How to Make New Orgone Devices

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Transcript of How to Make New Orgone Devices

How to Make New Orgone Devices Part 1, 9-28-2005 By: Ryan McGinty

This is an essay explaining basic techniques I have used for creating new Orgone Generating devices. It will cover; brief introduction to Orgone, sensing the stones with noticing which chakra the stone activates, getting to know the stones, how to find positive and negative charges, using a pendulum to find energy balances or imbalances, using your hands to find the direction or energy.

Disclaimer: This essay is for educational purposes only. By creating your own Orgone devices you are responsible for own devices. You must test your device to see whether it works the way you want it to. Not doing so my cause you or others harm. If you do not know how your body reacts to energies then I suggest building devices that are tried and true, such as: Towerbuster, Holy Hand Grenade, Earth Pipe or Cloudbuster. Once you start to notice the subtle energies at play and how your body reacts then begin experimenting building your own devices.

Part 1: Brief Introduction to Orgone.

Orgone is a name given by Wilhelm Reich for vital health or life energy. Orgone also is the same energy know as Chi or Prana from Eastern cultures. To read more about orgone click here: D.B. explains, Orgone or etheric energy is a type of solar fire, one of three primary force energies in existence, the other two being fire by friction and electrical fire, known as electricity. Prana is solar fire. It comes directly from the sun, and is softened for humans by the so-called, Van Allen Belt. Orgone often, and esp as emitted by orgone devices, will appear as heat waves: ripples of clear, fiery energy that burns brightly, but does not consume matter. Understand? Orgone devices are based upon Solar Fire, and affect only those things and such (humans are based upon this form of fire). The combination of electricity with orgone devices might allow the energy to effect electrical systems.




There are three different types of Orgone devices, Accumulators, Generators and Interactive. Don Croft states, Orgone Accumulators draw in and concentrate orgone and send it back out again. When they draw in unbalanced orgone, they send it back out as unbalanced orgone, so one needs to use them in a place where there is more good orgone than the bad stuff. Orgone Generator is a term Im using advisedly, of course, since all things are generated from orgone. In fact, these devices primarily draw in unbalanced orgone, revitalize it, and send it back out again. Interactive orgone devices are devices which a person or operator must be in contact with in order for the device to operate. Interactive orgone device uses a persons thought form then amplifies it with orgone. Radionics is a good example of an Interactive Orgone device.

Wilhelm Reich created Accumulators; Karl Welz created the first basic Orgone Generator and Interactive devices; Don and Carol Croft created a better Orgone Generator by adding crystals, gems and stones. When adding stones to an Orgone generating device it begins to operate by itself without the addition of electricity or operator. This is helpful because you can create a generator and it will keep working on its own.

Orgone generating devises are composed of half metal and half organic (epoxy or resin) material mixed with stones, gems or crystals used to direct the energy and add their energetic characteristics. On some occasion oils, herbs and dye colors have been used to add their properties. Orgone devices take the properties of orgone and added material magnifying them into the environment. Don and Carol Croft were the first to place a crystal in metal and organic matrix then provide proof how effective Orgone Generators can really be. To read more about is experiences click here:

Part 2: Sensing the energy of the stones.

Knowing a stones basic properties is a necessity when creating a new device. Two good books on their properties are; Love Is In The Earth, by: Melody and Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, by: Michael Gienger. Melody uses a more spiritual tone while Gienger used a scientific method, both giving you a good balance on either side. Once you become familiar with stones you will be able to pick up a new stone and; tell if its emitting or absorbing, what part of your body is being activated, is it lower or higher vibration just by listening to your bodys reactions.

The properties of stones are based on historical evidence, personal experiences, mythological and metaphysical. The metaphysical properties cover an area called the chakras. When Prana enters the body it is broken into seven parts. Each part of broken down Prana has its own unique color and characteristic. Prana has seven points of entry into the physical body called chakras. The seven chakras transmit the broken down Prana to where the energy is needed to maintain health. The seven locations are: base of spine, just bellow the belly button, Solar Plexus, heart, throat, brow and 18 inches or so above the top of the head. Certain colors represent each chakra and broken down Prana. Red: base of spine, Orange: near the belly button, Yellow: Solar Plexus, Green and Pink: heart, Blue: throat, Indigo: brow, Violet and White: above the head. Get to know these centers well because they will come in handy when noticing a stones reaction to your body and quickly figuring out a stones characteristics. To read more about the chakras click here: or read Cyndi Dales: New Chakra Healing, for a great intro and overall chakra info; A.E. Powells: Etheric Double, for specific chakra and Prana workings.

