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FOR THE YEAR - 2007-08

Compiled by


Office of the




The “Annual Administration Report” is being released every year. The

report gives a broader view on the forest scenario in various Forest Circles

and Head Office of Andhra Pradesh. It covers mainly about Forest

Department Organization, Forest Research, Social Forestry, Wild Life

Management, Zoological Parks, Forest Development Agency programmes

etc. Besides the information relates to the revenue and expenditure of forests

and also many multifarious activities taken up by the Forest Department.

The present ‘Annual Administration Report 2007-2008’ consists of two

parts narrative and statements which cover many facets of Forest

Department. This information is useful for policy makers, researchers, tourism

and nature lovers/NGOs, economic practioners within and out side State


The Statistical Cell, the compilation unit of FUO has endeavoured

earnestly to compile and prepare this report. The timely and prompt

cooperation extended by all the staff of concerned department, is well

acknowledged with gratitude towards their devoted duty.

Any constructive suggestions to improve the contents and presentation

of this report will be highly appreciated to provide better material in future too.

I hope this report will win everybody’s approval.

Date: 22-03-2011

Place: Hyderabad

Statement showing the First Part of Annual Administration Report for the Year 2007-08

Narration Part

Sl. No. Chapter Page Nos.

1 Andhra Pradesh at a Glance 1-3

2 Forest Department Administration as on 08-10-2008 4-11

3 Growing Stock Forest Out Turn 12-14

4 Management of State Forests 15

5 Plan and Non-Plan Schemes for the year 2007-08 16-41

6 Government Saw Mills, Depots of Marketing 42-43

7 Forest Based Industries 44-48

8 State Trading Circle in Beedi Leaf during the year 2007-08 49-52

9 Forest Research and Development 53-59

10 Activities of Geomatic Centre Project 60-67

11 Social Forestry 68-69

12 A.P. Forest Academy, Dulapally 70-76

13 Other Aspects of Forestry 77-78

14 Soil and Moisture Conservation 79

15 Wildlife Conservation in A.P. 80-89

16 Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 90-95

( I )

Statement showing the Second Part of Annual Administration Report for the Year 2007-08

Statement Part

Return No.

Return Particulars Page Nos.

1 Area of the Reserved Forests Reserved Land and Unnotified Forests 96

2 Boundaries of Reserved Forests 97

3 Out Turn of Timber from Coupes (Units) by The Contractors Agency 98

4a Out Turn of Timber from Coupes (Units) in Departmental Agency 99

4b Out Turn of Bamboo from Coupes (Units) by The Departmental Agency


5 Out Turn of Major and Minor Forest Produce 101-102

6 Out Turn from Plantation and Thinnings 103

7 Free grants 104

8 Animals Allowed for Grazing Total Revenue Realized Etc., 105

9 Fire and the Extent of Area Burnt 106

10 Offences Detected and Disposed Off 107

11 Forest Offences Involving Vehicles Booked and Disposed Off 108

12 Goat Browsing Cases Booked and Disposed Off 109

13 Assault Cases (Including Murders) Received and Disposed Off 110

14 The Annual Cut as per Working Plan and Actual Annual Cut 111

15 Statement of Plantations Raised and Expenditure Species Wise Under Annual Plan


16 Area Brought Under Plantations (Species Wise) 120-128

17 Roads 129

18 Buildings Under Forest Department 130

19 Vehicles , Arms and Ammunition Under Forests Department 131

20 Expenditure (Audited Actuals) 132

21 Forest Revenue 133

22 Statement Showing the Species Wise Sale Results 134-145

( ii )



Andhra Pradesh is the fifth largest State in Geographical area and the third largest State in Forest area in the Indian Union. The total Forest area of the State is 63813.73 Square Kilometers which occupies 23.20% of the total Geographical area of 2,75,068 Sq.Kms. It is almost equal to the country's average percentage of forests.

The forests of the Andhra Pradesh State are distributed in different agro-climatic

zones, with varying composition and forest types, majority of which are classified as (1)

Tropical dry deciduous (2) Southern tropical Moist deciduous and (3) Southern tropical thorn

forests. Most of the forest area was highly degraded owing to biotic pressure and over use

of forest resources. Since last one decade most of the degraded areas have been reclubbed

with the implementation of Community forest management programme through more than

7100 Vana Samrakshana Samithis.

The statement showing the particulars of Geographical area, Forest area and

percentages is furnished below:

Sl. No.

Name of the Region

Geographical Area

(Sq. Kms)

Forest Area (Sq. Kms)

% of Forest Area to the

State Forest Area

% of Forest Area to the

Geographical Area

1 Coastal Andhra 92,906 19,563.25 30.66 21.06

2 Rayalaseema 67,299 15,008.40 23.52 22.30

3 Telangana 1,14,863 29,242.08 45.82 25.46

Total 2,75,068 63,813.73 100.00 23.20


Sl.No. Particulars Forest Area (Sq.Kms.)


1. Legal Status

a) Reserved

b) Protected

c) Un-Notified







Total: 63813.73 100.00


3. COMPOSITION: (Non-Coniferous)

a) Sal

b) Teak

c) Others







Total: 63813.73 100.00


a) Protected Forests

b) Production Forests





Total: 63813.73 100.00


Sl.No. Particulars Forest Area (Sq.Kms.)



a) 6A/C1 Southern Tropical Thorn Forests 16,110 25.30

b) 3B/C2 Southern Tropical Moist Deciduous

Forests 25.20

c) 5A/C1 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests 44.50

d) 4A/L1 Littoral Forests 2,856 4.50

e) 4B/TS2 Tidal Swamp Mangrove Forests 317



28,431 2,856 317



44.55 4.48 0.50

Total: 63,814 100.00

6) Forest Area By Topography

The Statement showing the Forest by Topography of the catchement where pre-investment survey of the forests Resources was done is furnished below.

Sl. No.


Plain Hill area Total

Area in

Sq.m. Percentage

Area in



Area in Sq.m.


1 a) East Godavari 1086 16.59 5462 83.41 6548 100

b) Shifting Cultivation

140 23.14 465 76.86 605 100

2 Nallamalai 1982 38.40 3179 61.60 5161 100

3 Mahaboobnagar 1082 55.77 858 44.23 1940 100

4 Kothagudem 3560 76.76 1078 23.24 4638 100

5 Adilabad 3164 49.91 3176 50.09 6340 100

6 Warangal 2572 43.29 3370 56.71 5942 100

Total: 13586 43.58 17588 56.42 31174 100

7 The Area where no pre investiment survey was done

-- -- -- -- 32640 100

Grand Total 13586 17588 63814 100

7. Comparison of Forest cover and assessment of Andhra Pradesh for 2003 and 2005 (in Sq.Kms.)

2003 Assessment 2005 Assessment Net Difference Dense Open Total Dense Open Total

24379 20040 44419 24329 20043 44372

- 47 Sq.Kms

Source: State of Forest Report - 2005 by Forest Survey of India, Dehradun.



As per State of Forest Report 2005, The Mangrove Forests in Andhra Pradesh are

(in Sq. Kms)

Dense Open Total

15 314 329


As per State of Forest Report 2001. The areas under these categories are as follows

(in Sq. Kms)

Wet Lands & Water Bodies River & River Beds

2950 817


As per State of Forest Report 2005. There is 7,640 Sq.Kms of tree cover outside

the Forest Lands in Andhra Pradesh, which is 2.78% of the state‟s geographic area and as

per FSR 2003, 5.94% of Culturable Non Forest Area (CNFA) and also it is highest in the





The Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests of Forests is the Executive Had of the

Forest Department. the Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (WL) & Chief Wildlife

Warden is assisting the Head of Forests (2), Addl. Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests

(10), Chief Conservator of Forests (12), Conservator of Forests (11) and other staff

will also assist him, at the Head Office level.

At the field level, the State Forest area is divided into Circles, Divisions Forest

Ranges, Forest Sections and Forest Beats manned by Conservator of Forests,

Divisional Forest Officers, Forest Range Officers respectively. The total strength of

the staff of the Forest Department is 9986, comprising 6118 Executive and 3868

Non-Executive staff including Officers


STAFF IN THE FOREST DEPARTMENT (As per G.O.Ms.No.297, Dt. 08.10.2008)

Sl.No. Category No. of Posts

1 Principal Chief-conservator of Forests 2

2 Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests 4

3 Chief Conservator of Forests 13

4 Conservator of Forests 23

5 Deputy Conservator of Forests (IFS Cadre) 42

6 Dy. Conservator of Forests (Non Cadre) 20

7 P.S. to Prl.Chief Conservator of Forests 1

8 Asst. Conservators of Forests 140

9 Lecturers 5

10 Deputy Director (AH) 1

11 Asst. Director (AH) 1

12 Veterinary Asst. Surgeon 1

13 Junior Veterinary Officers 2

14 Asst. Engineers 2

15 Veterinary Assistant 2

16 Physical Training Instructors 2

17 Chief Accounts Officer 1

18 Gazetted Assisted (NT) 1

19 Computer Programmers 2

20 Head Draftsmen 1

21 Telephone Operators 2

22 SC Category 1

23 Draughtsman Grade II 69

24 Bungalow Watchers 99

25 Gardener 1


Sl.No. Category No. of Posts

26 Tanadars 47

27 Depo Watchers 12

28 Malies/Malans 12

29 Junior Assistant Cum Typist 13

30 Steno / Typist 1

31 Jamedars 9

32 Silt Kalasi 4

33 Rest House Watcher 0

34 Treasury Guard 1

35 Record Assistant 5

36 Booking Clerks 6

37 Parks Supervisor 1

38 Garden Supervisor 2

39 Electrician 1

40 Head Animal Keeper 2

41 Head Malies 6

42 Carpenters 2

43 Fitter / Mechanics 3

44 Mason 3

45 Helper 5

46 Deputy Statistical Officers 3

47 Animal Attendant 1

48 Plumber 1

49 Lion Keeper 1

50 Live Stock Assistant 1

51 Veterinary Officer 1

52 Gate Keeper 4

53 Plantation Watcher 2

54 Care Taker 1

55 Research Assistant 3

56 Blacksmith 2

57 Senior Mechanic 1

58 Tram Driver 1

59 Traffic Controller 1

60 Laborer 77

61 Swimming Pool Supervisor 1

62 Painter 0

63 Artist cum Care Taker 1

64 Pool Workers 4

65 Store Keeper 1


Sl.No. Category No. of Posts

66 Roneo Operator 1

67 Pump Operator 3

68 Dafedar 1

69 Asst. Librarian 1

70 Live Stock Inspector 1

71 Research Tech.Asst. (Lab) 1

72 Research Field Assistant 2

73 D.F.O. 1

74 Curator 1

75 Asst. Curator 1

76 Accounts Officer 18

77 Gazetted Assisted (Tech.) 1

78 Asst. Director (Ag.) 1

80 Asst. Engineer (SC) 1

81 Sub. Assistant Gr.I 3

82 Sub. Assistant Gr.II 6

83 Manager 16

84 Superintendents 157

85 Forest Range Officer 426

86 Dy.Range Officers 391

87 Foresters 1298

88 F.B.Os 2916

89 A.B.Os 1458

90 D.M.Gr.-I 70

91 Sr.Assistants 492

92 Sr. Accountants 1

93 Jr. Assistants 570

94 Sr.Stenos 6

95 Typists 107

96 Tracers 1

97 L.D.Stenos 22

98 Park Supervisor 1

99 Zoo Sergeant 2

100 Wireless Operators 3

101 Chairman 3

102 Tech.Assistant 2

103 Scavenger 2

104 Drivers 210

105 Driver (HV) 17


Sl.No. Category No. of Posts

106 Cleaners 11

107 Sweeper 5

108 Watcher cum Work 13

109 Projectionist 2

110 Zoo Attendants 10

111 Office Subordinates 701

112 Mahavats 0

113 Launch Helpers 3

114 Office Watcher 77

115 Night Watchman 21

116 Animal Keeper 74

117 Boat Sarang 7

118 Boat Driver 1

119 Watchman 25

120 Workers 8

121 Cook 6

122 Barbar 1

123 Dobhi 2

124 Water Women 1

125 Artist/Photographer 1

126 Mali cum Watchman 3

127 Deer Park Watcher 1



AS ON 31-3-2008



Name of the



Sub Divisions Territorial Functional




1. Adilabad

2. Nirmal

3. Jannaram

4. Mancherial

5. Bellampalli

6. Kagaznagar

1. Mancherial (F.S.)

2. Nirmal (L.D.)

3. Nirmal (F.S.)

1. Luxettipet 2. Mancherial 3. Khanapur 4. Utnoor 5. Echoda 6. Bellampalli 7. Khagaznagar

2. Ananthapur 1. Ananthapur

2. Chittoor (W)

1. F.S.Chittoor (Peleru)

1. Penukonda 2. Madanapalli 3. Palamaneru




Name of the



Sub Divisions Territorial Functional

3. Guntur 1. Giddalur 1. Giddalur (Logging) 1.D.Y.C.F. Nellore (T.G.P.)

2. Guntur 2. Guntur (F.S.) 2. Gudur

3. Nellore

4. Nellore (TGP)

1. Giddalur (L.D.) 1.D.Y.C.F. Nellore (T.G.P.)

2. Guntur (F.S.)

1. Nellore 2. Kavali 3. Ongole (H.Q.) Giddalur 4. Macharla

4. Hyderabad 1. Hyderabad

2. Mahaboobnagar

3. Nalgonda

1.Hyderabad (F.S.) 1. Hyderabad

2. Vikarabad

3. Mahaboobnagar

5. Khammam 1. Khammam 2.Bhadrachalam(N) 3.Bhadrachalam (S) 4. Kothagudem 5. Paloncha

1.Bhadrachalam (L.D.) 2.Paloncha (WLM) 3.Khammam (F.S.)

1. Bhadrachalam 2. Kunavaram 3. Sathupalli 4. Yellandu 5. Manuguru

6. Warangal 1. Warangal (S)

2. Warangal (N)

3. Karimnagar (W)

4. Karimnagar (E)

1. Warangal (WLM) 1. Narsampet 2. ACF Warangal (Gis) 2. Mahbubabad 3. Warangal (F.S.) 3. Mulugu 4. Karimnagar (F.S.)

1.Narsampet 2.Mahbubabad 3.Mulugu 4.Jagityal (WL) 5.Mahadevapur 6.Manthani 7.Eturunagaram (W.L.)

7. Kurnool 1. Nandyal (W.L.)

2. Kurnool

3. Kadapa

4. Proddatur (W.L.)

1.Nandyal (L.D.) 2.Kurnool (F.S.) 3. Kadapa (F.S.) (R.S.)

1. Rudravaram 2. Kadapa 3. Badvel 4. Dhone

8. Nizamabad 1. Nizamabad

2. Kamareddy

3. Medak

1.Nizambad (F.S.)

2.Medak (WL)

1. Banswada 2. Nizamabad 3. Zeheerabad 4. Yella Reddy 5. Siddipata

9. Rajamundry 1. Eluru

2. Kakinada

3. Vijayawada

1. Rajamundry (L.D.) 2. Jaggareddygudem (L.D.) 3. Rajamundry (F.S.)

1. Yeleswaram 2. Koyyalagudem 3. Rampachodavaram

10. Visakhapatnam 1. Visakhapatnam 2. Narsipatnam 3. Srikakulam 4. Vijayanagaram 5. Paderu

1. Visakhaptnam 2. IGZP, Visakhapatnam

1. Visakhapatnam 2. Parvathipuram 3. Chintapalli 4. Araku 5. Narsipatnam 6. Tekkali




Name of the


Divisions Sub Divisions

Territorial Functional

11. Sreesailam (W.L.) 1. Markapur, WL 2. Achampet, WL 3. Atmakur, WL 4. Nagarjunsagar (WL)

1. Atmakur (F.S.) 2. ACF, Bio-Diversity

1. Sreesailam 2. Dornal 3. Munnanur 4. Kallapur

12. Tirupati (W.L.) 1.Chittoor (East)

2. Rajampet (WL)

3. Tirupathi (WL)


2. Sullurpet

3. Tirupati (F.S.)

1. Tirupati 2. Kodur

13 Hyderabad (W.L.) 1. Hyderabad (WL)

2. Curator, National

Park, Hyderabad.

Sl. No.

Name of the Circle Divisions

14 P&E Circle, Hyderabad. 1. S.F., Ranga Reddy 2. S.F., Mahabub Nagar 3. S.F., Nalgonda

15 P&E Circle, Visakhapatnam. 1. S.F., Visakhapatnam 2. S.F., Vizianagaram 3. S.F., Srikakulam

16 P&E Circle, Vijayawada 1. S.F., Vijayawada 2. S.F., Eluru 3. S.F., Kakinada

17 P&E Circle, Kadapa. 1. S.F., Kadapa 2. S.F., Kurnool

18 P&E Circle, Warangal 1. S.F., Khammam 2. S.F., Warangal 3. S.F., Karimnagar

19. P&E Circle, Anathapur 1. S.F., Ananthapur 2. S.F., Chittoor.

20. P&E Circle, Guntur 1. S.F., Ongole 2. S.F., Nellore 3. S.F., Guntur

21. P&E Circle, Nizamabad. 1. S.F., Sangareddy 2. S.F., Nizamabad 3. S.F., Adilabad

22. Wild Life, Eluru 1. W.L., Rajahmundry 2. W.L., Eluru

23. Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad

24. C.C.F. (MEP), Hyderabad

25. C.F. (STC), Hyderabad

26. C.C.F. (R&D) Hyderabad. 1. Forest Geneticist, Warangal

2. State Silviculturist, Tirupati

3. State Silviculturist, Hyderabad

4. State Silviculturist, Rajahmundry 5. F.U.O, Hyderabad.

27. Director, AP Forest Academy, Dulapally.




Sl.No. Organisation Territorial Functional Total

1. Circles 13 14 27

2. Divisions 52 61 113

3. Ranges 204 222 426

4. Sections 930 759 1689

5. Beats 2611 305 2916



State wise growing stock of entire country in Major Forest STRATA was assessed by the Forest Survey of India using available information from (1) Vegetation Maps based on satellite data. (2) Thematic Maps and (3) Ground inventories of Forest carried out by Forest Survey of India.

Estimated growing stock pertaining to entire A.P. Forests

Sl.No. Name of the Species „000 cum

1. Teak


2. Bamboo


3. Misc.


Total estimated grow in stock 2,91,394

Source: Working Plans The Growing Stock in the production of Forests of the State is mostly of mixed Timber, Fuel Wood and Bamboo. The most important species are Teak, Yegisa, Bandaru, Tirumanu, Nallamaddi, Anduk, Satin, Kodisa, Chennangi, Yepi and Rose wood.

Red Sanders (pride of Andhra Pradesh) is growing in the Kadapa and Chittoor in

large extents and in limited extent in the Nellore District. This species of wood is found, only

in the A.P. State. Teak is the important species growing in, Adilabad, Nizamabad,

Warangal, Karimnagar and Khammam. Fine quality of bamboo is available in the districts of

Visakhapatnam, Khammam, Prakasham, Kurnool, Kadapa, Mahaboobnagar, Adilabad,

Warangal, East and West Godavari. Bamboo (Sadanam) forms the under storey, wherever it

grows and Mullem Bamboo Arundinacea is found along sides of streams and the banks of

rivers. Sal grows in some parts of the Srikakulam district.

A large number of Minor Forest Products like Green Chiranji, Honey, Mohwa,

Tamarind, Myrabalans, Shikakai, Soap Nuts etc., have been entrusted to the Girijan Co-

operative Corporation Limited for Collection on a monopoly basis, on payment of Royalty as

fixed by the Government from time to time.

Abnus leaf (Beedi leaf) Collection in the Telangana region is being carried out by

advance sales through tenders and Department handovers green leaf to purchaser at Khalla

Site on the date of Collection.

Some of the forest produce like custard apples were given to the local societies of

the weaker sections on the average price of preceeding last 3 years.



Sl.No. Item Unit 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

Major Forest Produce


I) Forest Dept. Cmt 20777.00 12967.90 10523.04 13465.34 13557.00 16484.13


I) Forest Dept. Cmt - - - 39360.00 19031.00 11049.92

Minor Forest Produce

A) BAMBOO 52477790 43233160 11737316 11517637 14212911 8657137

I) Forest Dept. No.s

B) BEEDI-LEAVES 539800 433900 459800 299200 453000 606300

I) Forest Dept. No. of SBs

Source Production Unit & STC

The NTFP procurement rates by Girijan Co-operative Corporation, Ltd., Visakhapatnam are

as follows:


2003-04 TO 2007-08.

SSl. No.

Name of the Commodity

2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

Qty. Val. Qty. Val. Qty Value Qty value Qty value

1 Gum Karaya 5086 389.52 7689 678.82 6179.02 534.25 6050.40 510.77 3715.97 313.55

2 Gum Thiruman 186 7.60 101 5.33 22.33 1.43 4.33 0.23 14.04 0.75

3 Gum Olibanum 437 8.46 209 4.57 130.18 3.08 246.03 9.33 174.64 6.82

4 Gum Kondagogu 1244 100.81 1184 116.63 622.16 49.29 420.26 40.60 222.96 21.46

5 Gum Dikamali 676 7.43 363 4.28 0.00 0.00 17.25 0.21 29.02 0.35

6 Myrobalans 7606 11.41 14246 30.66 5947.93 12.06 7862.31 21.98 4750.87 18.92

7 Nuxvomica 2348 29.98 13118 236.64 1416.48 23.78 8387.02 133.36 1103.31 17.01

8 Seeded Tamarind 47842 319.42 70256 486.14 56768.92 469.71 50113.40 440.63 37816.86 289.45

9 Deseeded Tamarind

4007 28.16 5211 68.01 13376.16 177.55 3999.5 74.17 4897.05 76.20

10 Tamarind Seed 4611 11.50 7508 36.06 15463.21 62.04 3270.23 12.62 4106.01 15.20

11 Pungam Seed 4870 26.81 981 6.03 2988.59 20.80 745.18 5.99 2847.90 28.48

12 Cleaningnuts 275 3.09 8942 319.33 1872.12 23.77 1320.74 12.47 232.17 2.09

13 Markingnuts 4794 14.52 6906 25.19 5492.49 26.66 8352.23 41.70 7714.17 38.57

14 Mohwa Seed 4950 49.25 11944 121.30 6188.68 65.24 9441.87 104.49 3063.44 33.70

15 Mohwa Flower 4238 18.74 26545 154.64 13706.32 84.08 15519.83 93.74 6183.32 43.28

16 Honey 1108 58.13 3802 302.05 2335.15 186.47 3523.28 281.53 3088.00 246.96

17 Sheekakai 2697 29.06 3869 38.78 1751.52 17.58 2957.72 29.62 1661.80 14.85

18 Soapnuts 2532 14.74 1912 10.60 674.92 3.35 2550.45 23.80 3769.32 40.27

19 Hill Brooms (Nos) 409037 63.49 332961 55.66 3411.56 42.28 390623 56.09 319092.0 46.06

20 Hill Brooms (Qtls.) 368 6.96 115 2.08 12.50 0.15 3.60 0.07 20.11 0.36

21 Wild Brooms (Qtls.)

878 10.26 292 3.67 972.98 14.37 692.55 10.14 1137.74 17.38

22 Wild Brooms (Nos.)

0 0 57860 3.16 99.10 0.30 0 0 50.00 0.00

23 Adda leaf 9867 34.93 13645 51.54 8865.83 37.95 9140.67 46.70 6820.95 32.82

24 Naramamidi Bark 3261 70.67 2906 47.72 1929.02 34.80 1850.89 37.69 875.16 17.51

25 Maredugeddalu 1833 31.16 470 8.14 1258.83 31.44 762.76 25.57 1058.93 47.99

26 Others 0 19.34 0 132.67 0 75.25 0 63.16 0 25.99

27 Medicinal Herbs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.66

Total 1365.44 2949.70 1997.68 2076.66 1396.68

Source: G.C.C. Visakhapatnam


Statement Showing Year Wise Beedi Leaf Revenue Particulars

(Qty. in Qtls & Value in Rs.)

Sl.No. Financial Year &

Beedi Leaf Season

Quantity of Leaf

Collected in S.Bs.

Gross Revenue in Lakhs

Expenditure (Rs.In Lakhs)

Net Revenue (Rs. in Lakhs)

1. 1987-88 (1987) 245350 1049.169 1028.788 20.381

2. 1998-89 (1988) 228433 1269.335 933.313 336.017

3. 1989-90 (1989) 391005 3920.467 1980.490 1939.979

4. 1990-91 (1990) 312492 4342.184 2417.860 1924.324

5. 1991-92 (1991) 391273 6059.693 3275.100 2784.593

6. 1992-93 (1992) 385000 5680.730 4025.460 1655.270

7. 1993-94 (1993) 407750 5820.040 4342.750 1457.250

8. 1994-95 (1994) 319278 5708.030 3577.504 2612.496

9. 1995-96 (1995) 296957 4949.322 3594.125 1355.197

10. 1996-97 (1996) 358882 5576.000 4025.000 1501.000

11. 1997-98 (1997) 306940 4318.000 2930.000 1388.000

12. 1998-99 (1998) 634383 5201.648 3226.723 1974.925

13. 1999-00 (1999) 639637 6059.953 3576.037 2483.916

14. 2000-01 (2000) 702402 6463.480 4001.830 2461.650

15. 2001-02 (2001) 665600 4700.500 2913.000 1787.500

16. 2002-03 (2002) 539800 4930.400 3432.400 1498.000

17. 2003-04 (2003) 433900 4490.000 2500.000 1990.000

18. 2004-05 (2004) 459800 3953.000 2824.000 1129.000

19. 2005-06 (2005) 299200 2993.000 1780.000 1213.000

20. 2006-07 (2006) 453000 3657.000 2709.000 948.000

21. 2007-08 (2007) 606300 7347.000 4286.000 3061.000

1) The size of Beedi leaf bundles from 1998 Beedi leaf season is 50 leaves per Bundle.

2) One standard bag is of 1000 bundles (50 leaves per bundle).



Management of the State Forests is carried out by Forest Department with an objective of progressive and sustained yield. The Departmental schemes are oriented to increase per hectare yield potential of the Forest Resources in the state so as to meet the demands of the multiplying population, and wood based industries.

The entire forest area is being brought under the sanctioned working plans

and it is managed on the scientific lines. As per the guidelines issued by the

Government of India, extraction of wood is completely stopped.

Most of the Forest degraded area is being regenerated through Community

Forest Management according to the Micro Plan prescriptions. The Micro plans are

prepared in consultation with the members of Vana Samrakshana Samithis.

As on 01.01.2008, 39 Working plans have been approved by Govt. of India

and 4 working plans which are under discussion for furher rectification are awaited

for approval.




A. State Plan Schemes: (G.H –11)

District Offices

o Regional Offices / Silvicultural Research o Strengthening and Upgradation of Forest Department / Publicity o Forest Protection.

Mixed Plantation (Social Forestry)

Survey and Settlement of Forest Boundries.

Telugu Ganga Project (TGP) Tree and Pasture Seed Development Environmental Planting in degraded forest around urban areas Zoological Parks Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries APSOF Yellandu R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin.

B. Matching State Share Schemes: (G.H – 06) Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (50% Recurring Expenditure) Integrated Forest Protection (Fire Protection) Scheme (IFPS) (25%) R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin


C. Centrally Sponsored Schemes: (G.H – 10) Project Elephant (100% Central Share) Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (Central Share - 100% Non

Recurring expenditure + 50% Recurring expenditure) Integrated Forest Protection (Fire Protection) Scheme (Central Share – 75%) R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin

(Central Share - 90%) Integrated Afforestation and Eco-development Project (6 Dists. Central Share –

100%) maintenance.

D. XII Finance Commission Grants: (G.H. - 04)

XII Finanace Commission Grants Scheme for “Maintenance of Forests”

(Central Share 100%)

E. Externally Aided Projects: (G.H – 03)

Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management Project (APCFM) (World Bank Aided)

F.RIDF Projects (NABARD Assistance): (G.H – 07)

RIDF Projects (NABARD Assistance)


II. NON-PLAN SCHEMES: 1. Buildings 2. Afforestation etc. in Machkund Basin (R.V.P) 3. Head Quarters 4. District Offices 5. A.P. School of Forestry, Yellandu 6. Training 7. Sanctuaries 8. Nehru Zoological Park 9. Other Zoological Parks

Forest Demand (No.XXIX) for the year 2007-08 (Rs. in lakhs)

Head of Account Budget Estimates



M.H.2402 – Soil & Water Conservation 637.93

M.H.2406 – Forestry & Wild Life 19673.00

M.H.4406 – Capital Outlay on Forestry & Wild life 62.00

Total Plan Demand 20372.93


M.H.2059- Public Works 163.73

M.H.2402-Soil & Water Conservation 146.75

M.H.2406 – Forestry & Wild Life 17526.89

Total Non-Plan Demand 17837.37


PLAN 20372.93

NON – PLAN 17837.37

Total Demand 38210.30

I. Plan Schemes: A. State Plan Schemes: (G.H –11)

(Rs. in lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budeget Estimates


1. District Offices

i. Regional Offices / Silvicultural Research 8.36

ii. Strengthening and Up-gradation of Forest Department / Publicity


iii. Forest Protection 114.63

Total: District Offices 162.99

2. Mixed Plantation (Social Forestry) 100.00

3. Survey & Settlement of Forest Boundaries 459.00

4. Telugu Ganga Project (TGP) 62.00

5. Tree and Pasture Seed Development 8.00

6. Environmental Planting in degraded forest around urban areas


7. Zoological Parks 294.00

8. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries 204.00

9. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries 200.00

10. APSOF Yellandu 10.00

11. R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin.


Total: A 1598.99


B. Matching State Share Schemes: (G.H – 06)

(Rs. In lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budeget Estimates


1. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (50% Recurring Expenditure)


2. Integrated Forest Protection (Fire Protection) Scheme (IFPS) (25%)


3. R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin (10%)


Total: B 349.63

C. Centrally sponsored schemes: (G.H. – 10)

(Rs. In lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budget Estimates


1. Project Elephant (100% Central Share) 125.00

2. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (Central Share - 100% Non Recurring expenditure + 50% Recurring expenditure)


3. Integrated Forest Protection (Fire Protection) Scheme (Central Share – 75%)


4. R.V.P – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin (Central Share - 90%)


5. Integrated Afforestation and Eco-development Project (6 Dists. Central Share – 100%)


Total: C 1817.31

D. XII Finance Commission Grants: (G.H - 04)

(Rs. In lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budget Estimates 2007-08

1. XII Finance Commission Grants - Scheme for “Maintenance of Forests” (Central Share - 100%)


Total : D 1300.00

E. Externally Aided Projects: (G.H – 03) (Rs. In lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budget Estimates


1. Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management Project (APCFM) (World Bank Aided)


Total: E 13307.00


F. R.I.D.F: (G.H – 07) (Rs. In lakhs)

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Budget Estimates 2007-08

1. RIDF Projects – (NABARD Assistance) 2000.00

Total: E 2000.00

Grand Total: A + B + C + D + E + F : Rs. 20,372.93 Lakhs.

