GCOMP - Supreme Court of the United Statestri t of ol11111bia), at l a t tl1irt.T la)·~ ])r 'iot1...

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Transcript of GCOMP - Supreme Court of the United Statestri t of ol11111bia), at l a t tl1irt.T la)·~ ])r 'iot1...

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OL. I. 'J:H I BJ> BDl'tlO •





91 URR•Y 81•a•BT, ORK.






I. Tl1at tlie clerk of thi court do r e ide and keep bis office at the seat of tl1e 11::~t ional go,1 cr11111e11t, <111cl tl1at lie do not 1)racti e, either a an attor­ney or co1l11 ·ellor, i11 tl1i cot1rt, ,,,bile l1e 11a11 co11ti11ue to be cl rk of tl1e san1e.

II. 'l l1at (t111til ft1rtl1er or ler) it be rcqui ite to t11e ad111i · ·io11 of attor11eJ' or cot111 11 r to }lracti c i11 t11i"' court, tl1at t11e)' hall l1a,1 e lJ e11 ttC'l1 for t11re'. ear 1>nst i11 t11c tl}lr 111e ·011rt of the tate to ,,,bicl1 t)J ... )" 1· · }) c1i\1Cl)' b 'lo11g; a11cl t11:1t tl1eir J)ri,,ate at1cl 1>rofe io11al character ~l1all 3Jl(l ar to be fair.

III. 'I l1at co1111~ llor ·l1all 11ot Jlractice a atto1·ne)"", 1101· attor11e)' at:> cot111 · '11 r~, i11 t11i:s court.

l'' · 'l'J1nt t11t )' ~11all r e. ])Ccti\1 l)r take tl1e follo''7 i11g oatl1, ,, jz: I, --­do solc11111l)r f'\\rl':ll\ t]1at I '''ill clc'Ill <111 lll)T elf (<1 . a11 attorrlC)' or COllta ellor of tl1e ·ot1rt) 111lrigl1tl)', a11d accorcli11g to la''T' a11d t11at I ,,,i]l ll})}lOrt the co11 titl1tio11 of tl1c 11itecl .,tat .

''· 'J'J1at (t111le ·, a11d t111til it l1all be other'vi e pro\1 ided by }a,v) all 1>roc g i11 tl1i co11rt, l1all be i11 tl1e 11a111e of the p1·e ide11t of tl1e United

\ t:1 te . ' 71. 'J'l1at t11c c t111 '.lllor a11d attor11c~r ad111itted to 11racti. e i11 tl1i court,

·J1all tal~c t'it11(>r ~111 oatl1, 01· i11 1)ro1>cr c~1 ·e a11 afi1r111atio11, of tl1e t 11or pre-cribc(l l). ' t11 rt1l e of tl1i~ cot1rt 011 tl1i t1bject, 1nade at tl1e E brt1ar)T ter111

1790, 'iz : I clo 010111111)' . ,, .. ar (or affir111, a. t11e ca. c 111igl1t lJ ) tl1at I \\1 ill de111c:111 Jll)' elf, a attor11 )7 or cou11sellor of tl1i co11rt, u1)rigl1tly, and a cordi11g to la'"" a11d tl1at I ''ill tl}l}lOrt the co11 titl1tion of tl1e United

t:l t s. ' TII. 111 ·l1i f j 11 tice, i11 an ''7 r to tl1e 111otion of tl1e attornc)1-general,

i11f()r111s 11i111, a11d tl1e bar; tl1at thi C0\1rt con ider tl1e }lractice of tl1e court of ki11c": 1> 11cl1 a11d of cl1a11 · ,r)·, i11 ~~11gla11d, a ... affordi11g outline· for tl1e practic , of tl1i court ; at1d tl1at t11 )r ,,·ill, fro1n ti111e to tin1e, n1ake uch alt ratio11, tl1er >111 a circt1111 tatll1

A 1113)' r e11tl cr 11ece arJ"· ' TJl I. 'l l1e ·ol1rt gi ,. 11otice to tl1 > ge11tl '1ne11 of the bar, t11at h reafter

tlle)'T ,,,.i!l X}lt'Ct to be f ur11i 11 <l ''·it l1 a tat 11ne11t of the material points of the ca e, fro111 the cot111 el 011 acl1 ide of the cau e.

[ xxiii]

Not Current - 1828


I . The cot1rt d clar d, that all id 11ce 011 motion for a di c11arge upon bail, n1t1 t b b)T ,,·aJ' of d (lO itio11, a11d 11ot viva voce .