Seven Chakra General Information Seventh Chakra Sixth Chakra Fifth Chakra Fourth Chakra Third Chakra Second Chakra Color Violet, White Indigo Blue Green, Pink, Blue, Gold Yellow Orange Location Above the head. Brow Throat Heart Solar Plexus Naval Characteristics Higher self, divine awareness, spiritual, understanding path and purpose, Vision, visualization and insight. Linked to clairvoyance. Truth, Wisdom, Responsibility, verbal expression, receiving info from hearing or reading. Linked to clairaudience. Love, healing, compassion, relationships. Energy type: Etheric, love. Power, judgments, discernment, understanding thoughts and ideas, Energy type: mental, thought and intellectual. Feelings, creativity and expressing them through the appropriate physical outlet: laughing, crying, etc Empathy for self and others. Female reproduction. Source of: passion, primal feelings, aggression, terror, survival, will to live and material energy for achieving life purpose. Male reproduction.

First Chakra


Base of spine.

Info from: Cyndi Dale. New Chakra Healing, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1996

Colors and their meanings are a must know when building a device. Stones and objects the same color as a chakra activate that chakra because of similar color vibration. For great info on color, meanings and usages read: Charles Klotsche. Color Medicine, AZ: Light Technology Publishing

Here is a basic on color meanings:

General Red Sexual, vitality, aggression, passion

Psychological Power, energy, hot, danger, stop, fast

Light Properties Stimulant, increases endurance and muscle, physical strength, improves circulation. Produces life energy that radiates through the body. Releases trapped or blocked energy. Stimulates digestion and lymphatic system, raises lower energy thoughts.

Orang e

Emotion, Health, Sympathetic, sociability, openness Intellect, learning, attracting attension

Warm, energy


Optimism, hope, philosophy, caution, coward Nature, healthy, renewal, go, safe, mild Trust, conservative, order, cool, male


Healing, balance, caring, growth

Tension reliever, balances, builds cell and tissue, healing, quieting.


Wisdom, perceptive, loyalty, truth, trust,

Stimulates, calms and clears thought processes and intuitiveness, strengthen aspiration and devotion. Calms respiratory system, reduces swelling, improves emotional states. Strengthens purpose, ambition and determination. Will power. Healing energy neutralize infection and promote recovery then followed by white to remove excess violet. Relaxes muscles, calms nerves and metabolic processes.


Responsibility, Spiritual awareness, self-reliant Spirituality, intuitive, teacher Spirituality, royalty



Purity, perfection

Cleanliness, precision, death


Love, compassion, affectionate


Healing miss-understandings and cleavages, harmony, love and goodwill. Powerful protection, lifts raises and eliminates that which hinders .


Wisdom, intellect



Idealism, honest

Nourishing, sustaining energy, promotes growth


Malice, Strong-willed, opinionated, hatred, diseased, pessimism, depression. Conventionality, lack of imagination, reserved

Power, mystery, fear, death, sophistication, unhappy, aborbing. Intellect, modesty, sadness



Materialism, ambition, down to earth

Earth, reliability, comfort

Info from: Charles Klotsche. Color Medicine, AZ: Light Technology Publishing. Two Disciples, The Rainbow Bridge, CA: The Triune Foundation, Rainbow Bridge Productions. Color Wheel meaning link.

Increasing SensitivityOne way of getting your body more sensitive is by holding a crystal in one hand, pointing at your other hand's palm moving it clockwise over the palm. After a minute begin to move the crystal back and forth from the palm. You should notice a pulling or tugging sensation.

