How To Get Press From Large Media Outlets

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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How To Get Press From Large Media Outlets

Transcript of How To Get Press From Large Media Outlets

How to get press from

large publications

PR is like

Formula 1

You’ll start by

winning carting


Then get

recruited in


Then get

recruited in


And then be the

next Schumacher

Starting from the

bottom now we here







For PR, Same same!

Larger publications gets inspiration from smaller sites.

Plant a seed.

If it gets popular on smaller sites, larger media outlet will come.

Publishers don’t write

about boring stuff…

So most of your press releases are ignored

Instead, talk about a new milestone…

Like “Now trusted by 10,000 customers”!

Or a new partnership…

Or a new product launch…

Avoid complicated stories, be short & straight to the point.

Giveaways can help you to get featured

Your job is to make your story compelling.

To media outlet AND their audience.

PR is not just press releases,

It’s interviews…

Or get featured in

contests, Influencer lists

or Person of the Year

Be creative.

PR is about gaining exposure with

your audience.

Reach out to influencers & reporters

only when you have newsworthy

milestones to share.

Create a buzz by targeting smaller sites.