I. Plan Schemes: A. State Plan Schemes:

1. District Offices:

The following state plan schemes have been clubbed with SH (03) – District Offices from 2003-04 onwards.

a. Regional Offices / Silvicultural Research – SH (02). b. Strengthening and Upgradation of Forest Department (Publicity) – SH (09). c. Forest Protection and Survey Settlement of Forest Boundaries Scheme


The Scheme is aimed at maintenance of research works, publicity, raising nurseries / plantations, Forest Potection and Survey & Settlement of Forest Boundaries.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Sl. No.

Scheme Budget

Estimates 2005-06

Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

1. (03) – District Offices

a. Regional offices

8.36 8.36 8.36 8.36

b. Publicity 15.00 12.00 12.00 40.00

c. Forest Protection

49.63 87.53 87.53 114.63

Total: 72.99 107.89 107.89 162.99

a. Regional Offices / Silvicultural Research:

The scheme of Silvicultural Research under Regional Offices is being implemented as a State Plan Scheme. There is a need to develop suitable species for specific areas and introduce high yielding varities in the planting programme. Silvicultural Research has assumed a greater significance for the improvement of the natural forests particularly in afforestation of the large tracts of degraded forests lands. Keeping the above in view, the scheme is proposed to be implemented to continue to conduct experiments and standardize the improved nursery techniques, vegetative propagation and natural forest management etc.

The traditional soil filled bag plants nurseries and use of seed from unknown sources are obsolete in the present day context of clonal forestry and Root Trainer nursery technology. The following experiments on nurseries are proposed to be continued to find the results.


1. Culling at the nursery stage 2. Application of Bio-Pesticides & Bio-fertilizers 3. Hardening of seedlings

The Research Wing of A.P. Forest Department has developed number of

Clonal Multiplication Areas (CMAs) and experimental plots of various timber, pulpwood and NTFP species in the field Research Centres.

Most of these plots require further maintenance. The data has to be regularly

collected and analyzed before short-listing the best performing clones/ families before accepting in the planting programme. These improved planting stocks will also be useful to farmers. Further, number of demonstration plots of various forestry species were established to study their growth, silvicultural requirement etc. These also require further maintenance.

b. Strengthening and Up-gradation of Forest Department (Publicity) :

The main objectives of this scheme are to cause wide publicity of the activities taken up by the department and also to create awareness on conservation of forests, biodiversity and wildlife among the general public.

The Forest Utilization Officer is implementing the scheme which includes,

component for giving wide publicity to encourage more effective and intensive utilization of forest products in trade and industries and to make publicity by organizing Exhibitions in All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad and Vijayawada to enlighten the public about the developmental activities taken up by the Department.

Preparation of Forest Department Tableaux during National functions i.e. 26th

January and 15th August, publishing Annual Administration Reports and Facts & Figures of the Department and brochures are also undertaken under the scheme. Advertisements are also released to Newspapers highlighting the achievements.

A Statistical Cell has been established in the Department to study the

marketing trends of timber and other forest produce and to work in collaboration with territorial Divisional Forest Officers to secure the best price to the forest produce sold by them.

The department is proud to mention here that the publicity wing of the

department has bagged the 23 awards/prizes during the period from 1997 for the publicity works implemented under the scheme.

c. Forest Protection :

The Government has laid much emphasis on the protection of forests. The Forest Department has a separate Vigilance Wing at Headquarters, headed by an Addl. Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests, (Vig.), who in turn is assisted by (2) Chief Conservator of Forests, and (3) Vigilance Parties. Besides this, (15) Flying Squad Parties and (35) Mobile Parties are functioning at the field level for effective protection of vulnerable forest areas.


The Vigilance cell, along with the Flying Squad Parties, also enquires into allegations, takes up surprise inspections and conducts surprise checks for detection of illicit forest produce in storage and patrols the vulnerable routes to check the smuggling of the forest produce.

2. Mixed Plantation (Social Forestry):

Social Forestry deals with raising of plantations out side reserve forest areas with objectives to increase the forest cover outside the reserve forest as envisaged by the Government of India, Planning Commission (33% of Geographical areas by 2012) and to realize cherished goal of “Haritha Andhra Pradesh”. The department is raising nurseries and plantations and distributing seedlings to people under Social Forestry Programmes.

Development of Kartheekavanams and maintenance of Kartheekavanams & block

plantations raised during previous years are taken up with the funds available under the scheme. Avenue Plantation raising of tall plants and small bag seedlings are also taken up under this scheme.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Mixed Plantation (NSP):

Minor Works Other


60.00 55.10 55.10 100.00

Total: 60.00 55.10 55.10 100.00

3. Survey and Settlement of Forest Boundaries: The budget provided under this head is utilized for notification of Forest Blocks. In order to notify the pending forest blocks under Section 15 of A.P. Forest Act, Government has sanctioned (18) posts of Forest Settlement Officers in the Cadre of Dy. Collector with supporting staff. The work is in progress.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Survey and Settlement of Forest Boundaries (NSP):

Minor Works Other


30.00 93.08 93.08 459.00

Total: 30.00 93.08 93.08 459.00


4. Telugu Ganga Project (Compensatory Afforestation Scheme): (Normal State Plan)

The Government of India while approving the diversion of 10,371.40 Ha of forest land in Kurnool, Kadapa, Nellore and Chittoor Districts for the construction of Telugu Ganga Project has stipulated catchment area treatment and Canal Bank Afforestation besides Compensatory Afforestation. The State Government has sanctioned the Environmental Management Plan scheme for a period of (6) years vide G.O.Rt.No.139 I&CA, (P.W. TGP-1) Dept., dt.12-8-1998 and G.O.Ms.No.73 I&CAD Dept., dt.20-04-2005. The funds for implementation the EMP – TGP is provided in the Budget Estimates of Irrigation Department whereas staff cost is provided by the Forest Department in the budget under this head.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Telugu Ganga Project (Compensatory Afforestation Scheme) (NSP):

Telugu Ganga Project 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00

Total: 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00

5. Tree & Pasture Seed Development: (Normal State Plan) This scheme is included in the Normal State Plan. The main objective of the scheme is to improve the genetic quality of the reproductive propagules and supply high quality seed for nursery and Research programmers, to cater the needs of the department, besides taking up works like Development of Seed stands and Seed orchards. Two Seed Testing Laboratories were established at Rajahmundry & Warangal, having potential to collect, process and supply seeds of many tree species like, Tectona grandis, Pterocarpus marsupium, Gmelina arborea, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia alata, Eucalyptus, Casuarina equisetifolia etc.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Tree & Pasture Seed Development (NSP):

Minor Works Other Expenditure

8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00

Total: 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00


6. Environmental Planting in degraded lands around urban area (Normal State Plan)

This scheme is being implemented under Normal State Plan from 2003-04 during X-FYP. The scheme envisages development of greenery around urban areas. Considering the rapid urbanization, industrialization and abnormal increase in the pollution levels, it has become necessary to raise plantations in these areas, to provide clean air and improved aesthetics environment to the urban people, besides improving economic value of the low density forests. The scheme also provides employment to the surrounding villagers.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Environmental Planting in degraded lands around urban area (NSP):

Minor Works Other Expenditure

15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

Total: 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

7. Zoological Parks: (Normal State Plan)

There are three Zoological Parks in the State for ex-situ conservation of wildlife viz., Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad, Sri Venkateshwara Zoological Park, Tirupati and Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Visakhapatnam. The Nehru Zoological Park located at Hyderabad is recognized as one of the few top zoological parks of the world.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Zoological Parks (NSP):

Minor Works Other Expenditure

100.00 100.00 100.00 294.00

Total: 100.00 100.00 100.00 294.00

8 & 9. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (Normal State Plan)

There are (27) Protected Areas (5 National Parks & 22 Wildlife Sanctuaries) in the State. The Government of India is sanctioning the Schemes for (15) high priority Protected Areas includes 5 National Parks and Project Tiger Reserve with a cost sharing of 100% grant for non-recurring expenditure and 50% share towards recurring expenditure. The remaining 50% provision towards recurring cost for these protected areas is provided under Matching State Share Schemes. The remaining Protected Areas (i.e., Sanctuaries) are being developed under this scheme (Normal State Plan scheme).


The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (NSP): under Head of account 2406-02-110-11-(04)

Minor Works Other Expenditure

91.70 100.00 100.00 204.00

Total: 91.70 100.00 100.00 204.00

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (NSP): under Head of account 2406-02-110-11-(06)

Minor Works Other Expenditure

- - - 200.00

Total: - - - 200.00

10. A.P. School of Forestry, Yellandu: (Normal State Plan)

The Department lays greater emphasis on Forestry Training for the officers and field staff, who are involved in the scientific management of forests. The Staff members are given training in Joint Forest Management, Improved Nursery and Plantation techniques, Bio-diversity and Eco-Development, Recent trends in Forestry Management, Accounting Procedure, and administrative matters etc. The A.P. School of Forestry, Yellandu and A.P. Forest Academy, Dulapally imparts training to the in-service front line staff.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Forest School, Yellandu (NSP):

Minor Works Other Expenditure

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Total: 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

11. River Valley Project – Improving Productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin: (Centrally Sponsored Scheme-90% Central Share, and 10% State Share)

It is under implementation from 1962-63 onwards on watershed approach. Till 2000-01 the GOI was providing 100% fund for implementation of the scheme and from 2001-02 onwards, funding pattern has been changed. The scheme is under implementation with funding patern of 90:10 between Central & State Government.


This scheme is included in the Macro Management plan of Agricultural department of A.P. and the Commissioner of Agriculture being the Nodal Officer is releasing the funds, received from Government of India.

The main objective of the scheme is to prevent Soil erosion in the catchment areas of Machkund – Sileru Basin, to reduce the siltation of the reservoirs and to improve the productivity of the degraded lands in the catchment through vegetative and soil-moisture conservation measures. The objective is also to wean away the tribals from podu cultivation and also to provide employment potential and economic relief to the rural poor. There are altogether 232 watersheds with a treatable area of 2,32,700 Ha of which 115 watershed covering an area of 1,27,077 Ha has been saturated. At present the scheme is implemented in (19) watersheds. Besides these, (9) new watersheds approved by GOI area also being treated during 2006-07.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

River Valley Project (NSP):

Minor Works Other Expenditure

- - - 84.00

Total: - - - 84.00

B. Matching State Share Schemes:

1. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries:

The developmental activities in National Parks & Sanctuaries are being taken up with the Central Assistance. The fund released by the State Government is under Matching State Share & Normal State Plan. There are altogether (27) Protected Areas i.e., (5) National Parks & (22) Wildlife Sanctuaries in the State. The Government of India is sanctioning the Schemes for (15) high priority Protected Areas including (5) National Parks and Project Tiger Reserve, with a cost sharing of 100% grant for non-recurring expenditure and 50% share towards recurring expenditure. The remaining 50% provision towards recurring cost is provided by the State under Matching State Share. The objective of the Scheme is to take up the habitat improvement works in the following (15) wildlife sanctuaries including the (5) National Parks and Project Tiger Reserve, besides taking up of Wildlife education programme.

National Parks:

1. Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park 2. KBR National Park 3. Mrugavani National Park 4. Sri Venkateshwara National Park and 5. Rajiv Gandhi National Park


Highly Protected Areas (Wildlife Sanctuaries)

6. Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary 7. Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary 8. Pulicat Wildlife Sanctuary 9. Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary 10. Manjeera Wildlife Sanctuary 11. Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary 12. Kinerasani Wildlife Sanctuary 13. GBM Wildlife Sanctuary 14. Lankamala Wildlife Sanctuary 15. Project Tiger Reserve

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries : (Matching State Share Scheme)

Minor Works Other Expenditure

91.70 91.70 91.70 91.70

Total: 91.70 91.70 91.70 91.70

2. Integrated Forest Protection (Centrally Sponsored Scheme-75% Central Share-25% State Share)

Accidental forest fires are almost an annual feature in the State. Though these fires are ground fires only yet they have effect on the young regeneration of the various floral and faunal species, besides making the areas devoid of humus.

Under this scheme, it is contemplated to protect the forests form fire hazards, by way of providing required infrastructure and taking up of fire control measures. The facilities are also used to prevent smuggling of valuable forest produce and poaching of wild animals.

This scheme was 100% central sector scheme till 2002-03. However, from 2003-04 onwards the GOI has changed the funding pattern to 75:25 ratio between the Centre and State Government.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Integrated Forest Protection Scheme: (Matching State Share Scheme)

Minor Works Other Expenditure

175.37 179.00 179.00 204.00

Total: 175.37 179.00 179.00 179.00


3. River Valley Project: (Centrally Sponsored Scheme-90% Central Share, and 10% State Share)

It is under implementation from 1962-63 onwards on watershed approach. Till 2000-01 the GOI was providing 100% fund for implementation of the scheme and from 2001-02 onwards, funding pattern has been changed. The scheme is under implementation with funding patern of 90:10 between Central & State Government. This scheme is included in the Macro Management plan of Agricultural department of A.P. and the Commissioner of Agriculture being the Nodal Officer is releasing the funds, received from Government of India. The main objective of the scheme is to prevent Soil erosion in the catchment areas of Machkund – Sileru Basin, to reduce the siltation of the reservoirs and to improve the productivity of the degraded lands in the catchment through vegetative and soil-moisture conservation measures. The objective is also to wean away the tribals from podu cultivation and also to provide employment potential and economic relief to the rural poor. There are altogether 232 watersheds with a treatable area of 2,32,700 Ha of which 115 watershed covering an area of 1,27,077 Ha has been saturated. At present the scheme is implemented in (19) watersheds. Besides these, (9) new watersheds approved by GOI area also being treated during 2006-07.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

River Valley Project – Improving productivity of degraded lands in Machkund Sileru Basin (10%):

Minor Works Other

Expenditure - 53.930 53.930 53.930

Total: - 53.930 53.930 53.930

C. Centrally Sponsored Schemes: (GH-10): 1. Project Elephant (Central Sector Scheme-100% Central Assistance)

The return of the Elephants into the State from the adjoining States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala after a gap of 200 years has been welcomed and the Government established the Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary in 356.70 Sq.Kms forest area at Kuppam and Palamaner Forest Ranges of Chittoor District. This elephant habitat was notified as “Rayala Elephant Reserve”.

The habitat improvements & protection measures and reduction of man-animal conflict are main activities taken up under the scheme.


The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Project Elephant (Central Sector Scheme-100% Central Assistance)

Minor Works Other

Expenditure 100.00 125.00 125.00 125.00

Total: 100.00 125.00 125.00 125.00

2. Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries:

The developmental activities in National Parks & Sanctuaries are being taken up with the Central Assistance. The fund released by the State Government is under Matching State Share & Normal State Plan. There are altogether (27) Protected Areas i.e., (5) National Parks & (22) Wildlife Sanctuaries in the State. The Government of India is sanctioning the Schemes for (15) high priority Protected Areas including (5) National Parks and Project Tiger Reserve, with a cost sharing of 100% grant for non-recurring expenditure and 50% share towards recurring expenditure. The remaining 50% provision towards recurring cost is provided by the State under Matching State Share. The objective of the Scheme is to take up the habitat improvement works in the following (15) wildlife sanctuaries including the (5) National Parks and Project Tiger Reserve, besides taking up of Wildlife education programme.

National Parks:

1. Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park

2. KBR National Park

3. Mrugavani National Park

4. Sri Venkateshwara National Park and

5. Rajiv Gandhi National Park

Highly Protected Areas (Wildlife Sanctuaries)

1. Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary

2. Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary

3. Pulicat Wildlife Sanctuary

4. Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary

5. Manjeera Wildlife Sanctuary

6. Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary

7. Kinerasani Wildlife Sanctuary

8. GBM Wildlife Sanctuary

9. Lankamala Wildlife Sanctuary

10. Project Tiger Reserve


The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Development of National Parks & Sanctuaries (Central Share)

Minor Works Other

Expenditure 350.00 742.31 742.31 742.31

Total: 350.00 742.31 742.31 742.31

3. Integrated Forest Protection (Centrally Sponsored Scheme-75% Central Share-25% State Share)

Accidental forest fires are almost an annual feature in the State. Though these fires are ground fires only yet they have effect on the young regeneration of the various floral and faunal species, besides making the areas devoid of humus. Under this scheme, it is contemplated to protect the forests form fire hazards, by way of providing required infrastructure and taking up of fire control measures. The facilities are also used to prevent smuggling of valuable forest produce and poaching of wild animals. This scheme was 100% central sector scheme till 2002-03. However, from 2003-04 onwards the GOI has changed the funding pattern to 75:25 ratio between the Centre and State Government.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Integrated Forest Protection (Central Share)

Minor Works Other

Expenditure 526.11 444.00 444.00 444.00

Total: 526.11 444.00 444.00 444.00

4. River Valley Project: (Centrally Sponsored Scheme-90% Central Share, and 10% State Share)

It is under implementation from 1962-63 onwards on watershed approach. Till 2000-01 the GOI was providing 100% fund for implementation of the scheme and from 2001-02 onwards, funding pattern has been changed. The scheme is under implementation with funding patern of 90:10 between Central & State Government. This scheme is included in the Macro Management plan of Agricultural department of A.P. and the Commissioner of Agriculture being the Nodal Officer is releasing the funds, received from Government of India. The main objective of the scheme is to prevent Soil erosion in the catchment areas of Machkund – Sileru Basin, to reduce the siltation of the reservoirs and to improve the productivity of the degraded lands in the catchment through vegetative and soil-moisture conservation measures. The objective is also to wean away the tribals from podu cultivation and also to provide employment potential and economic relief to the rural poor.


There are altogether 232 watersheds with a treatable area of 2,32,700 Ha of which 115 watershed covering an area of 1,27,077 Ha has been saturated. At present the scheme is implemented in (19) watersheds. Besides these, (9) new watersheds approved by Government of India are also being treated during 2006-07.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

River Valley Project Machkund Basin (Central Share)

Minor Works Other

Expenditure 480.37 500.00 500.00 500.00

Total: 480.37 500.00 500.00 500.00

5. Integrated Afforestation & Eco-Development Project (IAEP) (6-Dist. - Central Share-100%) All the CSS afforestation schemes, implemented in IX-Five Year Plan have been discontinued during X-FYP. The Government of India has formulated a new scheme “National Afforestation Programme” (NAP). This programme is being implemented through Forest Development Agencies (FDAs) to whom funds will be provided directly by the GOI. The scheme is centrally sponsored (100%). The scheme was first started during X-FYP (2002-07) and 32 projects (FDAs) were sanctioned by GOI. This scheme will be continued during XI-Fifth Five Year Plan period (2007-12). It is proposed to cover all the districts of A.P. during this period.

The programme includes block plantation and assisted Natural regenaration supported by soil and moisture conservation (SMC) works for Integrated Eco-Development of the area.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

Integrated Afforestation & Eco-Development Project (IAEP) (6-Dist. - Central Share-100%)

Minor Works Other

Expenditure 6.71 6.00 6.00 6.00

Total: 6.71 6.00 6.00 6.00

D. XII Finance Commission Grants – Maintenance of Forests (Central Sector Scheme-100% Central Assistance)

The Twelfth Finance Commission has allocated Rs.6500.00 lakh for “maintenance of Forests”. The amount has to be utilized during the period of 2006-07 to 2009-10. It was decided in the High Level Committee meeting to incur the expenditure @ Rs.1300.00 lakh per annum from 2005-06 onwards and accordingly GOI have released Rs.650.00 lakh for year 2005-06 to take up the developmental activities under the following components.


Forest Protection (Rs.190.00 lakh)

Forest Development Agency (Rs.150.00 lakh)

Social Forestry (Rs.175.00 lakh)

Wildlife (Rs.135.00 lakh)

The State High Level Committee has agreed for utilization of balance amount of Rs.5850.00 lakh (Rs.6500.00 – Rs.650.00 lakh) during the years 2006-07 to 2009-10. It was suggested to utilize Rs.1950.00 lakh, during 2006-07 and @ Rs.1300.00 lakh annually during remaining three years i.e., 2007-08; 2008-09 & 2009-10.

The funds provided by the 12th Finance commission are utilized to achieve the

objective of ensuring protection to forests against encroachments and illicit fellings. Creation of sufficient infrastructure to provide mobility to the staff, engaging of Tribal Helpers as a striking force, Survey and demarcation of Forest land, constructing internal roads in the Forests etc., getting (advance) information regarding various illegal activities are some of the sub-activities of this component.

To meet the increasing work load of forest protection and implementing various schemes it was decided to provide 5 tribal helpers to each forest Division. After imparting training these helpers are being used for forest protection, under this component.

Procurement of new vehicles in a phased manner to the staff for combating illicit transport of Forest produce, constructions of new quarter in interior location for the stay of front line staff and to construct sheds near check post in interior locations for temporary stay of tracking force deployed for protection; secrete service funds for payment to the informers, survey and demarcation of forest blocks are some of the other sub activities taken up under the Forest Protection component.

Funds are also provided under this component for purchase of GPS technologies which is helpful for survey, resources planning management of forest resources and the expenditure on telephone etc.

Artificial Regeneration model of Forest Development Agency and advance operations for semi-mechanical plantation and nursery raising operations are contemplated under the FDA component.

In pursuance of the decision taken in the State Level Tiger Protection Meeting held on 17.10.2005 under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, 400 tribal trackers have been taken on hire. These helpers act as intelligent information gatherers on matter corresponding to poaching smuggling etc., and able to monitor tiger and leopard movements in the forests areas. The payment for these tribal trackers is being met under the Wildlife Component.

The incidences of crop damage by blackbucks listed in the Schedule-I, of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, were repeatedly highlighted and therefore it was decided to translocate the blackbucks from Kurnool District to Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve under the Wildlife Component.

In order to improve the quality of the planting stock and to adopt the modern methods of propagation, the existing nurseries are to be modernized by creating infrastructure facilities like mist chamber, hardening chamber, poly-propagators, root trainers, sprinkler irrigation, compost pit, vermi-compost shed and other sophisticated


infrastructure. Up-gradation is required, so that the nurseries will become the production centers of quality planting material i.e., clones and grafts. Accordingly the department has taken up establishment of Hi-Tech Nurseries and Satellite Nurseries under social forestry component of the scheme.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

XII. Finance Commission Grants – Maintenance of Forests (Central Share -100%)

Minor Works Maintenance

1300.00 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00

Total: 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00 1300.00


1. Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management Project (APCFM Project – Externally Aided Project) Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management Project was launched on the 1st November 2002 and became effective from 25th November 2002. This project is supported financially by the World Bank through credit from International Development Agency (IDA) and the Government of Andhra Pradesh. An amount of 85.50 Million XDRs is the credit available from IDA for implementation of this Project. The actual contribution of World Bank (Donar Share) is for Rs.550.014 crore (84.1%) while the State Contribution (State share) is Rs.103.956 crore (15.9%) making a total of Rs.653.97 crore. This project is to be implemented over a period of 5 years and aims at benefiting 3,25,000 families dwelling in forest fringe villages through 5000 Vana Samrakshana Samithies (village level forest protection and management institutions constituted with forest dependant families most (30% of whom are tribals) in 14 forest rich districts of Andhra Pradesh with a target to treat 3.158 lakh Ha of low-density forest area. The districts where the project is being implemented are Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam, Nizamabad, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, Nellore, Chittoor and Kadapa.

The development objective of this project is alleviation of rural poverty of the people involved in forestry activities. There are three interdependent components viz., creation of

enabling environment for Community Forest Management, Forest management and

Community development. The activities under the component of creation of enabling environment for Community Forest Management includes policy and legal reforms, institutional development and capacity building of stake holders. Activities under the component of forest management include, treatment of forests under management of VSSs. This is through rejuvenation of degraded forests and conversion of scrub forests into productive plantations. This includes soil and moisture conservation works under watershed development approach, fire and grazing control, social forestry in non forest areas, applied research and extension and a comprehensive inventory of forest resources. The component of Community development aims at income generation activities and bridging critical infrastructure gaps to ensure sustainability of project investments. Activities also include addressing the issues of tribals and those families


involved in involuntary resettlement on account of implementation of the current Project and a previously implemented World Bank supported A P Forestry Project.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

APCFM Project – Externally Aided Project

Minor Works Maintenance

21000.00 15000.00 15000.00 13307.00

Total: 21000.00 15000.00 15000.00 13307.00

Budget releases and expenditure (Rs. In Crores)

Year Budget Estimates Budget release Expenditure

2002.03 38.500 18.627 10.669

2003.04 146.720 128.379 118.941

2004.05 170.000 126.374 114.482

2005.06 210.000 130.000 104.646

2006.07 150.000 110.487 99.971

2007-08 133.070 78.668 74.687

Total 879.790 592.538 523.396

Physical Achievements (In Ha.)

Treatment model Target Achievement Percentage

(a) Natural Forests

Rejuvenation of Teak Forest 1,50,000 1,47,910 99

Rejuvenation of Misc. Non-Teak Forest

1,00,000 77,611 78

Rejuvenation of Bamboo Forest 59,100 49,979 85

Rejuvenation of RS Forest 5,000 2,378 48

Total 3,14,100 2,77,878 89

(b) Artificial Regeneration

Eucalyptus 18,565 12,622 68

Bamboo 3,780 3,819 101

MLCT 800 1,037 130

NTFP 6,228 7,656 123

Bio diesel 10,000 25,947 259

LRHT 1,687 1,199 70

Medicinal and Aromatic inter planting 1,800 3,550 197

Misc. 1,615 14,242 880

Total 34,475 70,072 203

(c) Tsunami

Restoration of mangrove forests 3,000 2,190 73

Shelter belt plantation 3,000 2,308 86

Community Land Plantation 1,000 839 84

Total 7,000 5,730 80

Grand Total (a+b+c) 3,55,575 3,53,680 99.43

(d) Social Forestry Activities


No. of seedlings planted under GFF 1,230 L 827.28 L 67

Community land plantation 4,322 L 3,254 L 75

Home Stead Plantation 5 L 5.39 L 108

Project Impact

1. Increase in stem density, regeneration, wood productivity, standing wood volume in the area managed by the local communities.

2. Barren and Scrub areas have shows clear addition of forest cover. 3. Majority of the VSS showed improvement in terms of increase in crown

density within existing forest canopy and fresh plantation activities. 4. General increase in crown density found due to resurgence pioneers like

bamboo, teak, kondathangedu, RS in protected areas. 5. One Crore persondays of employment generated annually under the project 6. Systematic and planned Soil and Moisture conservation works helped

recharging of ground water resulting in improving green cover in forests and agricultural productivity in the farm land adjoining forests.

7. Thinning of natural forests and harvesting of Eucalyptus and Bamboo plantations resulting in income to the local communities

8. Implementation of value addition activities like Bamboo Agarbathi, Bamboo furniture, NTFP processing, vermicomposting, Adda Leaf plates making, besides Embroidery and eco-tourism activities for livelihood enhancement for the benefit of tribals and other weaker sections.

9. Activity wise Income Generation for key harvesting and marketing initiatives

Sl. No.

Activity No. of VSS

No. of House holds

Income in Crores

1 Small timber 517 41353 21.654

2 Pulpwood 276 50,752 54.215

3 Bamboo 276 15,280 5.450

4 Agarbathi Making 226 4,847 3.207

5 Bamboo(handicrafts, furniture)

29 185 0.049

6 Adda Leaf Plates 290 2,618 1.324

7 Amla based activity 42 470 0.218

8 Apiculture 178 1,236 1.027

9 Community Based Eco-Tourism

7 138 0.190

10 Embroidery 9 32 0.016

11 Neem based activity 33 111 0.022

12 Pisciculture 190 649 0.320

13 Tamarind based activity 83 330 0.066

14 Tassar 24 303 0.210

15 Vermi Compost 2,105 12,114 2.290

16 Mohwa Flower/Seed 352 1,685 2.466

Total 4,637 1,32,103 92.724


F. RIDF Projects (NABARD Assistance): The department is implementing Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) projects funded by NABARD, for development of low density forests and taking up of soil & moisture conservation works from May 2002. These activities are carried out on watershed basis, through 2055 VSSs. The estimated cost of the project is Rs.463.16 crore. The following are the details of RIDF Projects. Implemented Under Implementation RIDF-V-JFM RIDF-IX-SMC RIDF-VI-JFM RIDF-X-SMC RIDF-VI-SMC RIDF-X-Bio-diesel RIDF-VII-SMC RIDF-XII-Bio-diesel RIDF-VIII-SMC (WCM) The RIDF-IX, SMC is under implementation in 22 districts, with an estimated cost of Rs.5000.00 lakh over of period of 3 years from 2003-04. The project has been given extension for one more year i.e., 2006-07. The RIDF-X, SMC project for Soil & Moisture Conservation works with an outlay of Rs.5361.00 lakh has been sanctioned by the NABARD for a period of 3 years from 2004-05 to 2007-08 covering all the districts. The Forest Department has formulated RIDF-X, Bio-Diesel (Pongamia) Project with the funding Assistance by NABARD for raising of Pongamia plantations in 15,000 Ha of Reserve Forest land with financial outlay of Rs.3213.00 lakh. The scheme is to be implemented during 2005-06 and 2006-07. The department is also implementing RIDF-XII Bio-diesel scheme, sanctioned by the NABARD for Rs.4186.00 lakh, to raise 16,600 Ha planting during 2006-07 to 2008-09. The implementation is under progress and works viz., nursery development and pre-planting operations are under way.

