Growth Hacking Twitter

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Growth Hacking Twitter

Growth Hacking TwitterBy Zoe Summers

Have An Image With Your Next Tweet

Tweets with a link and a photo have 141% more retweets and 165% more likes

Tag People

Tagging up to 10 people in a photo makes sharing and favoring more likely

Share Quotes

Sharing quotes on Twitter makes people more likely to Retweet them

Optimize For Mobile

80% of Twitter users Access it through their mobile devices

In Fact, mobile users are more likely to be on Twitter several times a day

They are also 44% more likely to click links

Read this: 9 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Posts for Mobile

Learn From The Best

Learn from @NatGeo that rich content is everything!

Reach out to related influencers to form beneficial partnerships, like @NASA

More influencers

Schedule Your Posts

Set up your Twitter to enable Scheduler, that it’s ideal if you have just one account to manage.

Or use powerful automation tools like Mass Planner that you can use for more Twitter accounts in just one setting.

Discover Twitter Lists In Your Niche

Use Twitter lists to be on top of what’s happening within your industry

To get ideas for new products or services

To find potential customers

Read this: How to Find The Best Twitter Lists in Your Niche

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