GMAT Vocabulary - Free GMAT Exam Practice Exercises and Tests Online

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Transcript of GMAT Vocabulary - Free GMAT Exam Practice Exercises and Tests Online

(1) What is the meaning of laconic?

(a) using very to many words in speech, writing, or expression; verbose; long

(b) using very few words in speech, writing, or expression; terse; concise

(c) using very few stories in speech, writing, or expression; novel; collection

(d) using very bad words in speech, writing, or expression; nasty; objectionable

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(2) What is the meaning of attenuate?

(a) increase the strength, effect, density, amount, or size of something

(b) reduce the strength, effect, density, amount, or size of something

(c) measure the strength, effect, density, amount, or size of something

(d) test the strength, effect, density, amount, or size of something

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(3) What is the meaning of savant?

(a) a team with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially comprised of several

distinguished scientists

(b) a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially a distinguished


(c) a device with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially developed by a

distinguished scientist

(d) a book with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially written by a

distinguished scientist

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(4) What is the meaning of sagacity?

(a) lacking the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted based

on practical knowledge and experience

(b) the quality of being honest, regular in job, and dependable based on practical

knowledge and experience

(c) the problem of being stupid, silly in judgment, and whimsical based on

imagination and impractical expectations

(d) the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted based on

practical knowledge and experience

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(5) What is the meaning of obtuse?

(a) who refuses to understand explanations or situations quickly

(b) intention to understand explanations or situations quickly

(c) surprisingly fast to understand explanations or situations quickly

(d) annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand explanations or situations quickly

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(6) What is the meaning of capitulate?

(a) 1. forgive unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. give up all resistance, usually

because they are weaker than you

(b) 1. defeat unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. destroy all resistance, usually

because they are weaker than you

(c) 1. win unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. win against all resistance, usually

because they are stronger than you

(d) 1. surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. give up all resistance,

usually because they are stronger than you

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(7) What is the meaning of antagonist?

(a) a person who is not afraid of someone or something, especially in combat;

arrogant; careless

(b) a person who has no aim, anger, demand, or pain in life, especially at early stage

of life; happy; satisfied

(c) a person who opposes to, struggles against, or competes with someone or

something, especially in combat; adversary; opponent

(d) a person who opposes to, struggles against, or competes with no one or

nothing, especially in combat; peaceful; coward

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(8) What is the meaning of buttress?

(a) 1. a structure, usually made of wood or iron, built against a wall for support or

strengthen it 2. a source of defense or support 3. something that resembles a


(b) 1. a structure, usually made of brick or stone, built against a wall for support or

strengthen it 2. a source of defense or support 3. something that resembles a


(c) 1. a structure, usually made of brick or stone, built against a wall for support or

strengthen it 2. a source of weakness 3. something that resembles a brick or stone

(d) 1. a fort, usually made of brick or stone, built against a wall for support or

strengthen it 2. a source of monetary support 3. something that resembles a fort

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(9) What is the meaning of bias?

(a) avoiding a particular person or thing in an unfair way, especially in a way

considered to be unfair

(b) opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, especially in a way

considered to be unfair

(c) supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, especially

in a way considered to be unfair

(d) supporting a particular person or thing in an unfair way, especially in a way

considered to be unfair

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(10) What is the meaning of foster?

(a) 1. demote the growth or development of (something, especially something

desirable and over a period of time) 2. forget to take care of, raise, or rear a child,

usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent

(b) 1. dislike the growth or development of (something, especially something

desirable and over a period of time) 2. bring up without care, punish, or ignore a

child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent

(c) 1. promote the growth or development of (something, especially something

desirable and over a period of time) 2. bring up with care, raise, or rear a child,

usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent

(d) 1. discuss the growth or development of (something, especially something

desirable and over a period of time) 2. think of bringing up with care, raising, or

rearing a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(11) What is the meaning of anecdote?

