How do people use water resources

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How do people use water resources

“How do people use water


IntroductionIn this II part I' am going to talk about “How do people use water resources”.In this part you are going to see my prior knowledge, an introduction of water, its uses and also how to conserve water and a glossary.

Prior Knowledge

Water is one of the important

natural resources

Water is finishing in the world.

Do not contaminate


If we don´t have water we can



• Water resources that are so useful or potentially to humans. Uses of water include Agricultural, Industrial, Household, Recreational and Environmental activities.

• 97% is salt water, 3% fresh water. Fresh water is a renewable resource, but fresh water is decreasing.

The Water

• It is estimated 69% of worldwide water is use for irrigation. In some areas of the world irrigation is necessary to grow any crop at all, in other areas it permits more profitable crops to be grown or enhances crop yield.

• Aquaculture is small but growing agricultural use of water.

Watering crops.


• It is estimated 15% of worldwide water use is for household purposes. These include drinking water, bathing, cooking, sanitation and gardening.

Gardening Take a shower


• It is estimated that 15% of worldwide water use is industrial. Major industrial users include power plants, which use water for cooling or as power source. Ore and oil refineries, which use water in chemical process and manufacturing plants, which use water as solvent.


• Explicit environmental water use is a very small but growing percentage of total water use. Environmental water usage includes artificial wetlands, artificial lakes intended to create wildlife habitat.


• Water is the most important resource. On Earth. We need water to grow and stay alive. We could only live for a few days without drinking water. We also need water to grow

plants and crops, and take care of animals etc.

Why do we need water?

My proposals to conserve water PROBLEM SOLUTION

When we are brushing our teeth we live the water open, many time.

When you are brushing your teeth close the water, until you need to clean your teeth and the brush.

We contaminate the water when we throw trash in lakes, oceans etc.

When we are passing through a lake and we have trash in our hands “don´t throw it to the lake” save it until you see a trashcan.

When we are taking a shower, sometimes that shower is too long.

Those times take shorter showers, and close the water when you are taking your soap.

When you are washing your plants, you let the hose open.

Don´t let the hose open .

Try some of these ideas to conserve water:• Turn the water off while you are brushing your teeth

or washing your face.• Check you home and school for leaky faucets, and tell

an adult if you find one that drips.• Take shorter showers, and don´t fill the tube all the

way when you take a bath.• Don´t leave the garden hose on all night when

watering plants.• Make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are

full each time your family does a load.

Some ways to conservewater

All living things need water to survive – people, plants, animals and fish. Water helps us to survive in many ways

Good Use

Do not wash your car With hose.

Let the faucet close

Let the hose close

Take shorter showers.

Save water in containers

When you are brushing your teeth close the faucet.

Water Graphics

How do people use Water

HoldhouseRecreational ActivitiesPersonal use

Wash the carWash dishesWatering plantsWater treatmentWater for the dog

Playing in the water:Fishing Playing ballPlaying in the beachDive

Take a showerDrink water

Water News

 Environmental groups have identified serious water contamination problems caused by coal ash dumps at 31 locations in 14 states, bringing to over 100 the number of U.S. sites where damages from coal ash have been confirmed -- and strengthening the case for the release of delayed federal regulations.

New cases of water pollution documented at U.S. coal ash dumps



All living things need water to survive – people, plants, animals and fish. Water helps us to survive in many ways



It is estimated 69% of worldwide water is use for irrigation. In some areas of the world irrigation is necessary to grow any crop.


It is estimated 15% of worldwide water use is for household purposes.

Recreational water use is usually a very small, but growing percentage of total water use.

It is estimated that 15% of worldwide water use is industrial.


includes artificial wetlands, artificial lakes intended to create wildlife habitat.

Urgent!!!!! Save water!

Is finishing