Post on 09-Dec-2021

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Transcript of HOME LEARNING YEAR 1




The Year 1 and 2 team would like to send our thanks for your support

with your child’s home learning at this time. We would love to hear

from you and welcome your photos to share the work that you have

completed throughout the week – this can be daily or weekly. If you

have any queries you can contact us via email and we will respond

during working hours, as quickly as possible.

The email addresses are listed below:

Year 1 – Year1@LakesPrimary.co.uk

Year 2 – Year2@LakesPrimary.co.uk

We will endeavour to set work that does not need to be printed so

that you can do it on the screen or on separate pieces of paper – any

issues with this, please let us know.

The work packs each week will follow the curriculum that we will be

following in school so that your child will not miss out on any

education during this strange time. We have included lots of

different aspects of the curriculum, including Topic and RE. Joe Wicks

is also starting his PE sessions again on Mondays, Wednesdays and

Fridays if you fancy a bit of challenge – parents can join in as well!

We hope that you manage to have some structure to the day and

you can follow the timetable that we follow in school. We start the

day with Literacy, followed by Maths after a playtime. Afternoon

sessions are made up of the foundation subjects.

It would also be great to see some photos of the exciting things that

you get up to outside of the curriculum, such as going for a family

walk or playing some games together.

Stay safe and we look forward to hearing from you.

KS1 Team




This week in literacy you are going to write instructions for making a frog book mark and you are going to make the book mark yourself. Ask your child what they think a book mark is for? Have a look around your house for some instructions (recipe books, board games, lego) and talk about why we use instructions. Watch this clip about instructions:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zmrt2v4/articles/zmqytrd With your child first of all make the book mark so they know how to make it and then this will help your child to write the instructions. Follow the instructions below to assist your child (tell them what they are doing however do not share them with your child). When you have made your book mark think of a title that you could use and write it ready for the instructions to be added throughout the week.

Practise the spellings that were sent home on Marvellous Me.

Lexia Reading 15/20 minutes daily - logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me. https://www.lexiacore5.com

(If Teacher email is required to first register it is Lakeslexia@home.com)

Daily phonics sessions from Ruth Miskin are available to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9rGoXkmeyU

Phonics games are also available on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for free access with username: jan21 and password: home

They have some good games to help with blending and learning to read tricky words.

Curriculum activities

History – Ask the children if they have heard of a famous person called Florence Nightingale. What do you think she is famous for?

Watch the clip on BBC Bite size: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zns9nrd/articles/znsct39 After watching the clip, either: Draw a picture of Florence Nightingale and tell your adult what you have learnt about her or Write some facts that you have learnt about her.


Recap what addition is (where numbers are combined/put together to see how many there are altogether) and what the addition sign looks like (+). What happens to the answer when numbers are added together? (The answer is always more than the start numbers).

Ask your child to work the answers out to these additions. They could draw circles or crosses to represent the numbers or use objects to help them. Some children may be ready for the next step and be able to put the largest number in their head and count on the other number to find the answer.

Ask your child if they can record an addition for 5 and 3? (e.g. 5+3=8) Would this 3+5 = 8 be an addition for 5 and 3? Discuss. (yes because we can add in any order) Would this? 8=5+3 Yes. Explain that addition is like a seesaw, where both sides of the equals sign have to be the same for it to balance. Watch the video clip adding amounts up to 20, where objects/pictures are shown to help work out the answers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY6b-9RH_Vw

1. 6 + 3 =

2. 8 + 4 =

3. 2 + 5 =

4. 6 + 9 =

5. 9 + 8 =

6. 7 + 0 =

7. 13 + 2 =

8. 10 + 1 =

9. 15 + 4 =

10. 12 + 9 =

Mathletics can be accessed – the logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me.




Explain to your child that there is some instructions to make the frog book mark but Miss Dean is asking you to make some more detailed instructions to make a frog book mark as she knows you can. Today, we are going to write the things that you will need to make your book mark. You need to include bullet points for your list. See below for an example.

