How to Prepare for Running a Race

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Prepare for Running a Race

How to prepare for a Running Race

Make sure to drink plenty of water before race day

to stay hydrated !

Always remember to warm up before the race by jogging in


Stretch after warming up to get your muscles ready to run fast in

your race!

Make sure your shoe laces are tied tightly. You do this so they don’t become untied during the


Before the start of the race, line up at the starting line

with the other runners.

Listen for the announcer to say “On your mark, Get set,

Go!” and explode off the ground at “Go”.

Keep running as fast as you can until you reach the finish


Run across the finish line, you made it, good


Shake hands with the other runners and say

good job!