This second exercise will help you determine how large the energy field is, if its emitting or absorbing energy. First lay the stone on the table out in front of you. Second hold your open palm over the stone about two feet above. Third begin to lower you palm closer toward the stone. Youll want to be taking notice either the resistance/pressure or absorption/becomes easier when lowering your palm. This will take several tries to notice. It feels like a slight pressure being applied to your skin. Its very subtle at first until you being to recognize it. The distance you first begin to notice it is usual the edge of the energy field. People who first begin to notice the energy notice when the energy field becomes stronger and a denser feeling. With practice youll notice the subtle beginning energy field edge. A known absorbing stone is Selenite. When you move your palm closer youll notice it becomes easier. Quartz has emitting properties.

Now that you notice the emitting and absorbing energy from a crystal its time to try the third exercise. Clasp a stone in your palm; relax your body then notice which parts of your body are being excited, stimulated, notice the mood and feelings. The point for this exercise is to listen to what your body is telling you. One of the best guides is listening to what your own body tells you. Feelings, emotions, reactions, sensations, etc This exercise can take the longest to develop this skill. If you are busy minded or dont know your bodys reaction then this may take some time. The trick to sensing energies is to listen how your body reacts to nouns: persons, places, things, events, substances or qualities. To help build trust in yourself create blind tests. An example, have someone place the stone in a bag you cannot see into. Make sure the person does not tell you which stone it is. Then hold the bag and take note of the sensations. Remove the item and see if the sensations you noticed matched when you could see the stone. By practicing blind tests like this youll pick up on how different stones feel and begin to trust in what you feel.

If you find that using your hands to sense energy causes them to ache or feel uncomfortable I suggest moving your consciousness around the stone to sense the energy. To explain how this work for me I look at an area on the stone then move my mind to that area. So where I look is where my mind is concentrating. When I look away to the side of the stone Im listening to feelings I get if I were holding the stone. When I dont notice the energy feeling I know that is where the energy field ends. With practice you will be able to tell if the energy is spinning a certain direction, if theres breaks in the energy field and which way the energy is moving toward or away.

Once you notice how a crystal or gems feel its now time to see how other items feel. What I find interesting is when you place your palm over a flower. The flower emits a loving pleasant feeling, kind of a hidden reason we give flowers for love.

Practice, practice, practice to build up your sensitivity. It builds knowledge with experience using stones, gems, crystals and different objects. It will also allow you to notice the orgone flame coming off different objects. Developing sensitivity to stones takes time. Be patient, make it like a game to keep from becoming frustrated if you do not notice anything immediately.

Part 3: Finding Positive and Negative Charges.

When I notice positive or negative charged energy from a device or stone the placement of the feeling on my body and emotion lets me know what type it is. (See Chakra Diagram) When I come into contact with positive charged energy my upper body from the heart to above the head feels activated or excited. The stronger the positive the higher on my body feels excited. The strongest positive activates above my head feeling vibrant, tingly with a pleasant happiness or loving feeling. When I come into contact with negative charged energy my lower body from Solar Plexus to hips feels activated. The more negative the lower on my body. The strongest negative will make my body feel like its being pulled down; pain will begin in my head then a feeling of the need to get away as quick as possible. Lower emotions and thoughts will also appear.

Both positive and negative charged energy can have pleasant to unpleasant feeling. An example is when positive energy feels too strong for the body to handle and then becomes painful. Another example is when the negative energy is subtle and feels relaxing or grounding.

In Richard Gordons, Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience he explains that the human body has certain charges. The top of the head has a positive charge, the bottom of the feet has a negative charge, the right side has a positive charge and the left has a negative charge. These

charges can be confirmed from using sensitive voltage meters. Gordon mentions Dr. Randolph Stone was one of the originators of modern polarity system in western culture.

