Gobind folio (1)

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Gobind folio (1)


Program for Life: Concepts forOrgan Donation

The objective of the creative is to encourage organ donation and create awareness about the gap between the demand and supply of organs.

Considering the TG is educated youngsters, we have made an attempt to go out of the box in order to catch their eye.

These can further be extended into a campaign / series of ads or even posters.

Route 1

Objective – To point out the gap between the demand / supply of organs.

Concept –Visual gimmick, with the silhouette of a person with an organ ‘cut out’, overlapping on another silhouette of a person with the organ: depicting the idea of passing on an organ to those who need it.

Copy – Together we can fill the GapOnly 4,000 out of 5,00,000 patients receive an organ in a year.With every organ donor, 8 patients gain the chance to live a normal life again. As the demand for life-saving transplant surgery grows, it is on each on of our shoulders to reach out, give life and spread joy after us. So come forth, spread the word.

Issued in public interest by Astellas Pharma India Pvt Ltd

Route 2

Objective – To address the reader and encourage him not to waste his organs.

Concept –Visual of a ‘mechanical’ heart (made of nuts, bolts, gears etc.)

Copy – Got any spare parts?

Your organs are of no use to you after you’re gone, but can give 8 patients the chance to live a normal life again. Only 4,000 out of 5,00,000 patients receive an organ in a year. As the demand for life-saving transplant surgery grows, it is on each on of our shoulders to reach out and give life after us. So come forth, spread the joy.

Issued in public interest by Astellas Pharma India Pvt Ltd

Route 3

Objective – To address the reader and encourage him to give organ donation greater priority.

Concept –Visual of a person’s desk, with a note ‘My bucket list’ with Sign to donate eyes, Pledge to donate kidney, etc. on the list.

Copy – 10 things to do before you die…OR Make a wish. Grant many wishes.

Your organs are of no use to you after you’re gone, but can give 8 patients the chance to live a normal life again. Only 4,000 out of 5,00,000 patients receive an organ in a year. As the demand for life-saving transplant surgery grows, it is on each on of our shoulders to reach out, give life and spread joy after us. So this year, make a wish and live on…even after you’re gone.

Issued in public interest by Astellas Pharma India Pvt Ltd

Option 1

Option 2


Catalogue Concepts

Painting the world red n’ blue

The British have their imprint in every country. Their way of living, architecture… are found across the world. We draw parallels between the quality, style, global presence and longevity of our brand with the British – with the use of the British flag colors.

Creative execution

Concept treatment: • Use of the British flag & its colors infused in the imagery• Different parts of the world (e.g. Singapore), with a model of

that ethnicity carrying a prop (e.g. umbrella) which has the British flag print on it, and a Carlton bag

Product OpenerOption-1 A

Product Detailing Page

Product Opener Option 1

Product Detailing Page

Carry your world, the British way

In all parts of the world, is a segment of people desiring to be associated with the British. Here too, we draw parallels between the quality, style, global presence and longevity of our brand with the British, showing how it influences all kinds of people.

Creative execution: Route 1

Concept treatment: • Artistic ‘British’ backgrounds• Use of the British flag & its colors infused in the imagery• Different parts of the England with models of different

ethnicities carrying props with the British flag print on it, and a Carlton bag

Product OpenerOption – 2 A

Product OpenerOption – 2 B

Product OpenerOption – 2 C

Creative execution: Route 2

Concept treatment: • Old ‘British’ backgrounds / landmarks• Use of the British flag & its colors infused in the imagery• Different parts of the England with a modern, ‘British looking’

model• Carrying props with the British flag print, and a Carlton bag

Product Opener

Creative execution: Route 3

Concept treatment: • Use of graphics• No imagery in the background• Modern / funky / stylish models• The product is subtly placed in the layout

Product OpenerOption 1

Product Detailing Page

Product OpenerOption 2


Positioning: The power of yellow

Creative route - 1


As it is an old and trusted brand and the composition and constituent elements are as

same as the competitors the only USP or distinctive feature we have is the color yellow. Also the consumers recognize and are aware

of it it as the “peeli goli” hence we would harp on the color yellow to deliver our marketing


VA Cover

VA Inside look

LBL Cover

Creative route - 2

VA Cover

VA Cover – open look

VA Inside

VA Inside

Concept card – front back

Digital applications

Digital detailing - look

Digital detailing - look