Green My School Contest

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Green My School Contest



5 Steps to Entering the “Green My School” Contest: 1) Provide School Information

2) Fill out the Green School Checklist

3) Package Your Best Green Ideas

4) Sign the Agreement

5) Submit Complete Entries to:

EcoMedia LLCAttn: Green My School

41 East 11th Street, 11th FloorNew York, NY 10003


Upload Entry Form



1) School Information:



Phone: Fax:

Grade Levels: Number of Students:

Teacher Sponsor:

Phone: E-mail:

Age of School: Square Footage of Grounds:

Number of Buildings: Square Footage of Buildings:



2) Green School Checklist:Name of School:

Teacher Sponsor:

Please check each environmental program, initiative, club or facility that currently exists

in your school, if any, and ellaborate where necessary:

Recycling Program

Operable Windows

Sensor/Low Flow Appliances

Vegetated Green Roof

Bicycle Racks

Environmental Club

Energy Management

Energy Conservation

Biodegradable or recyclable cafeteria trays/utensils

Sustainable Purchasing Policy

Integrated Pest Management

Stormwater Management

Non-Toxic Indoor Finishes

Sustainable Cleaning Products/Materials

Daylight/Views for all Classrooms


2) Green School Checklist (Continued):

Environmental Curriculum

Carpool Parking/Lanes

Wind Energy

Solar Energy

Community Use of Facilities

Green Cleaning Policy

Water Efficient Landscaping

School Garden

Natural Shading (Trees)

Recycled School Supplies

Sustainable Cleaning Equipment

What is the biggest environmental challenge at your school?






3) Best Green Ideas: Upload your presentation, creative writing, video, (no more than 10 minutes) pictures, sketchbooks, artwork, or music (no more than 5 minutes), all of which must be original, to let us know • Whatitmeanstobegreen. • Anystepsyourschool hastakentobemoregreen. • Howyourschoolcanbe more green? • Whyyourschoolshould winagreenmakeover. The winning entries will be seen on TV and online andheardontheradio. to get started!



4) Agreement I have read, understood, accepted, and agree to be bound by the official contest rules.

I agree to abide by decisions of the judging committee and EcoMedia, and understand that the

results of the committee are final.

I agree that all entries will become the property of EcoMedia and that none will be returned.

I realize that all contest entry forms must be post marked by December 12, 2008.

Please print name, sign, date, and provide the relevant contact information:

Teacher Sponsor: Signature:

Date: E-Mail: Phone:

Principal: Signature:

Date: E-Mail: Phone:

Facilities Manager: Signature:

Date: E-Mail: Phone:

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Submit to:

EcoMedia LLCAttn: Green My School

41 East 11th Street, 11th FloorNew York, NY 10003


Upload Entry Form