The details of budget provision under the schemes are as follows:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Scheme Budget Estimates


Budget Estimates 2006-07

Revised Estimates 2006-07

Budget Estimates 2007-08

RIDF Projects (NABARD Assistance)

Minor Works

Maintenance 6766.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00

Total: 6766.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00

National Afforestation Programme (Forest Development Agency):

Government of India has formulated a scheme titled “National Afforestation Programme” by merging of four IX Plan Centrally Sponsored Afforestation Schemes of the Ministry of Environment and Forests namely: Integrated Afforestation and Eco-Development Projects (IAEPS), Area Oriented Fuel Wood and Fodder Projects Scheme (AOFFPS), Conservation and Development of Non-Timber Forest Produce


including Medicinal Plants scheme (NTFP) and Association of Schedule Tribes and Rural Poor in Regeneration of Degraded Forests (ASTRP) with a view to reduce multiplicity of the schemes, avoiding delays in availability of funds at the field level and institutionalizing peoples participation in project formulation and its implementation. Thus, the programme started in 2002. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SCHEME:

The scheme is being implemented under two tier setup namely; the Forest

Development Agencies and Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs). The two tier approach apart from building capabilities at the grass roots level would also empower the local people to participate in the decision making process. FDA can be constituted at the territorial/wild life forest division level. FDA is a registered society under Societies Registration Act.

TREATMENT INTERVENTIONS As per the approval accorded by Government of India, the forest areas are being treated under the following treatment streams with the involvement of Vana Samrakshana Samithies. Aided Natural Regeneration – Under this, gap planting is taken up in the existing

marginal forests areas by planting 200 plants of NTFP species per ha.

Artificial Regeneration – Degraded forest areas are ploughed and planting with

economic important species taken up under this treatment. 1100 plants are planted

per hectare after ploughing the area.

Pasture Development: 400 fodder species plants are planted per hectare.

Mixed Plantation with NTFP value and medicinal plants.

Bamboo plantations.


So far, in Andhra Pradesh, 37 FDA projects have been sanctioned by the

Government of India. Out of 37 projects, 6 projects are newly sanctioned during the

year 2007-2008.

The total outlay of all the projects is for 2007-08 is Rs.1036.70 lakhs and 1739

VSSs/ EDCs are involved in implementing these projects. An area of 12382 Ha. was

proposed to be treated during the project period and 7109.18 ha was planted by

spending an amount of Rs.761.88 lakhs during 2007-08.


Progress under FDA


Particulars 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Grand Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Total FDAs Formed 13 10 5 3 0 6 37

2. Physical Targets (in Ha)

0.00 9500.00 10265.00 12610.00 14225.00 12382.00 58982.00

3. Physical Achieve-ments (in Ha.)

0.00 6801.00 9944.00 13230.00 8686.00 7109.18 45770.18

4. Financial Releases (in lakhs)

933.26 1044.00 1371.43 729.00 828.91 1036.70 5943.30

5. Financial Expendi-ture (in lakhs)

194.77 852.74 1187.39 1093.93 1120.63 761.88 5211.34

6. Total VSS formed 700 698 0 138 0 203 1739


One of the major scheme under implementation under the Non-Plan sector is Departmental Extraction of Timber (DET). The Budget allocation for this scheme is included in the scheme (03) – District Offices under Non-Plan. During the year 2006-07 the allocation for the (03) – District Offices is Rs.1394.82 lakh (270/271-O.E & 272-Maint.), out of which the allocation for DET Scheme is Rs.1050.96 lakh. The Government has released an amount of Rs.788.22 lakh upto 3rd quarter. The 4th quarter amount is also released by the Government. The additional budget of Rs.300.00 lakh to realize the targeted revenue to the Government is required during this year i.e., 2006-07.

The budget provision for the year 2007-08 for (03) – District Offices is Rs.1394.82 lakh, out of which the required budget is to be provided for DET Scheme also. The sub detailed head wise budget of the scheme is given below:

(Rs. in lakhs)

Sub-Detailed Head Budget Allotment


271-Other Expenditure

District Offices 208.06

DET 1100.00

Total: 271 1308.06


District Offices 79.76

DET 7.00

Total: 272 86.76

Grand Total: 1394.82

The budget provision for the schemes APSOF, Yellandu; Afforestation etc., in Machkund Basin (RVP); Head Quarters and Training is also available in the Non-Plan Budget.


The head wise details of budget in respect of all the Non-Plan Schemes are as given below:

(Rs. in lakh)

Name of the Scheme Budget Estimates 2007-08

District Offices 13694.56

Buildings 163.73

Sanctuaries 1247.32

Nehru Zoological Park 111.38

Other Zoological Parks 114.99

Afforestation etc., in Machkund Basin (R.V.P)


Head Quarters 2140.58

APSOF Yellandu 212.17

Training 5.89

Total: 17837.37


Under Non-Plan, the department is implementing several schemes of which, budget provision made is mainly towards Staff Salaries, Treasury Controlled Items and for Maintenance of works.

Following are some of the important Non-Plan Schemes being implemented by the Forest Department.

I. District Offices {2406-01-001-(03)}

The following schemes are clubbed with SH (03) – District Offices from 2003-04 onwards.

A. Departmental Extraction of Timber and other forest produce

B. Working Plan Parties

C. Forest Protection

D. Social Forestry

E. Research & Development

F. Payment of compensation for loss of life or injury to human lives and cattle killed due to attack of wild animals.

G. District Offices

A. Departmental Extraction of Timber & Other Forest Produce (DET)

The Departmental Extraction of Timber, Fuel and Pulp Wood, Faggot Wood, Long Bamboo and Bamboo Industrial Cuts (BIC) from natural forests as well as Plantations were introduced from the year 1976-77, after disbanding the existing Contractor System.

At present there is moratorium on extraction of timber from natural forests except for bamboo from the overlapping bamboo forests. The major activity comprises of harvesting timber and poles from matured plantations of Teak, Eucalyptus, Casuarinas etc. and long bamboos and BIC from the bamboo coupes as per the prescriptions of working plan of the respective Divisions. To implement this scheme the State Government makes budget provision and fixes the physical and financial targets every year under the Head of Non-plan schemes.


B. Working Plan Parties / Project Formulation:

Scientific management of forests is essential for which Working Plans are prepared for each Division / District periodically after every 10 years.

The Divisions are assigned with the job of preparation of Working Plan / Management Plan for concerned Division/District. At present the Chief Conservator of Forests (Project Formulation) heads the Project Formulation Wing. He provides technical guidance to the field officers in preparing the Working Plans. The Government of India approves the Working Plans.

The budget under this head is being provided for preparation of Working Plans of the Divisions.

C. Forest Protection

The department is having staff under (3) Vigilance Cell, (15) Flying Squads & (35) Mobile Parties for protection of forests and management of the forests. The Vigilance Parties will inspect the Forest Areas, Vulnerable from the protection point of view and check measure the works carried out under various schemes.

D. Social Forestry

Budget is provided under this scheme to meet the expenditure for celebrating Vana Mahotsava and other related functions.

E. Research and Development

This wing is headed by a Chief Conservator of Forests, who is assisted by the Conservator of Forests (R&D), having jurisdiction over the entire state to look after the forestry research work.

The research centre at Tirupathi, popularly known as BIOTRIM, has got advance laboratories on Tissue Culture, Soil Science, Bio-fertilizers and Molecular Market studies. At present three units viz., State Silviculturist, Hyderabad, Rajahmundry and Tirupathi are functioning under this circle besides Forest Geneticist at Warangal.

The budget allotted to this scheme is utilized for Forestry Research work carried out by this wing.

F. Payment of compensation for loss of life or injury to human lives and cattle killed due to attack of wild animals.

Under the scheme, compensation for loss of life, injury to human being, cattle killed due to attack of wild animals and crop compensatin etc., has to the paid immediately. Accordingly the compensation is being paid to the victims as per the norms fixed by the Government.

In order to avoid delays caused in payment of compensation, the Government has issued orders for payment of compensation from the User Charges through cheques for which the no extra budget is required as it is a permissible item under User Charges.

G. District Offices

The budget allotted for this scheme is utilized mostly for maintenance of the old plantation and maintenance of works to be carried out in the existing forests.

II. Buildings

Government during 2006-07 has provided the budget for the Non-Plan scheme “Buildings” under new head of account i.e., 2059-Public Works, 01-Office Buildings, MH-053 Maintenance and Repairs, SH (44) Buildings of Prl.Chief


Conservator of Forests – 270/271-Other Expenditure and 270/272-Maintenance. Constructions, repairs and maintenance of old buildings under the control of Forest Department are carried out with the funds made available under this head of account.

III. Sanctuaries

There are three wildlife management circles, headed by the officers of the rank of Conservator of Forests, located at Srisailam, Hyderabad and Tirupathi. These circles ensure enforcement of the provisions of Wildlife Act and provide planning and guidance to Wildlife Divsions under their jurisdiction. The budget under this scheme is utilized to cater the needs of the circles and the divisions under their control.

IV. Zoological Parks

There are three Zoological Parks in the State located at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Tirupathi.

A. Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad

The Nehru Zoological Park at Hyderabad was established in 1961 over an area of 130 Ha. The total number of animals, birds and reptiles in the zoo are over 2000, representing about 156 species. The Zoological Park is having enclosures for important wild animals, such as lion, tiger, bear, bison, rhinoceros etc., besides a safari park and nocturnal animal‟s house.

B. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Visakhapatnam

Indira Gandhi Zoological Park at Visakhapatnam was established during 1972 over an area of 250 Ha on the seashore. The total number of animals in the zoo, including birds and reptiles, is over 1100, representing about 80 species. Establishing more enclosures will be done during the Upgradation of the zoo.

C. Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park, Tirupathi

In this zoo, there are about 300 varieties of animals, birds and reptiles representing about 35 species. The zoo was opened in July 1993. Various developmental works are being carried out in the zoo, considering the large number of tourists visiting Tirupathi & Tirumala from all over the country. Recently a Theme Park relating to Wildlife Conservation was added to the zoo.

All the above activities in three Zoos will be taken up with the funds under two Non-Plan Schemes viz., Nehru Zoological Park & Other Zoological Parks.

The department is also implementing the other Non-Plan Schemes such as APSOF, Yellandu; Afforestation etc., in Machkund Basin (RVP); Head Quarters and Training.

User Charges

The Government have issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.170, Fin. & Plg. (FW:BG) Department, dt.23.4.2001 for levying user charges for the facilities / services provided by the department to the users. The Forest Department is collecting the user charges in the Zoological Parks, National Parks, A.P.Forest Academy, Dullapally and through sale of high value grafted NTFP seedlings and collection of Compounding fee etc. The User Charges, so collected will be utilized for various development activities and other requirements as contemplated in the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.125, EFS&T (For.I) Dept., dt.23.12.2002.


Beedi Leaf Collection

The scheme of regulation of Trade in Beedi leaf was introduced in the State during the year 1971, with the passing of A.P. Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) Act, 1971. The Departmental collection of beedi leaf was introduced from 1987. The A.P.Forest Development Corporation Limited, Hyderabad has been appointed as an agent to the Government. There are 369 beedi leaf units spread all over the entire Telengana Region of the State. The beedi leaf is collected, from the Reserved Forest Areas and other Governemnt lands and is also purchased from the registered growers. The scheme is unique in its own way, generating about 60 lakhs mandays of employment to the tribal and other rural poor in the lean agricultural season of the year i.e., during summer, within a short period of 50 days.

The Government have issued orders vide G.O.Ms.No.43, EFS&T (For.II) Dept., dt.10.4.2006 to the effect that from 2006 beedi leaf season onwards, the net profit generated from beedi leafs will be distributed to the people who have actually collected the beedi leafs, instead of showing the same against the Revenue head of the Department earlier.


Maintenance of Ecological balance, conservation of bio-diversity and healthy environment are the main concerns of the Forest Department, rather than revenue earning. However, the department derives revenue from Sale of Timber, Bamboo, Fuel wood and Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP).

The revenue realized during 2004-05 was Rs.100.94 crore. The revenue realized during 2005-06 was Rs.94.55 crore against the annual target of Rs.126.00 crore. The revenue target fixed by the government for the year 2006-07 is Rs.138.58 crore. The revenue target of Rs. 138.58 crore is however reduced to Rs.100.00 crore as per the orders issued vide G.M.No.9929/For.II.1/06-2, dt.16.11.2006.

Financial Requirement – Source of Financing (Plan and Non-Plan 2007-08)

(Rs. in lakh)

Source of Financing

Accounts Budget Estimates

Revised Estimates

Budget Estimates

2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08

M.H.-2402-Soil & Water Conservation

343.33 684.65 684.11 784.68

M.H.-2059-Public Works 0.00 163.73 163.73 163.73

M.H.-2406-Forestry & Wildlife 0 0 0 0

01-Forestry 26937.64 33299.5 33265.09 34069.19

02-Environmental Forestry & Wildlife

1746.20 2469.07 2463.99 3130.70

4406-Capital Outlay on Forestry & Wildlife

506.99 62.00 62.00 62.00

(-) Deduct Recoveries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total: 29534.16 36678.95 36638.92 38210.30



There are two Government Saw Mills in the State namely Jannaram Saw Mill division in Adilabad circle and Rajahmundry saw mill division. Due to administrative grounds the saw-mill at Jannaram wound up on 31-3-97 and saw mill at Rajahmundry was also wound up on 31-3-1997, Vide G.O.Ms.No. 37, EFS&T (For II) Department dated 11-4-1997.


The following Government timber and bamboo depots were operated in the State during the year 2007-08.

Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Name of the Division Govt. Timber Depot. Govt. Bamboo


1 2 3 4 5

1. Adilabad Bellampally 1) Bellampally 2) Asifabad 3) Tiryani

Kagaznagar Vempally

L.D.Nirmal 1) Echoda 2) Jannaram 3) Khanapur 4) Khagaznagar

Mancherial Bheemaram Devapur

2 Hyderabad Hyderabad Sahebnagar ----

3. Warangal

1) Warangal (North) Eturunagaram ----

2) Warangal (South) Narasampet Chintaguda of Kothaguda Range

3) Karimnagar (West) Jagityal

4.Karimnagar ( East) Mahadevpur

4 Khammam 1) Paloncha. Paloncha. Kuknoor

2) LD Bhadrachalam. 1. Chintoor 2. Bhadrachalam


3) Khamman Sathupalli Julurpadu

4) Kothagudem Yellendu

5) Bhadrachalam (South)


5 Rajahmundry 1) Kakinada 1) Addatheegela 2) Bornagudem 3) Donkarai 4) Maredumilli 5) Sudikonda

3) L.D.Jangareddygudem

Jangareddygudem Jangareddygudem

4) L.D.Rajahmundry Rajahmundry 1) Donkarai 2) Maredumilli 3) Addateegela


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Name of the Division Govt. Timber Depot. Govt. Bamboo


6 Guntur L.D.Giddalur Diguvametta

1) Papinenipall i 2)Shivaji Rao Peta

7. Kurnool 1) L.D.Nandyal

1) Gajulapalli 2) Rudravaram

1). Pecherla 2). Rudravaram

2) W.L.Proddutur Porumamilla

3) Kadapa RS Central Depot

8 FDPT, Srisailam 1) Atchampeta 1) Atchampeta 2) Kollapur


2) Atmakur 1) Bair luty 2) Velgode

1) Bair luty 2) Velgode

3) Markapur Dornal Dornal


Nizamabad Nizamabad 1) Nizamabad 2) Varni

Kamareddy 1) Gandhari 2) Yellareddy

10. Visakhapatnam 1) Visakhapatnam - 1) Chodavaram 2) Chilakalagedda

2) Narsipatnam 1) Golugonda 2) Narsipatnam 3) Sileru 4) Lothugedda


3) Srikakulam Srikakulam -

4) Vizianagaram 1) Poolbagh, Vizianagaram. 2) Tippalavalasa, Vizianagaram.




1. PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRIES: Prior to 1975 there were two paper mills i.e., M/s. Sirpur Paper Mills (SPM) and M/s. Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills Limited (APPM) in the State. Bamboo was being supplied by the forest department under long-term agreement. These Paper mills though old, have expanded their production from time to time. They are located in Adilabad and East Godavari Districts respectively. During 1977 and 1978 two more paper mills have been set up primarily depending on the forest department for the raw material supplies. These are: 1. M/s. Sree Rayalaseema Paper Mills Limited situated at Kurnool, in Kurnool District (SRPM). 2. M/s. Bhadrachalam Paper Boards Limited situated at Sarapaka, Khammam District (BPBL).

The details of various paper mills are given below:

Sl. No.


a. Location District Rajahmundry, E.Godavari.

Sarapaka Khammam

Kagaznagar Adilabad

Gondiparla Kurnool

b. Licensed Capacity (Tonnes)

1,01,447 81,994 71,100 42,000

c. Year of Commencement of Production

1954 1975 1938 1979

d. Investment Rs. in Lakhs

4008 9027 2268 4615

e. Employment (Persons)

3729 1584 4300 1233

RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENT: The total production capacity of all the four paper mills is 2,97,500 Turnover per Annum (TPA). The raw material requirement of all paper mills is estimated at 800 thousand MTs. The figure of raw material requirement has been based on the conversion rate of 2.80 MB of raw material for one MT Paper produced. The Sree Rayalaseema Paper Mills has been closed since 1989-90 lease year since it was treated as a sick unit. The main forest raw material being used in paper industry is hard wood and bamboo. The production of bamboo in the State is not enough to meet the full requirement of the Paper industry. The total bamboo growing stock in the State is estimated to be about 34 Lakh Metric Tonnes. As against this growing stock the annual production of bamboo from the Forest of Andhra Pradesh is about 3.5 Lakhs M.Ts. This is further coming down due to flowering of much bamboo growing area. About 1.0 Lakh Metric Tonnes of bamboo is consumed by the paper and pulp industries and the balance of one Lakh Metric Tonnes goes to the domestic sector. In view of the shortage of bamboo raw material the paper industries have started using short fiber of mixed and hard wood also by making necessary changes in the technology.



The agreement provided for revision of royalty rates once in every five years and the royalty rates fell due for revision in 1980 at the first instance. The Government constituted an Expert Committee to advice on fixation of royalty both of bamboo and hard wood supplies to various wood based industries in the State i.e., including those other than paper industries also. The committee was required to consider various factors while recommending the Royalty rates, such as market prices, replacement costs, concession, if any to be given and sustainability of supplies, etc.

The Government have examined and accepted recommendations of the Committee. The rates are given below. Royalty rates for bamboo and hard wood supplies to paper mills.


Year Bamboo Rs. MT (With effect from 1-4-


Hard Wood Rs. M.T (With effect from 1-10-


1. 1980-81 210.00 100.00

2. 1981-82 233.00 111.00

3. 1982-83 258.00 123.00

4. 1983-84 287.00 137.00

5. 1984-85 318.00 152.00

6. 1985-86 352.00 218.67

7. 1986-87 391.80 241.00

8. 1987-88 434.89 269.27

9. 1988-89 482.72 298.77

10. 1989-90 536.71 231.63

The paper industries have protected and latest challenged the revision of rates of supply of raw material in the Supreme Court having lost their cases in High Court. The case is still pending for disposal. Meanwhile A.P. Forest Produce (Fixation of selling price) Act, 1989 was enacted. This Act Provides for fixing selling prices for supply of raw material from government resources to various wood based industries following certain prescribed procedure, as detailed below.

a. The selling price for the bamboo raw material for supply to paper industries shall be fixed basing on the production costs, at the point of supply.

b. The selling price for the miscellaneous mixed wood suitable particle boards, rayon grade pulp and paper pulp shall be fixed basing on the production costs, but not below the market value of the produce at the point of supply.

c. The selling price for timber for supply to plywood industries shall be fixed basing on the market value, at the point of supply.

With the enforcement of the Act from 1-10-1991 all the existing agreements for the supply of raw material stood abrogated. The new agreement with the paper industries for supply of bamboo raw material is for a period of 6 years. The selling prices for bamboo raw material are given below:


1990-91 Rs. 596 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1991-92 Rs. 662 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1992-93 Rs. 735 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1993-94 Rs. 816 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1994-95 Rs. 1000 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1995-96 Rs. 1110 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1996-97 Rs. 1232 / MT (excluding moisture lose 10%)

1997-98 Rs. 1330 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

1998-99 Rs. 1324 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

1999-00 Rs. 1485 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2000-01 Rs. 1430 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2001-02 Rs. 1453 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2002-03 Rs. 1453 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2003-04 Rs. 1453 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2004-05 Rs. 1453 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2005-06 Rs. 1495 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2006-07 Rs. 1546 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

2007-08 Rs. 1620 / MT (including moisture lose 10%)

No hard woods are proposed to be supplied to paper industries in view of shortage. Industrialist are however able to feed their industries using casuarina wood, largely obtained from east coast, where it has got a boost quantity on account of social forestry programme.

The quantities of bamboo raw material now committed for supply to paper industries from 2002-03 to 2007-08 are given below:

Sl. No.

Name of the Paper Mill

No. of BIC‟s Supplied

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

1. A.P. Paper Mills, Rajy.

135006 1465719 1731289 1105500 400157 1667170

2. Sirpur Paper Mills

- 35855 538625 233760 84613 402000

3. Bhadrachalam Paper Boards

967485 1116409 919347 899217 325490 2552600


Small scale Industry where good quantities of bamboo is consumed is basket-weaving community called Burood or Medara. Over ages this community has been procuring bamboo and cane from the forest and seeking livelihood by making baskets, mats, tattas and other articles required in rural areas.

The State Forests are meeting the bonafide requirement of this Burood into co-operatives and register themselves with the concerned District Industries centres. Each member is supplied with 2000 bamboo per annum, 50% is round form and the balance in split form. There are 289 registered societies with total membership of 8200 (approximately). Green Bamboo is supplied to these societies on subsidized


rates, which is around 50% of the market rate. The Statement showing the no. of Green Bamboo supplied to the Burood Copy submitted to the Co–operative Societies are given below from 2002-03 to 2007-08.

Sl.No. Year Bamboo supplied in Nos

1. 2002-03 2295574

2. 2003-04 2762734

3. 2004-05 2050457

4. 2005-06 3117637

5. 2006-07 2352288

6. 2007-08 3477747



Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Name of the Division

No of Govt Saw Mills

No of Private

Saw Mills

No of Govt

Timber Depots

No of Private Timber Depots

No of Govt Bam-boo


No of Private Bam-boo


1. Adilabad 1. Adilabad 0 8 0 9 0 0

2. Bellampally 0 3 0 0 3 0

3. Kaghaznagar 0 7 0 0 1 0

4. Mancherial 0 11 1 0 1 0

5. Nirmal 0 27 0 2 0 0

6. Jannaram 0 2 0 0 0 0

7. L.D.Nirmal 0 0 4 0 0 0

Total 0 58 5 11 5 0

2. Ananthapur 1. Ananthapur 0 73 0 12 0 0

2. Chittoor (West) 0 57 0 18 0 0

Total 0 130 0 30 0 0

3. Guntur 1. Giddalur 0 84 0 28 0 0

2. L.D. Giddalur 0 0 1 0 2 0

3. Guntur 0 217 0 215 0 0

4. Nellore 0 141 0 25 0 0

Total 0 442 1 268 2 0

4. Hyderabad 1.Hyderabad. 0 735 1 179 0 0

2.Mahabubnagar 0 325 0 6 0 0

3.Nalgonda 0 219 0 2 0 0

Total 0 1279 1 187 0 0

5. Khammam 1. Khammam 0 111 1 6 1 0

2. Kothagudem 0 13 1 10 0 0

3. Paloncha 0 1 1 0 1 0

4. Bhadrachalam (North)

0 2 0 0 0 0

5. Bhadrachalam (South)

0 0 1 0 0 0

6. L.D. Bhadrachalam

0 0 2 0 1 0

Total 0 127 6 16 3 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Name of the Division

No of Govt Saw Mills

No of Private

Saw Mills

No of Govt

Timber Depots

No of Private Timber Depots

No of Govt Bam-boo


No of Private Bam-boo


6. Kurnool 1. Kurnool 0 22 0 26 0 0

2. Kadapa 0 26 1 7 0 0

3. WL Nandyal 0 17 0 4 0 0

4. Proddutur 0 45 0 4 1 0

5. LD Nandyal 0 0 2 0 2 0

Total 0 110 3 41 3 0

7. Nizamabad 1. Nizamabad 0 110 2 1 0 0

2. Kamareddy 0 54 2 3 0 0

3. Medak 0 209 0 14 0 0

Total 0 373 4 18 0 0

8. Rajahmundry 1. Eluru 0 244 0 68 0 0

2. Kakinada 0 251 5 234 0 0

3. Krishna 0 279 0 108 0 0

4. LD Rajahmundry 0 0 1 0 3 0

5. LD JR Gudem 0 0 1 0 1 0

Total 0 774 7 410 4 0

9. Visakhapat-nam

1. Vishakapatnam 0 165 0 56 2 0

2. Narsipatnam 0 14 4 0 0 0

3. Srikakulam 0 71 1 23 0 0

4. Vizayanagaram 0 96 2 16 1 0

Total 0 346 7 95 3 0

10. Warangal 1. Warangal (N) 0 178 1 22 0 0

2. Warangal (S) 0 34 1 14 1 0

3. Karimnagar (E) 0 32 1 2 0 0

4. Karimnagar (W) 0 225 1 5 0 0

Total 0 469 4 43 1 0

11. Srisailam (W.L.)

1. Athmakur 0 11 2 20 2 0

2. Achampeta 0 23 2 2 1 0

3. Markapur 0 23 1 6 1 0

4. Nagarjuna Sagar

0 11 0 0 0 0

Total 0 68 5 28 4 0

12. Thirupathi (W.L.)

1. Chittoor (East) 0 42 0 4 0 0

2. Rajampet 0 11 0 7 0 0

3. Tirupathi 0 21 0 49 0 0

Total 0 74 0 60 0 0

Grand Total 0 4250 43 1207 25 0



The Beedi leaf Trade was Nationalised in all the 10 Districts of Telangana Region with effect from 9-11-1970 through the Andhra Pradesh Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) ordinance which was subsequently replaced by the A.P. Minor Forest Produce Act, 1971 (Act 4 of 1971). In the year 1987, the Departmental collection of Beedi Leaf was taken up by eliminating the middlemen and the A.P. Forest Development Corporation Limited was appointed as Agent to the Government which financed the Scheme with Margin Money provided by the Government and at the end of the financial year remits to the Government, all the net revenue after repayment of Bank Loans with interest and meeting the relevant components of expenditure as per the scheme. Thus from the year 1988-89 the Government accounts show only the net revenue realised by the Department as against the normal gross revenue figures shown till 1987-88. The Departmental Collection of Beedi Leaf Scheme is basically a social welfare scheme as it is totally labour oriented. There are in all 440 beedi leaf units spread over all the 10 districts comprising of 23 Divisions of Telangana Region under 5 Territorial Circles and the Field Director, Project Tiger, Srisailam. Departmental collection of beedi leaf was continued upto 1996 season and local persons mainly from the tribals and other weaker sections were appointed as khalladars to supervise the collection, curing, bagging and transport of beedi leaf to godowns. Only good leaf fit for making at least one beedi was delivered to purchasers at godowns. Since 1997 the policy has been revised for collection of beedi leaf in Telangana Region where in the green leaf will be collected and handed over to the purchasers, on the day of collection. All operations like Pruning, Appointment of Khalladars, Curing, Handling and Transportation of leaf to godown will be taken up by the Purchasers only. 1) ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP:- The statement showing the posts sanctioned (category-wise) under the scheme is enclosed herewith as Annexure-I. 2) LEGISLATION ON BEEDI LEAF COLLECTION & TRADE:-

Before introduction of State Trading in Abnus Leaves in 1971, the right to collect abnus leaves was sold by public Auction on lumpsum contract. The private pattadars too, used to sell Beedi Leaf grown in their holdings to the private contractors usually on negotiated terms. When demand and commercial value of beedi leaf had increased private contractors with the help of influential pattadars and local villagers started pilfering and smuggling beedi leaf from the Forests and Government lands leading to considerable loss of revenue to the Government. To arrest this trend, the matter was discussed by the Central Board of Forestry in 1953 which recommended legislative measures to control, the trade of beedi leaf. Accordingly the A.P.Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) ordinance was promulgated in 1970 which was subsequently replaced by Andhra Pradesh Minor Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) Act, 1971 (Act No.4 of 1971). The Provisions of which were brought into operation with effect from 9-11-1970 in the 10 Districts of Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh, which are the main Abnus Leaf growing areas of the State, under the Act the possibility of growers smuggling the leaves from the Government lands is eliminated and public trust is effectively secured. Besides payment of fair wages timely payment also ensured to the laborers who are mostly from the weaker sections of the society and tribals.


3) THE INCOME OF THE DEPARTMENT WITH DETAILS:- During the 2007 season, departmental collection of beedi leaf was undertaken in (402) units, out of 440 beedi leaf units and (38) units remained unsold. The Circle-wise collection figures during 2007 beedi leaf season are furnished below. The target fixed for sold units is 6.206 Lakh S.Bs.:-

Sl. No.

Name of the Circle No. of units


Beedi Leaves collection in


1 Khammam 54 1,85,589.150

2 Warangal 150 1,60,562.875

3 Adilabad 104 1,96,352.054

4 Nizamabad 61 48,983.226

5 Hyderabad 30 13,077.396

6 FDPT Srisailam 03 1,748.934

Total: 402 6,06,313.64

(**) A Standard Bag consists of 1,000 bundles of 50 Beedi leaves each).