(a) a long, often boring story, especially about something some happening, usually

personal or biographical

(b) a short, often boring story, especially about something some happening, usually

personal or biographical

(c) a short, often funny story, especially about something some happening, usually

personal or biographical

(d) a long, often funny story, especially about something some happening, usually

personal or biographical

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(12) What is the meaning of dearth?

(a) a lack of something or an inadequate supply

(b) an overflow of something or an adequate supply

(c) a lack of reliable supply channel

(d) a supply channel that is no more active

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(13) What is the meaning of venerable?

(a) deserving nothing, especially because of carelessness, defeat, dishonesty,

ignorance, etc.

(b) deserving no respect because of lacking age, wisdom, character, long use, etc.

(c) deserving punishment, especially because of carelessness, defeat, dishonesty,

ignorance, etc.

(d) deserving respect, especially because of age, wisdom, character, long use, etc.

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(14) What is the meaning of debunk?

(a) support or accept (an idea, belief, claim, etc.) as being true, original, or


(b) expose or ridicule (an idea, belief, claim, etc.) as being selfish, problematic, or


(c) expose or ridicule (an idea, belief, claim, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or


(d) support or accept (an idea, belief, claim, etc.) as being valuable, proven, or


Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(15) What is the meaning of zeal?

(a) great energy, effort, and enthusiasm, as in working for a person, cause, or object

(b) hopeless, defeated, and bored, as in working for a person, cause, or object

(c) no energy, effort, and enthusiasm, as in working for a person, cause, or object

(d) great annoyance, pain, and carelessness, as in working for a person, cause, or


Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(16) What is the meaning of evanescent?

(a) slowly passing away or fading from sight, memory, or existence like history or

culture; slowly fading or disappearing; lasting for only a long time

(b) soon approaching or coming into sight, memory, or existence like vapor or

smoke; quickly remembering or memorizing; remembering within a short time

(c) soon forgetting, refusing, or losing one's sight, memory, or existence like vapor

or smoke; quickly forgetting or disappearing; remembering for only a short time

(d) soon passing away or fading from sight, memory, or existence like vapor or

smoke; quickly fading or disappearing; lasting for only a short time

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(17) What is the meaning of chastise?

(a) 1. annoy, especially by not doing something 2. bother or bore someone severely

for doing something stupid

(b) 1. support, especially by donating 2. help or cooperate with someone completely

for in exchange of something valuable

(c) 1. punish, especially by beating 2. scold or criticize someone severely for doing

something wrong

(d) 1. admire, especially by writing 2. agree with or cooperate with someone

sincerely for doing something serious

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(18) What is the meaning of ascetic?

(a) supporting physical pleasures but not living a luxurious and unruly life, typically

for social reasons

(b) looking for physical pleasures and living a luxurious and totally unruly life,

typically for avoiding religious reasons

(c) avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple and severe self-disciplined life,

typically for religious reasons

(d) supporting physical pleasures and living a luxurious and unruly life, typically for

selfish reasons

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(19) What is the meaning of leviathan?

(a) 1. something or someone that is very famous and arrogant, especially a

businessman 2. a very large corporation, especially a multi-national business

(b) 1. something or someone that is very helpful but not reliable, especially a leader

2. a very influential leader, especially a politician

(c) 1. something or someone that is very large and powerful, especially a ship 2. a

very large animal, especially a whale

(d) 1. something or someone that is very large and expensive, especially a diamond

2. a very large stone, especially a diamond

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(20) What is the meaning of infer?

(a) form an opinion or guess that something is true by reasoning, especially based

on known facts, evidence, or premises

(b) form an opinion or guess that something is false by reasoning, especially based

on known facts, evidence, or premises

(c) deny a conclusion that someone is deceiving, especially based on guess, rumor,

analyses and reports

(d) oppose to an opinion or guess that is dangerous and painful, especially based

on known facts, evidence, or premises

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(21) What is the meaning of discomfit?