• Book mark template

• Glue

• Scissors

• Coloured felt tips Next, you need to write the first 2 instructions for your book mark. Example of the first step to assist:-

1. First, cut carefully around the edge of the green frog template.

Watch this clip to help remind you about numbered steps. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zmrt2v4/articles/zpbmdp3 Your sentences need to be short and sharp. Each numbered step needs to include a time adverbial at the beginning of the sentence such as first, second, next and then etc. If you are unsure on what a time adverbial is have a look at the time adverbial song it is really good and will help you. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=time+adverbial+song+ks1&docid=608001545357885807&mid=5AE34A9FB593FD1D29E85AE34A9FB593FD1D29E8&view=detail&FORM=VIRE You also have to include an imperative verb in your instructions. See below for a reminder.

Practise the spellings that were sent home on Marvellous Me.

Lexia Reading 15/20 minutes daily - logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me. https://www.lexiacore5.com

(If Teacher email is required to first register it is Lakeslexia@home.com)

Daily phonics sessions from Ruth Miskin are available to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9rGoXkmeyU

Phonics games are also available on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for free access with username: jan21 and password: home

They have some good games to help with blending and learning to read tricky words.

Curriculum activities

History – We are going to find out why Florence Nightingale is remembered and how she helped. We are going to look at the changes that Florence Nightingale made to the hospitals during the Crimean War. Read the information (or ask an adult to read it to you).

Complete the task below and discuss your answers with your adult. You could cut and stick the statements into the correct place on the table or circle (or say) before or after for each statement to show what you think.


Today we will be learning about adding a single digit number to a multiple of ten number. Explain what a multiple of 10 is (10, 20, 30, 40 etc) and count in tens to give examples. All multiples of ten have no units, so they end in 0. Watch this clip to show how to use tens and units to represent the numbers and use these to add them together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUaV7gYh92c Model how to record numbers in the additions using tens and units. This can be done by drawing sticks for tens and crosses for units. Go through some examples allowing your child to draw sticks and crosses to represent the numbers and work out the answers.

e.g. 10 + 2 = 12

x x (say one ten and two units as you write it)

70 + 3 = 73

x x x (say 7 tens and 3 units as you write it)

Draw the tens and units to represent these additions.

1. 10 + 4 =

2. 20 + 3 =

3. 30 + 7 =

4. 40 + 2 =

5. 50 + 8 =

6. 60 + 1 =

7. 70 + 5 =

Mathletics can be accessed – the logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me.




Firstly, with your adult can you put the following pictures in sequence for making a jam sandwich telling your adult the instruction sentence for each picture?

Today, you are going to write the next 3 instruction steps for making your book mark. Remembering everything that you need to include such as numbered steps, imperative verbs and time adverbials.

Practise the spellings that were sent home on Marvellous Me.

Lexia Reading 15/20 minutes daily - logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me. https://www.lexiacore5.com

(If Teacher email is required to first register it is Lakeslexia@home.com)

Daily phonics sessions from Ruth Miskin are available to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9rGoXkmeyU

Phonics games are also available on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for free access with username: jan21 and password: home

They have some good games to help with blending and learning to read tricky words.

Curriculum activities

Computing – Explain to your child that they will be learning about computer technology by finding out what the main parts of a computer are and using a computer. (If you do not have a computer or laptop at home show them how to do this on the device you have – we will recap this when we are all back in school)

Look at this picture. Ask learners if they can identify the specified parts, including the mouse, keyboard, screen, and desktop part. Explain the function of each part: ● The screen displays what the computer is doing ● The mouse/trackpad lets you select or move objects ● The keyboard lets you type letters and numbers

Model to your child how to switch on a computer and log into it. Once logged on, show your child how to open a browser and navigate to ncce.io/drag Explain to them that they will find a series of jigsaw puzzles and need to click and drag the puzzle pieces to complete the picture. Explain that each level is slightly more challenging than the last and lets them practise the skill of dragging and dropping. Demonstrate to your child how to hold the mouse, including the location of their fingers on the buttons. Show your child how to click and drag items on the screen: whilst the mouse pointer is over a jigsaw piece, hold down the left mouse button, and then move the pointer to the desired location and finally release the left button. Note: If children are using a trackpad on a laptop, suggest to them to use two hands: one for holding down the button and another for the finger to slide across the trackpad. They do not need to complete all jigsaw puzzle levels, just do it until your child is confident using the mouse. Once the activity is complete, model the log-off/shutdown process.