The details of expenditure incurred and revenue realized pertaining to the 2007

season based on the progressive reports received are furnished hereunder:-

1) Revenue realised --- --- Rs. 73.47 Crores 2) Expenditure incurred --- --- Rs. 42.86 Crores 3) Net revenue during the financial year 2007-08 --- Rs. 30.61 Crores 4) A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF BUDGET PROVIDED DURING 2007-08: The A.P.Forest Development Corporation Limited was appointed as an Agent to the Government for the purpose of purchase and trade in Beedi Leaf during 2007 Beedi Leaf Season vide G.O.Ms.No.114, EFS&T (For.III) Dept., dt.25.09.2006. The Advisory Committee was constituted by the Government vide G.O.Rt.No.2, EFS&T (For-III) Department, dated 03-01-2007 for 2007 Beedi Leaf Season. The A.P.Forest Development Corporation Limited has availed a loan for various works from Consortium of Banks and cleared the loans together with interest. The scheme was sanctioned by the Government vide G.O.Ms.No.54, EFS&T (For.III) Department, dated 16-5-2007 with financial out lay of Rs. 44.89 Crores. The cost of the establishment Rs.33.58 Lakhs was met from the State Government Funds under 2406 – Forestry & Wild Life, 01 – Forestry, 03 – District Offices. 5) DETAILS OF THE SCHEME AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION DURING 2007 BEEDI LEAF SEASON:

During 2007 beedi leaf season, 6,06,313.64 Standard Bags were collected from 402 units out of the total 440 units under the scheme. The balance 38 units were unsold. The circle-wise figure of collection is furnished under in Annexure-III. All operations like pruning of Abnus bushes, curing, bagging, transportation to godown were done by the purchaser as per the tender conditions.

The Government vide G.O.Ms. No. 43, EFS&T (For.III) Dept., dt. 10-04-2006 issued orders for distribution of Net Revenue to the Beedi Leaves in proportion to the quantity of Beedi leaf collected by them as ascertained from the wage cards issued and maintained by the department to individual BL Collectors from 2006 BL Season


onwards. The money will be distributed to the BL collectors by the Forest Department in Gram Sabhas to be conducted in each village for this purpose. 6) INSURANCE:

Group Personal Accident Policy was extended to the Departmental personnel engaged in Beedi Leaf Collection, through Group Personnel Accident Insurance Scheme for a sum of Rs.1.00 lakhs for each individual for the year 2007-08 for 3200 subordinates and officers engaged in the Beedi Leaf collection and also insured the lives of 75,000 beedi leaf collectors by deposited an amount of Rs. 6.00 with the A.P. Forest Development Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad as revolving fund towards payment of insurance to the subordinates/ officers and B.L. Collectors.


The Scheme is a Social Welfare Scheme and a labour oriented one while implementing the scheme about 45.36 lakh mandays work was generated during the peak summer period mostly by tribals and other weaker sections. The scheme also helped unemployed, educated youth, tribals and other weaker sections in the villages who were appointed as khalladars.

Totally about Rs.3629 lakhs was spent as wages to the rural poor at about 3758 collection centres (khallas) within a short span of about 2 months during April & May in the lean agricultural season.

During the 2007 season, 402 units were disposed in the forward trading and 6,06,313.64 standard Bags of Beedi Leaf was collected fetching a Gross Revenue of Rs.7347 lakhs.

A N N E X U R E - I


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sl.No. Category No. of Persons

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gazetted Officers 70

2. Range Officers 110 3. Deputy Range Officers 125 4. Foresters 524 5. Forest Beat Officers 1374 6. Asst.Forest Beat Officers 309 7. Managers 8. Superintendents 9. Draughtman Grade-I 10. Senior Assistants 688 11. Junior Assistants 12. L.D.Stenos. 13. Typists ---------------- TOTAL: 3200 ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Sl. No.

Name of the Produce Quantities Obtained

Units S.Bs. M.T.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(1) Beedi Leaves 402 6,06,313.64 -

Notes: - 1) Minor Forest Produce: Beedi Leaves

2) 38 units were not sold out of 440 units

3) Each standard bad contains 1000 bundles of 50 beedi leaves each.

A N N E X U R E – 14 (a)


Major Head & Sub-Head Revenue

2406 – Forestry & Wild Life 01 – Forestry 05 – Receipts from Beedi Leaf Trading Scheme Rs.30.61 Crores (Net Revenue)

A N N E X U R E – 14 (b)


Sl.No. Head of Account Plan Non-Plan Total

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1) Major Head:

2406 – Forestry & Wild Life, 01 – Forestry, NIL Rs.33.58 Rs.33.58 03 – District Offices Lakhs Lakhs



The National Forest Policy, 1988, emphasizes on scientific Forestry Research

towards attainment of policy objectives which aim at restoring ecological balance and

conservation of country‟s natural heritage by evolving socially acceptable, technically viable

and ecologically sustainable management practices. In order to achieve above objectives,

Andhra Pradesh Forest Department has recognized the potential and role of Forestry

Research and accordingly made financial allocations and build up research capabilities over

last two decades.

There are four Research Centers located at Hyderabad, Warangal, Tirupathi, and

Rajahmundry which attend to the Forestry problems in their respective jurisdiction. The

Research and Development Circle which created in 1971-72 with Head Quarters at

Hyderabad and presently headed by CCF rank Officer to ensure effective co-ordination of

various research activities taken up in the research centers to documents the research

findings and disseminate the information for practical application in the field.


Sl. No.

Description S.S Hyd S.S Rjy S.S, Tpt FG.Wgl F.U.O Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Total Staff 37 35 45 39 20 176

2. Field Research Stations

2 4 4 5 15

3. Area in Ha. 169 150 310 227 856


Lab facility i) Gen Lab ii)Seed testing lab

Gen Lab i)Social science lab ii)Micro-biology lab iii)Molecular marker lab iv)Tissue culture lab

i)Seed testing lab.

5 Seed godowns

4 2 1 1 8

6. Modern research nurseries

2 1 5 1 9


Seminar / Conference hall / Demo cum training centers

2 1 2 2 7


Forestry Research plan is divided into long term research plan and short term research plan. Under long term research plan breeding programme for tree species like, Teak, Eucalyptus, Casuarina and other long rotation species have been taken up. Eucalyptus and casuarinas species breeding programme has research the 3rd generation trials. Under short term research plan issue of immediate and urgent attention, nursery protocol development for various species etc have been taken up. In addition, multi-locational clonal trials, clonal multiplication area for various species are also taken up with a view to enhance with productivity from unit area. Under skill upgradation of all stakeholders involved in forestry, trainings on important and relevant themes were also taken up.

Under World Bank assisted A.P Forestry Project (1994-1999) and under

APCFM project (2002-2010) focus of forestry research was on enhancement of forest productivity through focused applied research and consequent advancement in forestry technology. Under APFA (Phase I ) (1994-2000) 100 Ha. Of clonal seed Orchards and 30 Ha of seedling and Orchards of important timber and economical value species were established and 180 Ha. Of C.M.A of timber, pulpwood and NTFP species were raised. An area of 806 Ha of seed production areas of teak (689 Ha.) Anogeissus latifolia, Adina cardifolia, Terminalia alata, Pterocarpus marsupium and P.santilius were also demarcated.

Similarly, under World Bank assisted APCFM project focus is on tree

improvement and productivity enhancing programmes like, development of clonal multiplication areas for various species including NTFP species. Medicinal plants is another area on which work is under progress. During 2008-09, 13 research experiments have been taken up on various issues / themes over an area of 13.90 ha. in the four research centers.

Research plots established during the year 2007-08

Sl. No.

Name of the species

Nature of plot

Espacement in Mts.

Area in


Research division

Location/ Research


1. Ailanthus excelsa Progeny 3X2 0.81 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

2. Acacia hybrid CTA 3X2 0.54 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

3. Gmelina arborea CPT 3X3 0.77 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

4. Teak tissue culture

Demo 3X2 0.50 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

5. Acacia hybrid Demo 3X2 0.50 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

6. Teak Tissue Culture

Demo 2X2 0.50 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

7. Soyamida febrifuga

Demo 3X3 1.30 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

8. Cochlospermum religiosum

Demo 5X5 0.78 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

9. Dolichondrone crispa

Demo 3X2 1.00 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

10. Hymenodictyan exelsum

Demo 3X2 0.50 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

11. Hardwickia binata Demo 3X2 1.38 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu


12. Radermachera Demo 3X2 0.57 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

13. Dalbergia latifolia SSO 4X4 0.77 SS, Hyd. R.C. Mulugu

14. Kaya senagalesis Demo 3X3 0.50 SS, Hyd. FRC, Dulapalli

15. Teak tissue culture

Demo 3X3 1.00 SS, Hyd. FRC, Dulapalli

16. Gmelina arborea CSO 3X3 1.62 FG, Wgl. Achutapuram Research Centre (ARC)

17. Tectona grandis CTA 2X3 0.80 FG, Wgl. ARC

18. Dolichondrone crispa

Demo 3X2 1.00 FG, Wgl. ARC

19. Melia dubia Demo 3X3 1.00 FG, Wgl. ARC

20. Ailanthus excelsa PT 3X3 1.00 FG, Wgl. ARC

21. Gmelina arborea PT 3X2 0.85 FG, Wgl. ARC

22. Bamboo Introduction 5X5 2.00 FG, Wgl. ARC

23. Hymenodictyan exelsum

PT 3X2 0.35 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

24. Gmelina arborea PT 3X2 0.75 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

25. Mitragyna parviflora

CTA 3X2 0.65 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

26. Gmelina arborea CSO 4X2.5 0.98 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

27. Acacia hybrid CMA 1X1 0.22 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

28. Eucalyptus CTA 3X2 0.47 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

29. Tectona grandis CTA 3X3 0.80 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

30. Casuarina (Subline-C)

CSO 3X3 0.48 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

31. Cochlospermum religiosum

PT 3X3 0.24 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

Sl. No.

Name of the species

Nature of plot

Espacement in Mts.

Area in


Research division

Location/ Research


32. Casuarina DP 2X2 0.50 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

33. Ailanthus excelsa PT 2X3 0.40 SS, Rjy. RFRC, Rajahmundry

34. Tectona grandis CTA 3X2 0.84 State Silviculturist,


Bathulavari gudem

35. Gmelina arobrea PTP 3X2 0.80 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

36. Ailanthus excelsa PTP 3X3 1.60 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

37. Pterocarpus santalinus

PTP 3X3 1.00 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi


38. Casuarina junghuhniana

PTP 2X1 0.35 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

39. Gmelina arborea CSO 3X3 0.75 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

40. Hymenodictyan exelsum

Demo 3X3 1.00 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

41. Soyamida febrifuga Demo 3X3 0.75 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

42. Mitragyna parvifolia CTA 3X2 0.25 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

43. Casuarina junghuhniana

Irrigation trial plot

Different espacement

0.15 SS, Tirupati SVFRS Kukkaladoddi

44. Melia dubia Demo 3X3 1.0 SS, Tirupati SKVFRS Mangapuram

45. Ailanthus excelsa PTP 3X3 2.00 SS, Tirupati SKVFRS Mangapuram

46. Teak Tissue Culture Plants

CTA 3X3 1.00 SS, Tirupati SKVFRS Mangapuram

Multi Locational Clonal Trial Plots Established during the year 2007-08 under the

Supervision of R&D Circle.

Sl.No. Circle Division Range Location No. of Trials

Area in Ha.

1 Kurnool Proddatur Badvel PP Kunta 34 4.00

2 Kurnool Kadapa Vontimitta Durgapuram 34 4.00

3 Guntur Nellore Venkatigiri Periyavaram 34 4.00

4 WLM, Tirupati Rajampet Koduru Y. Kota 34 4.00

5 WLM, Tirupati Chittoor (E) Satyavedu Indiranagar 34 4.47

6 Visakhapatnam Vizianagaram Fizianagaram Kondapeta 6 5.00

7 Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Yelamanchili Chowdipally 5 5.00

8 Visakhapatnam Narsipatnam Narsipatnam Arilova 6 3.77

9 Visakhapatnam Narsipatnam Narsipatnam Arilova 4 6.50

10 Visakhapatnam Narsipatnam Narsipatnam Pedimikonda 9 10.00

11 Nizamabad Nizamabad Nizamabad Mosra 5 5.00

12 Nizamabad Kamareddy Kamareddy Ghanpur-R 5 5.00

13 Nizamabad Medak Medak Andugulapally 5 5.00

14 Hyderabad Mahaboobnagar Mahaboobnagar Peddadaripally 5 5.00

15 Hyderabad Achampet Achampet Rangapur 5 5.00

16 Adilabad Adilabad Adilabad Durganagar 5 4.61

17 Adilabad Jannaram Indanpally Kommuguda 5 4.61

18 Adilabad Mancherial Mancherial Mudikunta 5 4.61

19 Warangal Karimnagar (W) Jagityal Kandlapally 5 4.61

20 Warangal Karimnagar (E) Bhupalpally Moranbad 5 4.61

21 Warangal Warangal (S) Mahaboobabad Damorancha 3 2.61

22 Warangal Warangal (N) Warangal Guruvannapet 5 4.61

23 Khammam Khammam Sathupally Kistaram 5 4.61

24 Khammam Paloncha Aswapuram Mothugudem 5 4.61

25 Khammam Bhadrachalam (N) Bhadrachalam Junikicheruvu 5 4.61

26 Khammam Kothagudem Ramavaram Ahmed Nagar 5 4.61


LRHT species plots established in Territorial Divisions during the year 2007-08 under the supervision of R&D Circle

Sl.No. Circle Division Range Location Area in


1 Kurnool Proddatur Porumamilla Peddakappalapally 5.00

2 Kurnool Proddatur Badvel Lakkavaripally 5.00

3 WLM, Tirupati Rajampet Kodur Y.Kota 11.00

4 WLM, Tirupati WLM, Tirupati Balapally Shivajinagaram 2.00

5 WLM, Tirupati Chittoor (E) Chittoor (E) Ramapuram 5.00

6 WLM, Tirupati Chittoor (E) Puttur Baktavatsala Colony 5.00

7 WLM, Tirupati Chittoor (E) Satyavedu Indira Nagar 11.00

8 Guntur Nellore Nellore Molakalapally 5.00

9 Guntur Nellore Rapur Inukurthy 5.00

10 Guntur Nellore Vekatagiri Marlakunta 5.00

11 Guntur Nellore Atmakur Putturuvaripally 5.00

12 Guntur Nellore Kavali Sucheta Nagar 5.00

13 Guntur Nellore Udayagiri Somalaregada 5.00

14 Anantapur Chittoor (W) Punganur Polepally 5.00

15 Anantapur Chittoor (W) Madanapally Urakonda 5.00

16 WLM, Tirupati WLM, Tirupati SVNP, Tirupati Mamundur 2.00

17 Rajahmundry Kakinada Kakinada K. Gopalapuram 5.00

18 Visakapatnam Visakapatnam Yelamanchili Choudipally 10.00

19 Visakapatnam Visakapatnam Yelamanchili Rebaka 5.00

20 Visakapatnam Visakapatnam S.Kota Gadilova 5.00

21 Visakapatnam Vizianagaram Saluru Pottigadapa Valasa 4.00

22 Visakapatnam Vizianagaram Kuruppam Gumma 5.00

23 Visakapatnam Vizianagaram Parvathipuram Gopalarayudi 5.00

24 Rajahmundry Kakinada Kakinada K. Gopalapuram 5.00

25 Warangal Warangal (N) Mulugu Sriramlapally 2.00

26 Warangal Warangal (N) Mulugu Ramnagar 3.00

27 Warangal Warangal (S) Mahaboobabad Tallapusapally 4.00

28 Warangal Karimnagar (E) Chintakam Korlakunta 5.00

29 Warangal Karimnagar (W) Jagityal Kandlapally 5.00

30 Khammam Bhadrachalam (N) Charla Singasamudram 5.00

31 Khammam Kothagudem Kothagudem Shambunigudem 5.00

32 Khammam Kothagudem Ramavaram Ahmednagar 5.00

33 Khammam Kothagudem Bayyaram Namalagudem 5.00

34 Khammam Paloncha Aswapuram Maddilagudem 5.00

35 Khammam Khammam Sathupally Rajapuram 5.00

36 Khammam Khammam Dammapeta Anantharam 5.00

37 Khammam Khammam Thallada Medipally 5.00

38 Adilabad Adilabad Adilabad Malkapur 5.00

39 Adilabad Adilabad Indravelli Lendiguda 5.00

40 Adilabad Adilabad Utnoor Suddaguda 5.00

41 Adilabad Kagaznagar Kagaznagar Ankushapur 5.00

42 Adilabad Jannaram Indanapally Kalamadugu 10.00

43 Adilabad Mancherial Mancherial Patha Bellampally 15.00


Seed Production Areas Established during the year 2007-08 in R&D Circle.

Sl.No. Circle Division Range Location Species Area in Ha.


Collection and Distribution of quality seed during the year 2007-08 in R&D


(in Kgs.)

Sl.No. Division Opening Balance

Collected during the


Disposed during the


Closing balance

1 State Silviculturist, Hyderabad

20.037 10.500 22.137 8.400

2 State Silviculturist, Tirupati

1510.000 1933.000 3255.000 188.000

3 State Silviculturist, Rajahmundry

21976.400 18131.750 947.500 39160.650

4 Forest Geneticist, Warangal

14506.000 582.580 522.280 14566.300

Total 38012.437 20657.830 4746.917 53923.350

Expenditure incurred under various schemes during the year 2007-08 in R&D


Sl.No. Division Budget released Exp. Incurred

1 APCFM Project 34645000 29940328

2 Tree and Pasture Seed Development

800000 343065

3 Sivicultural Research 835000 455865

4 Publicity 4000000 2023976

Total 40280000 32763234

Activities under Publicity

Publicity is one of the support activities of any organization highlighting various activities of the department in concerned fields. In order to cause wide publicity of the departmental activities office of the Forest Utilization Officer is assigned with supporting staff and budget.

The Forest Utilization Officer will endeavour for the encouragement of more

effective and intensive utilization of forest products in trade industries etc. and make publicity by organizing Exhibition in All India Industrial Exhibition, Hyderabad and


also at Vijayawada to enlighten the public about the developmental activities taken up by the Forest Department and also to bring awareness regarding effective utilization of Forest Resources.

The earmarked work of this publicity during the year 2007-08 is by organizing: 1. Exhibition stalls in All India Industrial Exhibition 2. Tableaux for 15th August, 2007 and 26th January-2008 3. Publishing of Forest at a Glance, Brochures 4. Publishing of Annual Administration Reports 5. Publishing of Facts and Figures of the Department 6. Publishing of Telephone Directory of the Forest Department and also conducting

exhibition on important meetings and departmental functions to highlight the departmental activities.

This office is also having a Statistical Cell to study the trends in the market for

Timber and Other Forest Produce and work in the collaboration with territorial division Forest Officers to secure the best price and other forest produce sold by them, by constant interaction in furnishing date on market trends on various forest produces. During the year 2007-08 the allotment for Forest Utilization Officer is Rs.40.00 lakhs, under the Strengthening and upgradation of publicity wing under State Plan Scheme. As against the allotment an amount of Rs.20.24 lakhs was spent under the Publicity Scheme.




Evolution of Geomatics:

Efficient Forest Resource Management requires rapid reliable and accurate

information regarding the status of Forest. RS & GIS in combination with GPS has emerged as a key-monitoring tool for better management of resources. Information Technology has percolated deep into A.P Forest Department during the implementation of Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project funded by World Bank. Geographic Information system was introduced in Andhra Pradesh Forest Department with a view to improve the capabilities of the decision makers in Planning and Monitoring of the forests. The use of GIS has brought speed in communication of the data, consistency at all levels, transparency, accuracy, reliability and ease of use. This technology encompasses other technologies like Management Information system, Global positioning system, Remote Sensing, Forest Inventory and cartography to fulfill the needs of the department. This has led to evolution of Forest Geomatics in Andhra Pradesh Forest Department and this Geomatics Centre has further developed into a Centre of Excellence for applications of RS/GIS/GPS technology in the field.

Use of RS, GIS & GPS had a very modest beginning in the APFD. When GIS started in APFD it faced lot of difficulties in database creation as well as processing. The difficulty faced in getting accurate spatial and attribute data from the field was overcome by our perseverance and hard work of our field staff. The difficulty faced in transferring the processed data and its use was overcome by developing methodologies and continuous trainings. However, after the initial starting problems were overcome, the Geomatics Centre has developed into a centre of excellence. It has spread the RS, GIS & GPS activities to the field through 6 Regional GIS Centers. Today, APFD has a fully automated database whose accuracy has been verified at various levels. To make this data available to field staff, a copy of data has been supplied to the 6 Regional GIS Centers. Further, the entire data has been copied and archived in the Geomatics Centre. Objectives:

The primary objectives of Geomatics are as follows.

Creation of database for helping all the field executives in day-to-day decision making.

Bringing out consistency, accuracy and transparency in all types of data.

Preparation of Strategic Plans at State and District levels at 1:250k scale, management plans or working plans at 1:50k and micro plans at 1:10k or 5k has been contemplated.

To explore the potential of RS & GIS for better forest resource management by under taking Research & Development Activities.

To make RS & GIS integral to decision making process at all levels in department.

Training of staff in field RS, GIS & GPS.

To enhance the utility of existing database and generate further reliable data for the different wings of the AP Forest Department.

Use RS & GIS inputs for working plan preparation in the State.


Survey of Forest blocks and resolving the Forest Boundary disputes using DGPS for better management.

Integrating MIS with GIS through development of Forest Management Information System by collecting the VSS data from the field.

Preparation of Stock Maps at various levels using forest inventory for forest management.

Enumeration of trees out side the Forests using high resolution data.


Vegetation mapping and monitoring: Remote sensing data from IRS 1A/1B - LISS II and IRS 1C/1D - WIFS, LISS III and PAN, IRSP6-LISSIII data etc are acquired from NRSA and processed through various image processing techniques viz., image restoration, image enhancement and thematic information extraction. The data has been segmented into various homogeneous strata (land use / land cover classes) using the various image processing techniques viz., image classification algorithms, NDVI, PCA and CCA with the help of existing working plans and reference material. The data is being used for resource assessment i.e., forest canopy density and forest type for monitoring change in status of forest vegetation and its evaluation. WIFS (Wide Field Sensor) data is being used for the state level rapid assessment. LISS III (Linear Imaging and self scanning sensor) is being used for information to prepare Management/ Working plans and Operational plans. Merged data (PAN+LISS III) is being used for Micro planning. The lowest functionary of the forest dept. i.e. Forest Beat Officer is involved in this vegetation cover analysis. It not only provides accurate result but also creates awareness among the field staff in use of technology.

The following classification scheme is adopted for carrying out the vegetation

canopy density analysis. Very Dense - > 0.7 canopy density Moderately Dense forest - 0.4 to 0.7 canopy density Open forest - 0.4 to 0.1 canopy density Scrub forest - < 0.1 Canopy density and areas with dwarf

and stunted growth

Blanks/Others - devoid of vegetation Water bodies - ponds, lakes, streams Mangroves Forest - Areas with mangroves along the coast Various classification techniques have been used in performing classification

process as per the requirement.

Ground truthing: The preliminary classified data is sent for the ground truthing by the field officers to improve the results of classification. The 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005 and 2006 data have been analyzed to assess the change in trends of forest development and also the impact of formation of Vana Samarakshana Samithi (VSS) under APFP (AP Forestry Project), APCFM (AP Community Forest Management) project and other management practices that were introduced. The data has been sent to field officers for ground verification. The errors are rectified and maps with detailed statistics are generated up to the lowest administrative, management level. The output classified maps are being used in the plans of the departmental staff. The status of forest reports are generated for all years.


Database creation: Seven themes have been created in 1:250K scales

(Administrative, Management, Drainage, Roads, Rail tracks, Village & Plantation) and 30 basic and derived themes have been created/generated and updated in 1:50K scale. This data is distributed to divisions for verifications and use.

Archival of database for further usage and dissemination: The huge amount of database that has been developed is archived systematically with appropriate coding for the faster retrieval and usage. The copies of data are maintained at head office and regional centers.

Methodologies: Methodologies were developed for different works starting from GIS database creation to advanced analysis, viz., coding convention, image georeferencing & classification, ground truthing, accuracy assessment and statistics generation, micro level watershed modeling, forest fire risk zonation, wildlife habitat mapping, site selection for ecotourism, biodiversity characterization at landscape level, least cost analysis, DGPS survey and data analysis, etc.

Infrastructure development: Establishment of Regional Centers in Warangal, Kurnool Rajahmundry, Adilabad, Tirupathi and Visakhapatnam with modern facilities and staff to cater the needs of forest divisions around them in technology and working needs.

To house the expanded activities for the Geomatics Centre, a new Geomatics Centre has been established at new Aranya Bhavan office complex. This will facilitate the working of Geomatics Cell and at the same time it will cater the needs of the higher officials in making the appropriate decisions.

Projects: Projects executed in the range of simple to complex for different category of users. Some of them are vegetation change detection analysis for various seasons, providing basic data for preparation of working plans, Forest Inventory. The complex ones include AP Cyclone Hazard Mitigation, Site suitability analysis for water harvesting structures and watershed modeling for


specific areas, Ecotourism site selection, Wildlife habitat mapping, Forest fire risk zonation and Survey of Forest Blocks using DGPS.

Forest Fire Risk Modeling (Fire Hazard Zonation): With the aid of MoEF, GOI, to analyze the effect of forest fires in AP and to prepare a fire management plan, the fire hazard zonation using Geomatics by taking various factors that are influencing the fire into consideration viz., the fuel (forest type and density), the topography (slope and aspect), the proximity (roads and villages), the environmental factors (wind, temperature, rainfall etc) for seven districts are completed. These maps are useful in delineating most to least vulnerable areas to fire and helpful in creating fire lines and combating the fire hazard. Hence these maps are helpful for development of forests and wildlife. This has been appreciated by MoEF, Chairman ISRO, Director IGNFA, PCCFs of other states, etc. The Fire Risk Model generated are compared with the satellite imagery and found matching to a great extent.

Micro level watershed management planning using Geomatics for specific areas: Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS technology will provide much information and can be used in selecting suitable sites for water harvesting structures and prioritization according to criteria and budget availability. The main objectives are to identify suitable sites for water harvesting structures, to prioritize WHS with respect to their feasibility and local importance, to assess the impact of the watershed management practices.

The DGPS system has been employed to collect the fly levels in the area by walking in a zigzag fashion in such a way that the entire area is covered uniformly depending upon the terrain. The information has been utilized for generating contours at 1 mt interval and slope and stream network is derived. By inputting various criteria the site suitability analysis for WHS is carried out. The runoff is estimated using other parameters governing the watershed development.

Wildlife habitat mapping for specific areas: The Geomatics has been used to analyse the site suitability of wildlife habitats by taking the several parameters like the food, water and cover. The food and cover is derived from the RS Data and FWPs, the slope and aspect, the settlements and roads are derived from topomaps, the water is derived from topomaps and RS Data. With the help of other collateral information the various layers are integrated in GIS environment and the wildlife habitat suitability map is generated. It has been compared with the field census and matching to ground conditions.

Forest Inventory and its results a) Objective: The main objective of the inventory was to collect quantitative and qualitative information, about the forest resources to serve the data needs of development planning at State and Division level.

Information related to growing stock of timber and its species-wise distribution and volume was proposed to be got generated through this Inventory.

Besides assessing growing stock, the information regarding the following has also been collected.


Timber and Bamboo resources, herbs, shrubs & weeds, soil Factors causing damage to the forests like incidences of insects, pests, grazing, fire, illicit felling etc.

b) Methodology The stratified random sampling method was applied for the purpose. The field

inventory was carried out by the 70 Teams, specially constituted for the purpose. Each Team consisted of a Team Leader, an Assistant Team Leader, local Forest Officer (FBO or ABO) and 4 Inventory Assistants. Extensive trainings were given to them in data collection.

Customized software for entry of data collected by the field Inventory Teams was specially developed for Andhra Pradesh. The Circle/Division level data entry operators were given training in handling the software at APFA (AP Forest Academy) Dulapally, on data entry. Subsequently, they entered the data at Circle / Division levels using the above mentioned software. The data was regularly transferred to head office through division offices. The data checking was done thoroughly at head office and data processed systematically.

Outputs of the Inventory

Estimates of Growing Stock in Cubic Meters (M3) by species and diameter class.

Estimate of number of stems by species and diameter Class.

Regeneration status, over all and species wise.

Estimate of stock of Bamboo & Bamboo bearing areas.

Regeneration Status of Bamboo. Besides above the tables, charts and graphs have also been generated for the State and

each of the Division depicting

Forest area

Growing Stock (Total, per ha & diameter and species wise),

Number of Stems (Total & per ha),

Top 15 Species based on Volume & No. of Stems each (diameter class wise),

Basal area, status of Bamboo regeneration,

distribution and availability of Bamboo (Diameter Class & age wise),

Status of regeneration through seedlings & coppices,

Various soil characteristics such as distribution of soil depth-, Humus-& stoniness, extents of acidic, alkaline & neutral soils (pH) and extent of Organic Carbon;

Incidences of weeds, grasses, fire, grazing, illicit felling and pests etc.



















Adilabad 12.28 0.44 36.82 7.62 68.17 25.08 33.14 46.67

Ananthpur 8.12 0.47 13.10 1.59 23.16 2.19 4.25 10.53

FDPT Srisailam 11.69 0.76 22.53 5.97 42.02 11.11 17.84 26.33

Guntur 7.40 0.25 12.89 2.13 34.95 7.80 10.18 16.79

Hyderabad 6.72 0.29 9.40 0.62 18.63 0.51 1.42 7.8

Khammam 16.16 0.41 45.44 12.95 73.13 29.22 42.59 53.6

Kurnool 10.14 0.47 14.85 2.25 34.82 8.00 10.72 19.27

Nizamabad 8.24 0.24 32.22 4.46 49.10 3.06 7.76 28.39

Rajamundry 18.49 0.20 38.61 2.33 72.72 23.90 26.42 56.79

Thirupathi 7.62 0.21 23.95 3.92 43.52 7.76 11.89 28.52

Visakapatnam 27.57 2.33 51.54 6.12 88.70 29.57 38.01 57.84

Warangal 15.45 0.47 33.41 6.94 63.63 20.46 27.87 43.66

A.P. 13.34 6.53 29.18 56.88 59.58 168.66 232.08 36.37

Unit volume in cum

Total volume mcumGrowing stock in Andhra Pradesh



Trainings and Extensions: In order to make the RS, GIS and GPS technology acceptable to field staff, extensive trainings are being imparted to different cadres at different levels i.e., Viewers, Users and Doers.1) Viewers training are being conducted for departmental officers of various cadres 2) Cartography and coding training for draughtsman. 3) Doers trainings like database creation & updation, map composition and printing training to all the computer operators in the department, DGPS trainings exclusively for executives involved in DGPS survey.