(a) make (someone) feel pain, sorrow, stupid, or guilty, especially mentally

(b) make (someone) feel happy, proud, comfortable, or confident, especially


(c) make (someone) feel uneasy, embarrassed, uncomfortable, or confused,

especially mentally

(d) make (someone) feel shy, nervous, guilty, or bad, especially mentally

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(22) What is the meaning of discern?

(a) 1. get, buy, sell, or order something that is far away or not very necessary 2. buy

or sell (someone or something) with difficulty 3. get, buy, or sell immediately

(b) 1. see, recognize, find out, or understand something that is far away or not very

clear 2. perceive or recognize (someone or something) with difficulty by the sight or

some other sense 3. come to know, recognize, or distinguish mentally

(c) 1. ignore, deny, avoid, or refuse something that is far away or not very clear 2.

ignore or avoid (someone or something) with difficulty by the sight or some other

sense 3. ignore, avoid, or hide socially

(d) 1. laugh at, mock at, or have fun about something that is cheap, dishonest or not

very loyal 2. laugh or mock at (someone or something) with difficulty after the

problem is gone 3. recognize or distinguish a funny thing

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(23) What is the meaning of deference?

(a) disrespectful denial of someone or something

(b) disrespectful submission to someone or something

(c) respectful submission to someone or something

(d) respectful opposition to someone or something

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(24) What is the meaning of wanton?

(a) 1. a soldier who is fighting for his country for long time.2. lender

(b) 1. a cruel, malicious or violent action done, shown, used deliberately,

unprovokedly and unjustifiably 2. careless; reckless

(c) 1. a brave man who has proven his skills in many projects 2. careful

(d) 1. a kind man with a good record of service 2. kindess

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(25) What is the meaning of ambrosial?

(a) 1. something extremely pleasing to taste or smell 2. worthy of the gods; divine 3.

delicious or fragrant

(b) 1. something extremely pleasing to patients 2. valuable; royal 3. bitter

(c) 1. something extremely pleasing to skin 2. not worthy of the gods; not divine 3.

not delicious or fragrant

(d) 1. something extremely dangerous to taste or smell 2. requires treatment 3.

medicine or prescribed diets

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(26) What is the meaning of anonymous?

(a) 1. with a nice name known and acknowledged 2. made or done by someone

famous 3. having unusual or interesting features

(b) 1. with no name known or acknowledged 2. made or done by someone

unknown 3. having no unusual or interesting features

(c) 1. with no fame, pride or arrogance 2. made or done by someone careless 3.

having no unusual or interesting purpose

(d) 1. with no name shared or displayed 2. made or done by someone dangerous 3.

having no peaceful or interesting features

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(27) What is the meaning of abate?

(a) regardless of amount, degree, or intensity; irrelevant

(b) increase in amount, degree, or intensity; higher

(c) zero amount, degree, or intensity; zero

(d) reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(28) What is the meaning of evoke?

(a) 1. bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind 2. bring out; arouse; call


(b) 1. remove (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) from the mind 2. bring out; arouse;

call forth

(c) 1. bring (a gift, happiness, good news, etc.) into the home 2. dry out; erase; drive


(d) 1. remove (a gift, happiness, good news, etc.) from the home 2. dry out; arouse;

drive away

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(29) What is the meaning of iconoclast?

(a) 1. a person who disagrees with widely accepted ideas, beliefs, traditional

institutions, etc. 2. a person who disagrees with the use of sacred images in

religious worship but does not oppose to the religious use of images

(b) 1. a person who attacks widely accepted ideas, beliefs, traditional institutions,

etc. 2. a person who destroys sacred images used in religious worship or opposes

to the religious use of images

(c) 1. a person who accepts widely accepted ideas, beliefs, traditional institutions,

etc. 2. a person who accepts sacred images used in religious worship or declares

the religious use of images

(d) 1. a person who supports widely accepted ideas, beliefs, traditional institutions,

etc. 2. a person who builds sacred images used in religious worship or is used to

the religious use of images

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(30) What is the meaning of caprice?