. 'l'bat proc of 11b1Jc.eria, i ltirlg ot1t of tl1i ·ot1rt i11 an.' t1it i11

quity, l1all be er\ cl 011 tl1e d f 11da11t i .· t)r da)1 b for tl1 rett1r11 a)' of tl1 aid J> c ; a11d ft1rtl1 r, tl1at if t11 cl if 11 ]a11t, on tl 11 r' i of tl1 a11b1>~11a, l1ould 11ot 3])}J ar at tl1 r tt1r11-da)' c 11tai11 d t11 r i11, tb 0111-

pJai11a11t J1all be at lilJ rt)' to Jlroc d ex }Jarte. I. '£l1at tl1e cldrk •>t tl1c co,lrt to ''"'~1ich ar1y '''rit of error 11all 1

directed, n1ay n1ake 1·ett1r11 of tl1 a1n , U}' tra11 111itting a trt1e CO(>)T of tl1 record, and of all proce di11g · ir1 tl1 cat1 ·e, t111d "r J1i l1a11d a11d tbe eal f the court.

II. Tbat no record of tl1 out of hi office, but by tl1e c r1

sible {or it.

cot1 rt be tiff r d by tl1e cl rk to be tak 11 .. 11t of t11e cot1rt ; otl1cr,vi e, to b r po11-

,..III. Tl1at tl1e Jllair1tiff i11 rror be at lil ert)1 to 110,,T, to t11e ati factio11 of tl1i court, tl1~1t tl1e n1att r in di ")lllt x l cl tl1 t1111 or ' ' alu of ~2000,

x ·lt1 i\'C of co. t ; tJ1i · to b 111a to a1 J) ar 1 )1 affida\'it, a11d --- da)1.'

11otice to the opJ)O it part)' , or tl1 ir cot111 el, i11 orgia. l tile a to affi-

da,rit to })e 111t1tt1al. "'I . 'rl1at cou11:ellor 111ay lJe a l111itt d a attor11 )TS in t11i court, on

taking tl1 llL t1al oatJ1. V. 'l'l1at i11 ,, 1")7 cat1 , ,~11 n t11e d fe11dant in rror fail to appear,

the plai11tiff 1na}· ])roceed ex JJarte. I. 1'11at \\1b r A tl1e '''rit of error i tl ''' itl1in tl1irt}7 da)' before t11e

m ting of tl1c ·011rt, tl1e d f J11da11t i at libert)' to nt r bi ap1>ea1an , a11d J>roc d to trial ; otli r\\·i ve, t11 ·au i11t1. t b ·011tin11 d.

II. 111 all ca e ,,,)1 re a '''rit of rro1· l1all d lla)' })roe edi11g on t l1e judg1nent of tl1e circ11it cot1rt, a11d )1a)l al'}Jear to 11a,1e 1Je 11 tl d 011t m r "ly f,)r dela)', da111ag J1all be a\\'ardcd at tl1e rate of ten i>er ce11tt1rn p r a1111u111, on tl1e ar110\111t of t11e jt1 lg111 11t.

III. 111 t1cl1 a e., \\1)1 re t 11 r xi t a real co11tro'' r )7 , tl1e dan1ag As l1all be 011ly at tl1e rate of ·ix ]) r c 11tt1111 }l r a1111 ltn. In botl1 ca e , tl1e

i11t r ~ t i to be co1n1>t1t .ld a I art of tl1e d~1r11ag • •

TI"" . 1. All cat1 e , th 1· cord of ''' l1icl1 11all be de]i,, Ared to tl1e cl rk 011 orb fore t11 '-Ji ·tl1 cla)r of tl1 ~ t r111, :--l1all b con id r d a for trial i11 tl1 cot1rse of tl1at t r111. \\111er tl1e r cord 11all be deii\1ered after t}1 .a

i tl1 d<l )' of tl1e t rrn, i tl1er l art )1 ,,·ill be --11 title l to a co11ti11 t1a11c . ll 2. 111 all ca e '''h r .. a '' rit of rror . l1all be a 1t}Jer ·eclects to a j11 lg­

me11t, r 11] r d in an)' •011rt of tl1c 11it d tat ( .-xc 1>t t11at for tl1 di -tri t of ol11111bia), at l a t tl1irt.T la)·~ ])r 'iot1 · to tl1e co111111 11c .a111 11t of a11}~ ter111 of tl1i ot1rt, it l1nll b) tl1c lttl)' of tl1e 1>lai11tiff ir1 rror to Jo ~g~ a CO}))' of tl1 1· ord '' itli tl1 cl rk of tl1i ourt, ''1 it l1i11 tl1e fir. t i · <la:. of the tern1; a11d if 11 ..-:il1all fail to do ·o, tl1 def 11da11t i11 i·ror l1all I ,l l er­mitt d, aft r\\'ar l', to l Li<l' ~1 co1 ) .. of tl1e 1·ecord ,,·itl1 t11e <'ltirk, r111 l Ll1e cat1 ·e 11all t.a11d for trial, i11 lik 111a1111 ,lr <1. if tl1 r ,,cor l l1a1l ·0111 llJJ