Write multiples of 10 (up to 90) onto different pieces of paper and ask your child to read them. Can they say them in order (counting in tens)? Mix them up then ask your child to put them in order from the smallest to the largest. Mix them up again and turn them face down (so you cannot see the numbers).

Ask your child to take one card from the pile, (e.g. 40) then choose one single digit number from this picture (e.g. 5) and write it as an addition. (e.g. 40 + 5 =) Then work out the answer. (e.g. 40 + 5 = 45) Model this with putting the multiple of 10 in your head and the single digit number on your fingers. Count on from the multiple of 10 putting down your fingers. Show that the addition can be written in any order e.g. 40 + 5 or 5 + 40. Remind them that it does not matter how it is

written they would still put the largest number in their head and count on the amount on the smallest number. Do a few of these with your child, until they get the hang of it, selecting different numbers from the piles, getting them to record them as addition sentences and work out the answer.

Mathletics can be accessed – the logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me.




To start with please complete the following activity.

Complete your next instruction steps for your book mark and also write a top tip for Miss Dean who is going to be following your instructions.

Practise the spellings that were sent home on Marvellous Me.

Lexia Reading 15/20 minutes daily - logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me. https://www.lexiacore5.com

(If Teacher email is required to first register it is Lakeslexia@home.com)

Daily phonics sessions from Ruth Miskin are available to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9rGoXkmeyU

Phonics games are also available on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for free access with username: jan21 and password: home

They have some good games to help with blending and learning to read tricky words.

Curriculum activities

RE – To recognise the Torah as a Holy book for Jews. To understand that the Torah teaches Jews how God wants them to live. Show the children a Torah.

Explain that it is the Jewish Holy text, like the Bible is the Holy book for Christians. It is treated with great care and respect and is kept high up to show how important it is. Explain that this is a special scroll containing the stories and beliefs of the Jewish faith. Give the children some paper so they can make their own ‘scroll’, list on their scroll the things that are important, things that make them ‘good people’ and how they should live their life such as ‘being caring, loving, listening’ etc. Carefully roll their scroll and tie with ribbon if you have any. How do they feel about their special scroll? Imagine if it had hundreds of special stories and ideas about how to lead a good life, like the Torah does.


Today we are going to be solving one step problems that involve addition, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 17= ? + 7.

What would the answer be? How many more do you add to 2 to get 7? You could get 7 objects, then put 2 of them into one pile. How

many are in the pile left? 7 = 2 + [ ]

Try this one…

10 = 5 + [ ]

Can you work out how many he scored after half time? (Remember you could use objects to help you)

How many more buns does she need to buy?

Mathletics can be accessed – the logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me.




Practise the spellings that were sent home on Marvellous Me.

Lexia Reading 15/20 minutes daily - logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me. https://www.lexiacore5.com

(If Teacher email is required to first register it is Lakeslexia@home.com)

Daily phonics sessions from Ruth Miskin are available to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9rGoXkmeyU

Phonics games are also available on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for free access with username: jan21 and password: home

They have some good games to help with blending and learning to read tricky words.

Curriculum activities

PSHE – Watch the R rule video https://www.childnet.com/resources/video-lessons/the-r-rule and choose a follow on activity.

PE – Follow the link below to access many different videos related to KS1 dance. Try Winter Wonderland and any others that you would like to try. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/dance-ks1-lets-move-home/zmvcpg8 Really think about controlling the movements of your body as you complete the different dance moves.


Can you solve these using what you have learnt about addition this week? Remember you can use objects, draw pictures or put the largest number in your head and count on

to find the answers.

40 + 7 = ______

70 + 9 = ______

Mathletics can be accessed – the logins have been sent home via Marvellous Me.