Training are being imparted to all other sister organizations like Panchayat Raj, Rural development, Animal husbandry, HUDA, Police, Transport, Agriculture department etc of the state. It is pertinent to state that the Geomatics center has been identified by the MoEF, GOI as a training institute in the field of Geomatics for imparting vertical trainings to all India Forest officers. Different state forest departments are requesting Geomatics center for imparting training to their officers and trainings are being conducted.

Integration of GIS and MIS: The use of MIS and GIS data in isolation does not fulfill the needs of a department that demands. Hence, the various modules of MIS are integrated with spatial data by building appropriate queries. It also generates maps on a particular query. Further queries and modules can be appended. With the integration, the non spatial information can be managed at one place. It also facilitates the analytical capabilities and various outputs can be generated by forming complex queries which can be used by the field level officers in their day to day administration and management.

Geomatics has become an integral part to a forest division decision support system in forestry planning & operations in Andhra Pradesh.

Much of the data created is of dynamic nature and needs periodic updation. To enhance the utility of infrastructure created more data to be added and refine existing database. Strong foundation has been laid for use of RS & GIS inputs for resources planning. However, the technology is rapidly opening new fields and options. Hence tune to make use of the new advances. Further activities: Inputs to Plans:

Geomatics can be a main tool in preparation of Forest Working Plans of all divisions in the state. It provides various inputs which can be integrated through complex GIS analysis. The inputs like forest boundaries, stream network, contours, roads, villages, forest cover etc., are vital in various levels of planning i.e., strategic, management and operational as well as the micro plans of JFM.

Pre-inventory/inventory points are generated on the classified map by way of Probability Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling for growing stock estimation. The sampling intensity will be based on the variance in population in each stratum (density class). Taking all factors like time, Cost, Permissible error and other statistical requirements, it has been decided to take up pre-Inventory exercise by laying (45) forty five plots of 0.1 Ha each in every Division @ (15) plots in each density class. The above exercise will provide information about variance in population, which will in turn be the deciding factor in arriving at the sampling intensity i.e. (sample plot size and number of inventory plots) required for each Stratum, for undertaking Final Inventory through “Optimal sample size determination” procedure.

The information thus generated through Final Inventory gives the “Statistics of growth and yield” of growing stock, and also the “Status of Forest and Potentiality of


the forest area” in the division. Accurate stock maps and other information dependant maps will be generated with the help of RS, GIS and statistical inputs (inventory data).

This information forms an important database to be used in preparation/revision of the Working Plan. Once the stock maps are prepared, it is easy to derive working circles with help of other collateral information. Basing on the working circles treatment practices can be designed. GIS will be used for area calculation, statistics generation and for final output map making. It makes the task more accurate, fast and simpler.

Forest Atlas It is proposed to prepare forest atlas of the State of Andhra Pradesh. It shall give spatial distribution of forest type along with density. It will be attempted by overlay analysis of forest types with forest density coverage. The forest type map will be generated using multi-spectral LISS-III data and density mapping will be done using PAN data. Development of on-line geo database: Huge amount of database is developed and archived. It is proposed to keep this database in the form of geo database on-line through intranet by connecting all offices upto Range level and to integrate MIS database with GIS database. It can be done by procuring ArcSDE and the database will be stored in an oracle server. It facilitates single management of database.

Web GIS In addition to providing on-line database availability to all forest offices for regular use and for updation of information, as part of the government policy, it is decided to keep some information of department‟s activities and services on internet. To facilitate this, it is proposed to establish an Internet Map Server along with web hosting through Web GIS.

On development of geo database and Web GIS the data can be put on net and privileges can be set for various levels of officers in creating/updating the information. It facilitates the single storage of spatial and non-spatial information. For this the Arc IMS, Arc SDE etc has to be procured.

Research & Development Activities.

1. Generation of new vegetation indices for State of AP. Vegetation indices are developed for the vegetation quantification and to

compress the huge amount of multi-spectral data in such a way that spectral properties of the canopy get enhanced and interference of the other area features or variability due to different illumination conditions is reduced. These indices can be related with parameters like Leaf Area Index, Photo synthetically Active Radiation, Leaf biomass, Leaf area index etc, for determining biomass production and Productivity. The indices may be ratio based vegetation indices or n-space Vegetation indices.


2. Archiving training sets of different years data for change detection studies: Training sets are very important in the classification of multi-spectral image and

require close interaction between the image analyst and data, which is to be classified. It is also requires thorough knowledge of the geographic area to which the data apply. The main objective of the training sets is to assemble a set of statistics that describes the spatial response pattern for each land cover type to be classified in an image and needs to be archived for carrying out change detection studies.

The No. of training areas required for classifying an image depends on the No. of classes we require, the occurrence of each class in an area and the complexity of the Geographical area. It is very essential to have geographical location of training site, date of collection (it should be within 30 days or less from the acquisition of the data). It is to be continued for each time to understand the spectral response patterns and needs to be archived in the GIS environment to improve the classification accuracy.

3. Collection of permanent GCP‟s for Geo-referencing of high resolution of data. 4. Comparative analysis of optical and radar imageries for vegetation mapping on pilot scale.

5. Development of software for different applications in the department like data loggers, inventory calculations, Meta data collection and customization of software for department.

6. Monitoring of Protected areas

Physical setting of the protected area and land cover changes in the vicinity.

Wildlife habitat suitability mapping for carrying capacity analysis.

Monitoring of the corridor of the protected area, important population migration and genetic exchange.

Positive and negative impacts on the habitat conditions.

Successional and regressional trend of constituent ecosystems of the protected areas.

Awards and rewards: a. AP Forest Dept. was awarded SILVER ICON for Forest Fire Risk Zonation Mapping under “Trail Blazing Application of the year 2004” by the Govt. of India for e-Governance initiatives. b. AP Forest Dept. was awarded GOLDEN ICON for Site Suitability for Water Harvesting Structures under “Innovative Operations and Best Practices of the year 2005” by the Govt. of India for e-Governance initiatives.

Golden Icon - 2005

Silver Icon - 2004



The forestry policy stipulated to have at least 1/3rd of land area under "forest". This target can not be achieved unless massive efforts are made in afforestation out side the reserve forests in non-forest lands namely private lands, community lands and other public lands.

During last 6 years from 2003 to 2008, 17949.24 lakhs seedlings raised in nurseries have been utilized for planting in public & private lands, farm forestry in marginal agricultural lands,field bund planting and in homesteads. Of the seedlings distributed, fuel and fodder species constitute nearly 80%, while the rest include fruit and shade plants. Farm forestry potential in Andhra Pradesh is estimated to yield annually 5 to 6 lakh tons of wood.

During last two decades department has raised plantations on Tank Foreshores over an area of approx. 30,000 Ha. and Other Community Land plantations over an area of approx. 28,000 Ha.

Because of intensive social forestry activities taken up in the state since last decade, Andhra Pradesh state stands first among all the states in tree cover outside the forest area which is 9011 as assessed by Forest Survey of India. This is ample proof of the increase in the awareness of the people and the success of the programs taken up for increasing the tree cover outside the conventional forest areas.

Details of seedlings utilized District wise during last six years from 2002-03 to 2007-08 are furnished below:

Sl. No.

Name of the District

Seedlings Distributed

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

1 Adilabad 44.16 43.55 43.96 83.38 116.21 61.72

2 Ananthapur 553.80 40.87 24.96 24.95 65.67 15.10

3 Chittoor 167.45 151.77 98.90 88.60 63.59 50.13

4 Kadapa 43.75 135.74 38.45 59.75 12.10 27.43

5 East Godavari 123.21 119.86 154.43 219.09 219..53 582.43

6 Guntur 149.85 40.38 81.67 98.68 182.17 50.59

7 Karimnagar 28.37 30.55 20.56 37.31 46.70 27.45

8 Khammam 51.72 72.52 141.89 145.32 516.82 295.95

9 Krishna 118.62 63.80 106.19 124.31 505.69 354.02

10 Kurnool 60.23 65.40 36.01 42.25 18.64 21.34

11 Mahaboobnagar 95.75 88.43 79.71 69.91 123.69 31.07

12 Medak 75.60 40.83 63.51 64.93 23.18 5.39

13 Nalgonda 83.41 57.58 64.79 54.73 41.10 37.21

14 Nellore 196.89 116.08 123.28 100.08 133.79 205.27

15 Nizamabad 30.80 33.57 40.85 34.75 98.96 10.89

16 Prakasham 405.59 302.30 350.51 442.99 350.81 433.63

17 Rangareddy 83.76 67.01 100.39 40.61 64.03 9.15

18 Srikakulam 303.94 181.06 168.30 184.52 216.13 112.72

19 Vizianagaram 484.88 151.99 222.42 253.71 145.17 105.43

20 Visakhapatnam 160.00 460.19 588.95 592.35 543.39 388.11

21 Warangal 50.13 45.37 37.80 44.54 49.59 20.64

22 West Godavari 57.28 71.51 88.42 98.16 129.04 104.88

Total 3369.19 2380.36 2676.25 2903.89 3669.00 2950.55


A) District Wise Details of Seedlings Utilized During the Last Six Years (In lakhs)

The Forest Department implemented Shelterbelt Plantations Scheme for raising of plantations over Government lands in the coast within 0.5 Km width from the coast line and distribution of seedlings for planting in the private farm lands by the farmers within 5 Km width from the coast line to create the tree cover in the coast in the coast to mitigate the fury of cyclonic winds and reduce loss of property and human life. Out of the entire coastline available in nine Coastal Districts of A.P., 70-80% coastline was covered with shelterbelt plantations.

From 2002-03 to 2007-08, block Plantations were raised over an extent of

6281.35 Ha. and Avenue Plantations were raised over a length of 4575.75 Kms in the Coastal area of Andhra Pradesh State. Statement showing the details of plantations raised during the last 6 years

Sl.No. Year Block Plantations

Raised in Ha. Avenue Plantations raised

in Km.

1 2002-2003 347.25 907.25

2 2003-2004 613.00 751.50

3 2004-2005 1351.00 544.00

4 2005-2006 1284.00 1261.00

5 2006-2007 1217.00 540.00

6 2007-2008 1469.10 572.00

Total: 6281.35 4575.75







The “State Institute of Forestry Training” (SIFT) established in 1987 was renamed as A.P.Forest Academy with effect from January 2001. This institute is located on Hyderabad-Nagpur national high way in Dulapally village of Ranga Reddy district at a distance of 24 km from Hyderabad city. The location offers an ideal atmosphere for conducting training and educational activities. The institute is acting as state level centre for training the personnel of Forest Department, representatives of NGOs and Vana Samrakshana Samithis (VSS) which are Forest Protection Committees on forestry aspects. Trainings are also organised for the staff of other Departments and other states on forestry and the institute is acting as state level centre for training the personnel of Forest Department, representatives of NGOs and VSS on forestry aspects. Training programmes have been conducted to the functionaries of other Departments such as Panchayat Raj, Animal Husbandry, Irrigation, Municipal Administration Departments on Forestry and Geomatics related topics and natural resource management related subjects. Trainings are also organised to the staff of Forest Departments of other states such as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka etc., National level training programmes including compulsory training courses to IFS Officers are also organised in the Academy. During 2007-08, Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy (APFA), Dulapally has under taken several training programmes, workshops / seminars, study tours and extension & publicity activities.

A major part of the various activities taken up by the Forest Academy are training programmes on forestry, natural resource management and livelihood enhancement of communities. In all, 110 training programmes were conducted during the year 2007-08 with 2440 participants of whom were the staff of Forest Department, personnel from other departments, communities (VSS), NGO representatives and IFS officers from various states in the country.

In order to share the knowledge and information among the stakeholders of the

„APCFM” Project and others, the Academy organized workshops and seminars on forest management, social forestry, Forest based crafts development, Livelihood planning, Community involved capture of Wild Animals, Bio-diversity and Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, Documentation of Case studies, Case study writing, NGOs role in APCFM Project, Interactive seminars on Technology improvement etc., during this period. In all 8 workshops / seminars have been conducted, 480 participants have attended these programmes.

Exchange of information and development of skills of communities (VSS), NGOs and

FD staff on various innovations and best practices in forestry, the Academy has undertaken tours to various states of the country and also for dissemination of information among the various divisions of the state, conducted study tours with in the state. During 2007-08, Four (4) study tours were conducted to the states of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal & Uttaranchal covering 40 officers of the Department. Twenty six (26) study tours conducted with in the state for 870 communities.

Other programmes of the Academy include co-ordination with National institutes, publication of information materials, implementation of Children and Forest Education (CAFÉ), conduct of Action Research and with the collaboration of IBRAD, Kolkata introduced Natural Resource Management 4 month certificate course to CEWs.

In addition to the refresher training programmes, workshops / seminars, study tours,

coordination of training in other institutes and publication of house magazines, the institute undertakes job course training of Forest Section Officers/Forest Beat Officers. During the year 2007-08 (8th batch) 51 FSOs from overall the state were selected and under going the


job course training and 53 (3rd batch April to Sep 07 -30 FBOs & 4th Batch Oct to Mar 08 – 23 FBOs) FBOs were trained in during the year.

Annexure – I

Trainings Conducted at A.P. Forest Academy, Dulapally

for the month of April 2007 to March 2008

Sl. No

Name of the Training


. o
























1 Forest fires control and management

16 47 46 132 225

2 TOT on Community Silviculturists training

6 19 28 15 22 84

3 Computer Applications in forestry 8 3 202 1 206

4 GPS Applications in forestry 2 50 50

5 Training of Trainers to Department Officers

1 3 2 22 27

6 Social Audit of VSS 6 187 3 190

7 Forest Accounting System 2 4 3 31 2 40

8 NTFP value addition & development, Value addition & Marketing

5 21 15 35 4 75

9 Bio-diversity Conservation / Wildlife Management

8 27 11 88 1 127

10 Public Relations & Responsive Behavior

1 12 12

11 Conflict Management 1 2 2 5 1 10

12 NRM (4) Month Certificate Course 5 89 89

13 Refresher Course to Frontline Staff FBOs

2 61 61

14 SMC Techniques & Watershed Development

6 29 5 81 115

15 APCFM to Social Forestry Officers 1 22 8 30

16 Transforming work attitudes 1 12 12

17 Office procedures 1 37 37

18 Gender Mainstreaming 1 5 1 14 20

19 Disciplinary & Vigilance Procedures 1 36 36

20 Livelihood Promotion / Enhancement Strategies

3 16 16 30 12 74

21 Stress Management 1 33 33

22 Planting techniques 2 13 2 20 35


Sl. No

Name of the Training


. o




















Compulsory training to IFS officers on Compulsory training to IFS officers on “Best Practices / Innovations in Forestry (Forest Management, JFM, Eco-tourism, Seed Technology, Plantation Technology, Nursery Techniques, Water Harvesting etc.)”

1 26 26

24 One Day Programme to IFS Officers 1 39 39

25 Training on Settlement of Forest Blocks.

1 57 1 58

26 Training Programme for Newly Recruited Junior Civil Judges on “Forest Management” to Civil Judges

1 45 45


Capacity building in accounting and supplementary livelihood activities based on value addition and processing of forest products by the JFMC members including micro finance and micro insurance

1 13 25 38

28 Modern Nursery Techniques and watershed Development

2 8 17 19 44

29 Medicinal Plants – Conservation, Cultivation & Marketing

5 23 18 47 5 93

30 Accounts, Establishment, Disciplinary & Vigilance Procedures

2 66 66

31 Refresher Course for Forest Range Officers

2 41 41

32 NTFP Inventory 3 9 11 103 6 129

33 Applied Self Defense for field staff (Women)

3 76 76

34 IT & Geomatics 1 1 29 30

35 Embroidery with rural Women 1 32 32

36 IT & Geomatics to SFS College 1 26 26

37 IT & Geomatics to FRO,s 1 16 16

38 FRO trainees from SFSC, Coimbatore 1 16 16

39 Training programme for SHGs members from Kullu Dist Himachal Pradesh

1 21 21

40 FRO trainees from SFSC, Dehradun 1 35 35

41 FRO trainees from Eastern Forest Rangers college, Kurseong, West Bengal

1 21 21

Total 110 445 271 1409 315 2440


Annexure – II

Workshops / Seminars / Meetings Conducted

During April 2007 to March 2008 under APCFM

Sl. No.

Name of the Workshop Dates

No. of Participants

F.D. Staff


Others Total

1 Wildlife Crime 12th & 13th April‟ 07

47 1 4 52

2 FGLG Workshop 3rd & 4th May‟07 50 50

3 Bamboo value addition 18th June' 07 40 75 33 148

4 Wildlife Crime Detection & Application of Forensic Science

28th June' 07 27 4 31

5 Brain Storming Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming

12th & 13th July‟ 07 38 38

6 Brain Storming Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming

26th & 27th July' 07 39 1 40

7 Gender Mainstreaming for Frontline staff

9th &10th Jan‟ 08 72 20 92

8 Workshop on GIS 28th Feb‟ 08

29 29

TOTAL 292 76 112 480

No. Workshops / Seminars Conducuted - 8

No. of participants attended - 480

Annexure - III

Study Tours (Within the State & Outside the State) Organised

by A.P. Forest Academy during 2007-08

Sl. No.

Type of Study tour No. of study

tours conducted

No. of participants


1 Study tours of officers to other states (Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal & West Bengal )

4 40

2 Stydy tours of the Communities within the state (Adilabad, Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi & Rajahmundry Circles)

26 870

TOTAL 30 910


Annexure – IV

List of Officers attended for the Training Programmes organized National level Training Institutes during 2007– 08

Sl. No.

Institutions Name of the Training

Programme Duration

No. of Officers attended

1 CIMAP, Hyderabad

Entrepreneurship Development through Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Technologies - Principles and Practices

13.06.2007 to

15.06.2007 2

Entrepreneurship Development through Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Technologies

03.10.2007 05.10.2007


Entrepreneurship Development through Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Technologies

09.01.2008 to 11.01.2008


2 ASCI, Hyderabad

Effective Human Resource Training & Development

29.10.2007 to 02.11.2007


Team Building & Conflict Management

04.02.2008 to 08.02.2008


Communication skills for Managers

25.02.2008 to 29.02.2008


3 ASAAE, Chennai

Promotion of Sustainable Livelihoods

08.09.2007 to 16.09.2007



IIFM, Bhopal

Planning Forest Based Income Generating Activities in JFM Area

20.08.2007 to 24.08.2007


Quantitative Decision Making techniques in Forest Management & Research

25.06.2007 to 29.06.2007


Environmental Impact Assessment

26.11.2007 to 30.11.2007


Application of New Technologies in Increasing the Productivity of Plantation Crops

10.12.2007 to 14.12.2007


Economic Valuation and Accounting of Natural Resources

07.01.2008 to 12.01.2008


5 KFRI, Peechi Tissue Culture techniques for Forest & Medicinal Plants

23.04.2007 to 02.05.2007


6 FSI, Dehradun Forest Inventory Data Processing 23.07.2007 to 27.07.2007



Sl. No.

Institutions Name of the Training

Programme Duration

No. of Officers attended


Natural Resource Management & Conflict Resolution

19.11.2007 to 23.112007


Livelihood Enhancement through group Enterprises

21.01.2008 to 25.01.2008


8 TERI Delhi Sustainable Sumit 2008 07.02.2008 to 09.02.2008


9 Winrock International India

5th International Bio-fules Conference

07.02.2008 to 08.02.2008


Grand Total: 18 Trainings -

47 Participants





Sl.No. Particulars Category No of Cases

1 Opening Balance at the beginning of the Year

Prosecuted 9719

Compounded 4146

UDORs 5482

2 Receipts During the Year Prosecuted 876

Compounded 33096

UDORs 6164

3 Total No. of Cases Booked Prosecuted 10595

Compounded 37242

UDORs 11646

4 Disposed off During the Year Prosecuted 1855

Compounded 32309

UDORs 6439

5 Balance at the end of the year Prosecuted 8740

Compounded 4933

UDORs 5207

6 Compound Fees collected ( in Lakhs) 1329.359

7 Balance „C‟ fees at the end of the year (in Lakhs) 67.209


Sl.No. Particulars Category No of Cases

1 Opening balance at the beginning of the Year Prosecuted 554

Compounded 208

Total 762

2 Receipts During the Year Prosecuted 372

Compounded 1869

Total 2241

3 Total at the end of the Year Prosecuted 926

Compounded 2077

Total 3003

4 Disposed off during the Year Prosecuted 300

Compounded 1758

Total 2058

5 Balance at the end of the Year Prosecuted 626

Compounded 319

Total 945

6 No. of Vehicles confiscated 398



Sl.No. Particulars Category No of Cases

1. Opening balance at the beginning of the Year

Prosecuted 4

Compounded 491

Compounding Fees ( in Lakhs)


2. Receipts During the Year Prosecuted 6

Compounded 16271

Compounding Fees ( in Lakhs)


3. Total at the end of the Year Prosecuted 10

Compounded 16762

Compounding Fees ( in Lakhs)


4. Disposed off during the Year Prosecuted 10

Compounded 16452

Compounding Fees ( in Lakhs)


5. Balance at the end of the Year Prosecuted 0

Compounded 310

Compounding Fees ( in Lakhs)


Assault Cases including Murders for the Year 2007-08

Sl.No. Particulars Details of the Case Number of Cases

1 Opening Balance at the beginning of the Year

Assault Cases 192

Murders 15

2 Received during the Year Assault Cases 37

Murders 0

3 Total for the Year Assault Cases 229

Murders 15

4 Disposed off during the Year Assault Cases 50

Murders 13

5 Balance at the end of the Year Assault Cases 179

Murders 2



Forests and Forests crops are totally dependent on natural rain water. There

is no irrigation and intensive cultivation of Forest crops. Forests provide rains

through natural precipitation but due to the runoff the forest soils are always deprived

of natural moisture. In order to circumvent this situation human interventions are

necessary to enhance the Soil Moisture conditions. The wildlife of Forests is totally

dependent for water on the forests. Taking all the scenario the NABARD came

forward to help the Forest sector to finance the intervention structures to improve the

moisture regime of Forest Soils.

These structures will improve the water impounding capacity of the Forest

Soils and as a result the soil moisture condition will improve. Such structures are

Continous Peripheral trenches, Continous Contour trenches, Check dams,

Percolation tanks, Rock fill dams, etc.

Water Impounding Capacity created through execution of SMC works between

May 2000 to March 2009. (in lakhs cmt)

Structures No./ (Cmt.) Volume Created

1. CPT/CCT/ST 738.335 738.326

2. Check dams 10958 288.060

3. Percolation tanks 39146 1142.490

4. Rock fill dams 400001 193.190

5. Others 142742 75.400

Total : 2437.466



In order to conserve and manage wildlife in a effective manner, Andhra

Pradesh Forest department formulated the following wildlife management circles

giving them the territorial status by restructuring erst-while territorial circles and

divisions. They are 1. Wildlife Management Project Tiger Circle, Srisailam 2. Wildlife

Management Circle, Tirupathi 3. Wildlife Management Circle, Eluru 4. Wildlife

Management Circle, Hyderabad.


Under this Circle the following divisions will be working with territorial Jurisdiction for conserving the wildlife

1. WLM, Atmakur 2. WLM, Markapur 3. WLM, Achampet 4. WLM, Nagarjunasagar 5. Flying Squad Division Atmakur 6. A.C.F., (Bio-Diversity) Srisailam

The division wise areas spread in the 5 districts of kurnool, Mahaboobnagar,

Prakasham, nalgonda and Guntur are as follows :

Sl. No

Name of the


Name of the


Total forest area

Area under NSTR WLS

Area under GBM WLS

Area under GIB WLS

Area out side the

sanctuary i.e., fringe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Atmakur Kurnool 1228.00 411.00 314.58 9.28 493.14

2 Achampet Mahaboob- Nagar

2454.00 1750.00 0 0 704.00

3 Markapur Prakasham 2229.00 665.19 68.00 0 1495.81

4 N. Sagar Nalgonda & Guntur

753.00 741.90 0 0 11.100

Total :- 6664.00 3568.09 382.58 9.28 2704.05

The Staff Pattern is as follows: STAFF: The total forest area is covered with the following Division, Ranges and Beats as on 31-03-2008 Sl. No

Divisions Ranges Dy.RO‟s Foresters FBOs ABOs

1 Atmakur WLM 7 3 31 39 35

2 Markapur WLM 4 9 17 46 43

3 Achampet WLM 5 6 20 96 17

4 N. Sagar WLM 3 1 5 27 9

5 FSP, Atmakur 1 0 2 4 2

6 ACF Bio-Diversity 1 0 2 0 0

Total 21 19 77 212 106


GENERAL PROTECTION & BREACH OF FOREST ACT: The staff of the circle are working hard to protect the forest &Wild Life as well as to implant the Forest Act & Rules.

ACHAMPET WLM DIVISION: During 2007-08 (496) Offence cases booked including vehicle cases were detected in addition to UDOR cases booked (107) and the “C“ fees has been realised for Rs. 26.708. The OR cases of (627) & UDOR cases of (142) were disposed during the year.

ATMAKUR WLM DIVISION:- During 2007-08 (1458) Offence cases booked including vehicle cases were detected in addition to UDOR cases booked (114) and the “C“ fees has been realised for Rs. 23.700. The OR cases of (1460) & UDOR cases of (114) were disposed during the year. MARKAPUR WLM DIVISION:- During 2007-08 (688) Offence cases booked including vehicle cases were detected in addition to UDOR cases booked (5) and the “C“ fees has been realised for Rs. 12.425. The OR cases of (688) & UDOR cases of (3) were disposed during the year. NAGARJUNA SAGAR WLM DIVISION:- During 2007-08 (80) Offence cases booked including vehicle cases were detected in addition to UDOR cases booked (3) and the “C“ fees has been realised for Rs. 3.098. The OR cases of (80) & UDOR cases of (1) were disposed during the year. Flying Squad Division, Atmakur:- During 2007-08 (479) Offence cases booked including vehicle cases were detected in addition to UDOR cases booked (1) and the “C“ fees has been realised for Rs. 12.306. The OR cases of (479) & UDOR case of (1) were disposed during the year. PROTECTION PROBLEM: The protection of forests of this circle has suffered a great deal during the past seven years. Three major agencies of smuggling in Atmakur WLM Division are identified.

1. Settlers of Siddapuram 2. The timber traders of Atmakur and places like Markapur & Bethamcherla. 3. Adjoining villages of Reserve Forest areas.

PROTECTION FROM INJURIES TO NATURAL FOREST: As detailed above strict protection measures have been taken for Protection of forest by perambulating in the Natural forest and patrolling the areas. The public was also made to realise the hazards of forest fires by holding meetings at the Range level involving villagers during the fire protection work. However no fire occurrences were reported during the year, under report. WILD LIFE PRESERVATION: The areas of the circle are rich in fauna particularly Tiger, Panther, Sambar, Neelgai & Spotted Deer‟s, Wild boar etc., EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR IN FORESTS: Prior to 1993-94, the forestry operations like, raising of nurseries, planting, weeding, extraction of Timber, Fuel, Bamboo etc., were carried out by engaging labours of the adjacent villagers and imported labours were used to work in these operations. By introduction of APCFM, No.of VSS./ EDC‟s were formed in the circle. Most of the works are being carried out by VSS / EDC members. No permanent labour is


employed in forestry operations. The labour available in the vicinity of the forest areas are generally employed for carrying out the works, wherever the V.S.S./ E.D.C members availability is less. The extraction of Bamboo is restricted to out side Nagarjun Sagar Tiger Reserve only.

Revenue: An amount of Rs. 292.790 lakhs has been realised as Revenue during 2007-08 of this Circle. Expenditure:- An amount of Rs. 546.325 lakhs (Plan) & Rs.144.224 lakhs (Non-Plan) has been spent under Plan & Non Plan schemes implemented during 2007-08 in this circle. 2. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT CIRCLE, TIRUPATHI :

Under this Circle the wollowing divisions working with territorial Jurisdiction for

conserving the wildlife

1. Chittoor East Wildlife Division 2. Rajampet Wildlife Division 3. Wildlife Management Division, Tirupati 4. Wildlife Management Division, Sullurpet 5. S.V. Zoological Park , Tirupati 6. Flying Squad Division, Tirupati

The division wise areas spread in the 3 districts of Chittoor, Nellore and Kadapa are as follows:

Sl. No.

Name of the Division Name of the District Total forest area

(In Ha)

1 Chittoor East Wildlife Chittoor 204684.84 2 Wildlife Management Division, Sullurpet Nellore 50835.28 3 S.V. Zoological Park, Tirupati Chittoor 69017.00 Total: 324537.12

Floristic Description:- The general floristic occurring under the main classification of the forest types is discussed below: Dry Red Sanders Bearing Forests: These forests are found in the inner slopes on Veligonda hills of Tirupati and Srikalahasti ranges, between the altitudes of 300m (about 1000 feet) and 600m (about 2000 feet). The upper canopy is a closed but uneven and not very dense. It is formed by a mixture of trees, which are deciduous during the dry season for several months, through some are for a short period only. “Pterocarpus Santalinus” (Red Sanders) is conspicuously predominant, sometimes forming pure consociations here and there. Due to periodical fires these forests are open. Heavy growth of evergreen and semi-evergreen species is found in moist and more sheltered parts. As undergrowth or shrubs is sparse, good grass growth is seen which tends to become more strongly developed with repeated fires. Climbers are comparatively few.

Red sanders that predominate on Seshachalam hills is absent on other hillocks of the same elevation and corresponding climate. Hence, it is felt that this type is more of edaphic climax than a climatic climax. The rocks on Seshachalam hills contain iron ore in some degree and it is not known whether this or any other


micro elements present in the rock and soil is responsible for the gregarious occurrence of Red sanders. This assumption is further confirmed by the fact that while Red sanders occur in increasing percentage in the rocky zones. It suddenly disappears in the built up sandy loam areas giving place to thorny dry deciduous species.

