Haiti - Camp-in-a-Box

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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A thank you to the sponsors of my recent Mission Trip to Haiti

Transcript of Haiti - Camp-in-a-Box

- - -Camp In A Box 2010Haiti Mis s ion

40 ….people with one mis s ion

, , Rebuild Res toreRevive

…“ then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls 58:12and res torer of homes ” Is aiah

The Road from the Airport to the orphanage

Tent cities meant to be temporary are becoming permanent ….

The Maison de Lumiere (House of Light) Orphanage runs a feeding program for those who live around them…..

Worship in Creole at the Boy’s Home….

Adriano - now in America with foster family getting life saving heart surgery – he is 6 months old and under 8 lbs.

Port au Prince Fellowship….A church like no other!

Setting off for “Le Montcel” and camp…

The beauty of the mountain was an unexpected gift…..

Rain Starting – “The Cage” had no 4-Wheel Drive and we encountered Steep Hills and large potholes, narrow roads and passing “Tap-Tap’s”….. Then the truck starts to tilt towards the cliff and we decided to walk….

Fog and Darkness set in and then….Pouring , Freezing Rain!

Freezing Cold, Wet – We Arrived at Top of Mountain!

Daylight brings a new view…

Most of the Team comes together – makes a new game plan while some are going to pickup the kids….

before the rains start again!

Kids Arrive!

Let the Activities….

and Games Begin…..

Go Blue

Go Yellow

Go Green

Go Red

Photo-Scavenger HuntTwo of Our Challenges:Spell Out Your Team Name…..Strike your favorite dance move!

We learned that good sportsmanship was better than winning!It was a tie with ALL TEAMS BEING THE WINNERS!

A Salute to All the Winners

Camp-in-a-Box 2010

Fellowship, Worship & Testimony…

….all took place here!

Awards and Silliness went on before we started each Worship Service

Some received awards even though not quiet awake!

Awesome night of testimonies and even the staff of Le Montcel came forward to hear God’s Word.

Following Morning Worship each Day were our “Break-Out” Sessions….

Three Times a Day We Hiked to the Restaurant for Our Meals…Up and Down Stone Moss Covered Steps

….And views to reward you after the Hike!

A little music & dancing before your meals…

Me and the Girls – Oline, Katrina & Frankie

Bring it on! ……Haiti’s Got Talent Night…

Dancin’ Dip n Dots!

Hip Hop Dancers

& Talented Singers

We are the world brought out the

little ones to “strut their stuff”

cRaZy Skits


A Bonfire….complete with roasted marshmallows…courtesy of Le Montcel!

A fond farewell to Le Montcel the kids are heading back to Port au Prince and we will follow….One last group picture

Kids leave in the “Cage” Truck

We leave in three groups – one walking – two in the back of trucks

Passing can be interesting on a mountain road…..

We encounter a woman in labor being carried on the road….

We unload the truck and load her, her cousin, brother and two old men who have delivered babies

We take off to find a hospital

All women who have had children, those who speak Creole are in the truck and off we go!

We get her there & pay for her delivery – it will be hours yet, we wish we could have waited…

On the road again – nothing like standing up in a truck going downhill at a fast clip passing within inches of other vehicles….

Woo hoo!

Back at the Orphanage…. and 115 degree temps!

Our last night – pizza, iced cold soda and soccer!

We leave today….one is already on her way to emergency surgery in Miami…. We sign t-shirts and say tearful goodbyes…

The walk to the Ravine shows homes that were devastated by January’s earthquake….left “as is”

We visit the Ravine Church….now just a tent in the middle of tent city….but God’s light shines here.

…thank you to my church family for your support and prayers that allowed me to make this journey…

Farewell Haiti…..till we meet again…

Who will join me next year?

Camp-in-a-Box 2011 – BE THERE!