(a) 1. a slow, predictable and expected change of mood, opinion, behavior, or the

weather without any good reason 2. desire

(b) 1. a sudden but predictable and expected change of mood, opinion, behavior, or

the weather without any good reason 2. wish

(c) 1. a sudden, unpredictable and unexpected change of mood, opinion, behavior,

or the weather without any good reason 2. whim

(d) 1. a slow, unpredictable but expected change of mood, opinion, behavior, or the

weather without any good reason 2. expression

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(31) What is the meaning of discount?

(a) a hidden price in the usual price of something

(b) a reduction in the usual price of something

(c) a tax in the usual price of something

(d) an addition in the usual price of something

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(32) What is the meaning of disabuse?

(a) free (a person) from a falsehood, misconception, deception, or error

(b) warn against abuse

(c) free (a person) from a pain, abuse, torture, or slavery

(d) deny to use abusive language

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(33) What is the meaning of taciturn?

(a) tending not to cooperate much; not liking to cooperate; selfish

(b) tending not to help much; not liking to help; unreliable

(c) tending not to work much; not liking to work; lazy

(d) tending not to speak much; not liking to talk; uncommunicative

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(34) What is the meaning of cacophony?

(a) a healthy, necessary, and regular mixture of nutritious food

(b) a sweet, soft, and pleasant mixture of loud music

(c) a historic, mysterious, and pleasant mixture of interesting stories

(d) a harsh, discordant, and unpleasant mixture of loud sounds

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(35) What is the meaning of congenial?

(a) 1. (of a person) agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character 2. (of a

thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to or adapted in one's spirit, feeling,

temper, etc.; compatible

(b) 1. (of a person) polite, weak, or powerless in nature or character 2. (of a thing)

unpleasant or not agreeable because not suited to or adapted in one's spirit,

feeling, temper, etc.; incompatible

(c) 1. (of a person) agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character 2. (of a

thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to or adapted in one's spirit, feeling,

temper, etc.; incompatible

(d) 1. (of a person) regular, serious, or sharp in nature or character 2. (of a thing)

unpleasant or not agreeable because not suited to or adapted in one's spirit,

feeling, temper, etc.; compatible

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(36) What is the meaning of altruistic?

(a) uselessly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

(b) painfully concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

(c) practically concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

(d) unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(37) What is the meaning of disquiet?

(a) 1. a feeling of joy, ease, or comfort; happiness; pride; confidence 2. make happy,

easy, or restful; peaceful

(b) 1. a feeling of sorry, unease, or frustration; hopeless; careless; defeated 2. make

poor, frustrated, or careless; lower

(c) 1. a feeling of worry, unease, or nervous; impatient; restless; uneasy 2. make

anxious, uneasy, or restless; disturb

(d) 1. a feeling of anger, unease, or hate; hateful; attacking; disturbing 2. make

angry, uneasy, or insulting; anger

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(38) What is the meaning of abbreviate?

(a) make (a word, phrase, or text) longer

(b) make (a word, phrase, or text) easier to understand

(c) make (a word, phrase, or text) complex to understand

(d) make (a word, phrase, or text) shorter

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(39) What is the meaning of exemplary?

(a) 1. extremely powerful and deserving to be admired and followed; serving as a

leader or mentor 2. (of a punishment) serving as an example or model 3. serving as

a leader, nurse, mentor, etc.

(b) 1. extremely disturbing and deserving to be resisted and stopped; serving as a

criminal or danger 2. (of a punishment) serving as a judge or lawyer 3. serving as a

replacement, copy, type, etc.

(c) 1. extremely bad and deserving to be criticized and ignored; serving as a bad

model or example 2. (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent 3. serving

as an undesirable sample, instance, type, etc.

(d) 1. extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied; serving as a model

or example 2. (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent 3. serving as a

sample, instance, type, etc.