The Plateau Forests: This type of forest is mainly dry mixed deciduous forest, the crop is different and is distinguishable separately as a type by itself and hence this deserves a separate description. This type is found on the entire hill ranges above 600m (about 2000 feet) level. It is confined mainly to the high level plateau near Tirumala and to places above the „escarpment of the Seshachalam hills‟ in Bhakarapet Range and on other hill ranges that are above the level mentioned. This is a climatic climax. Eugenia alternifolia forms the predominant crop while Shorea tumbuggaia is confined to hillocks and ridges and Shorea talura is found in the more moist localities. Terminalia pallida is the common associate in these forests and hence this type can be described as Terminalia – Eugenia – Shorea type. OUT – TURN OF FOREST PRODUCE DURING 2007-08:

1. Cashew Plantations:

There are two old cashew plantations in Satyavedu Range. 1) Nandanam 2) Pulikundram Nandanam: The Nandanam cashew crop was sold in public auction on 02.05.2007 for Rs.30,100/- for the year 2007-08. Pulikundram: 146 Kgs. of cashew seed departmentally collection Pulikundram for the year 2007-08 the same was sold in Public action on 17.01.2008 for Rs.2270/- (Per Kg.15.55/-)

2. Annual removal of fuel Wood and bamboo: Nil 3. Eucalyptus plantations: No extraction of Eucalyptus plantations was taken up. 4. Minor Forest Produce:- The Minor Forest Produce units have been allotted to

Girijan Co-Operative Corporation except Eethapandlu, Rousa grass and Mango fruits.

5. Tooki Leaves : There are (7) Seven Tooki leaves units in this Division. All the

seven (7) units were sold in public auction during the year 2007-08 for the lease period of 2007 to 2009, for an amount of Rs.10,42,500/-. The total amount has to be collected in 9 installments for the lease period of 3 years. Thus an amount of Rs.1.580 lakhs was collected as on 31.03.2008.

6. Eethapandlu:- An amount of Rs.11000/- was collected towards the lease of

Eethapandlu collection for the lease period 2008 season i.e., upto 30.06.2008.

Mango usufructs:- The mango usufructs not sold during the year 2007-08.



1. A Quantity of 177.490 MTs of „C‟ grade Red Sanders Wood was allotted to M/s Radeep Services, Singapore and an amount of Rs.2,07,66,330/- was achieved. The payment was made to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad through APFDC.

2. A Quantity of 3.930 MTs of „B‟ grade Red Sanders Wood was allotted to the

Under Secretary (Bhutan), Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi for supply the same to Royal Government of Bhutan and an amount of Rs.5,89,500/- was achieved and adjusted in the Office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Chittoor East Wild life Division, accounts.


Sl. No.

Classification on Grade

Bhakarapet Tirupati

No.of Logs

Weight in M.Ts. No.of


Weight in M.Ts.

T-Kg-Grms T-Kg-Grms

1 Dressed & Graded 9918 254.552 20355 553.935

2 Dressed but not graded 0 0.000 1098 33.531

3 Undressed 1277 32.593 3411 86.211

4 Products & Bye products 1446 38.353 1412 53.601

5 Others 998 4.419 774 4.631

6 Patta land produce 0 0.000 712 16.627

7 Shap Wood 17 0.358 0 0.000

TOTAL: 13656 330.275 27762 748.536


Wildlife Management Circle Eluru has been created for the conservation of

wildlife in the districts of Krishna, West Godavari, East Godavari and part of

Khammam District. There are two wildlife management divisions in the circle and the

Papikonda wildlife sanctuary is under the management of territorial division eluru.

The WLM Eluru Division: The WLM Eluru Division has the jurisdiction in Krishna,

West Godavari and Guntur Districts. The Kolleru lake comes under WLM Eluru and

the total lake area is considered as forest area with protected forest jurisdiction. The

division has been created for the intensive management of Krishna and kolleru

Wildlife sanctuaries and carriying out the developmental works and sanctioned

under Centrally Sponsered scheme, 12th finance scheme, normal state plan and



The Budget allotment and total expenditure of the division is as follows:

Progressive Statement of expenditure in Wildlife Management Division, Eluru under the Head of Account 3435-04-800-110-04-500/53

Wildlife Management Rajahmundry Division : The WLM Rajahmundry has got the

jurisdiction in Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary and Papikonda Wildlife Sancturary. Coringa

Sanctuary is situated in East Godavari District and Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary is

spread in the districts of east Godavari, West Godavari and Khammam Districts. The

Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary comprises of 3 Reserve Forests Viz., Coringa Reserve

Forest (3156.54 ha), Coringa Extension Reserve Forest (19,441.70 ha.) and

Bhairavapalem Reserve Forest (972.05 ha.). The area of Papikonda sanctuary is

59068 hectares.

Financial Results: Revenue & Expenditure : The following are the details of Revenue and Expenditure.

Revenue :- 1,87,863 Lakhs. Expenditure:- Rs.99,34,900 The physical and financial targets fixed and achieved during 2007-08 under Plan & Non-Plan is as follows:

Sl. No.

Item of work Budget allotted

Total Expenditure (In Lakhs)

1 Removal and carting the soil from the demolished fish tank bunds

3.994 2.626

2 Removal of weeds 1.852 1.426

3 Survey and Demarcation of Sanctuary 1.967 1.659

4a Construction of Boundary Pillars 24.00 6.615

4b Paid to Wisa, New Delhi for preparation of integrated WLM plan for Kolleru Wildlife Sanctuary

-- 10.000

5 Construction of Check Posts 4.00 --

6 Construction of Watch Towers 8.00 10.779

7 Awareness and Education Programme 0.987 0.000

Total 44.80 33.105

Actual Budget Released 35.84 33.105



Sl. No.

Budget head Budget released Achievement Variations Reasons

for variations

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2406- Forestry and Wildlife 02- Environmental Forestry and Wildlife (110) Wildlife preservation (04) Sanctuaries.

a) 270/271 Other expenditure.

104000 103500 500 As per actuals

b) 272 Maintenance

10000 10000 - No variation

Total : 114000 113500 500


Sl. No.

Budget head Budget released Achievement Variations Reasons for variations

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2406- Forestry and Wildlife 02- Environmental Forestry and Wildlife (110) Wildlife preservation 10 UCSS (04) National parks and Development of Sanctuaries – Plan Central (Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary)

270/271 Other expenditure.

1319000 1260000 59000

Based on actuals.

789 Special component plan.

199000 150000 49000

796 Tribal sub plan

79000 50000 29000


2 2406- Forestry and Wildlife 02- Environmental Forestry and Wildlife (110) Wildlife preservation 10 UCSS (04) National parks and Development of Sanctuaries – Plan Central (Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary)

270/271 Other expenditure.

921000 921000 0

Based on actuals.

789 Special component plan

170000 82300 87700

796 Tribal sub plan

68000 0 68000

3 2406- Forestry and Wildlife 02- Environmental Forestry and Wildlife (110) Wildlife preservation 06 Matching State Plan (04) Sanctuaries. (Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary)

271 Other expenditure.

25000 25000 0

Based on actuals.

789 Special component plan.

5000 0 5000

796 Tribal sub plan.

2000 0 2000

4 (Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary)

271 Other expenditure.

150000 150000 0

Based on actuals.

789 Special component plan

30000 0 30000

796 Tribal sub plan.

12000 0 12000



The following are the National Parks and Deer Park falling in the jurisdiction of this Circle.

1. KBR. National Park 2. Mrugavani National Park, Chilkur 3. Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park 4. J.L.T.C., Shamirpet

1. Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad:

The Prl.C.C.F., A.P., Hyd., vide Ref.No. 6188/94/WL2, dt.9.2.96 has transferred the KBR. National Park to this Division from the Territorial Division, Hyderabad w.e.f. 1.03.1996. The KBR. National Park, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad is notified as National Park vide G.O.Ms.No.187 EFS&T (For.III) Dept., dt.3.12.1998 and the same was published in Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.511, dt.5.12.1998. The area of the National Park spreads over 142.50 Hect. This area contains flora & fauna of Deccan Plateau in its natural form. There are about 15 varieties of grasses apart from 400 species of other trees. Over 130 species of birds have been identified along with 15 species of small mammals and 20 species of reptiles. The area is protected by masonry grill wall all round. During this year, (26) Nature Camps were conducted in which 1265 members participated including School children, NGO‟s, Animal Welfare groups and Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy, Dulapally trainees. The Environment Education Center building consisting of Library, an Auditorium and a Museum is well equipped with exhibits, models, books etc. The total revenue collected as entry fee during the year 2007-08 is Rs.28,46,005-00. Mrugavani National Park, Chilkur:

The Mrugavani National Park, Chilkur is located on Hyderabad – Vikarabad highway 16 Kms from Hyderabad City. It falls in Moinabad Mandal of Ranga Reddy District and spreads over an area of 900 Acres. It was notified as National Park vide G.O.Ms.No.80, EFS&T (For..III), dt. 27.6.1998. 700 Acres of the National Park area is protected with 2 M high chain link fencing alround and is free of all Bio-tic pressures. The density of Forest is 0.7 as per the latest satellite imagery.

There are more than 600 plant species of which more than 130 species are of medicinal value. 20 species of mammals, 20 species of reptiles and 130 species of birds and several invertebrates in the Park. During the year 2007-08, (40) Nature Camps have been conducted involving various Schools, Colleges, NGO‟s, Voluntary organizations in which 2512 members participated. There is an Environment Education Centre building fully furnished with diorama models charts, write-ups. Two cottages are available for visitors along with facilities such as lawns, sit outs for visitors, safe drinking water etc. One viewpoint and watchtower were constructed for providing a birds eye view of the National Park


and important places such as Osman Sagar, Himayat Sagar, Golkonda Fort etc. One Eicher Van of seating capacity (25+1) is being used for taking visitors for safari drive inside the National Park. The total revenue collected during 2007-08 is Rs.1,21,380.00. Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park: The National Park is notified vide G.O.Ms.No.208, EFS&T (For.III), dt.5.10.1994 and the same was published in A.P.Gazette No.430, dt.5.10.1994. The park is situated on Hyderabad – Vijayawada National highway 15 Kms. from Hyderabad. The notified area of the National Park is 1459 Hect. This area was once prime grassland locally called as “Kancha” and used to support large number of Black buck, chinkaras, Cheetal, wild boar with leopard and wolf as main predators. The area is protected by Chainlink fencing and Masonry wall about 10.50 Kms. all round the boundary of park.

During this year, 56 Nature Camps were conducted in which 4592 members participated including School children and Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy, Dulapally trainees. The Environment Education Center building consisting of Library, an Auditorium and a Museum is well equipped with exhibits, models, books etc. The total revenue collected as entry fee during the year 2007-08 is Rs.1,87,435.00 J.L.T.C. Shameerpet:

The J.L.T.C. Shameerpet is located on the Hyderabad – Karimnagar highway at a distance of 30 Kms from Hyderabad City. The area of park is 26 Hect cheetal is main species and also home for reptiles and birds. This area is free from all biotic pressures covered with undulating rocky terrain. In 1975 the Forest Department took up a project of setting up of Deer park by fencing an area of 26 Ha to rehabilitees the native fauna of this area. The visitor area is 1.5 Ha and the rest is core area. The park is covered with wonderful flora and fauna. Regular Nature camps are being conducted for the children from surrounding rural schools as well as from the schools and colleges of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. During this year 16 Nature camps are conducted in which 1245 members attended. The total revenue collected during 2007-08 is 9,726.00. The following schemes were implemented during 2007-08.

1) 03 – Non-Plan 2) 04 – Non-Plan 3) Non-Plan User Charges 4) C.S.S. – Plan 5) C.S.S. M.S.S 6) IFP – Plan (C.S) 7) IFP – (S.S) 8) 12th Finance Commission 9) Normal State Plan




Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad was established vide G. O. Ms.No.247,

Dated: 26-10-1959. It was declared open to the public on 6th October 1963. The Park extends over 380 acres, and is the premier recreation spot in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The main objectives of the Zoo Park are

• To take-up conservation breeding of endangered animals and rehabilitate them with special attention to the endemic fauna of Deccan plateau.

• Bring awareness in the public on Conservation of wildlife by conducting appropriate awareness and education Programmes.

• Research on wildlife for its conservation and management.

One of the related fields is to stimulate scientific study of animal behaviour and educate people about peaceful co-existence of the wildlife and humanlife. In keeping with these objectives Nehru Zoological Park has bred in the past some notable exotic and indigenous animals and birds, like the Indian Rhino, Asiatic Lion, Tiger, Panther, Gaur, Orangutan, Crocodile, Python etc., not to speak of number of Deers, Antelopes and Birds. Several animals bred in the Zoo were rehabilitated in various Deer Parks and Sanctuaries to restock the depleted natural population.

The Zoo‟s undulating landscape provides a natural setting to the Animals and Birds displayed in large enclosures simulating natural habitat. The Mir Alam Tank, covering nearly 400 acres, with its unique multiple arched Bund, is two hundred years old. It attracts several migratory birds, providing yet another attraction to the zoo. The A.P. Tourism Development Corporation has introduced a ferry boat and speedboat which is attracting a lot of public for boat rides. The climate is generally dry except during the monsoons and is characterized by moderate summer. The year may be divided into three seasons viz, Summer (February - May), Rainy season (June - September) and Winter (October - January). During Summer the temperature ranges from 39˚ to 42˚C. In Winter the temperature ranges from 12˚to 16˚C. The mean annual rainfall fluctuates between 600 mm to 850 mm. The maximum rainfall is received from South – West monsoon i, e, from July to September, July being the wettest month. On an average there are 40 rainy days in year. The topography of the park is gentle slope. With highest point located in tiger safari and the lowest point located at the point where natural drain leaves the premises on North-Western side near culvert. Generally, aspect is western and north–west. On its southern side the Mir-Alam lake is located which spreads over an area of 400 Acres. The presence of the lake has given rise to many water bodies down below the bund like Singoji tank, Flamingo pond and Dingy pond etc.



The Animal collections are varied, covering many orders of the Animal Kingdom.


The Chimpanzees from South Africa with large open enclosure, lead the group followed by the Orangutan, Sacred, Olive and Yellow Baboons (in open Islands) Red Patas Monkey, Green Monkey, Wolf‟s Monkey. Indian Primates include the Bonnet, Lion tailed and Capped Langurs. Recently a pair of Nilgiri Langurs were obtained from Araignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur, Chennai.


Pure Asiatic Lions are kept for display in this Zoo. The Tiger, both White and Normal, have their own forest glades. It is a proud moment for the visitors to visit the only Comprehensive Safari Complex in India for Indian Lions, Indian Tigers, Sloth Bears and Nilgai in a natural forest setting. The Panthers are exhibited in large enclosures with rock cliffs. This is followed by the Wolves, Jackals, Foxes and Hyeana. The Weasel group is represented by Ratel. The exotic Cats from South & North America is represented by the Jaguars.


Leading the group (as per the size) is the herd of Indian Elephants in a large grassy open enclosure, just below the historical Arch dam, closely followed by the rare Great Indian Rhinoceros in sufficiently large enclosure near moat area.

Matching these is the group of Hippopotamus.

The rare Indian Wild Ass finds a prominent place in the Zoo.

The exclusively Indian Antelopes; Nilgai, Black Buck and Chowsingha have large spacious open enclosures. The Deer group includes the large Sambar, Barasingha and the beautiful Cheetal (Spotted Deer), Hog Deer, the Barking Deer and Mouse Deer. The prized possession among these is the Manipur or Brow Antlered Deer (Sangai), which are endangered. The Zoo is successful in breeding all the Deer.


Besides India‟s national Bird the Peacock, other Pheasants exhibited are Golden, Reev‟s Silver, Khalij, Lady Amhrest and Ring necked Pheasants, Spur Fowls, Partridges and Quails. Rosy Pelicans and Flamingoes can be seen in big ponds along with Storks like Adjutant, Black necked, Black stork and White Ibis. Sarus Crane and the Demoiselle Cranes can be seen in the large open grasslands. Ducks and Geese are represented by a large variety in duck ponds; walk through aviaries and in other ponds.

The Parrot family includes the colourful Macaws Cocatials and Lories and good collection of love birds, Budgerigars and other Parakeets.

The Zoo also has a good collection of Pigeons, Doves and Birds of Prey. Also included in the collection are the Great Pied Hornbills, Malabar Pied Hornbills, Roufus necked Hornbill, and Grey Horn Bills, which are exhibited in specially designed large arched cages, the first of its kind in the country.


Reptiles A pair of Giant Galapogus Tortoises (100 Kgs. and more), aged about 74

years, greet the visitors near the Children corner. Several Star Tortoises and fresh water Turtles are also exhibited. The Gharials, Muggers the Estuarine Crocodiles and the Caimans all are in the open pools. Monitor Lizards and Chameleons are kept in Reptile house. The Hooded Indian Cobra, the beautiful Russell‟s Viper, Giant Rock Python and Reticulated Pythons are kept in enclosure along with other denizens like the Keel back and Trees Snakes in Reptile house. Water monitor lizards are introduced in open moat.

Specialities The Zoo is proud to be the first to have the Asiatic Lion Safari in India, Tiger

Safari Park, the Modern Nocturnal Animal House. In the later, the animals which are active during night are displayed which include Civets, a variety of Bats and Jungle Cats, Porcupines, Owls, Ratel etc. The Modern Reptile House and the Safari Parks for Bear are unique in their own right. List of Wildlife

A list of animals in the Zoo as on 31-03-2008 is furnished in the Annexure-II and the abstract is furnished hereunder. However the animal collection plan is affected during the year due to worldwide menace of Bird Flu. Some of the rare animals that have bred during the current year are Asiatic Lion, White Tiger, Thamin Deer, Chowsinga, Mouse Deer, Silver Pheasants, Ring Necked Pheasants, Golden Pheasants, Sambar, etc. The total collection of birds and animals in the Zoo is 1220 nos.

Sl.No. Category Male Female Un-Known Total

1. Mammals 122 133 0 255

2. Birds 413 318 6 737

3. Reptiles 117 86 25 228

Total: 652 537 31 1220

Type Species No. of Specimen

Mammals 44 255

Reptiles 22 228

Birds 95 737

Total 161 1220


We are keeping 178 varieties of Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes which

require a variety of food. The food is procured locally through food suppliers and by fodder plots in the Zoo premises by private contractor. The fodder is raised by using farmyard manure obtained from our herbivore enclosures. As per the feed schedule the feed is procured and prepared in the Zoo kitchen and supplied to the animals. Care is taken to provide balanced diet for all animals and special diet is prepared for sick animals, which are under treatment, and special care is taken for breeding Mammals, Birds, Reptiles to achieve good breeding results.


All the animals in the zoo are provided with balanced diet. Optimal nutrition is the best Prophylactic against diseases in captive animals. According to the requirement and special needs of the Animals, Birds and Reptiles in the zoo, hygienic and nutritious diet fortified with Vitamins and Minerals are issued regularly. Feed schedule charts are available for each species that indicates the feed items that are required for animals each day. The feed items, which come from outside are screened by the Veterinarians and the perishable items are disinfected, weighed and issued to the various sites. Lactating mothers, nursing young ones and abandoned young animals are fed with special balanced diet.


The Accounts Officer looks after the Accounting, Finance, Revenue and Payment of Salaries and Allowances and control of Expenditure etc., During the year under report the following are the Revenue and expenditure figures under the Plan and Non-plan schemes. The statements of comparative revenue earned and expenditure incurred for the year is furnished in the graph.

Revenue Particulars of 2007-08 amounting Rs. 418,56,244.00

Main Entrance Visitor Van Safari Park Train Elephant Misc G Houses Rentals

33677020 262500 1375000 1725000 3975 2031796 36400 1972553

Main Entrance

Visitor Van

Safari Park




G Houses



Year Revenue Expenditure in Rs. Total Expenditure in

Rs. Plan Non-Plan

2003-2004 191,18,211 17,92,985 434,99,069 452,92,054

2004-2005 270,91,916 18,30,321 450,37,978 468,68,299

2005-2006 327,16,394 14,06,103 487,29,772 501,35,875

2006-2007 374,08,946 19,14,214 381,31,600 400,45,814

2007-2008 418,56,244 44,86,034 437,71,040 482,57,074

Against the expenditure of Rs. 482,57,074 (Rupees Four crores, eighty two lakhs

fifty seven thousand and seventy four only), the total Revenue realized during the year is Rs.418,56,244 (Rupees Four crores, eighteen lakhs fifty six thousand two hundred and forty four only). Abstract of schemewise expenditure during the year is given at Annexure-I.



Details of expenditure during the year 2007-08 under report is as follows.

Sl.No. Head of Accounts Expenditure in Rs.

I. 2406-02-110-04-SANCTURIES (Non Plan)

011 – Payments 18222529.00

012 – Allowances 669971.00

013- D.A 6190609.00

015- IR 21811.00

016-HRA 5664755.00

017- Medical Reimbursement 186232.00

018- E.E.L.S 1802022.00

019- LTC 17943.00

111-T.A 23532.00

114- FTA 0.00

131 - S.P.T.C 35400.00

132 – OOE 155433.00

133 - Water & Electricity 181926.00

140 – RRT 0.00

240 – POL 117249.00

312 - Grant in Aid 14000.00

503 – OE 8000.00

510 – MV 56003.00

Total 33367415.00

II. 2406-02-110-03- Dist Officers (Non Plan)

020 – Wages 9000.00

111 – TA 2545.00

131 – SPTC 18138.00

132 – OOE 9987.00

133 - Water & Electricity 39989.00

140 - RRT 0.00

240 – POL 221600.00

300 - Contigent Services 57000.00

312 - Grant in Aid 0.00

503 – OE 0.00

510 – M.V 10000.00

Total 368269.00

III. 2406-02-111-04- Nehru Zoological Park (Non Plan)

230 - Diet charges 8755311.00

271- O.E. 188420.00

272 – Maintenance 633986.00

Total 9577717.00


Sl.No. Head of Accounts Expenditure in Rs.

IV. 2059-01-053-44- Building of Prl.CCF (NP)

271OE 267781.00

272Maintenance 149858.00

Total 417639.00

V. 2406-01-001 (01) 800 User Charges

808 – Legal Charges 40000.00

Total 40000.00

VI. 2406-02-111-11-04- Zoological Parks (PLAN)

131 – SPTS 88891.00

230 - Diet Charges 73316.00

240 – POL 17386.00

271 - O.E. 2010324.00

272 – Maintenance 712659.00

VII. 2406-02-789SCCP-11-05

271-O.E 1172533.00

VIII. 2406-02-796-TSP-11-05

271-OE 410931.00

Total 4486034.00

CZA Funds 2463963.00

Zoo Authority of Andhra Pradesh, NZP. 10500837.00




Sl.No Name of the Circle Area of Reserved

Forests as on 31.3 .2008 (Sq Km)

Area of Reserved land as on 31.3.2008

( Sq Km)

Total area as on 31.3 .2008

(Sq Km) (3+4)

Area of unnotified Forest

Land (Sq Km)

Grand Total Col. 5+6

(Sq Km)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Adilabad 4686.072 2484.546 7170.618 61.631 7232.249

2 Nizamabad 2247.459 754.973 3002.432 102.031 3104.463

3 Hyderabad 1234.716 266.890 1501.610 207.022 1708.628

4 Warangal 6635.350 888.514 7523.864 70.545 7594.409

5 Khammam 6686.129 678.336 7373.465 18.905 7392.370

6 Visakhapatnam 3996.540 2420.810 6417.350 129.280 6546.620

7 Rajahmundry 3979.905 214.021 4193.926 350.034 4543.960

8 Guntur 6130.206 0.000 6130.206 6.601 6136.807

9 Kurnool 5491.772 65.127 5556.899 43.842 5600.741

10 Ananthapur 3469.250 584.650 4023.370 38.890 4062.260

11 Tirupathi 5328.348 - 5328.348 17.538 5345.890

12 WL Hyderabad 21.175 - 21.175 - 21.175

13 WL Eluru 702.470 611.748 1314.218 1314.218

14 WL Srisailam 10613.236 10613.236 18.013 10631.249

15 P&E Hyderabad - - - - -

16 P&E Visakhapatnam - - - - -

17 P&E Vijayawada - - - - -

18 P&E Kadapa - - - - -

19 P&E Warangal - - - - -

20 P&E Ananthapur - - - - -

21 P&E Guntur - - - - -

22 P&E Nizamabad - - - - -

23 Nehru Zoological Park - - - - -

TOTAL 61222.628 8969.615 70170.717 1064.332 71235.038




\Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Length of the boundary line at the

beginning of the year (in Kms)

Length of the boundary line newly demarcated during the year (in Kms)

Total lenth of the boundary line at the end of year

(in Kms)

Length maintained during the Year (in Kms)

Total expenditure in respect of works

maintained in col No.4 & 6 including

construction of new boundary line (Rs in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Adilabad 10052.780 - 10052.780 - -

2 Nizamabad 5251.140 - 5251.140 - -

3 Hyderabad 4247.220 - 4247.220 1367.610 8.047

4 Warangal 5426.380 - 5426.380 - -

5 Khammam 6441.105 - 6441.105 31.400 0.286

6 Visakhapatnam 8210.360 - 8210.360 - -

7 Rajahmundry 4032.525 - 4032.525 - -

8 Guntur 4215.924 - 4215.924 - -

9 Kurnool 3483.305 - 3483.305 - -

10 Ananthapur 5150.670 - 5150.670 - - 11 W.L.M. Tirupati 3067.182 - 3067.182 - -

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 68.500 - 68.500 - -

13 W.L.M. Eluru 287.300 - 287.300 - -

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 2854.850 - 2854.850 - -

15 P.&E. Hyderabad - - - - -

16 P.&E. Visakhapatnam - - - - -

17 P&E Vijayawada - - - - -

18 P&E Kadapa - - - - -

19 P&E Warangal - - - - -

20 P&E Ananthapur - - - - -

21 P&E Guntur - - - - -

22 P&E Nizamabad - - - - -

23 Nehru Zoological Park - - - - -

Total 62789.241 62789.241 1399.010 8.333




Sl.No. Name of the Circle No coupes (units) sold

during the year

Area worked in


Bid amount in lakhs of Rs.

Produce Removed.

Timber (in cubic mtrs)

Firewood (in MTs)

Charcoal (in MTs)

Bamboo (in MTs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Note: The Timber trade is Nationalised. The contractors agency is eliminated after the Nationalisation of timber trade in place of contractors agency the Departmental Extraction was started. Hence the Proforma / Return is not relavent due to the changed policy of the Government.




Sl. No.

Name of the Circle No of coupes

(Units) worked Area worked in


Total revenue realized in Rs.


Timber (in cubic mtrs)

Firewood (in Tonnes)

Charcoal (in Tonnes)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Adilabad - - - - - -

2 Nizamabad - 190.000 60.527 2800.769 - -

3 Hyderabad - - - - - -

4 Warangal 12 182.961 1961.768 22917.366 -

5 Khammam 3 127.574 454.333 91.000 -

6 Visakhapatnam - 37.970 171.290 494.435 690.000 -

7 Rajahmundry 21 634.999 1507.000 - -

8 Guntur - 405.090 - - - -

9 Kurnool - - - - - -

10 Ananthapur - - - - - -

11 Tirupathi - - - - - -

12 WL Hyderabad - - - - - -

13 WL Eluru - - - - - -

14 WL Srisailam - - 14.080 62.957 27.500 -

15 P&E Hyderabad - - - - - -

16 P&E Visakhapatnam - - - - - -

17 P&E Vijayawada - - - - - -

18 P&E Kadapa - - - - - -

19 P&E Warangal - - - - - -

20 P&E Ananthapur - - - - - -

21 P&E Guntur - - - - - -

22 P&E Nizamabad - - - - - -

23 Nehru Zoological Park - - - - - -

TOTAL 36 633.060 1191.431 7281.262 23725.866 -




Sl. No.

Name of the Circle No of coupes (Units)

worked Area worked in Ha.

Total revenue realised in Rs. Lakhs

Bamboo (in MTs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Adilabad 15 7159.420 150.590 2952.425

2 Nizamabad

3 Hyderabad

4 Warangal 3394.700 26.335 12.100

5 Khammam 35 82772.112 246.302

6 Visakhapatnam 12 34097.310 50.895 475.270

7 Rajahmundry 54 74269.000 250.685 5267.940

8 Guntur 10 4666.000 225.984 5651.500

9 Kurnool 12 4367.000 176.403 7124.580

10 Ananthapur

11 Tirupathi

12 WL Hyderabad

13 WL Eluru

14 WL Srisailam 4 9678.000 114.244 0.076

15 P&E Hyderabad

16 P&E Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

TOTAL 142 220403.542 1241.438 21483.891





Sl.No. Item Name of the Produce Unit 2007-08


I) Forest Dept. Major Forest Produce Cmt 16484.13


I) Forest Dept. Major Forest Produce Cmt 11049.92


I) Forest Dept. Minor Forest Produce No.s 8657137


I) Forest Dept. Minor Forest Produce No. of SBs 606300

Note: Regarding Major Forest Produce the details of extraction is obtained from PCCF Office. There are Govt. Timber Depots spread over through out the state will furnish the details to PCCF Office.





