GUI Applications Using Tkinter...Graphical User Interface type application . • It contains various...

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Transcript of GUI Applications Using Tkinter...Graphical User Interface type application . • It contains various...

Our Target to learn . . . .

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• In this session we will learn the basics of the


• We will learn about the widgets of tkinter.

• We will learn the coding system of widgets.

• We will learn the properties of different

widgets of tkinter which are usefull in making

our project.

• We will make a GUI application using tkinter

and database connectivity.

Introduction to Tkinter

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• Tkinter is a kind of python interface to develop

Graphical User Interface type application .

• It contains various tools to create such types of


• Tkinter is the standard GUI Library for Python.

• When we use Python and Tkinter to develop GUI

applications it makes the task very easy.

• Tkinter provides a powerful object-oriented interface

to the Tk GUI Kit.


Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• To use Tkinter we have to do following steps –

1. Import tkinter module

2. Create the GUI application main window.

3. Add two or more widgets(controls) to the GUI application.

4. Enter the main event loop to take action against each

event triggered by the user. eg.

This window will be appeared after the execution of

above code.

This will be the main window’s


Tkinter Widgets

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• Button

• Canvas

• Checkbutton

• Entry

• Frame

• Label

• Listbox

• Menubutton

• Menu

• Message

• Radiobutton

• Scale

• Scrollbar

• Text

• Toplevel

• Spinbox

• PanedWindow

• LabelFrame

• tkMessageBox

Standard Attributes

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• There are some common attributes of all the

widgets. They are -

• Dimensions

• Colors

• Fonts

• Anchors

• Relief styles

• Bitmaps

• Cursors

Geometry Management

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• All Tkinter widgets have access to specific

geometry management methods, which organizes

the widgets throughout the parent widget area. For

this purpose it provides following manager classes –

• The pack ( ) method : it manages the widgets in blocks.

• The grid ( ) method : it manages the widgets in table like


• The place ( ) method : it manages the widgets in in a

specific position in the parent widget.

Tkinter Button

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• This widget is used to add buttons ina Python

application. Its syntax is -

w = Button (top, option = value . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the button

properties like activebackground, activeforeground, bd,

bg, command, font, height, highlinghcolor, image,

justify, padx, pady, relief, width, etc. . . .

Some commonly used methods for this widget are –

flash( ) and invoke( )

Tkinter Button

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Here we created a button object and make it visible in frame using pack ( ).

We called the function here which is to be executed after clicking on the button.

messagebox code.

Tkinter Label

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• This widget is used to display the text or images.

Here the text may be updated at any time you want.

w = Label(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

anchor,bg, bitmap, bd, cursor, font, fg, height, image,

justify, padx, pady, text, textvariable, underline, width,

wraplength, etc. . . .

Tkinter Label

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Here we created a Label object and make it visible in frame using pack ( ).

Tkinter Frame

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• This widget is very important for the process of

grouping and organizing other widgets. It is like a


w = Frame(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, bd, cursor, height, highlightbackground,

highlightcolor, highlightthikness, relief, width etc. . . .

Tkinter Frame

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Here three buttons are in same frame while one button “black” is in another frame

Tkinter Entry

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• It is used to input a single line text entry from the

user. The general syntax is -

w = Entry(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, bd, cursor, command, font, exportselection, fg,

highlightcolor, justify, relief, selectbackground,

selectborderwidth, show state, taxtvariable, width,

xscrollcommand, etc. . . .

Methods : delete( ), get(), icursor( ), index( ), insert( ),

etc. . . . .

Tkinter Entry

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Canvas

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• It is used to draw pictures and other complex layout

like graphics, text, widgets etc. The general syntax

is -

w = Canvas(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, bd, cursor, highlightcolor, width, height, etc. . . .

Methods : delete( ), get(), icursor( ), index( ), insert( ),

etc. . . . .

It also supports arc, line, image, oval, polygon

Tkinter Canvas

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Checkbutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• It is used to display number of options to a user as

toggle buttons, from which user can select one or

more options. The general syntax is -

w = Checkbutton(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, activebackground, activeforeground, bitmap, bd,

command cursor, disabledforeground, font, fg, etc. . . .

Methods : deselect( ), flash(), invoke( ), select( ),

toggle( ), etc. . . . .

Tkinter Checkbutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Listbox

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• The Listbox widget is used to display a list of items

from which a user can select a number of items.

The general syntax is -

w = Listbox(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, bd, cursor, font, fg, height, selectmode, etc. . . .

Methods : active( ), curselection(), delete( ), get( ),

index( ), insert( ), nearest( ), see( ), size( ), etc. . . . .

Tkinter Listbox

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Menubutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• A menubutton is the part of a drop-down menu that

stays on the screen all the time. Every menubutton

is associated with a Menu widget that can display

the choices for that menubutton when the user

clicks on it. The general syntax is -

w = Menubutton(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like

bg, anchorbd, bitmap, cursor, direction, fg, height,

image, justifymenu, padx, pady, text, textvariable, etc.

. . .

Tkinter Menubutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Menu

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• The goal of this widget is to allow us to create all kinds of menus that can

be used by our applications. The core functionality provides ways to

create three menu types: pop-up, toplevel and pull-down.

• It is also possible to use other extended widgets to implement new types

of menus, such as the OptionMenu widget, which implements a special

type that generates a pop-up list of items within a selection

• . The general syntax is -

w = Menu (top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like bg, anchorbd, bitmap,

cursor, direction, fg, height, image, justifymenu, padx, pady, text, textvariable,

etc. . . methods– add_command( ), add_radiobutton( ), add_checkbutton( ),

add_cascade( ), add_separator( ), add( ), delete( ), entryconfig( ), index( ),

invoke( ), type( ),

Tkinter Menu

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Radiobutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• This widget implements a multiple-choice button, which is a way to

offer many possible selections to the user and lets user choose

only one of them.

• In order to implement this functionality, each group of radiobuttons

must be associated to the same variable and each one of the

buttons must symbolize a single value. You can use the Tab key to

switch from one radionbutton to another

• . The general syntax is -

w = Radiobutton(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties.

Tkinter Radiobutton

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Text

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• Text widgets provide advanced capabilities that allow you to edit a

multiline text and format the way it has to be displayed, such as

changing its color and font.

• . The general syntax is -

w = Text(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like bg, bd, cursor,

exportselection, font, fg, height, highlightcolor, padx, pady, relief,

selectbackground, tabs, state, spacing1, width, wrap,

xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand etc….

Methods – delete( ) , get( ), insert( ) , see( ), index( ) etc . . . .

Tkinter Text

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Tkinter Spinbox

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

• The Spinbox widget is a variant of the standard Tkinter Entry

widget, which can be used to select from a fixed number of values.

• . The general syntax is -

w = Spinbox(top, option, . . . . . )

Here arguments –

top – is the parent widget.

option – has many attributes to set the properties like bg, bd, cursor,

command, fg, font, format, justify, state, from, to, validate, wrap


Methods – delete( ) , get( ), insert( ) , identify( ), index( ), invoke( )

etc . . . .

Tkinter Spinbox

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

Student Entry Form

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

We will make an entry form using tkinter. And the data entered into that form will be saved in the following table in MySQL. (initially the table is empty.)

Form will be like this.

Code (File Name

Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki


Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki


Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki


Sanjeev Bhadauria, PGT CS, KV Barabanki

When you click SUBMIT Button the data entered in the text fields will be saved to database which can be viewed using MySQL.

We can verify MySQL whether the data is enterd or not.

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