Here is an exercise to help identify positive and negative charges using a single terminated crystal. The reason for using a single terminated for this exercise because you know which end is positive and negative charged. First get yourself a good size single terminated crystal thats at least three inches long. Second hold the crystal between your thumb and fingers making sure the ends are not pointing toward the palm you are holding it with. Third move your other hands palm over the pointed crystal tip and take note of where you feel the energy reacting on your body. Fourth flip the crystal around so the broken end is facing your other hands palm. Take note of where you feel the energy reacting on your body. There should be a difference when you flip the crystal around. Do this several times to get a sense of what is going on. To eliminate the possibility of the holding hand affecting what you sense place the crystal on a table in front of you. Now move your palm in front of either end pausing to take note where the energy is reacting on your body. Double-check the feeling by using a different single terminated crystal to test yourself. If youre not noticing a reaction like a tingling sensation, pressure on the body or a sensation either emotional or physical dont worry. Developing sensitivity to stones takes time. Be patient, make it like a game to keep from becoming frustrated if you do not notice anything immediately.

The safest way to check if a device is emitting positive or negative charged energy is by putting your mind or consciousness on the object. This will keep your body out of harms way and is also helpful in allowing you to check out people, places and objects from a distance. The same chakra activation and feelings occur for me.

You can also use a pendulum to find positive and negative charged energy ends. First you must know how Yes and No answers are conveyed with your pendulum. Ask the question then move the pendulum over the device. The pendulum will help you learn the subtle energies once you recognize how your body reacts with the answers the pendulum provides. The pendulum can only give a Yes or No and counting answers. It is a basic tool. Once you have developed your sensing abilities you will find the energy will be a lot more complex than a Yes or No answer.


Here are two websites to learn more about dowsing: and A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing. Remember to keep your elbows tucked in tight to your side so no external or arm movement effect the sway.

Part 4: Finding and figuring out stones to use.

When creating a new device you must first figure out what resources are available. Some of the stones mentioned in the books are rare and hard to find. Choose stones that are accessible to you. You may need to make more than one device to get it right. Check the local phone book for rock shops, metaphysical stores or even science stores. Online venders are a great resource too.

If you find a stone and your not sure what it is remember to test if its: emitting or absorbing, take into account the color, the chakra activation, if its positive or negative charged energy emitting and the emotions you feel while handling it.

Now you know what is available, figure out what type of device you will be making. Take also into consideration what part of the body the stone activates. If a stone jumps out at you when handling it take note it just might be a stone youll need for your creation. Remember black, gray, brown, red, yellow and orange stones activate the three lower chakras. Green and pink stones activate the heart. Blue to violet activate the higher chakras. Clear or white stones can work on all chakras. Gold amplifies the affect of orgone devices.

Clearing stones.

Once you have your stones youll need to clear them from any built up negative charge they might of come into contact with. Here are four techniques that you can use to clear them.

First: Incenses or Smudging. Either hold or place the stone on a mesh to let the smoke drifter over. As the smoke drifts over visualize the stone becoming clearer and negativity floating away with the smoke. Continue as long as you feel is needed. Usually a couple minutes clears the stone.

Second: Sea Salt Water. Do not use this on stones that dissolve when placed in water or contain Iron. Mix in a couple tablespoons of Sea Salt into a bowl of water. Place the stones into water and let them set for a few days. When done dry.

Third: The Sun. Place the stones in a bowl or plate preferably white or clear so color charging does not affect the stones. Next set them out in the morning sun light thru to evening. Bring them in at night and repeat the process if needed.

Fourth: Blessing with love. Place the stones in your left palm facing up. Next place your right palm over the top clasping the lower left palm. Now begin to activate the heart by thinking of loved ones, family, friends etc You want to feel that love vibe inside. Once you have it visualize it coming from your heart to your palms. Make sure you keep the vibe going while visualizing going to the palms. This will only take a minute or two for clearing. If you feel it needs more time then repeat the process.

Use your hands sensitivity to see if they need more clearing time.

Laying out the stones.

Because there are so many possible combinations to laying out stones I prefer to spread the stones out on the table before me allowing me to see how the stones react before pouring.







When making the new device youll have to decide on the shape of the device. Will the alignment be in a line, a two-dimensional flat layout or a three-dimensional shape? An example of a line would be a wand. A plate, disk or cross would be a two-dimensional. Finally a three-dimensional would be a cone, sphere or any polygon form. You can also mix a multiple of the various dimensions but this adds more complicity and you must really sense the energy workings in order to know if your device is emitting safe positive charged energy. It is advised you create simpler alignments then once familiar with the stones and orgone progress from there. Using a pendulum.

