How to Generate Leads with Social Media

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to Generate Leads with Social Media




Gabriela Taylor

Need half of all Facebook users log in everyday and spend almost half an hour on the site


Here’s how:

Post content on your site with Facebook ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ buttons

Create a ‘Form’ tab on your business’s Facebook page

Create a paid ad on Facebook

Twitter is a social platform where countless users chat and tweet in real time


Here’s how:

Create a landing page on your website that is specifically dedicated to your Twitter fans

Offer a promotion in exchange of contact details

LinkedIn is a social network that caters to professionals and businesses alike


Here’s how:

Build a company profile page

Use LinkedIn groups to your advantage

Respond to discussions in groups or start a new one

The rapidly growing virtual pin boarding site can be a great way to generate leads for your



Here’s how:

Use relevant and informative content with eye-catching images

Add hash-tags to your pins

Discover which images generate better leads and pin similar content to improve lead generation

This is a great platform to share videos related to your business


Here’s how:

Create videos that are of high quality

Remain active on the site and upload videos on a regular basis

Use catchy titles for your videos and add effective CTAs to compel the users to click your link

Google+ is a rapidly climbing the ladder as a leading social media platform

Google Plus

Here’s how:

Target the correct audience

Use visually appealing content accompanied by hash-tags

Set up a schedule, post unique and interesting material with links that connect to your website

As a means of simply sharing interesting articles, Reddit's policy does not allow businesses to

market their products in a direct manner


Here’s how:

Join sub-reddits that are relevant to your business

Find and engage in discussions and conversations that are related to your particular industry

Create a Reddit sponsored ad campaign

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I help entrepreneurs discover and fully live their purpose and business ambitions through powerful one-on-one coaching, consulting and transformational workshops