Get a career lead and run with it!. - Five Week Class with sessions of 75 minutes - Week 1:...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Get a career lead and run with it!. - Five Week Class with sessions of 75 minutes - Week 1:...

Get a career lead and run with it!

- Five Week Class with sessions of 75 minutes- Week 1: Introductions, Resumes, Interview Prep and

STRONG test.

- Week 2: STRONG interpretation with Research from related field of study

- Week 3: Internships, CCN, Cover Letters, Introduce Interviews and Alumni Resources

- Week 4:Linked In, Internet security and Networking

- Week 5: Portfolio/Grad School and Interview Results

- Week 6: Alumni Banquet (still in the works)

Introduction to program

Ice Breaker period Name, Major, Campus activities, Where do you

see yourself in 5-10 years…

What do you know? Questionnaire

Resumes Brief review Provide tips on enhancing resumes

Interviews Interview prep tips

Introduce STRONG Students will take the test between the first

and second class.

STRONG Interpretations Participating students will have taken the

STRONG test prior to the second meeting. We will spend the class explaining the results

of their tests. Answers any questions or concerns that

participants may have. Research companies that are associated

with the results from the STRONG test. Look for jobs in that industry Look for alumni/internship Am I in the right major??????

Finding your Internship/CCN Demonstrate how to set up an account and

show how to manage that account Cover Letters Introduce Interview

Sign up for an interview Make sure you know the company/client you

want to interview with Alumni Resources

Demonstrate how to use the online community

Linked In Demonstrate how to establish an account, as

well as, managing that account Internet security

Facebook Twitter

Networking Proper networking techniques at various


Portfolio/ Grad School Will only mention the idea of having one due to

differences in major among participants. Promote meeting with Career Services expert for more

help. Interview

Discuss their results Analyze the Data Key Facts of the Interview Thank you letter for the interviewer

Look at the differences Teach them how write one Clues on what type to send

Alumni Banquet Put your networking to the test Dress and Speak professionally

Final evaluation! With Post test. What do you know now?

Laptop…bring it Location: Career Services