Lay the stones out before you on the ground in the alignment you think will work best. Make sure the stone are spaced the same distance they will be placed into the device. Next take a pendulum and slowly move it about 3 to 6 inches above the length of the configuration. The pendulum will show you where the energy blockages are and where the energy flows properly. For me this done by getting a YES (clockwise motion swing) and NO (back and forth motion) this may be different for you. The NO motion of the pendulum lets you know the energy has stopped or blocked. When you move the pendulum over again you want to get a good YES answer over the whole thing. Every time you move a stone around it changes the balance in the alignment.

By watching how strong the pendulum moves in a YES motion, either faster or bigger you can tell which area is stronger. You may notice one end will be stronger with energy flowing out.

Using your hands.

Using your hands is similar to the pendulum only you move your open palm over the stone alignment. You will want to notice the subtle sensation of the energy either pushing or pulling your palm. Youll be looking for an even pushing feeling against your hand. The reason is energy blocks have a break in energy so youll feel a dead spot or feel no resistance. When moving your hand over again listen to your body if it has any uncomfortable feelings. Take note of any uncomfortable places then rearrange the alignment so its a nice pleasant pushing feeling.

End Part One, Continued with Part Two to be completed in a few weeks.

How to make an SBB coil:

What you will need, copper wire, and needle nose pliers. An SBB coil helps direct the flow of energy. Length of wire and size is up to you, no set standard.

We start by dividing the wire in half like so.

Next we wrap the wire around the tip of the pliers 180 degrees each end.

We fold the wrap over so its flat now. Notice you can already see the SBB taking shape.

Gentley bend the ends over a little at a time. Set a width between the wire that you feel is right.

I use my fingers to bend over a small section then do it to the other side.

Keep working around slowly keeping it nice and even.

It's almost complete.

Here is the finished SBB coil. Make sure you keep your bends as clean as possible. Kinks effect the flow of energy. A sloppy coil effects the performance of OR devices. If it's to messy and its for a pendant you could harm yourself. Take your time and don't rush it. Have fun increasing the flow of energy. Ryan

Mobius Coil Tutorial

The Items you will need: 1 cordless drill 1 spool of 30 gauge aluminum wire from Radioshack, comes in red, blue and white in 50ft. Do not get the magnet wire that is copper. The copper is very stiff while wrapping also the enamel insulator easily scrapes off causing minute shortages. 1 crystal.

First select a length of wire that will be appropriate for the size of crystal. Very small crystals will need only three feet of wire, larger ones with a diameter of 1 inch or larger will need 20-25 feet or more, the hole spool for giant crystals. Fold the wire in half, then fold that in half again. Basically folding the wire into quarters.

Now take the end where both ends are bent, place them into the locking chuck of your cordless drill. The easiest way to keep them together evenly in the drill is by starting a small twist to hold them together.

Set the drill direction so that it will remove a screw.(lefty loosie) With your other hand, hold onto the end with the two leads. Make sure you keep good tension while the drill is rotating. This will minimize irregularities. If the wire is longer than your arm span have someone help hold it or clamp it to a sturdy stand.

You'll know the wire is correctly wound when the thread angles are at 45 degrees.

Hold your crystal and wire like so. You will be doing a counter clock wire wrap that works upward.

Here is how you start your first knot.

Notice that the knot goes over, down, up-around. It's basically a square knot. Keep this knot a little loose because you'll need the space for the remaining knots.

Now repeat the process. You'll notice the wire working upward. While the knot keeps getting larger. Start pulling the wire tight.

Here is how it looks going around a third time. Each time you start a new knot you start just before the last one. Remember to keep the wraps tight. This will ensure you don't have any wires overlapping on the back.

