Front Cover Journey

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Front Cover Journey

Front Cover journey

This was the starting point on my magazine, the masthead most voted for and put with a blue to white gradient.

After we consulted with our peers we agreed to change the masthead to a red to white as this fits the genre conventions more, we also found in similar products red is a commonly used colour.

I then made the background a light grey colour to contrast with the red a bit more.

I then inserted the picture I previously edited, as you can see it is a solo shot of the subject in a black and white filter with red details on the jacket. This picture fits in with the background but the red detailing match the masthead. The head of the subject is covering the ‘G’ of the masthead which a commonly used genre convention.

I then inserted the anchorage text for the picture, it is just the name of the rapper, so it is simple and grabs the attention of the reader. I put a black stroke on the text giving it a slight black border

After discussing this with my peers I decided to change the text to red, this means that the two main bodies of text on the magazine match making it more professional

I then added more anchorage text as a subtitle to the original further explaining the main article of the magazine, I put the text in black with a white border around the text.

Under the masthead I then added what DRGM stands for which is Daily Rap Grime Magazine. I put full stops between the words to stand out more. This text is also black to contrast with the background.

I then added another feature story relating to the main feature article in the left third, this is also a prominent body of text on the front cover so it is the same font as the masthead and the other text on the front cover.

I then added my first cover line relating to the progress of an American artist to cover the rap aspect of DRGM, this article is mostly going to be music based as this is what the reader prefers

I then added another music related cover line about a grime artist to cover both the grime and rap aspects of DRGM.

I added another cover story that could apply to an older generation as it refers to old school rap from 10 years ago. Therefore more people will be interested and the target audience is wider.

I then added the in association with text in the line with where it says Daily rap grime Magazine on the other side of the picture and the SBTV logo to add a bit more colour and reinforce the genre of the magazine

After discussing with a student that has already completed his AS media I decided that put a black to white gradient circle behind the logo to would make it stand out more.

I then added the issue details and barcode in the bottom left this authenticates the magazine further and fills the space that was in the bottom left corner