Sl.No. Name of the Produce Unit Quantity Value in Rs in Lakhs

1 Gum Karaya Quintals 3715.97 313.55

2 Gum Thiruman Quintals 14.04 0.75

3 Gum Olibanum Quintals 174.64 6.82

4 Gum Kondagogu Quintals 222.96 21.46

5 Gum Dikamali Quintals 29.02 0.35

6 Myrobalans Quintals 4750.87 18.92

7 Nuxvomica Quintals 1103.31 17.01

8 Seeded Tamarind Quintals 37816.86 289.45

9 Deseeded Tamarind Quintals 4897.05 76.2

10 Tamarind Seed Quintals 4106.01 15.2

11 Pungam Seed Quintals 2847.9 28.48

12 Cleaningnuts Quintals 232.17 2.09

13 Markingnuts Quintals 7714.17 38.57

14 Mohwa Seed Quintals 3063.44 33.7

15 Mohwa Flower Quintals 6183.32 43.28

16 Honey Quintals 3088 246.96

17 Sheekakai Quintals 1661.8 14.85

18 Soapnuts Quintals 3769.32 40.27

19 Hill Brooms (Nos) Quintals 319092 46.06

20 Hill Brooms (Qtls.) Nos 20.11 0.36

21 Wild Brooms (Qtls.) Quintals 1137.74 17.38

22 Wild Brooms (Nos.) Nos 50 0

23 Adda leaf Quintals 6820.95 32.82

24 Naramamidi Bark Quintals 875.16 17.51

25 Maredugeddalu Quintals 1058.93 47.99

26 Others Quintals 0 25.99

27 Medicinal Herbs Quintals 0 0.66

Total 1396.68

Note : The minor forest produce is leased out to GCC on royality basis. The following MFP minor forest produce is given unit wise.




Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Plantations Thinning


Area worked in Ha.

Timber in Cum

Firewood in MTs

Charcoal in MTs

Sale amount in lakhs

Area worked in Ha.

Timber in


Firewood in MTs

Charcoal in MTs

Sale amount

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Adilabad 67 162000

2 Nizamabad 190 2771.12 56.86

3 Hyderabad 50 184.335 35.945

4 Warangal 7.2 4.38 1.98

5 Khammam 54.47 454.33 91 192.8 78.49 68.68

6 Visakhapatnam

7 Rajahmundry 2141.92 2317.87 790 634.21 1477 670 277.13

8 Guntur

317.7 12297.51

(cmt) 135.47

9 Kurnool

10 Ananthapur

11 Tirupathi

12 WL Hyderabad

13 WL Eluru

14 WL Srisailam

15 P&E Hyderabad

16 P&E Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

TOTAL 2821.09 167543.32 1065.335 1055.285 85.69 1550.06 670 279.11




Sl.No. Name of the

Circle No of

Grantees Purpose for

which granted

Quantity of produce granted

Thatched grass in cart load

Any other produce in

M.T Remarks

Bamboo Bamboo

Qty in Cum

Value in Rupees

Qty in M.Ts.

Value in Rupees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Note: There are free grants to the public. VSSs members will take their domestic requirement from the forest area. There are certain consessions given to Buroods through Cooperative Societies.




Sl.No. Name of

the Circle

Number of animals foe which permits issued Total

grazing revenue collected in Rupees

Details of grazing

allowed if any

quote G.O. in


Remarks Buffa llows

Cows & Bukllocks

Sheep Goats Other


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: Free grazing is allowed however goat browsing 'C-fees' is collected by the protective.




Sl. No

Name of the circle No.of fires Occurred during the year Extent in Hactors Burnt

Remarks In Plantations In Other areas In Plantations In Other areas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Adilabad 1 0 20.00 0

2 Nizamabad 0 0 0 0

3 Hyderabad 1 0 25.00 0

4 Warangal 0 0 0 0

5 Khammam 0 0 0 0

6 Visakhapatnam 2 0 0 0

7 Rajahmundry 0 0 0 0

8 Guntur 0 0 0 0

9 Kurnool 1 0 8.00 0

10 Ananthapur 0 21 0 831.40

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 1 16 6.70 288.00

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 0 0 0 0

13 W.L.M. Eluru 0 0 0 0

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 0 37 0 82.00

15 P.&E. Hyderabad 0 0 0 0

16 P.&E. Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0

17 P&E Vijayawada 0 0 0 0

18 P&E Kadapa 0 0 0 0

19 P&E Warangal 0 0 0 0

20 P&E Ananthapur 0 0 0 0

21 P&E Guntur 0 0 0 0

22 P&E Nizamabad 0 0 0 0

23 Nehru Zoological Park 0 0 0 0

Total 6 74 59.70 1201.40




Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Opening balance at the beginning

of the year

Receipts During the Year

Total Disposal Balance at the end of the year

Compoun ding Fee collected

in Rs. Lakhs

Compoun ding fee in Lakhs pending on 31-03-

























































1 Adilabad 819 985 2850 47 1943 1827 866 2928 4677 324 1265 2578 542 1663 2099 334.563 2.583

2 Nizamabad 236 326 75 165 1015 113 401 1341 188 38 1258 112 363 83 76 35.707 2.271

3 Hyderabad 0 50 21 2 647 5 2 697 26 0 666 16 2 31 10 30.948 1.171

4 Warangal 206 1120 558 135 3907 731 341 5027 1289 36 3853 673 305 1174 616 146.056 2.924

5 Khammam 783 1017 1336 142 2550 1602 925 3567 2938 239 1948 1151 686 1619 1787 112.681 0.000

6 Visakhapatnam 5610 307 95 66 3285 150 5676 3592 245 1049 3442 82 4627 150 163 95.910 6.310

7 Rajahmundry 859 19 89 48 4173 701 907 4192 790 0 4108 703 907 84 87 135.188 15.812

8 Guntur 480 4 45 40 3916 106 520 3920 151 0 3916 142 520 4 9 128.156 0.285

9 Kurnool 268 57 81 152 3297 460 420 3354 541 9 3334 439 411 20 102 101.248 0.889

10 Ananthapur 158 0 67 9 2931 41 167 2931 108 29 2931 27 138 0 81 53.634 0.060

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 227 0 174 58 2282 200 285 2282 374 131 2282 255 154 0 119 60.430 0.000

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0.000 0.000

13 W.L.M. Eluru 20 0 0 8 5 0 28 5 0 0 5 0 28 0 0 16.600 0.000

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 53 245 91 4 3145 228 57 3390 319 0 3301 261 57 89 58 78.239 34.905

15 P.&E. Hyderabad

16 P.&E.Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

Total 9719 4146 5482 876 33096 6164 10595 37242 11646 1855 32309 6439 8740 4933 5207 1329.360 67.210




Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Opening balance at the beginning of

the year

Recieved During the Year

Total Disposal Closing Balance No of

Vehicles Confis-cated R



























































1 Adilabad 57 30 87 74 419 493 131 449 580 15 324 339 116 125 241 38

2 Nizamabad 23 1 24 3 43 46 26 44 70 23 31 54 3 13 16 2

3 Hyderabad 3 28 31 1 548 549 4 576 580 1 539 540 3 37 40 1

4 Warangal 81 25 106 58 106 164 139 131 270 95 114 209 44 17 61 10

5 Khammam 27 51 78 4 174 178 31 225 256 5 164 169 26 61 87 0

6 Visakhapatnam 0 35 35 0 97 97 0 132 132 0 98 98 0 34 34 0

7 Rajahmundry 30 4 34 5 119 124 35 123 158 11 106 117 24 17 41 1

8 Guntur 78 2 80 38 44 82 116 46 162 4 43 47 112 3 115 62

9 Kurnool 65 9 74 95 229 324 160 238 398 10 238 248 150 0 150 99

10 Ananthapur 32 6 38 7 0 7 39 6 45 23 0 23 16 6 22 23

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 140 10 150 85 34 119 225 44 269 113 43 156 112 1 113 161

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 W.L.M. Eluru 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 0

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 11 7 18 2 56 58 13 63 76 0 58 58 13 5 18 1

15 P.&E. Hyderabad

16 P.&E.Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

Total 554 208 762 372 1869 2241 926 2077 3003 300 1758 2058 626 319 945 398




S.No Name of the Circle

Opening Balance at the beginning of the


Receipts during the year

Total Disposal off during

the year Closing Balance as

on 31-03-2008










m. F
















m. F
















m. F
















m. F























1 Adilabad 2 Nizamabad 3 Hyderabad 0 5 0.038 5 38 0.332 5 43 0.370 5 43 0.370 0 0 0

4 Warangal 4 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 4 0 0.000 4 0 0.000 0 0 0

5 Khammam 0 486 0.097 0 255 0.051 0 741 0.148 0 431 0.086 0 310 0.062

6 Visakhapatnam

7 Rajahmundry

8 Guntur

9 Kurnool 0 0 0 0 40 0.443 0 40 0.443 0 40 0.443 0 0 0.000

10 Ananthapur 0 0 0 385 0 3.538 385 0 3.538 385 0 3.538 0 0 0.000

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 0 0 0 0 421 2.241 0 421 2.241 0 421 2.241 0 0 0.000

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 0 0 0 1 0 0.010 1 0 0.010 1 0 0.010 0 0 0.000

13 W.L.M. Eluru 14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 0 0 0 0 7 0.070 0 7 0.070 0 7 0.070 0 0 0.000

15 P&E Hyderabad

16 P&E Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

Total 4 491 0.135 391 761 6.685 395 1252 6.820 395 942 6.758 0 310 0.062




Sl. No.

Name of the circle

No. of cases at the beginning of

the year

No. of cases Received during

the year Total

No. of cases Disposed off during

the year

Balance at the end of the year
























1 Adilabad 42 0 14 0 56 0 10 0 46 0

2 Nizamabad 13 0 0 0 13 0 1 0 12 0

3 Hyderabad

4 Warangal 60 8 6 0 66 8 23 7 43 1

5 Khammam 25 0 0 0 25 0 8 0 17 0

6 Visakhapatnam 10 0 0 0 10 0 5 0 5 0

7 Rajahmundry 20 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 20 0

8 Guntur 7 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 0

9 Kurnool 5 0 2 0 7 0 2 0 5 0

10 Ananthapur 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad

13 W.L.M. Eluru

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 9 7 12 0 21 7 0 6 21 1

15 P.&E. Hyderabad

16 P.&E. Visakhapatnam

17 P&E Vijayawada

18 P&E Kadapa

19 P&E Warangal

20 P&E Ananthapur

21 P&E Guntur

22 P&E Nizamabad

23 Nehru Zoological Park

Total 192 15 37 0 229 15 50 13 179 2




Sl. No.

Name of the working Circle Territorial Circle

Annual cut during the year as per working


Actual annual cut during the year

Deviation Remarks

No of Units

Area in Hacters

No of Units

Area in Ha No of Units

Area in Hacters

1 Teak Working Circle

Adilabad 1 25.00 0 0 1 25.00

Visakhapatnam 23 368.69 0 0 23 368.69

Rajahmundry 8 152.07 3 78.51 5 73.56

Total: 32 545.76 3 78.51 29 467.25

2 Bamboo Working Circle

Hyderabad 34 430.00 4 50.00 30 380.00

Khammam 49 85156.29 33 53542.40 16 31613.89

Visakhapatnam 11 30580.08 7 11569.71 4 19010.37

Rajahmundry 112 86701.93 39 7746.26 73 78955.67

Guntur 51 5419.50 44 4990.80 7 428.70

Kurnool 2 1489.00 1 1045.00 1 444.00

Total: 259 209776.80 128 78944.17 131 130832.63

3 MFP Working Circle Guntur 19 310.60 13 265.70 6 44.90

Kurnool 5 0.00 0 0.00 5 0.00

Total: 24 310.60 13 265.70 11 44.90

4 Sandal Wood Working Circle Ananthapur 6 1431.00 0 0 6 1431.00

5 Enrichment Plantation Working Circle Ananthapur 2 240.00 0 0 2 240.00

6 Minor Forest Produce & Misc Working Circle. Ananthapur 7 40.00 0 0 7 40.00

7 Silvapasture Working Circle Ananthapur 3 30.00 0 0 3 30.00

8 SMC Working Circle Ananthapur 7 340.00 0 0 7 340.00

9 Casuarina Working Circle Visakhapatnam 5 180.00 1 25.00 4 155.00

10 A.A.Formis Working Circle Visakhapatnam 5 275.00 0 0 5 275.00

11 Eucalyptus Working Circle Visakhapatnam 1 10.00 0 0 1 10.00

12 Tooki Leaves Working Circle Kurnool 7 161791.00 7 161791.00 0 0

13 Palmyrah Fruits & Dead Leaves Working Circle Kurnool 4 39882.00 4 39882.00 0 0

14 Miscellaneous Plantation Working Circle Rajahmundry 63 2068.93 18 352.33 45 1716.60




Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



1 Teak Warangal 0.000 0.000 5.000 1.640 5.000 1.640

Khammam 31.000 36.307 25.000 2.183 3243.620 73.553

Guntur 155.000 46.035 155.000 46.035 155.000 46.035

Total: 186.000 82.342 185.000 49.858 3403.620 121.228

2 Bamboo Adilabad 40.000 8.890 40.000 8.891 742.000 70.853

Warangal 92.030 18.180 0.000 0.000 92.030 18.180

Khammam 136.000 23.103 136.000 10.340 1023.000 23.548

Rajahmundry 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5320.200 158.482

Guntur 110.000 18.225 110.000 18.225 110.000 18.225

Ananthapur 60.000 4.544 60.000 4.544 60.000 4.544

FDPT, Sreesailam 62.000 9.280 60.000 5.570 0.000 0.000

Total: 500.030 82.222 406.000 47.570 7347.230 293.832

3 Eucalyptus Adilabad 14.000 2921.000 14.000 2.921 252.000 7.122

Hyderabad 250.500 55.930 296.500 60.260 0.000 0.000

Warangal 216.300 56.760 81.500 29.910 247.850 71.670

Khammam 375.000 369.528 355.700 63.508 2093.070 454.962

Visakhapatnam 805.000 39.240 805.000 39.240 805.000 39.240

Rajahmundry 102.780 105.726 79.050 6.837 1689.710 143.240

Guntur 598.000 196.431 598.000 196.431 598.000 196.431

Kurnool 8.526 4.479 8.526 3.980 879.296 45.131

Total: 2370.106 3749.094 2238.276 403.087 6564.926 957.796


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



4 Kanuga Gap Planning (Pongamia) Adilabad 108.850 2.719 108.850 2.719 3850.710 46.543

Guntur 1423.500 234.399 1423.500 234.399 1423.500 234.399 Kurnool 81.800 92.840 79.800 37.336 79.800 37.336 Ananthapur 720.000 287.575 523.000 109.949 217.000 20.983 FDPT, Sreesailam 104.000 25.000 104.000 24.308 104.000 24.308 Total: 2438.150 642.533 2239.150 408.711 5675.010 363.569

5 NTFP Semi Mechanical Method Adilabad 58.110 17.934 58.110 17.934 61.955 25.714

Nizamabad 230.000 12.478 230.000 20.172 2183.000 190.820 Warangal 428.000 171.290 301.000 139.420 2580.500 446.020 Khammam 275.000 64.941 274.000 46.713 318.500 59.848 P&E, Warangal 30.000 24.601 30.000 24.601 92.250 155.395 Total: 1021.110 291.244 893.110 248.840 5236.205 877.797

6 TPSA Adilabad - - - - 8742.600 75.403

7 Raising of MLCT Adilabad 3.590 3.995 3.590 3.985 3.590 3.985 Warangal 4.000 1.100 5.000 1.790 9.000 2.890 FDPT, Sreesailam 5.000 2.500 5.000 1.950 0.000 0.000 Total: 12.590 7.595 13.590 7.725 12.590 6.875

8 Teak Tissue Culture Adilabad 6.420 2.089 6.420 2.089 6.421 2.089 FDPT, Sreesailam 5.000 1.410 5.000 1.310 0.000 0.000 Total: 11.420 3.499 11.420 3.399 6.421 2.089

9 Bamboo under plantation Adilabad 30.000 2.692 30.000 2.692 1735.630 127.220 Warangal 957.080 35.660 0.000 0.000 957.080 35.660 Kurnool 15.000 3.710 15.000 2.796 2138.000 48.506 Total: 1002.080 42.062 45.000 5.488 4830.710 211.386


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



10 Miscellaneous Plantation Bamboo Adilabad 23.000 100.000 23.000 100.000 9.916 917.350

11 Bamboo cum Eucalyptus Adilabad 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 267.500 7.751

12 Bamboo Semi Mechanical Adilabad 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 49.550 5.521

13 Silvipasture (Fuel & Fodder) Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 69.200 1.488

14 Bamboo cum Afforestation Adilabad 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1114.480 4.868

15 Tapsi Adilabad 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 258.000 1.554

16 Babul Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.000 0.352

P&E, Hyderabad 42.000 3.604 28.000 2.434 28.000 2.434

P&E, Visakhapatnam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 790.000 25.209

P&E, Vijayawada 10.000 0.550 10.000 0.351 183.000 9.005

P&E, Ananthapur 50.000 6.000 60.000 5.427 60.000 5.427

Total 102.000 10.154 98.000 8.212 1093.000 42.427

17 Mango (Rite) Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.000 0.494

18 Mixed Warangal 15.000 4.750 12.000 4.450 12.000 4.450

Rajahmundry 15.000 5.234 10.000 3.490 1766.650 37.674

Total 30.000 9.984 22.000 7.940 1778.650 42.124


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



19 Bio-Diesel Kurnool 65.000 11.359 65.000 11.359 477.500 55.646

20 Pongamia & Misc. (Kanuga) Kurnool 424.000 93.850 167.000 26.540 166.610 26.540

FDPT, Sreesailam 181.000 32.000 181.000 34.324 181.000 34.324

Total 605.000 125.850 348.000 60.864 347.610 60.864

21 Kanuga & Eucalyptus Kurnool 50.000 165.940 14.000 12.337 14.000 12.337

22 Canal Bank Plantation Kurnool 7.500 10.474 7.500 4.206 251.500 13.892

23 Agave Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8329.000 70.795

24 Sissoo Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 156.120 3.669

25 Avenue Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 263.000 19.526

P&E, Hyderabad 39.000 29.496 39.000 29.645 39.000 22.805

P&E, Visakhapatnam 33.000 18.325 33.000 14.546 526.070 143.563

P&E, Vijayawada 150.000 108.725 162.500 100.927 742.500 453.502

P&E, Kadapa 51.500 20.882 51.500 18.008 407.750 124.656

P&E, Ananthapur 30.000 15.000 23.000 9.801 23.000 9.801

P&E, Nizamabad 70.000 37.299 100.000 51.143 457.850 316.191

Total: 373.500 229.727 409.000 224.070 2459.170 1090.044

26 Avenue Strip Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 32.510 7.292

27 Cashew Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 54.590 0.029


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



28 Casuarina Rajahmundry 150.000 15.169 198.500 20.073 198.500 20.073

Guntur 435.000 102.903 435.000 102.903 435.000 102.903

Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.020 0.002

P&E, Visakhapatnam 2.500 2.530 2.500 1.209 2.500 1.209

P&E, Vijayawada 210.000 85.404 210.000 85.404 460.000 111.957

Total: 797.500 206.006 846.000 209.589 1098.020 236.144

29 River Bank Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 54.000 1.025

30 Burslia Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.059

31 Tamarind Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 213.000 0.456

32 A.A.Formies Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 478.000 3.061

33 Soapnut Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 19.000 1.914

34 Tank Foreshore Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 156.000 0.579

P&E, Vijayawada 10.000 1.530 10.000 1.530 22.000 3.550

Total: 10.000 1.530 10.000 1.530 178.000 4.129

35 Palmyrah Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3201.000 29.865

P&E, Vijayawada 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 50.000 1.094

Total: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3251.000 30.959

36 Afforestation of Degraded Forests Warangal 25.000 0.740 0.000 0.000 25.000 0.740

Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4991.000 187.172

Total: 25.000 0.740 0.000 0.000 5016.000 187.912


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



37 S.M.C.Plots Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1188.000 2.386

38 Sheep Pasture Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.000 0.012

39 Nallafund Plantation Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 600.000 0.004

40 Village woodlots Kurnool 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 1.314

41 RIDF-X-Bio-Diesel Warangal 25.000 6.420 26.500 5.420 26.500 5.420

42 TFC (FDA) Khammam (FDA) 100.00 183.73 49.50 14.87 149.50 198.60

F.D.P.T.Srisailam 50.000 72.940 53.000 34.990 0.000 0.000

Total: 150.000 256.670 102.500 49.858 149.500 198.598

43 Usiri, Seethapal, Kanuga, Narepi Ananthapur 561.000 128.198 65.000 31.012 0.000 0.000

44 Redsandal & Misc. Ananthapur 5.000 0.822 5.000 0.822 5.000 0.822

45 Eucclores Ananthapoor 37.000 14.589 37.000 14.589 37.000 14.589

46 Raavi, Marri, Juvvi & Misc. Ananthapoor 13781.000 2.060 13781.000 2.060 13781.000 2.060

47 CA Khammam 4.650 0.710 4.650 1.113 9.300 1.823

48 APCFM Khammam 134.000 188.405 134.000 23.781 268.000 212.186

Visakhapatnam 425.000 383.000 413.000 70.380 413.000 70.380

Total: 559.000 571.405 547.000 94.161 681.000 282.566


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



49 Minor Forest Produce Warangal 30.000 1.300 0.000 0.000 30.000 1.300 Rajahmundry 0 0 0 0 124 23.63 Total: 30.000 1.300 0.000 0.000 154.000 24.930 50 Mangrove Rajahmundry 300.00 16.000 230.000 9.408 230.000 9.408 Guntur 45.000 1.633 45.000 1.633 45.000 1.633 WLM, Eluru 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 40.000 9.783 Total: 345.000 17.633 275.000 11.041 315.000 20.824

51 Perrinial Herbs/Shrubs Rajahmundry 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.000 2.765 52 Orange Rajahmundry 2466.100 0.000 2466.100 0.367 0.000 0.367

53 Eve Rajahmundry 692.340 0.000 692.340 2.912 0.000 2.912

54 Kanuga Hyderabad 700.000 108.200 705.500 93.595 0.000 0.000 Warangal 220.300 39.290 177.500 33.540 347.800 62.830 Khammam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 123.000 5.080 Visakhapatnam 0.000 5.000 0.000 4.980 356.500 39.290 FDPT, Sreesailam 250.000 82.620 222.000 600.000 0.000 0.000 Total: 1170.300 235.110 1105.000 732.115 827.300 107.200

55 Under Planting Khammam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 530.000 38.168

56 S.Gulka Khammam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.250 0.560

57 M.C.T. Khammam 10.000 17.994 9.170 8.352 28.540 23.850

58 Suabbul, Babul, Narepi, Kanuga P&E, Nizamabad 61.000 7.337 128.511 16.257 416.330 73.154

59 Block Plantation P&E, Kadapa 44.000 29.400 44.000 24.470 33.000 27.398

P&E, Ananthapur 10.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Total: 54.000 32.150 44.000 24.470 33.000 27.398


Sl. No.

Species Name of the circle

Target during the year

Achivement during the year

Total achievement at the end of the year









(Rs. In













In L













In L



60 Casuarina & Palmyrah P&E, Visakhapatnam 120.000 28.027 122.500 35.794 3981.500 162.979

61 Babul with Misc. P&E, Visakhapatnam 30.000 2.400 20.500 1.970 20.500 1.970

62 Eucalyptus & NTFP Species P&E, Visakhapatnam 57.000 6.100 63.100 6.756 2.655 9.412

63 LRXS FDPT, Sreesailam 5.000 1.520 5.000 1.310 0.000 0.000

64 Miscellaneous Plantations

Adilabad 193.000 43.455 193.000 43.455 19543.290 610.549

Nizamabad 663.500 36.685 422.500 22.642 4328.700 335.010

Hyderabad 347.600 113.033 81.500 26.672 2250.000 210.873

Warangal 569.060 47.990 5.000 1.120 574.060 47.990

Khammam 20.000 10.053 20.000 8.390 925.860 34.413

Visakhapatnam 698.000 207.490 499.850 176.550 8512.850 1248.900

Rajahmundry 325.000 86.349 145.050 49.560 2565.000 216.140

Guntur 597.810 142.668 597.810 142.668 597.810 142.668

Kurnool 356.774 160.747 319.374 129.464 21252.763 547.416

Ananthapur 5.000 0.635 5.000 0.635 5.000 0.635

W.L.M. Tirupati 1480.000 309.540 1070.000 275.814 8413.000 1345.388

F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 1199.000 358.150 163.500 75.676 50.000 28.253

P.&E. Hyderabad 33.000 16.348 30.000 13.417 30.000 13.417

P.&E. Visakhapatnam 14.100 3.900 6.100 2.393 889.600 25.980

P&E Vijayawada 27.000 17.198 27.000 17.198 289.200 25.900

P&E Kadapa 35.000 8.235 25.000 7.675 471.330 86.268

P&E Warangal 30.000 7.062 22.000 6.546 142.400 38.983

P&E Ananthapur 2.000 0.226 2.000 0.226 2.000 0.226

P&E Nizamabad 50.000 0.000 50.000 19.102 4466.790 217.254

Total 6645.844 1569.764 3684.684 1019.203 75309.653 5176.263




Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Teak

Adilabad 32782.870 5.000 32787.870 154.776 4.162 158.938

Warangal 0.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 1.640 1.640

Khammam 22086.070 25.000 22111.070 236.100 2.183 238.283

Visakhapatnam 8145.710 0.000 8145.710 152.980 0.000 152.980

Rajahmundry 7542.500 0.000 7542.500 77.190 0.000 77.190

Guntur 0.000 155.000 155.000 0.000 46.035 46.035

Total: 70557.150 190.000 70747.150 621.046 54.020 675.066

2 Bamboo

Adilabad 2020.000 115.000 2135.000 156.326 12.380 168.706

Nizamabad 4654.200 155.500 4809.700 542.535 15.460 557.995

Warangal 452.030 0.000 452.030 19.990 0.000 19.990

Khammam 10891.730 161.000 11052.730 344.860 10.341 355.201

Visakhapatnam 22014.340 0.000 22014.340 84.090 0.000 84.090

Rajahmundry 2889.600 0.000 2889.600 205.176 0.000 205.176

Guntur 0.000 110.000 110.000 0.000 18.225 18.225

Kurnool 1623.000 15.000 1638.000 23.021 2.796 25.817

FDPT, Sreesailam 627.000 60.000 687.000 122.030 5.570 127.600

Total: 45171.900 616.500 45788.400 1498.028 64.772 1562.800

3 Eucalyptus

Adilabad 1227.200 54.000 1281.200 70.133 14.041 84.174

Warangal 166.350 25.000 191.350 41.760 6.980 48.740

Khammam 5482.423 452.000 5934.423 507.173 75.173 582.346

Visakhapatnam 15.360 10.000 25.360 0.010 4.660 4.670

Rajahmundry 1610.660 79.050 1689.971 33.844 6.837 40.681

Guntur 0.000 598.000 598.000 0.000 196.431 196.431

Kurnool 870.770 9.000 879.770 41.148 3.980 45.128

WLM, Tirupathi 45.000 0.000 45.000 0.332 0.000 0.332

P&E, Vijayawada 136.000 0.000 136.000 6.386 0.000 6.386

Total: 9553.763 1227.050 10780.813 700.786 308.102 1008.888


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 Tapsi Adilabad 258.000 0.000 258.000 1.554 0.000 1.554

5 Kanuga Gap Planting (Pongamia)

Adilabad 5082.010 356.750 5438.760 144.355 24.848 169.203

Visakhapatnam 441.000 0.000 441.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Guntur 0.000 1423.500 1423.500 0.000 234.399 234.399

F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 255.000 181.000 436.000 66.617 34.324 100.941

Total 5778.010 1961.250 7739.260 210.972 293.571 504.543

6 N.T.F.P. Semi Mechnical Method

Adilabad 631.450 34.110 665.560 81.712 9.271 90.983

Nizamabad 4171.250 165.000 4336.250 170.652 16.545 187.197

Warangal 2492.500 175.000 2492.500 515.490 55.530 571.020

Khammam 220.370 20.000 240.370 79.342 16.261 85.023

Visakhapatnam 570.000 0.000 570.000 71.380 0.000 71.380

Total: 8085.570 394.110 8304.680 918.576 97.607 1005.603

7 Raising of MLCT Adilabad 5.000 3.590 8.590 0.750 3.590 4.340

8 Teak Tissue Culture Adilabad 0.000 6.421 6.421 0.000 2.089 2.089

9 Bamboo under plantation Adilabad 1705.630 30.000 1735.630 1245.280 26.092 1271.372

Warangal 1124.580 260.500 1385.080 42.800 7.960 50.760

Khammam 2105.000 0.000 2105.000 119.344 0.000 119.344

Kurnool 500.000 0.000 500.000 22.690 0.000 22.690

Total: 5435.210 290.500 5725.710 1430.114 34.052 1464.166

10 Bamboo cum Eucalyptus Adilabad 3183.590 0.000 3183.590 185.918 0.000 185.918

Nizamabad 3731.400 10.000 3741.400 305.577 4.000 309.577

Total: 6914.990 10.000 6924.990 491.495 4.000 495.495

11 Bamboo Semi Mechanical Adilabad 0.000 38.000 38.000 0.000 4.940 4.940


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12 Silvipasture (Fuel & Fodder) Adilabad 50.000 0.000 50.000 1.378 0.000 1.378