Here is the finished result. You'll notice that the knot's start right after the last one begun. Use glue to hold wires in place, a hot glue gun or goop works great. Strip the ends and you got your self an SP! 8-)

If you notice the knots getting to difficult to overlap then start another row the same way as the first. Pull the excess just a little above the first mobius wrap, wrap the wire around CCW then do the knot and keep repeating as many times as needed. It's basically a simple pattern that keeps repeating. The reason for twisting the wire lefty-loosie and CCW around the crystal is because you want the end result. It's not the motion of your hands wrapping that creates a clockwise wrap, it's the final result of when you follow the wire ends. When you look down from either end you'll see the wire travels in a clockwise motion. When the energy travels thru the wire it is always moving in a clockwise motion. Here is a basic tutorial showing how the clockwise coil wrap travels.

How to make a Frequency Generator: On cloud busters Fredbuster created a wonder tutorial for getting started and building your own Zapper. Fredbusters Tutorial in PDF-Based off his design here is how I made my frequency generator.

The Fredbuster's circuit layout

The Circuit design I use to create a variable frequency generator.

What you will need:

1 Project box with PC board included, 1 Compositor 1 micro farad, C2, I like the un-polarized because it allows you not to worry about positive an negative sides. If you do get one with a longer leg that's the positive, see schematic for proper placement. 1 Compositor .01 micro farad, C1 1 LED 1-3 volt, small red ones. Remember the longer leg is the positive, connect properly, 1 Resistor 3.3k ohm, R1, It will say it on the upper part figuring out the colors is a pain. See photo below for product ID. 1 Resistor 3.9k ohm R4 1 Resistor 4.7k ohm R5 1 Resistor 1k ohm R3 for creating a body zapper with pennies, 1 resistor for R2 see Fredbuster's PDF file for specific resistor for frequency. I use variable potentiometers because I like to set exact frequencies myself. I use 100k potentiometers, they give me a range from 6hz to 460hz when

adjusting. You can see in the below photo I have both the large audio and micro potentiometers. The micro is used to be set at 15hz and the Audio is for creating variable. 1 on/off switch for the battery 1 toggle switch for the switching between 15hz and variable. That's how I like to do mine. 1 555CN timer chip, make sure it's the one that can handle up to 18 volts. The CMOS 555 can only handle low voltage and is easily shorted out. 1 8 pin IC Socket, just incase you burn out your 555 you can replace it without creating another circuit. 2 9 volt battery plugs, I like 2 because it lasts longer and has more amperage. One will do fin though. Black and Red 22 gauge connecting wire, Make sure its the one with multiple threads of copper and not a solid one. Its easier to bend and move. The solid copper connecting wire is to kinky and breaks to easily, for my taste. 1 spool of Solder, The thinner the better, for getting into tight spaces and heats up better. 1 Solder Iron, A pin point will be needed for this circuit. 1 1/8" audio phone jack, I like them because they make the box look clean and it's and easy size to attach to any other devices. Also see Fred's PDF specific info on goods.

First we take the PC board that was included with the Black box and break it into a size we need.

Next we place the 8 pin bracket in the middle.

Notice on the back how I bend over the pins to hold it in place.

Next we attach R1 3.3k resistor. One end goes to pin 8 and the other to pin 7, I bend the legs over the pin then cut off 1/4" longer than the distance to the pin. the remaining 1/4" I bent over and stick in the pin hole. see schematic.

Here is how it looks on the back.

Next we attach Compositor C2 1.0 mf, and Compositor C1 0.001 mf. C2 connects to pin 6 and the base of C1. C1 connects to pin 5 and C2 base.

Here is how it looks on the back, notice how the base of C1 and C2 are twisted together.

Next we add R4 3.9k and R5 4.7k to the board.

Notice on the back the ends are twisted together and connected to Pin 3.

Here is when I added the 555 timer, make sure the black dot is in the upper left corner.

Using one of the wire ends I cut off from the excess of the resistors I connect Pin 2 to Pin 6. like so.

Now is when I start adding the wires to hook up the positive and negative connections.

Back of circuit.

Now for the wires that hook up to LED, Output jack and switches.

You can see how I soldered the connections together. Make sure you are clean and accurate. Other wise a lose connection or overlapping solder will cause the circuit not to work. This takes patients and time, don't rush it. If you do overlap a connection with solder, heat it up, use another wire to suck up the excess and then use a knife to remove the last bits. I heat the wires first then add the solder. It's cleaner once you get used to soldering. Takes practice.

