Free social networking tools to increase student engagement Step-by-step instructions for getting...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Free social networking tools to increase student engagement Step-by-step instructions for getting...

Free social networking tools to increase student

engagementStep-by-step instructions for

getting started with blogs, wikis, and podcasts

to increase student engagement in instruction


As we get started…

Got something to tell you about learner engagement…

OK.Now we know why we’re here…

Good morning.

You guys look great!

No, really. You guys look great.

And smart.

Really smart.

Way smarter than us.


No problem.

Here’s the plan:

Look around you.

Make eye contact with one of the smart and great-looking people in

this room.


You can wink if you want.

Say the following words:

“What’s the hardest part of having students use blogs?”


Smile.Add your 2 cents.

OK, finish your sentence.

Now what?

Say the following words:

“What’s the hardest part of having students use wikis?”


Smile.Add your 2 cents.

Whoa.You totally see where they’re

coming from.

OK, finish your sentence.

Now what?

Say the following words:

“What’s the hardest part of having students create podcasts?”

Go ahead.

You know what to do.

OK, finish your sentence.


So what?

We bet that some of you talked about classroom management.

Clap your hands once if you talked about how these activities require

good classroom management.



We bet that some of you talked about time.

Clap your hands four times if you talked about how these

activities take time.

Thanks! We love applause!

Sorry-we have a really terrible

sense of humor.

There are more issues, but time and classroom management

are pretty big.

Time and classroom management are big issues for

most teachers.

For some teachers, these two issues are enough

to keep them from ever using social media.

That’s a shame.

We should do something to make them more comfortable.


Let’s take a look at the wiki that has step-by-step

directions for teachers!

What a great idea.

We knew you guys were smart.

…as well as good looking.


Do you sense a theme?

Well, you caught us.We knew you were smart.

We follow the same steps every time we introduce

a new instructional media.

It’s not a bad thing.It helps make the unknown

more manageable!

Determine how to plan this scary thing

• Clearly explain to students what you are talking about when you say "podcasting" or “blogging” or “wiki-ing.”

• Select a purpose for the podcast episode, blog post, or wiki contribution that will meet your curricular needs.

• Demonstrate to students what it will look like to be successful.

Determine how to create this scary thing

• First, try making one yourself.

• Break the task into manageable chunks-try three days of 20 minute activities.

Determine how to support student commenting and other interaction

• Use the principles of positive behavior support to set expectations for student interaction.

• Provide a good model of how to comment or respond.

• Redirect inappropriate and positively reinforce appropriate student comments.

So why am I doing this, again?

• Because it increases student engagement! 

• And it also adheres to the other two principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): 

Provide multiple means of representation and Provide multiple means of expression


Do you think they’ll kick us out of VSTE for having a 58-slide


It must be a record.

That’s all we have.

Thanks for coming!