"ritl1i11 tl1e fir~ t ~i.· da)' ; or- l1c 111a.·, 011 }ll'O lt1<·i11g a c rlificat fr 111 tl1.) cl rk, , tatir1g tl1e ca11~ , ar1d tlmat a ,,·rit of error J1a"' l>een ued ot1t, '' l1i b op rate a a lt)Jer eclea to tl1 jl1dgr11t!11t, 11a,ye tl1 ai \\1 rit of error locketed a11d di 111i rl. 1 lii rt1le l1all a1 l I)' to all jt1dg111e11t 1·e11de1·, b)'• the court for the di trict of olumbia, at ail)' ti111e 1>rior to a e ion of thi court.

Not Current - 1828

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Not Current - 1828

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all di , th p1 op r repr entati e in the pe onalty or 1-ealt , art , accorcling to th nature of the ca , may 'oluntaraly

o in n be dmitt d parti to the uit, and th rcupon, the c iu c 11 II eh ar an determined, a 1n other ca e ; and if uch reprc ~r1tati\ b ll not oluntarily become partie , then the other party ma ugg~ t tl1c

d th on th record ; and thereupon, on motion, obtain an order, that, t111l~ uch pr ntative hall become partie , within the fir t ten day of the en­uing term, the party mo ing for uch order, if defendant in error, ball be ntitl d to ha the rit of error or appeal di mi ed ; and if the party o o ing ball be plaintiff 10 error, he ball be entitled to open the rPcord,

nd, on bearing, ha e the ame re e1 cd, if it be erroneou : Pro ided, ho -er, that a copy of e ery uch order hall be printed 10 ome new pap~r at

he seat of go ernment, in hich the la of the United tat hall be printed by authority, three ucce · e eek , at lea t si f day before the n~ginning of the term of the upreme court, then next en uing .

• ..._ . In all ca e here a \Vrit of error 01· an appeal hall be brot1ght to thi court, from any judgment or decree rendered thirty days before the

rm to bich uch rit of error or appeal hall be returnable, it shall be h duty of the plaintiff in error or ~pellant, a the ca e may be, to docket be cau e, and file the record thereof, with the clerk of thi court, itbin the

fi t i da of the ter1n ; on failure to do h1ch, the defendant in er1·or or app llee, the ca e may be, may docket the cau c, and file a copy of the r cord ith the clerk, and thereupon, the cau e hall ta11d for trial, in like

anner a if the record had been dul)· filed ithin the fir t ix days of the rm ; or, at bi option, he may have the cau e docketed and di mi ed, upon

roducing a certificate from the clerk of the court, wherein the judgment or or e a rendered, tating the cat1 e, and certifying, that such rit of or or appeal had been d11Jy ued out and allowed.

.......... o cau e ill hereafter be heard, until a complete record ball be filed, containing in it elf, itbout refe1·ence aliunde, all the paper , exhibits,

po ition and other proceeding , which are nece ary to the hearing in thi oort.

. o certiorari for diminution of the record, shall be hereafter rded in any cau e, unle a motion therefor hall be made in writing, and

he facts on bich the ame i founded, 11all, if not admitted by the other rt , be erified by aftida it. nd all motion for uch certiorari, ball be

m de at the fir t t rm of the entry of the cau e, otherwi e, the ame hall not gr nted, unle upon pecial can e hown to the court, accounting sati -torily for thP. delay. --....-. In all ca e of equity and admiralty juri dicti~n, heard in this

ourt, no objection hall hereafter be allowed to be taken to the admi ibil­it of any depo ition, deed, grant or other e hi bit, found in the record, as

idence, uni objection a taken thereto in the court below, and entered of r cord ; bot the ame hall otberwi e be deemed to have been admitted b con ent .

...... -..III. On aturday of each week, during the sitting of the court, motion in c e not required by the rule of court to be put upon the docket, hall be entitled to preference, if uch motion hall be made before he court h 11 h ve entered upon the hearing of a cau e upon the docket.

• That after the pre ent term, no original record hall be taken rom the upreme court-room, or from the office of the clerk of this court.

Not Current - 1828