Here is what the final circuit looks like before it's place in a box. You can see the R2 I added here. I use a toggle switch to go back and forth between the set resistor and variable resistor. One end of the resistor is connected to R1 where it attaches to pin 7. The middle Pin on the Potentiometer is then connected to a toggle switch. The Middle switch pin is then connected to C2 where it attaches to pin 6. Using potentiometers allows you to set a frequency you want. In Fredbusters tutorial he gives you the specific resistor for specific frequency.

Here are links to four photos showing detailed enlargement of the circuit with the variable potentiometers added and how they are connected. This should explain how I connected the potentiometers.

Next I begin placing the circuit into the box. I slip the LED wires thru to the outside because that's how you hook up this specific light. I used shrink tubing to seal the connection keeping them not from touching other wires.

You can see how I drilled the holes to fit each switch, LED and output jack. This is how I have the circuit placed inside the box. Notice the blank area to hold the two 9 volt batteries. I prefer two 9v because it allow the Freq Gen to run longer. About 14 days nonstop at 15hz.

And finally how the frequency box looks when finished. Notice I don't have penny electrodes because this box is only to power OR devices and not kill body parasites. Copy the circuit drawing above and you can have both.

Radioshack sells a digital voltage meter which has a setting for frequencies. It cost me about $50. It works great. All I do is connect the output from the generator to the meters input wires. Instantly it says the exact frequency the dial is tuned too. If you dont have voltage meter and work around the house repairing things yourself this is a must have.

To put the set the frequencies I use my computer. I use the 1/8" stereo jack into my sound card, making sure the input volume is on low. Use a Sound generator program and match the tones. Make sure the sound wave is set to square. It takes time to get it right but it works. On a good day it takes me 1 hour and half to make the whole thing. It will cost you about $40 to 45 in parts to make one like mine. Good luck and have fun, Ryan

With help from CBSWORK I have been testing music notes to chakras and the colors related. He informed me of using a tone with sending energy. High C being a great tool against attacking entities. Doing some research with frequencies set to specific tones has produced interesting results. First here is a scale I found that translates music notes into hertz. Click here for easier reading on the scales and frequency. This scale corresponds the best with the chakras from others. Calculation for Equal-Tempered tuning [A3 = 440Hz] Octave0 Octave1 Octave2 Octave3 Octave4 Octave5 0 A 55.000-110.000-220.000-440.000-880.000-1,760.000 1 A#/Bb 58.270-116.541-233.082-466.164-932.328-1,864.655 2 B 61.735-123.471-246.942-493.883-987.767-1,975.533 3 C 65.406-130.813-261.626-523.251-1,046.502-2,093.005 4 C#/Db 69.296-138.591-277.183-554.365-1,108.731-2,217.461 5 D 73.416-146.832-293.665-587.330-1,174.659-2,349.318 6 D#/Eb77.782-155.563-311.127-622.254-1,244.508-2,489.016 7 E 82.407-164.814-329.628-659.255-1,318.510-2,637.020 8 F 87.307-174.614-349.228-698.456-1,396.913-2,793.826 9 F#/Gb92.499-184.997-369.994-739.989-1,479.978-2,959.955 10 G 97.999-195.998-391.995-783.991-1,567.982-3,135.963 11 G#/Ab103.826-207.652-415.305-830.61-1,661.21-3,322.438 12 A 110.000-220.000-440.000-880.000-1,760.000-3,520.000

The colors and chakras info I got from: Color Medicine; by Charles Klotche. It's loaded with great info on alot of stuff. Great reference book.

Music notes to color and chakras: Red: Root Chakra note G

Orange: Sacral Chakra note A Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra note A#/Bb Green: Heart Chakra note C Blue: Throat Chakra note D Indigo: Third Eye Chakra note D# Violet: Crown Chakra note E

For placing specific music notes into OR devices I used a simple $20 chromatic tuner. I attached a lead off from the speaker to connect a device. You can use alligator clips to connect to your PW or SP. There are also tuners with built in audio outlets for the same price. I had to calibrate it using a computer tone generator. Typed in the specific hertz for the tone then adjusted the setting on the tuner to match. Mine was off by 4hz.

