How to Land Your C-Level Job

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Land Your C-Level Job

How to Land Your C-Level JobHow do CEOs, CFOs and other C-Level leaders get new jobs?

Senior-level leaders don’t get hired through published job ads very often.

That’s not how most senior-level positions get filled.

So how does it work?• C-Level leaders are heads of corporate

or institutional functions like IT, HR, Finance, Marketing or Sales.

• At the senior level in any organization, the personality and point of view of a prospective C-level leader are just as important as the job-seeker’s work experience (and maybe more so)!

• The fit between the organization, its leadership team and the prospective C-level team member has to be right – otherwise no one will be happy!

If I’m not applying to posted job ads, what am I doing instead?

C-level job seekers do these five things when they job hunt:

1. They don’t apply to published job ads

They don’t respond to posted job ads. That’s a terrible way for anyone to approach a company, and it’s an especially bad way for C-level leader to introduce him- or herself.

2. They choose their next direction and brand themselves for it

Instead of answering job ads, C-level job-seekers decide what they want to do next, fairly specifically, and then brand themselves for the jobs they want (and not just any job)!

That way recruiters can easily find them.

3. They consult during their job search

C-level job seekers are also consultants. They carry a consulting business card.

That’s one of the principal ways they get hired! Consulting jobs turn into full-time jobs every day.

Consulting during your job search gives you more latitude, more and better ‘keyholes’ for conversation and more negotiating leverage!

4. They network constantly

C-level job seekers network with old and new contacts continuously.

They choose organizations to research and to follow and then they pay close attention.

They may end up knowing more about the organization than some of its own leaders do!

5. They grow their thought leadership flame

C-level job-seekers grow their thought leadership flame and raise their profile by blogging, speaking and sharing what they know.

What’s my thought leadership flame?

• Your thought leadership flame is your unique point of view. As a C-level leader, you know more than just the “how-tos” of your profession.

• You have a personal spin on it – a set of beliefs about the way your function should be led.

• You’ll share those beliefs in blog posts, articles, podcasts, webinars, videos and public presentations.

• Every time you share your point of view with other people, your thought leadership flame grows!

How can I learn how to do these five things and Land a C-Level Job?

Join us in the 12-week virtual, intensive Executive Job-Search Course “Land Your C-Level Job” beginning Saturday, July 11, 2015.

What is the course format?“Land Your C-Level Job” is a self-paced, self-study course with three live webinars!

You’ll join Human Workplace CEO and Founder Liz Ryan and Human Workplace COO Molly Campbell on three live webinars where Liz and Molly will share job-search techniques and advice!

The three one-hour course webinars will take place from one to two p.m. Mountain time on July 22, August 26th and September 23, 2015. They’ll be recorded!

What do Human Workplace executive coaching clients say?

• “Thank you for completely revitalizing my career and more importantly, reminding me what I bring to the talent market. I wouldn’t have my job without you!” – David, NYC

• “I finally got altitude on my career. Now I would never put up with a recruiter’s abuse or grovel my way through a job interview. My muscles have gotten huge! Thank you for the virtual smack upside the head.” – Alyson, Bay Area

• “Finally a senior-level job search approach that makes sense. I had been looking for 18 months and got my new job three months after I found Human Workplace!” – Arturo, Dubai

How do we know so much about job search and careers?

• Human Workplace CEO and Founder Liz Ryan is a former Fortune 500 HR SVP (U.S. Robotics) and the world’s most widely-read career and workplace advisor.

• Human Workplace COO and Director of Strategy Molly Campbell is a former Wall Street Portfolio Manager and executive search pro.

• Human Workplace launched in 2012 and has rewritten the rulebook from top to bottom for job search, recruiting and HR.

• We are reinventing work for people!

If your C-Level Job Search is stuck in neutral…


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