Front cover journey 2

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Front cover journey 2

Front Cover Journey Week 2

I then inserted the anchorage text for the picture, it is just the name of the rapper, so it is simple and grabs the attention of the reader. I put a black stroke on the text giving it a slight black border

After discussing this with my peers I decided to change the text to red, this means that the two main bodies of text on the magazine match making it more professional

I then added more anchorage text as a subtitle to the original further explaining the main article of the magazine, I put the text in black with a white border around the text.

Under the masthead I then added what DRGM stands for which is Daily Rap Grime Magazine. I put full stops between the words to stand out more. This text is also black to contrast with the background.

I then added another feature story relating to the main feature article in the left third, this is also a prominent body of text on the front cover so it is the same font as the masthead and the other text on the front cover.