How to create your first website

Post on 22-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to create your first website

1.Choose a domain name

Choosing a domain name is similar to choosing a company name it requires a lot of thought and consideration. Your domain name is your identity on the Web; you want to make sure you choose a name that not only fits your business, but is also easy to find and promote.

Tips for Choosing the Right Domain Name

1. Make it Easy to Type2. Keep it Short3. Use Keywords4. Target Your Area5. Avoid Numbers and Hyphens6. Be Memorable7. Research It8. Use an Appropriate Domain Name Extension9. Protect and Build Your Brand10. Act Fast

2.Determine what kind of hosting package you will need

Many web hosting companies offer different packages, some of which are free, which will usually fit almost any web hosting needs. Some popular web hosting companies with low-cost starting packages are:••••••

3.Website navigation/ Website content

4.You might also want to use a web template to make it easier for you as well if you don't have time to do it yourself.

5.Design your website

Top Factors to Consider for the Perfect Design for Your Website:•Your audience• The site’s content•The site’s navigability•Your site’s accessibility

The 7 Elements of Modern Web Design

•Unique Typography•Flat Design•Hover Effects•Scroll to Page Sections•Giant Product Images•In-Depth Product Videos•Large, Responsive Images

6. Text/Graphics and Web buttons

You can use these sites to generate banner ads, buttons and everything else you need. You can always use these sites to create advertisement banners for your website.

7.Website design and development tools

There are many sites available for learning how to design and develop websites:•W3Schools Online• tutorials•Entheos••Web Design Tutorials••HTML Help Central Forum

8.Search engine submission

Don't forget try to get it on all the big guys Google, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, and