PowerWand Instructions by Chrystalk

---Original message--From: "Chrystal Kay"

>Don's Power Wand > Parts List: 1- 3" copper pipe, 9" long 1- copper cap for pipe 1- dixie cup that will fit snugly in end 1- 7" by 1" dia SP crystal 1- roll blue magnet wire from Radio Shack 2- 2" drywall screws Shrink wrap tubing- op. 99" 18 gage bare wire tape Goop glue Metal filling- 1/2 copper at least, and aluminum Resin and catalyst 1- 1" Amethyst point 1/4tsp. Pyrite grains 4- 12mm Hematite beads 4 or 5- rough round Garnets Frequency box w/alligator clip connectors. Silicon spray ( or WD-40 )


Preparing large crystal:

Start at the bottom of the crystal. ( make the 'ears' that will stick out rather long- 2-3") Using magnet wire, make a six wrap mobius knot , and continue below that and make a second six wrap mobius knot. Continue to make a total of six- six wrap mobius knots from the same continuous piece of wire. ( look in Don's files to see how to twist the wire for the knot.)

Now attach 2- screws to 'ears' by firmly wrapping around threads and either shrink wrap or goop glue well. ( no bare wire or screw length exposed) Leave only the head exposed. Tape to crystal to hold in place while pouring, head ends up beyond end of crystal.

With the entire length of bare wire, wrap the crystal from top to bottom counter clockwise. (there is a reason for that)

On to the assembly:

This project is made beginning with the TOP.

Fit your Dixie cup into the top end of the pipe, (flat side in) and trim flush with rim. Cut x in bottom and insert point of large crystal, from the bottom of the cup, up.( Don does this so point will be below the rim of the pipe.) Glue well around crystal and glue cup in place flush with rim.

Now turn over, bottom side up. Put just enough metal and resin in to cover cup and meeting place of crystal and cup bottom. Let harden. (Less leaks this way!)

Add metal to position amethyst in. point down next to

Place amethyst

crystal pointing same way, and add catalyzed resin. ( Let firm up between each layer.)

Sprinkle pyrite in, add metal and pour on resin.

Add Hematite, add metal and pour on resin. You should be pretty close to the top by now...say 2 1/2" or so. Add Garnets, add metal to beneath top of screws. cure. Let

Trim off any boo boos or leaks.

Attach frequency box clips to screw ends. The frequency box will fit handily into the cap. With some spray around the edge of the pipe rim, it shouldn't be too hard to remove the cap for changing the battery.

How did I do Don?

Clockwise Crystal Wrapping Tutorial

Hold the wire like so with your left hand.

Go from around the bottom then over the top towards yourself. As DB says toward your heart.

Repeat this as many times as you want. The number of wraps is up to you.

Notice that no matter which end you look at the coil it is always moving in a Clockwise motion. The reason for twisting the wire lefty-loosie and CCW around the crystal in the beginning is because you want the end result. It's not the motion of your hands wrapping that creates a clockwise wrap, it's the final result of when you follow the wire ends. When you look down from either end you'll see the wire travels in a clockwise motion. When the energy travels thru the wire it is always moving in a clockwise motion.

If you wrap in the reverse direction the wire will always be moving in a Counter Clockwise motion. DB, away from your heart.

From sensing how strong the positive charged energy being emitted from a crystal when wrapped a certain number of times, there seems to be a relationship to wrapping to the powers of 2. The powers of 2 are: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 .... etc. When wrapping to those numbers the positive charged energy felt stronger than odd number wraps and some even number wraps. Each time I wrapped to a power of 2 the positive charged energy around the crystal dramatically increased. What makes this so interesting is that the same affect with laying out crystals in a cross to powers of 2 (positive crystal tip facing outward) also dramatically increased the positive charged energy around them. The reason I am mentioning this is because if you are unsure how many times to wrap your crystal a safe bet would be to any power of 2.