Kurnool 69.200 0.000 69.200 1.490 0.000 1.490

Total: 119.200 0.000 119.200 2.868 0.000 2.868

13 Bamboo cum Afforestation Adilabad 1569.480 0.000 1569.480 34.443 0.000 34.443

14 Sababul Adilabad 1.500 0.000 1.500 0.037 0.000 0.037

Visakhapatnam 50.000 0.000 50.000 0.460 0.000 0.460

Total: 51.500 0.000 51.500 0.497 0.000 0.497

15 Babul Adilabad 350.000 0.000 350.000 2.562 0.000 2.562

Khammam 2198.540 5.000 2203.540 81.635 0.840 82.475

Kurnool 32.000 0.000 32.000 0.352 0.000 0.352

P&E, Hyderabad 21.018 1.000 22.018 2.147 0.028 2.175

P&E, Visakhapatnam 853.700 20.500 874.200 29.508 2.351 31.859

P&E, Vijayawada 1010.500 20.000 1030.500 28.028 1.881 29.909

P&E, Kadapa 140.000 10.000 150.000 6.729 0.840 7.569

P&E, Ananthapur 2194.500 60.000 2254.500 21.250 5.430 26.677

Total: 6800.258 116.500 6916.758 172.211 11.370 183.578

16 Mango (Rite) Adilabad 15.000 0.000 15.000 0.505 0.000 0.505

Kurnool 8.000 0.000 8.000 0.490 0.000 0.490

Total: 23.000 0.000 23.000 0.995 0.000 0.995

17 Fuel and Fodder Adilabad 6.100 0.000 6.100 0.589 0.000 0.589

Warangal 40.000 0.000 40.000 1.020 0.000 1.020

WLM, Tirupathi 40.000 0.000 40.000 2.016 0.000 2.016

Total: 86.100 0.000 86.100 3.625 0.000 3.625

18 Eucalyptus with Misc. Adilabad 351.500 35.580 387.080 2.562 2.811 5.373


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

19 Mixed Adilabad 60.700 0.000 60.700 0.119 0.000 0.119

Khammam 383.000 0.000 383.000 15.480 0.000 15.480

Rajahmundry 1706.650 10.000 1716.650 99.868 3.489 103.357

Total: 2150.350 10.000 2160.350 115.467 3.489 118.956

20 Bio-Diesel Kurnool 477.500 65.000 542.500 55.650 11.359 67.009

21 Canal Bank Plantation Kurnool 244.000 7.500 251.500 9.686 4.206 13.892

22 Agave Plantation Kurnool 8329.000 0.000 8329.000 70.786 0.000 70.786

WLM, Tirupathi 40.000 0.000 40.000 0.160 0.000 0.160

Total: 8369.000 0.000 8369.000 70.946 0.000 70.946

23 Sissoo Kurnool 156.120 0.000 156.120 3.669 0.000 3.669

24 Avenue Plantation Warangal 37.500 0.000 37.500 1.590 0.000 1.590

Khammam 162.020 0.000 162.020 17.200 0.000 17.200

Rajahmundry 7.500 0.000 7.500 0.512 0.000 0.512

Kurnool 263.000 0.000 263.000 19.526 0.000 19.526

P&E, Hyderabad 1138.980 0.000 1138.980 771.688 0.000 771.688

P&E, Visakhapatnam 667.170 33.000 700.170 196.966 16.472 213.439

P&E, Vijayawada 1754.590 162.500 1917.090 540.604 100.927 641.538

P&E, Kadapa 392.250 51.500 443.750 106.647 18.008 124.656

P&E, Ananthapur 660.600 23.000 683.600 77.114 15.232 92.342

P&E, Nizamabad 482.020 70.000 552.020 51.153 13.844 64.997

Total: 5565.630 340.000 5905.630 1783.000 164.483 1947.488

25 Avenue Strip Plantation Kurnool 32.510 0.000 32.510 7.290 0.000 7.290

26 Cashew Khammam 418.520 15.000 433.520 48.224 7.550 55.774

Visakhapatnam 1657.030 0.000 1657.030 51.770 0.000 51.770

Rajahmundry 733.230 0.000 733.230 0.374 0.000 0.374

Kurnool 54.590 0.000 54.590 0.029 0.000 0.029

P&E, Vijayawada 68.000 0.000 68.000 1.644 0.000 1.640

Total: 2931.370 15.000 2946.370 102.041 7.550 109.587


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

27 Casuarina Visakhapatnam 974.000 162.000 1136.000 46.110 52.320 98.430

Rajahmundry 0.000 198.500 198.500 0.000 20.073 20.073

Guntur 0.000 435.000 435.000 0.000 102.903 102.903

Kurnool 2.020 0.000 2.020 0.002 0.000 0.002

P&E Visakhapatnam 40.000 95.000 135.000 3.639 22.080 25.719

P&E Vijayawada 1345.000 237.000 1582.000 39.960 102.602 142.562

Total: 2361.020 1127.500 3488.520 89.711 299.978 389.689

28 River Bank Kurnool 54.000 0.000 54.000 1.020 0.000 1.020

29 Tamarind Kurnool 213.000 0.000 213.000 0.455 0.000 0.455

30 A.A.Formis Visakhapatnam 14.540 0.000 14.540 0.750 0.000 0.750

Kurnool 478.000 0.000 478.000 3.060 0.000 3.060

Total: 492.540 0.000 492.540 3.810 0.000 3.810

31 Soapnut Kurnool 19.000 0.000 19.000 1.910 0.000 1.910

32 Tank Foreshore Plantation Warangal 4.000 0.000 4.000 0.100 0.000 0.100

Kurnool 156.000 0.000 156.000 0.578 0.000 0.578

Total: 160.000 0.000 160.000 0.678 0.000 0.678

33 Palmyrah Plantation Kurnool 3201.000 0.000 3201.000 29.865 0.000 29.865

P&E Vijayawada 50.000 0.000 50.000 1.094 0.000 1.094

Total: 3251.000 0.000 3251.000 30.959 0.000 30.959

34 Afforestation of Degraded Forests Warangal 25.000 0.000 25.000 0.740 0.000 0.740

Kurnool 4991.000 0.000 4991.000 187.170 0.000 187.170

Total: 5016.000 0.000 5016.000 187.910 0.000 187.910

35 S.M.C.Plots Kurnool 1188.000 0.000 1188.000 2.385 0.000 2.385


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

36 Sheep Pasture Kurnool 21.000 0.000 21.000 0.116 0.000 0.116

37 Nallafund Plantation Kurnool 600.000 0.000 600.000 0.003 0.000 0.003

38 Village woodlots Kurnool 12.000 0.000 12.000 1.310 0.000 1.310

39 Cassia Kurnool 4.000 0.000 4.000 0.590 0.000 0.059

40 RIDF-X-Bio-Diesel Hyderabad 336.000 100.000 436.000 67.005 8.246 75.251

Kurnool 320.000 15.000 335.000 34.791 0.983 35.774

Total: 656.000 115.000 771.000 101.796 9.229 111.025

41 RIDF-XI-Bio-Diesel Hyderabad 0.000 44.500 44.500 0.000 12.196 12.196

Kurnool 0.000 142.410 142.410 0.000 42.336 42.336

Total: 0.000 186.910 186.910 0.000 54.532 54.532

42 TFC (FDA) Hyderabad 1769.000 0.000 1769.000 123.426 0.000 123.426

Kurnool 0.000 8.000 8.000 0.000 1.080 1.080

Ananthapur 0.000 915.000 915.000 0.000 110.673 110.673

Total: 1769.000 923.000 2692.000 123.426 111.753 235.179

43 RIDF-XII Ananthapur 27152.960 201.000 27353.960 745.358 29.555 774.913

44 12th Finance Commission Ananthapur 0.000 4218.000 4218.000 140.969 200.173 341.142

45 CA Ananthapur 0.000 88.000 88.000 0.000 42.112 42.112

46 APCFM Visakhapatnam 6670.000 29.000 6699.000 588.560 7.390 595.950

Ananthapur 4000.000 1664.000 5664.000 145.345 134.795 280.140

Total: 10670.000 1693.000 12363.000 733.905 142.185 876.090


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

47 Minor Forest Produce Warangal 8925.000 0.000 8925.000 9.200 0.000 9.200

Visakhapatnam 1464.330 0.000 1464.330 50.710 0.000 50.710

Rajahmundry 224.000 0.000 224.000 19.771 0.000 19.771

WLM, Tirupathi 129.000 0.000 129.000 3.622 0.000 3.622

Total: 10742.330 0.000 10742.330 83.303 0.000 83.303

48 Mangrove Rajahmundry 0.000 230.000 230.000 0.000 9.408 9.408

Guntur 0.000 45.000 45.000 0.000 1.633 1.633

WLM, Eluru 1367.640 383.360 1751.000 251.996 38.786 290.782

P&E, Vijayawada 243.700 0.000 243.700 19.968 0.000 19.967

Total: 1611.340 658.360 2269.700 271.964 49.827 321.790

49 Perrinial Herbs/Shrubs Rajahmundry 33.000 0.000 33.000 2.034 0.000 2.034

50 Bamboo and Others Rajahmundry 3024.100 70.050 3094.150 108.320 24.511 132.831

51 Kanuga Hyderabad 0.000 705.150 705.150 333.650 93.995 427.645

Warangal 170.300 120.500 290.800 29.290 22.410 51.700

Khammam 84.000 0.000 84.000 4.160 0.000 4.160

Visakhapatnam 356.502 0.000 356.500 34.310 4.980 39.290

Total: 610.802 825.650 1436.450 401.410 121.385 522.795

52 GPTPI Khammam 10514.000 0.000 10514.000 313.517 0.000 313.517

53 S.Gulka Khammam 10.250 0.000 10.250 0.560 0.000 0.560

54 Gumkariya Khammam 25.000 0.000 25.000 1.070 0.000 1.070

55 M.C.T. Khammam 60.520 14.170 74.690 30.393 10.351 40.744


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 56 Teak and Misc. (E.P.) Warangal 6221.740 0.000 6221.740 87.230 0.000 87.230 Khammam 3844.251 10.000 3854.251 241.378 3.180 244.558 FDPT, Sreesailam 1782.000 307.000 2089.000 150.547 102.570 253.117 Total: 11847.991 317.000 12164.991 479.155 105.750 584.905

57 Suabbul, Babul, Narepi, Kanuga P&E, Nizamabad 1887.000 67.511 1954.510 138.075 8.920 146.995

58 Bamboo, Eucalyptus & NTFP Nizamabad 8560.400 422.500 8982.900 854.902 22.642 877.543

59 Block Plantation P&E Kadapa 33.000 44.000 77.000 2.878 24.470 27.348 P&E Ananthapur 2010.300 0.000 2010.300 9.048 0.000 9.048 Total: 2043.300 44.000 2087.300 11.926 24.470 36.396

60 Casuarina+Palmyrah P&E, Visakhapatnam 3859.000 30.000 3889.000 127.185 14.923 142.108

61 Red Sanders WLM, Tirupathi 22.000 0.000 22.000 0.270 0.000 0.270

62 Cashew and Sissco WLM, Tirupathi 44.000 0.000 44.000 0.537 0.000 0.537

63 A.Stipulata Visakhapatnam 58.000 0.000 58.000 0.240 0.000 0.240

64 Silver Oak Visakhapatnam 34712.250 805.000 35517.250 1807.350 39.240 1846.590

65 NREP Warangal 392.550 0.000 392.550 13.420 0.000 13.420 Visakhapatnam 413.300 0.000 413.300 12.960 0.000 12.960 Total: 805.850 0.000 805.850 26.380 0.000 26.380

66 Beavers Visakhapatnam 7361.400 0.000 7361.400 34.230 0.000 34.230

67 CIDA Warangal 40.000 0.000 40.000 0.430 0.000 0.430 Visakhapatnam 399.000 0.000 399.000 16.450 0.000 16.450 Total: 439.000 0.000 439.000 16.880 0.000 16.880


Sl. No.

Name of the Species Name of the circle

Area in Hectares Expenditure in Lakhs of Rupees

At the Begining of

the year

Planted during the


Upto the end of the


At the Begining

of the year

During the year

Upto the end of the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

68 Miscellaneous

Adilabad 65090.790 258.000 65348.790 1156.889 51.142 1208.031

Nizamabad 174.800 257.000 431.800 6.790 3.182 9.972

Hyderabad 22381.060 363.500 22744.560 1632.196 302.730 1934.926

Warangal 2179.380 522.000 2701.380 449.150 46.840 495.990

Khammam 17799.020 254.000 18053.020 381.213 42.887 424.100

Visakhapatnam 45675.390 513.850 46189.240 2003.520 66.500 2070.020

Rajahmundry 4298.500 75.000 4373.500 291.900 25.049 316.949

Guntur 0.000 597.810 597.810 0.000 142.668 142.668

Kurnool 20994.883 319.374 21314.257 535.846 68.619 604.465

W.L.M. Tirupati 23926.000 1070.000 24996.000 1890.089 275.814 2165.903

F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 1173.000 312.000 1485.000 147.786 110.312 258.098

P.&E. Hyderabad 0.000 58.000 58.000 0.000 39.546 39.546

P.&E.Visakhapatnam 883.500 0.000 883.500 23.587 0.000 23.587

P&E Vijayawada 22.600 0.000 22.600 4.758 0.000 4.758

P&E Kadapa 330.330 11.000 341.330 73.744 4.958 78.702

P&E Warangal 812.700 54.000 866.700 343.708 52.169 395.877

P&E Ananthapur 325.850 2.000 327.850 16.503 0.226 16.729

P&E Guntur 3853.960 456.220 4310.180 1116.450 225.105 1341.555

P&E Nizamabad 4641.790 110.000 4751.790 207.502 19.100 226.602

Total 214563.553 5233.754 219797.307 10281.631 1476.847 11758.478



ROADS DURING THE YEAR 2007-08 AS ON 31-03-2008

Sl.No. Name of the circle

At the Beginning of the year

Formed during the year Expenditure in

lakhs of Rupees

Total at the end of the year


No. of Roads

Length in K.M.S

No of Roads

Length in K.M.S

No of Roads

Length in K.M.S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Adilabad 40 118.683 0 0 1.500 40 118.683

2 Nizamabad 12 93.537 0 0 0 12 93.537

3 Hyderabad 5 44.376 1 0.121 2.231 6 44.497

4 Warangal 49 200.563 2 0.060 24.620 51 200.623

5 Khammam 115 341.241 2 1.470 21.438 117 342.711

6 Visakhapatnam 118 424.276 1 0.240 4.600 119 424.516

7 Rajahmundry 60 294.006 0 0 0 60 294.006

8 Guntur 79 867.413 0 0 0.000 79 867.413

9 Kurnool 103 666.742 0 0 14.915 103 666.742

10 Ananthapur 30 122.690 0 0 0 30 122.690

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 92 634.536 7 12.000 41.035 99 646.536

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 6 44.700 2 9.500 12.870 8 54.200

13 W.L.M. Eluru 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 51 424.250 0 0 0 51 424.250

15 P.&E. Hyderabad 4 0.820 0 0 0 4 0.820

16 P.&E. Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 P&E Vijayawada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 P&E Kadapa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 P&E Warangal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 P&E Ananthapur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 P&E Guntur 1 0.338 0 0 0 1 0.338

22 P&E Nizamabad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 Nehru Zoological Park 4 6.000 0 0 0 4 6.000

Total 769 4284.171 15 23.391 123.209 784 4307.562




S.No. Name of the circle








































's Q




ice B



















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Adilabad 247 70 19 45 17 7 1 34 20 74 534

2 Nizamabad 139 19 14 0 0 4 1 12 7 71 267

3 Hyderabad 125 34 7 0 0 1 0 5 1 66 239

4 Warangal 211 49 23 0 0 7 1 21 34 68 414

5 Khammam 213 67 17 43 8 9 1 38 32 143 571

6 Visakhapatnam 129 59 26 13 15 7 1 19 16 62 347

7 Rajahmundry 92 30 19 3 4 5 2 5 8 62 230

8 Guntur 117 31 9 3 0 6 1 19 23 52 261

9 Kurnool 95 27 16 6 1 4 1 25 16 46 237

10 Ananthapur 67 14 9 0 1 2 1 11 14 23 142

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 68 26 13 7 1 3 1 15 22 85 241

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 9 15

13 W.L.M. Eluru 15 3 2 0 0 2 0 2 3 11 38

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 136 56 23 0 0 9 1 20 12 65 322

15 P.&E. Hyderabad 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 56 58

16 P.&E.Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2

17 P&E Vijayawada 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 8

18 P&E Kadapa 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 7

19 P&E Warangal 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 12 16

20 P&E Ananthapur 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 18 25

21 P&E Guntur 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 16 24

22 P&E Nizamabad 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8

23 Nehru Zoological Park

0 0 1 0 12 0 1 1 3 13 31

Total 1655 490 204 120 59 74 13 243 216 963 4037




Sl.No. Name of the circle


















s M


















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Adilabad 20 1 9 0 4 0 13 35 0 5 2 0

2 Nizamabad 10 1 0 0 3 0 2 60 0 1 0 0

3 Hyderabad 7 0 0 0 0 0 17 182 0 0 1 0

4 Warangal 17 0 5 3 17 0 1 382 0 11 2 0

5 Khammam 12 2 1 0 4 0 243 1283 0 3 0 1

6 Visakhapatnam 22 1 3 0 5 0 21 1824 1 1 5 1

7 Rajahmundry 15 1 0 13 2 2 6 84 0 0 2 12

8 Guntur 12 0 1 7 3 0 42 2036 0 0 0 0

9 Kurnool 26 1 1 10 11 0 70 1278 5 1 1 0

10 Ananthapur 10 1 0 0 11 0 33 268 1 0 1 1

11 W.L.M. Tirupati 9 1 0 15 11 3 34 484 1 3 5 2

12 W.L.M. Hyderabad 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 2

13 W.L.M. Eluru 3 0 0 4 3 23 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 F.D.P.T. Sreesailam 18 1 8 0 7 4 7 2 1 4 3 1

15 P.&E. Hyderabad 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 P.&E.Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 P&E Vijayawada 3 2 0 5 8 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

18 P&E Kadapa 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

19 P&E Warangal 3 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

20 P&E Ananthapur 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

21 P&E Guntur 3 3 0 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 49

22 P&E Nizamabad 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 Nehru Zoological Park

1 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0

Total 205 20 29 57 115 32 489 7918 14 37 30 69



Expenditure(Audited Actuals) for the year 2007-08

Sl. No.

Name of the scheme Plan Non Plan Total

1 2 3 4 5 I Externally Aided Projects 1 APCFMP (World Bank) 7465.553 0 7465.553 II Central Sector Schemes 1 Project Elephant 32.610 0 32.610 2 I.A.E.P. 0 0 0 3 TFC "Maint of Forests" 2608.672 0 2608.672 4 Mangrove 17.064 0 17.064 5 Kolleru Wetland 33.110 0 33.110 Total:II 2691.456 0 2691.456 III Centrally Sponsored Schemes 1 Dev. of National Park & Sanctuaries 164.200 0 164.200 2 R.V.P. (90:10 CSS) 433.117 0 433.117 3 Integrated Forest Protection 226.196 0 226.196 Total: III 823.513 0 823.513

IV Normal State Plan District Officers 1 Regional Offices 4.559 0 4.559

2 Strengthening & Upgradation of Forest Department/Publicity 20.240 0 20.240

3 Forest Protection 67.506 0 67.506 District Officers Total: 92.305 0 92.305 4 Zoological Parks 197.990 0 197.990 5 RVP 83.962 0 83.962 6 Mixed Plantation 49.974 0 49.974 7 SS of FB 219.879 0 219.879 8 APSOF, Yellandu 7.070 0 7.070 9 Telugu Ganga Project 40.271 0 40.271 10 Tree & Pasture Seed Development 3.431 0 3.431

11 Environment Plantation in degraded Forests around 14.845 0 14.845

12 Sanctuaries 138.940 0 138.940 13 Dev. of National Park & Sanctuaries 110.35 0 110.350 Total: Normal State Plan 866.712 0 866.712 V RIDF (NABARD) 1 RIDF 1964.420 0 1964.420 VI AP Science Centre 1.640 0 1.640 Non Plan 1 Head Quarters 0 456.902 456.902 2 District Offices 0 8121.706 8121.706 i Regional Offices 0 0 0 ii Working Plan Parties 0 0.080 0.080 iii Forest Protection 0 1.419 1.419 iv Social Forestry 0 0.731 0.731 v Research and Development 0 86.547 86.547 vi DET 0 485.697 485.697 Total: District Offices 0 8696.180 8696.180 3 A.P.School of Forestry, Yellandu 0 40.524 40.524 4 River Vally Project, Muchkund 0 113.684 113.684 5 Sanctuaries 0 654.441 654.441 6 Nehru Zoological Park 0 11.887 11.887 7 Other Zoological Parks 0 41.021 41.021 8 Buildings 0 53.127 53.127 Grand Total 13905.599 9153.082 23058.681




Sl. No.

Major and Sub-Heads Revenue

I MH-101-Sale of Timber & Other Forest Produce

1 Sale of Timber 3146.108

2 Sale of Bamboo 1263.447

3 Sale of Firewood &Charcoal 16.806

4 Sale of Other Forest Produce 53.954

5 Receipts Form B.L. 40.350

6 Receipts from teak plants 1084.978

7 Receipts from Cashew plants 44.858

8 Receipts from other plants 139.663

9 Receipts from Red Sanders 432.668

10 Receipts from thinning operations 38.390

Total: 101 6261.222

II MH 800 – Other Receipts:

1 Leave salary Contribution 1.930

2 Fines & Forfeitures 21.033

3 Rents from Buildings 18.670

4 Compounding fee 1008.731

5 Receipts from charitable Institution 0.044

6 Legal Charges collected from APFDC 0

7 User charges 87.310

8 Sale of Waste paper 18.223

9 Other Receipts 596.794

Total: 800 1752.735

III MH-111- Receipts from Zoo Parks

1 Nehru Zoological Park 0

2 Other Zoological Parks 0

3 S.V.Z.P. Tirupathi 0

Total: 111 0

Grand Total: 8013.957

Deduct Refunds: 0

Net Total: 8013.957



Average price in Rs. For CMT Name of the Species: Teak

Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

1 Adilabad 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 17861 23200 27790 20035 2221 24360 16993 12332 12464

61-90 24100 30400 33450 29600 33500 35200 14700 15600 19780

91-120 36895 41800 40446 38700 42700 38600 22750 17240 26950

121-Ab 40500 44726 46680 37100 43200 45500 21800 33200 38066

2 Nizamabad 0-45 0 0 0 4474 3018 9432 4700 167 0

46-60 9146 8859 0 10233 12787 0 4372 3782 3182

61-90 23944 17363 0 21378 32185 10085 15084 11242 5662

91-120 18369 27149 0 9957 29462 0 15796 5725 0

121-Ab 21920 23673 0 30059 42238 11967 13163 14511 0

3 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 7814 12000 13198 4504 3997 9828

46-60 0 29143 32834 14948 19999 24325 5729 10401 14978

61-90 35403 40214 37907 23637 28334 31465 17369 18091 20204

91-120 45329 48688 48349 33343 39443 43321 16716 23326 24326

121-Ab 50220 63268 60913 30669 47638 39345 25737 33869 29778

4 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 16045 14895 13961 12591 13188 11141

46-60 0 28953 19788 21506 20481 19786 16174 17108 15896

61-90 36333 65868 27437 33201 29460 25199 25303 22922 22198

91-120 53450 0 28214 36690 41385 38147 33223 31349 30066

121-Ab 58247 59311 18809 57222 59099 42965 36384 46554 44093

5 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 2149 29496 21242 19159 28803 20399 14016 14028 12281

61-90 27421 38260 24218 25094 30943 34228 17107 20669 26166

91-120 33304 49749 70546 39640 44455 7130 13870 26986 18328

121-Ab 60099 59947 51737 27548 27222 14380 11204 31745 33397


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

6 SDPT, Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 24368 0 0 0 0 12572

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Warangal 0-45 10500 10500 9465 9368 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 21445 19322 0 19044 22600 25200 12840 16530 16600

61-90 30460 33426 33000 23740 28543 26912 21000 23660 23700

91-120 35885 40098 37419 31880 34559 26561 18013 19821 18200

121-Ab 42040 45527 47300 32010 38926 28154 22000 26618 17944

8 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 237 0 0 229 62

46-60 0 0 0 0 533 550 0 423 524

61-90 0 0 18239 27681 22347 24536 18973 16307 17729

91-120 0 0 34364 35368 35024 38487 3229 32884 21756

121-Ab 0 29352 45079 35351 45470 48426 0 0 36998

9 Guntur 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 31502 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 46000 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Non-Teak

1 Nizamabad 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 2390 1830 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 7000 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

2 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 3792 1786 1618 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 3841 4225 3372 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 5683 3253 3276 1284 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 2350 2844 0 0 2915

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 2959 4587 2884

46-60 0 0 0 8190 6439 0 6660 2710 0

61-90 0 0 0 7219 8738 0 7515 6426 4834

91-120 0 0 0 0 8417 0 7468 6393 10996

121-Ab 0 0 8474 0 0 0 5505 9389 6519

4 Visakhapatnam 0-45 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Nallamaddi

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 2660 0 0 0 855

46-60 0 0 0 2609 2808 3321 0 0 1218

61-90 0 0 7353 4088 4178 6788 0 5521 7560

91-120 0 0 9140 0 0 5714 0 2638 3052

121-Ab 0 0 10706 5054 0 10161 0 1000 3143

2 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4483 4452

91-120 0 0 0 0 5227 0 0 6873 5272

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 9207 11529 0 6796 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

3 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 5649 4124 0 0 3294 0

61-90 0 0 0 7710 7868 6280 4223 6573 0

91-120 0 0 0 8108 6367 0 7048 7038 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7691 0

4 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 5141 5243 5311 3164 4100 3164

61-90 5566 10572 17271 2750 9617 19607 3827 5538 9151

91-120 7404 25210 11854 5707 9087 7163 4540 6714 3123

121-Ab 6691 5728 5887 6831 0 4329 5970 0 4962

5 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 8871 5487 6517 7093 4565 2721 8752

61-90 0 10569 8247 6646 10457 9363 3695 8988 5309

91-120 0 16107 13035 8001 13261 9192 9067 6863 6343

121-Ab 0 10100 18879 9191 9106 10726 0 0 8245

Name of the Species: Yegisa

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 2161 5360 0 0 0

61-90 11538 0 6689 7643 9898 7072 0 0 0

91-120 0 17460 15462 0 11192 8885 0 3736 0

121-Ab 0 13857 13889 0 12980 0 0 13553 8518

2 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9479 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 18581 19670 0 12994 16032

All sizes 0 13087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

3 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 8059 10018 0 4202 5086 4669 0

61-90 0 0 0 11807 19265 16024 19332 10964 16457

91-120 0 0 0 22066 23739 15035 20284 19457 16277

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 27169 30713 0 24190 20473

4 Guntur 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 11208 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 8471 5876 5975 16127 10660 3545 4862 4813

61-90 0 0 10751 5783 7704 16640 5082 4003 5997

91-120 12563 16416 15123 9525 10979 12688 4096 6125 6423

121-Ab 0 0 8651 5013 8179 6586 4304 8125 6535

6 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12572

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Jitregi

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 25641 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 45349 0 0 22059 26601 0 0 0 0

91-120 62500 93335 0 47909 64518 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 87667 102447 0 58638 58070 0 29870 50847 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

2 Guntur 0-45 0 0 0 0 21303 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 30574 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Bandaru

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 6738 8262 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 11336 0 3452 6297 8619 6282 9831

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 10036 11510 0 0 0

2 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 17647 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 14096 0 0 0 0 7353

91-120 0 0 0 0 28608 0 0 10862 20809

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 37328 21970 0 16077 0

Name of the Species: Tuniki

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 3239 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 1974 3242 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

Name of the Species: Chirumanu

1 Khammam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 3902 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Gannera

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Different sizes 0 7954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Ankudu

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Silver Oak

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Diff.sizes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3256 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

Name of the Species: Rose Wood

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Diff.sizes 0 27916 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13896 18248

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 27919 17763 20701 18526

61-90 0 0 0 0 44586 35918 0 31893 36282

91-120 0 0 0 0 49587 47125 0 41076 50205

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94682

Name of the Species: Soft Wood

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 3285 1765 3660

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 2595 1733 1772

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 4089 2976 0

2 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 1333 0 0 1128 2367 3400 2366 0 0

61-90 4212 3877 0 3558 2006 3678 544 1160 2013

91-120 0 4800 5348 1670 2983 3055 2328 0 1367

121-Ab 0 2584 5060 3132 2337 1730 1845 2545 2573

Name of the Species: Batta Benapu

1 Guntur 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 11000 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

2 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 6611 1440 16984 2625 2107

61-90 0 0 13643 7098 8944 12423 22191 7334 14295

91-120 0 0 0 5366 10837 5767 2321 5009 5539

121-Ab 0 0 0 7151 9052 10360 6070 5198 4356

Name of the Species: Batta Genapu

3 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 12253 8247 0 0 7700 0 0 4597

91-120 0 16107 15179 0 0 8219 0 0 4800

121-Ab 0 10100 18879 0 0 11282 0 0 8245

Name of the Species: Chinduga

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6477 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 8913 13514 0 11407 8557

91-120 0 0 0 0 16687 15443 14448 16162 14117

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 18325 15447 0 0 15984

Name of the Species: Eucalyptus

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 1772 1323 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 2188 1859 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 3284 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Gummadi

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 26814 0 11945 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 24110 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

Name of the Species: Mango

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 3199 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Neredu

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3053

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4212

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5249

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Vepa

1 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1648

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1818

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1833 1714

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5034 3035

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4527 0

Name of the Species: Stem-wood

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of the Species: Root-wood

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

Name of the Species: Bejasal

1 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 12253 8247 0 0 7700 0 0 4597

91-120 0 16107 15179 0 0 8219 0 0 4800

121-Ab 0 10100 18879 0 0 11282 0 0 8245

Name of the Species: Narayepa

1 Srisailam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 12253 8247 0 0 7700 0 0 4597

91-120 0 16107 15179 0 0 8219 0 0 4800

121-Ab 0 10100 18879 0 0 11282 0 0 8245

Name of the Species: Miscellaneous

1 Visakhapatnam 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

61-90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4132

91-120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4977 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4683 0

Diff.Sizes 0 20466 0 0 9692 0 0 12220 0

2 Rajahmundry 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 2096 1816 0 1515 2818 0

61-90 0 0 0 5515 4683 2020 4518 1849 0

91-120 0 0 0 6194 4162 1892 3635 5171 0

121-Ab 0 0 0 4038 7947 2686 7913 5450 0

3 Kurnool 0-45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46-60 0 0 0 2406 2971 1988 3421 1422 1483

61-90 0 0 6588 3656 4037 1609 921 2190 3453

91-120 9298 3089 1140 10558 6287 7121 6860 7602 3969

121-Ab 0 0 0 2922 0 4083 2732 1574 1661


Sl. No.

Name of the Circle

Girth Class in Cms

Length (Sound) Length (Partly Sound) Length (Un-Sound)

0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt -ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab 0-2 mt 2-4 mt 4mt-ab

Name of the Species: Bamboo

Average price in Rs. For Unit

1 Visakhapatnam 09-Jun 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

12-Sep 0 0 14 0 0 7 0 0 0

15-Dec 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0

15-18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18-21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Srisailam 09-Jun 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12-Sep 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15-Dec 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15-18 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18-21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0