Good work ethic with blanks by Ruth Lepago

Post on 15-May-2015

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Transcript of Good work ethic with blanks by Ruth Lepago


I. Work ethic A) is a set of values based on hard work

or ______________________diligence

It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance ________________________________character

B) Workers exhibiting a good work ethic in theory should be selected for better positions, more responsibility and ultimately____________________promotion

C) Workers who fail to exhibit a good work ethic may be regarded as failing to provide fair value for the wage the employer is ________________________thempaying

And should not be promoted or placed in positions of greater responsibility

D) According to Steven Malanga ( a newspaper writer) work ethic is not just hard work but also a set of accompanying ____________ crucial to the development of a company or an institution.virtues

E) Remember that money ___________________________ more money and its offspring can produce more produces

F) If you kill a breeding cow, you _______________ her offspring to a thousandth generationkill

If a person dies _______________________, just calculate all the salary he should have earned until he retired and after retirement and how many people , especially his family, would have benefitted from his work


G) Many conservatives believe that laziness is morally _____________________,even reprehensible (worthy of rebuke)


Because one is not doing the share of the work and living off of the hard work of others, and so opposed to welfare programs.

Virtues Crucial to Development

What are the characteristics of an outstanding worker?

WRONG is WRONG even if

everyone is doing it.

RIGHT is RIGHT even if

no one is doing it.

1) It stretches to all aspects of an employee’s job

An employee with integrity fosters trusting _______________________ with clients, coworkers and supervisors.


2) Coworkers value the employee’s ability to give ____________________ feedbackhonest

3) Clients trust the employee’s advice.

Supervisors rely on the employee’s high moral standards,

Trusting him not to __________________ from the company or create problems


B) Sense of Responsibility A strong sense of responsibility affects how an employee ________________ and the amount of work he

He shows up on time

puts in his best effort

And completes projects to the best of his _____________


C) Emphasis on QualitySome employees do only the bare ________________,

just enough to keep their job intact.minimum

D) DisciplineIt takes a certain level of commitment to _______________________ your

tasks everyday. An employee with good discipline stays focused on his goals and is determined to complete his assignments.


These employees show a high level of _____________________ to the company, always ensuring they do their part.


E) Sense of TeamworkMost employees have to work together to meet company’s objective

An employee with a sense of teamwork helps a team meet its goals and _______________________ quality of work.


F) AttitudeThe way you approach your work and your coworkers can affect how you ____________________ about your work and yourself.


A positive attitude can make your work more _________.enjoyable

Pleasant people generally make other people feel ______________________________good

G) RespectTreat other people just like you want them to treat you. This respect for others and their feelings will reflect back to you.

Remember that you have to earn respect from others. It is not automatically given.

When you are working, make sure that good __________ are credited to the people who created them.


If you make a mistake ___________________ it and apologize for it.


Use that mistake as a _________________________ experience and your job skills will improve.


When you are at work, you should use language that would be_______________ by your mother, by the monks and by your favorite teacher.


Make sure you _________ other people’s personal space


Personal Space

Ask before you ________ other people’s things


Unless issued as a tool to carry out your job duties, ______________are never welcomed at legitimate workplaces




A) Be Prepared for Work

B) Develop Good Work Habits

C) Keep Your Employer Informed

If you will be late and miss work, always __________________________ your employer.inform

Employers will understand if you are sick

Or need to arrange emergency care for any child or adult in your care

D) Wear the Proper Clothing Find out what kind of clothes are

__________________________ at your work. acceptable

D)Wear the Proper Clothing Find out what kind of clothes are

__________________________ at your work. acceptable

What you wear should not impair your ability to carry out your job or interfere with your safety.

Some workplaces require formal office wear (e.g. suits, ties, dresses)

Some employers will provide uniforms.

Some workplaces will be more informal

Before you wear ____________________ and t-shirts to work, observe what people wear during your first week of work


E) Don’t Abuse Your Breaks Find out how many breaks are offered , how long they are

and when you should be ______________ at you work areas


F) Ask QuestionsIf you do not understand something, ask for a better explanation. Employers expect new employees to ask for _______________ and demonstrations.


Employers would rather spend a little more time to train you than to spend a lot of time to correct errors.

G) Find Out About Workplace RulesMany employers have formal employment rules. These rules are often presented in employee __________________,Written policies and procedural manuals. Get copies when you first start working and learning the rules.


H)Do Not Use Drugs and Alcohol at WorkYou can focus on your job duties and do them well. Your health will be better. You will not have to worry about getting caught and having a _________________ record. This record can __________________ you for consideration in many jobs.

criminal disqualify

In addition, your employer’s name will be protected and your employer will not be legally liable for your disregard of law

I)Stay Away From Problem Employees

Some people tend to be _________________________ about their jobs.


Others may do things against the rules

Waste time, or in other words are not good workers

Spending time with these people will affect your performance. Your coworkers and supervisors may begin to see you as a __________________________. Be friendly but do not associate with people like these more than is necessary


J)Be Willing to Take on Additional Responsibilities

K)Dealing With Your Supervisor All employers want their employees to succeed.

Your boss or supervisor is one of the most __________________

people at your work site. important

This person will help you learn your job duties and ___________________________ how well you do them.In general, supervisors want you to do well.


Keep a positve attitude towards your supervisor. Think of your supervisor as the direct ___________________ to your employer and as your coach. This person is a resource for you. Treat them well and they should treat you well.


L) Improve YourselfYour output at work depends on your __________________ and

abilities. Like many things in life, your job will depend on what you put into it. Generally, your satisfaction (and that of your supervisor!) depends on the quality of the work that you do.


Keep your job __________________________ by improving your current skills and by learning new skills. Keep your career goals in mind. Find out the skills needed for other jobs at your place of business. You may have those skills and can apply for those jobs.


If you do not currently hold those skills, pursue any ____________________ that can help you develop them. This includes training provided either at school or at work.


M) Pay Attention Listen to what your supervisor asks of you. If you do not understand what is

requested, ask for __________________Instructions. While your supervisor may be managing the job as a whole, you are

responsible for your own_______________________. Make sure you ______________ what is required of you before

you leap into action


performance know

N) Use Resources Wisely Think about all the tasks that you have to get done and

assign priorities based on the resources and abilities of your employer, your supervisor, your coworkers, and yourself. Resources include other workers, time,

_______________________, supplies, energy. equipment

Sometimes working with other people can help you get your task done ______________ and with less effort. Sometimes you can finish the task more quickly by yourself.


O) Know Yourself Assess your ____________________ and weaknesses. What can you

do easily and correctly? What takes more time? Determine if ________________ can help. Training can be formal, offered by a school or the employee’s training department; or it can be informal, when you learn from your supervisor or fellow worker.



P) Online Postings We live in a _____________________ world where photos and other

content are published online for the world to see. What you might find acceptable might not be acceptable to your employer. If you think your digital photos and writing are for your eyes only, think again.


Many employers access applicant’s Facebook and MySpace pages as part of the ___________________ process.Some continue to check your page once you are hired.


Your online postings say a lot about your judgment. It sends a bad signal to your employer if you think it is okay to _______________ inappropriate content. These types of postings could ___________________ you from moving up in your company.



Depending on what you post, you could even be ______________________! Your actions represent the organization you work for. So think twice before you post your party pictures or rants about your pet peeves online.


By Ruth Lepago, Work Education TeacherBangkok, Thailand