Gynecomastia (Man Boobs) Before and After Photos

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Although rarely discussed, enlarged male breasts is a common condition. Gynecomastia affects approximately 40 to 60 percent of men. There is no known cause for gynecomastia, although there has been some correlation with various drugs or medical conditions. Men who feel self-conscious about their appearance are helped with breast-reduction surgery. The procedure removes fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts and, in extreme cases, removes excess skin, resulting in a contoured chest that is flatter and firmer. For men, common procedures include liposuction under the chin and around the waist and the reduction of enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of men opting for plastic surgeries. Several factors seem to be contributing to this growing interest in aesthetic enhancement. Confidence: Technological advances have made it possible for plastic surgeons to create completely natural looking results with relative ease. The use of lasers and advanced techniques are decreasing both procedure time and healing time. The growing numbers of both men and women choosing to undergo cosmetic procedures reflects a high level of confidence in surgeons and doctors. Career moves: Perhaps more than ever before, an individual's professional success can depend on his/her outward appearance. Older men frequently choose plastic surgery in order to maintain a healthy, vigorous look. A Boost: Men are realizing that feeling good about oneself can improve self-confidence. As cosmetic surgery is becoming more widely accepted, men are choosing both minor and major procedures in order to enhance their looks and boost their body image.

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