as learning opportunities… You find ways to solve things…

and alternatives so they come out better the next time…

You accept compliments from others when you receive them… You simply look at

them, smile and say "thank you"… In addition to allowing yourself to accept

compliments from others, you find reason to compliment yourself each day…

When something goes well you compliment yourself by saying "Great job, you did


You are worthy of respect… You respect yourself… and you like yourself…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 27

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Smoking Cessation

By Rene Bastarache, CI

Congratulations on your decision to make a major change in your life by choosing

to be healthy… Simply by being here today you’re showing your commitment to

your health… breathing easier… to living longer…

You’ve made a decision that today is the day that you leave smoking behind… and

creating a new habit of being a healthy non-smoker…

Now that you made this decision to be healthier you'll notice that everything seems

to be better… You'll notice that food will taste better and even smell better…

You're going to feel healthier… and have more energy… energy that will be

needed to be put to good use…

You'll find that you can even exercise easier than before… You move more

freely… because you have more lung capacity than before… You breathe easier…

You breathe deeper… You breathe healthier…

You’re proud of your decision of being a healthier person… and you should be

proud because this is a big decision you’ve made… One that not only affects your

health… but the happiness of those who love you as well…

You’re getting healthier and healthier every day… Your body is transforming and

replenishing itself… This is another reason for you to have more energy… to feel

better… to feel younger…

You'll find yourself craving water… more than before… That wonderful, crisp,

clear refreshing water will taste better than it ever has… Drinking water will help

you to be healthy… flushing out your system…

Drinking more water is your new habit for health… In fact right now at this very

moment you find yourself craving more of that wonderful, fresh, crisp water…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 28

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

You can now congratulate yourself for making the right decision and being

healthier… You’re now healthier... You breathe easier… and you’ll feel better for

a very, very long time…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 29

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Stress Eating

By Raluca Bastarache, CI

Every time you find yourself stressed and thinking about reaching for food you

now take a deep breath, say to yourself: I am calm, I am in control… Once again: I

am calm, I am in control.

From this moment on you become more aware of the food you put in your mouth

than ever before... You are acutely aware in fact… You take the time to eat your

meals and snacks… You are present in that moment of enjoying the healthy foods

that you chose… and that are so good for your body…

You are becoming mindful of the foods you choose every day… You slow down

so you are aware that you are eating… and noticing every bite… You eat slowly

paying attention closely to the color, texture and aroma of your food...

You sleep well… You are calm…You relax…

Imagine right now that you are sitting in a comfortable chair ready to eat your

meal, whichever it might be, breakfast… lunch… or dinner… The food is right in

front of you… Take a moment to look at it…

Look at the people that might be at the table with you… relax take a deep breath…

Look at the vibrant colors of your healthy food... Take a small bite, and then start

eating slowly… Take your time to feel the texture and aroma … Put your fork or

spoon down, chew your food, then take another bite… and you do this from now

on with every meal... Noticing… being present and enjoying…

You sleep well… You are calm…You relax…

You allow yourself to relax during the day more and more… You remain calm…

and present… especially while eating… because you are in control. You are

calm… You are in control…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 30

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authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Stress Relief

By Raluca Bastarache, CI

I want you to concentrate on your breathing now… I want you to place all your

attention on your breathing… as you breathe in and out… take a deep cleansing

breath… in and out… and juuuust relax… and one more time take a breath in…

and out… just letting go…

Let’s do this again:

I want you to concentrate on your breathing now… I want you to place all your

attention on your breathing… as you breathe in and out… take a deep cleansing

breath… in and out… and juuuust relax… and one more time take a breath in…

and out… just letting go…

Now… imagine it’s a beautiful summer day… the sun is shining up above … as

you look outside you see rain drops starting to fall… You’re outside and as it starts

to rain and it look beautiful and inviting…

The warm water from the raindrops … begin to fall all over you… making you feel

so great… You open up your arms and start dancing in the rain… You feel

absolutely amazing… with each rain drop that falls on you… You feel any stress

meting away… just melting away…

This beautiful rain is washing away all negativity, tension and stress from your

body and your mind… It feels so wonderful … Leaving you totally relaxed…

refreshed… and revitalized

Then the rain slowly stops… because it was nothing more than a short summer rain

that passes fast but takes away all stress that you might have… You look in the

distance and as you do you see the most beautiful rainbow…

This experience has left you completely stress free and feeling incredible…

The Most Requested Hypnosis Script 31

Copyright 2018© - .No reproduction of this material is permitted without written permission or authorization by its

authors or the American School of Hypnosis

Workout Motivation

By Raluca Bastarache, CI

Every day you want to work out… You look forward to that part of the day…

Now I want you to imagine how you feel after you work out… Feels amazing!

You’re energized, your brain is energized… What a wonderful feeling.

Imagine now putting your sneakers on… take a deep breath, stretch… feels so

wonderful… It will feel even more wonderful after your workout and you so look

forward to that…

Now… whatever workout you choose to do you imagine you give it your best…

imagine yourself so excited to do this activity…

You feel so proud knowing that with every workout you’re getting closer and

closer towards your goal of great health… feeling amazing... being able to move

more freely… buying the clothes that will fit you perfectly…

You’re doing a wonderful job with your workouts every day… You know that this

is very important to have a fulfilled life and be the best you that you can be…

Working out is like putting on that oxygen mask for your brain… You do it… you

love working out and you love how you feel after… Feels like a million bucks

doesn’t it…

Imagine right now that you’re working out and that the time seems to slow down…

You see yourself in slow motion… You’re in that moment right now… Look at

that smile on your face… You give it your all… You are doing so great!

Imagine now dressing up to go out and you just feel and look fantastic… Everyone

is admiring you on how great you look… You have that same smile on your face

again knowing that it is because of those workouts you look and feel this way!

Great job!