GEKCO News… · GEKCO News...

Post on 14-Jun-2020

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GEKCO News Update:

Riversands Ampitheatre and proposed Space Ibiza event on 29 November

A large outdoor rave expecting 10,000 people is planned for the Riversands / Diepsloot Skills Hub.  Theampitheatre at the skills hub was built for skills upliftment and is zoned for educational purposes only.  Kyalamiand Diepsloot residents were misled as to the purpose of this venue as it is actually a custom built venue forlarge outdoor concerts.  Residents in the area have regularly objected to these events as many living here enjoythe peace and quiet.  In some cases land owners have lost income when tenants moved out due to the noisefrom these kinds of events.  The City's Land use department has stated they do not support this event.  Anarticle was published in the Star last week which can be found here.

Say NO to the Space Ibiza and future loud outdoor music events at Riversands and by  signing thepetition.

Meeting Wednesday to discuss Area Plan

The next meeting to discuss the Integrated Plan for the area will be held on Wednesday 12 November at

18h30 at the Cherry Country Lodge, 56 Pine road, Kyalami AH.  Please can all Residents’ Associations andinterested parties send a representative to the meeting.  All residents are welcome to attend.  Please to allow us to anticipate numbers.  Pizza and a cash bar are available.  What makes this area valuable and unique?  We will be discussing a name for the plan and are looking forsuggestions of a name that is inclusive of all within the area.  Please also think about what you would like toachieve out of this process for discussion at the meeting.  If you are unable to attend, please send suggestionsor comments to also see feedback and way forward at the bottom of this page. 

GEKCO Biodiversity sightings!Thank you for all of the reported sightings submitted to GEKCO and EWT.  In the past month we have hadphotos and reports of a terrapin, hedgehog, quite a few bullfrogs and some juvenile Spotted Eagle Owls onInanda Country Base.  To see photos or log sightings please go to the GEKCO Biodiveristy Facebookpage

Juvenile Spotted Eagle Owl from Sue Goodman

Development applications:

Petrol station in Blue Hills Estate - please submit comments early as we are not sure of the closing  Application download here.

Applications for rezoning and township establishment:  

(Gazette notice and locality plans can be found  here)1. Proposed division of land : Portion 14 of the farm Blue Hills 397-JR (locality plan attached);2. Proposed rezoning of: Erf 75, Kyalami Park (locality plan attached);3. Proposed new township Kyalami AH Extension 1 situated on Holdings 107 & 235, Kyalami AH Ext 1 (localityplan attached);4. Proposed Removal of Restrictive conditions from Title Deed : Portion 86 of the farm Witpoort 406-JR &another notice for a Proposed new township Summerset Extension 37 on the same property (locality planattached);5. Proposed new township Riverside View Extension 13 situated on Portions 7, 38 & 121 of the farm Diepsloot388-JR;(locality plan attached);6  Proposed new township Riverside View Extension 14 situated on Portions 7, 36 & 38 of the farm Diepsloot388-JR;7. Proposed new township Riverside View Extension 17 situated on Portions 7 of the farm Diepsloot 388-JR;

8. Proposed new township Riverside View Extension 18 situated on Portions 36, 37 & 38 of the farm Diepsloot 388-JR -


Town Planning meetings Feedback and way forward:A meeting was held on 22 October to discuss the way forward for the Integrated Plan for the area.  Please seeminutes from the meeting here. At the meeting the following course of action was agreed upon:

1.  Develop a broad, brush stroke plan for discussion at next meeting on 12 November.

2.  Approach all Residents’ Associations to participate and contribute towards the Integrated Plan

3.  Community buy-in and participation it critical to success

4.  Approach developers and other stakeholders’ identified (Legal, Security, etc.) to form a team for input

into the plan

5.  Choose a name which is inclusive of all within the defined area

6.  Get professional input on roads, town planning, etc.

7.  Plan must take into account proposed roads as long as they are on Provincial plans

8.  Rosemary Sandison, town planner, agreed to assist with compiling information; Andrew Barker to be

appointed to facilitate the process; a budget to be presented at next meeting

Following a discussion with Andrew Barker please find here a graphic showing the elements for the structureand process we wish to propose that we follow. For the 12/11 session we would suggest we focus on the following:

Explaining structure and process

Confirming stakeholders

Developing Interface

Discussing the “blobular” plan

 With this providing an idea of what we will be doing we will also look as notional budgets and costs which wecan then discuss. Meetings have already been held with developers in the area to understand current thinking and discuss theprocess outlined.  It was suggested that a Memorandum of Understanding be drafted between all parties at theonset of the process.  Maps are being prepared that outline existing features and corridors both existing andproposed for both riders and wildlife.  These will be presented at the next meeting and distributed for comment. A letter was received from Development Planning stating the following:The Directorate of City Transformation and Spatial Planning is currently undertaking acomprehensive review of the City’s Spatial Development Framework (SDF). It is anticipatedthat a range of policy changes will occur to align the strategic spatial planning of the Cityeven more with the City’s GDS 2040 Vision. As such, the Directorate will not be in a positionto accept any plans until the overall policy review has been completed. It is anticipated thatthis process will only be concluded in the first quarter of the 2015-16 Financial Year (i.e. endof September 2015). Based on this process, we believe it would be imperative for you to rather take part in thisoverall SDF review process as the overall policy changes will have to be incorporated intoany plan/s which any community or Residents’/Home Owner’s Association wishes toformulate and submit to Council for consideration. Being part of the overall SDF process willalso provide you with more insight on the types of issues you will need to consider. It is suggested by the team that we proceed with community meetings to gather ideas and allow for adequatediscussion and public participation aiming to have compiled the plan or SDF input by June 2015.  All views arewelcome and needed – please send any comments to and they will be included in themeeting discussions