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(40) What is the meaning of reproof?

(a) the act of supporting, admiring, praising, or excelling

(b) the act of believing, relying, trusting, or convincing

(c) the act of reproving, censuring, blaming, or rebuking

(d) the act of attacking, torturing, blaming, or deceiving

Answer: (c)

Practice here:

(41) What is the meaning of phlegmatic?

(a) frequently upset, excited, or angered to action or display of emotion; pathetic;


(b) not easily upset, excited, or angered to action or display of emotion; apathetic;


(c) easily upset, excited, or angered to action or display of emotion; easily excited;

very fast

(d) not easily interested, influenced, or motivated to action or display of curiosity;

careless; lazy

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(42) What is the meaning of hedonist?

(a) a person who believes that education or invention is the most important goal in

life; a knowledge-seeker

(b) a person who believes that victory or success is the most important goal in life; a


(c) a person who believes that power or money is the most important goal in life; a


(d) a person who believes that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in

life; a pleasure-seeker

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(43) What is the meaning of aesthetic?

(a) 1. relating to money or the study or appreciation of money or financial success

2. a technique to earn more money

(b) 1. relating to religion or the study or appreciation of religion or religious life 2. a

strict religious life

(c) 1. relating to skills or the study or appreciation of skills or experience 2. highly

skilled and experienced

(d) 1. relating to beauty or the study or appreciation of beauty or good taste 2. nice

to look at

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(44) What is the meaning of disputatious?

(a) inclined to dispute; fond of arguing; argumentative; contentious

(b) inclined to attack; fond of fighting; rude; cruel

(c) inclined to deceive; fond of cheating; dangerous; not determined

(d) inclined to dishonor; fond of disrespecting; arrogant; annoying

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(45) What is the meaning of superficial?

(a) 1. being at, on, or under the surface 2. shallow; not profound or thorough

(b) 1. being at, on, or under the surface 2. deep; profound or thorough

(c) 1. being at, on, or near the bottom 2. shallow; not profound or thorough

(d) 1. being at, on, or near the surface 2. shallow; not profound or thorough

Answer: (d)

Practice here:

(46) What is the meaning of hapless?

(a) helpless and usually ignorant

(b) unlucky and usually unhappy

(c) powerful but shameless

(d) lucky and usually happy

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(47) What is the meaning of utter?

(a) Complete

(b) Shout

(c) Hard

(d) Partial

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(48) What is the meaning of descry?

(a) 1. see (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully 2. discover by looking


(b) 1. hide (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully 2. deny carefully

(c) 1. find (something unclear or distant) by researching carefully 2. discover by

researching carefully

(d) 1. avoid (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully 2. discover by

hearing carefully

Answer: (a)

Practice here:

(49) What is the meaning of doctrine?

(a) 1. a belief or set of beliefs that are hated and opposed by a religious, political,

scientific, or other group; attack 2. a statement of official government policy,

especially in foreign or military affairs

(b) 1. a belief or set of beliefs that are taught and accepted by a religious, political,

scientific, or other group; dogma 2. a statement of official government policy,

especially in foreign or military affairs

(c) 1. a belief or set of beliefs that are not believed and accepted by a religious,

political, scientific, or other group; thesis 2. a statement of official corporate policy,

especially in foreign or local affairs

(d) 1. a belief or set of beliefs that are examined and changed by a religious,

political, scientific, or other group; theory 2. a statement of official corporate policy,

especially in foreign or local affairs

Answer: (b)

Practice here:

(50) What is the meaning of cerebral?

(a) 1. relating to the nose or the cerebrum 2. healthy rather than weak or sick

(b) 1. relating to the blood or the heart 2. emotional or physical rather than


(c) 1. relating to the brain or the eyes 2. healthy rather than weak or sick

(d) 1. relating to the brain or the cerebrum 2. intellectual rather than emotional or


Answer: (d)

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